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In the western part of the city of Zagreb, Croatia, hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigations of the Samobor aquifer were carried out with the aim of determining the differences in hydrogeochemical characteristics at increasing aquifer depths. The aquifer comprises 40-m thick gravelly–sandy deposits, with lenses and interlayers of silt and clay. The analyses have proven that with increasing aquifer depth, there are decreases in groundwater temperature and the values of electrical conductivity and increases in the sodium, iron and manganese concentrations. The δ13C distribution shows an evident increase in biogenic carbon concentrations with increasing aquifer depth. The measured specific 14C activities showed that the deeper part of the aquifer is characterized by slow water exchange, while the shallower part is influenced by current recharge, although the pumping wells located on the well-field downstream penetrate the aquifer fully. A direct exchange of water from the Sava River and groundwater occurs in the near vicinity of the river. This exchange weakens further away, while the difference in hydrogeochemical characteristics between the Sava River water and groundwater increases.  相似文献   
Geologic uncertainties and limited well data often render recovery forecasting a difficult undertaking in typical appraisal and early development settings. Recent advances in geologic modeling algorithms permit automation of the model generation process via macros and geostatistical tools. This allows rapid construction of multiple alternative geologic realizations. Despite the advances in geologic modeling, computation of the reservoir dynamic response via full-physics reservoir simulation remains a computationally expensive task. Therefore, only a few of the many probable realizations are simulated in practice. Experimental design techniques typically focus on a few discrete geologic realizations as they are inherently more suitable for continuous engineering parameters and can only crudely approximate the impact of geology. A flow-based pattern recognition algorithm (FPRA) has been developed for quantifying the forecast uncertainty as an alternative. The proposed algorithm relies on the rapid characterization of the geologic uncertainty space represented by an ensemble of sufficiently diverse static model realizations. FPRA characterizes the geologic uncertainty space by calculating connectivity distances, which quantify how different each individual realization is from all others in terms of recovery response. Fast streamline simulations are employed in evaluating these distances. By applying pattern recognition techniques to connectivity distances, a few representative realizations are identified within the model ensemble for full-physics simulation. In turn, the recovery factor probability distribution is derived from these intelligently selected simulation runs. Here, FPRA is tested on an example case where the objective is to accurately compute the recovery factor statistics as a function of geologic uncertainty in a channelized turbidite reservoir. Recovery factor cumulative distribution functions computed by FPRA compare well to the one computed via exhaustive full-physics simulations.  相似文献   
Deep fluid extraction in the Cerro Prieto geothermal field (CPGF) has caused subsidence and induced slip on tectonic faults in the Mexicali Valley (Baja California, Mexico). The Mexicali Valley is located in the southern part of the Salton Trough, at the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates. The Valley is characterized by being a zone of continuous tectonic deformation, geothermal activity, and seismicity. Within the Cerro Prieto pull-apart basin, seismicity is concentrated mainly in swarms, while strong earthquakes have occurred in the Imperial and Cerro Prieto transform faults, that are the eastern and western bound of the basin. Since 1973, fluid extraction at the CPGF has influenced deformation in the area, accelerating the subsidence and causing rupture (frequently as vertical slip or creep) on the surface traces of tectonic faults. Both subsidence and fault slip are causing damage to infrastructure like roads, railroad tracks, irrigation channels, and agricultural fields. Currently, accelerated extraction in the eastern part of CPGF has shifted eastwards the area of most pronounced subsidence rate; this accelerated subsidence can be observed at the Saltillo fault, a southern branch of the Imperial fault in the Mexicali Valley. Published leveling data, together with field data from geological surveys, geotechnical instruments, and new InSAR images were used to model the observed deformation in the area in terms of fluid extraction. Since the electricity production in the CPGF is an indispensable part of Baja California economy, extraction is sure to continue and may probably increase, so that the problem of damages caused by subsidence will likely increase in the future.  相似文献   
为了解松辽盆地低孔低渗背景下优质储集层的形成和分布,文中应用岩心实测孔隙度、测井孔隙 度以及铸体薄片等资料,研究了松辽盆地徐家围子断陷异常高孔带的分布特征及其成因。结果表明,松辽盆地 北部纵向上发育3个异常高孔带(ⅰ-ⅲ), 其深度分布范围分别为600~2350m、2500~3500m、3600~4400m,对应的孔隙度分别为12%~35%,6%~28%,5%~20%。第ⅰ高孔带主要发育在中浅层, 主要由Ⅰ、 Ⅱ型干酪根形成的有机酸溶蚀砂岩储集层形成;第ⅱ、ⅲ异常高孔带发育在深层,主要由Ⅲ型干酪根产生的大 量有机酸溶蚀砂砾岩储集层和火山岩储集层形成,大气水淋滤作用也有一定贡献。此外,裂缝和岩相对徐家围 子断陷深层异常高孔带的形成具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   
Hydrogeochemical characteristics of central Jianghan Plain, China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The central Jianghan Plain is the semi-closed basin in the middle reaches of Yangtze River. A total of 78 water samples targeting groundwater were collected from 75 sites in this study site, the area between Yangtze River and Han River, including rivers and lakes for temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS) and ion composition measurements. Correlation matrix was used to assess the geochemical and anthropogenic processes. The most confined groundwater was grouped into HCO3–Ca–Mg, while phreatic groundwater and surface water had a more diversified hydrochemistry. The spatial variation in overall water quality as well as comparison with WHO (World Health Organization) standards for drinking water is illustrated. Mn, As and NO3 ? concentrations were found to exceed the allowable limits for drinking water of WHO guidelines, and they also show remarkable spatial variations. Abnormally high nitrate concentration, up to 150–190 mg/l, was found only in phreatic groundwater, which suggested that the nitrate pollution might be caused by agricultural activities. The present study may be helpful in further studies concerning water quality issues in this area where groundwater is a vital source for drinking and other activities.  相似文献   
With a cratonic nucleus, the North China Craton (NCC) experienced a complex tectonic evolution with multiphase compressional and extensional events during Mesozoic times. Along the northern part of the NCC, the Yinshan–Yanshan fold and thrust belt was a typical intraplate orogen. Jurassic and Cretaceous continental sedimentation, magmatism, widespread intraplate characterize the Yinshan–Yanshan orogenic belt. The geodynamic significance of these tectonic events is still in dispute. In the western part of the Liaoning province, the Yiwulüshan massif crops out at the eastern end of the Yinshan–Yanshan orogenic belt. The Yiwulüshan massif presents an elliptical domal shape with a NE–SW striking long axis. The structural evolution of this massif brings new insights for the understanding of the Mesozoic plutonic–tectonic history of the NCC. A multidisciplinary study involving structural geology, geochronology, Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and gravity modeling have been carried out. The presentation of the new results splits into two parts. Part I (this paper) deals with field and laboratory structural observations, and presents the main geochronological results. The AMS, gravity modeling data will be provided in a companion paper (Part II). The early compressional deformation (D1) corresponds to a Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous southward thrusting. The subsequent deformation is related to the Early Cretaceous exhumation of the Yiwulüshan massif. A detailed structural analysis allows us to distinguish several deformation events (D2, D3, and D4). The Cretaceous extensional structures, such as syntectonic plutons bounded by ductile normal faults, metamorphic core complexes, and half-graben basins are recognized in many places in East Asia. These new data from the Yiwulüshan massif constitute a link between Transbaikalia, Mongolia, North China and South China, indicating that NW–SE extensional Mesozoic tectonics occurred throughout the entire region.  相似文献   
首次报道了广西玉林林木北均塘组校深水相腕足动物群。论证了其较深水相的性质;讨论了部分种的演化;建立了四个腕足生物带;简述了与笔石带的关系并进行了国际对比;确定其时代为晚洛赫柯夫-早布拉格早期,得出腕足动物集群具有快速迁移能力的结论;鱼化石的发现也为我国华南早泥盆世早期海相与陆相地层的对比提出了线索。  相似文献   
汤倩  闫玉茹  王敏京 《江苏地质》2021,45(3):283-289
海岸是陆地与海洋相互接触和影响的地带,通常指受波浪和潮汐等海洋动力作用的沿岸地带,同时也是人类社会经济发展的重要地带,大型人类工程往往会对其短期地貌变化和沉积物特征产生巨大影响。沉积物粒度分析是研究海洋沉积作用及过程的一个基础的、重要的方法,通过射阳港海岸动力地貌调查,研究了射阳港区不同时期的水下沉积物分布特征,将不同历史时期海图的等深线对海床冲淤变化进行对比分析,认为双导堤完工后导堤口区域出现了明显冲刷,导堤两侧出现淤积,沉积物颗粒变细,表明港口工程等局部影响因素会在短期内显著改变水动力地貌。  相似文献   
广西金牙金矿床的有机地球化学特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王红梅  张文淮 《岩石学报》2000,16(4):602-608
从矿石和围岩可溶有机质的生物标志化合物,非烃的红外光谱学特征,以及有机包裹体的光学和谱学特征等方面论述了金牙金矿的有机地球化学特征及其有机流体的成矿作用,查明了参与成矿的有机质主要来源于菌藻类等低等生物,本有机质的成分、结构、成熟度和胡成矿作用的进行而不断演化。在有机碳、金含量及藻类成矿作用模拟实验的分析基础上,认为流体有机质参与成矿的方式主要是活化萃取、还原沉淀,而干酪根则对金起集作用。  相似文献   
王宁练  刘时银 《冰川冻土》1997,19(3):207-213
通过冰川波动历史来揭示气候变化是一种重要的方法。然而,以往有关这一方面的研究大都是一些定性的。文章试图依据冰种变化来定量的研究气候变化,并且通过近百年来天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川的变化,揭示出本世纪以来该河源地区夏季气温上升约0.23 ̄0.25℃,同时,对于该冰川不同长度规模时的气候敏感性也进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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