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某国家重大引调水工程引水隧洞将穿越聚龙山向斜可溶岩地层,可能面临严重岩溶涌突水问题.为了查明隧洞突涌水条件,选择岩溶水害风险较低的引水方案,综合采用岩溶水文地质调查、水化学与同位素分析等方法对聚龙山向斜岩溶水流系统特征进行了识别.结果 表明:聚龙山向斜含水系统具有"两含夹一隔"的多层结构,下部二叠系主要为埋藏型岩溶弱发...  相似文献   
十八届四中全会的胜利闭幕,标志着我国法治建设的历史性跨越。随着改革开放和法治建设的不断推进,依法治国、依法行政的观念逐渐深入人心,国土资源管理也加快进入法治轨道。目前国土资源行政复议和诉讼情况表明,国土资源管理中的法律风险正日益增大,其中既有国土资源制度建设和行政管理理念的内部原因,也有法治建设推进和行政法律修改的外部原因。面对日益增大的法律风险,我们应高度重视,积极主动应对,将其控制在可控范围内,从源头上管控,防患于未然。  相似文献   
以山岳型旅游地武夷山风景名胜区为例,估算了风景区景观生态服务价值,分析1986年、1997年、2009年风景区景观生态服务价值时空变化特征,并运用相关分析和逐步回归分析方法对生态服务价值与环境因子的关系进行了探讨,以期揭示风景区景观生态服务价值与环境因子间的作用规律。结果表明:1.武夷山风景名胜区景观类型单位面积生态服务价值最高为水体(9 3707元/(hm2.a)),最低为裸地(354元/(hm2.a)),建设用地价值(12 000元/(hm2.a))仅高于裸地、农田、灌草等景观类型,杉木林、马尾松林、竹林、阔叶林等森林景观服务价值相差不大;2.风景区内景观生态服务价值在1986—1997年间服务价值有较大损失,在1997—2009年间得到一定程度弥补,但1986-2009年间景观生态服务价值变化呈亏损趋势,植被景观类型向建设用地的转变导致景观生态服务价值的降低;3.风景区内景观类型生态服务价值与环境因子(坡向除外)间呈现中等相关性,其中,郁闭度与生态服务价值相关系数最高(0.7**),环境因子中蓄积量与郁闭度相关系数最高(0.86**);4.植被景观生态服务价拟合结果(R2=0.7524,p<0.0001)值优于非植被景观(R2=0.5370,p<0.0001),拟合效果能较好地揭示景观类型生态服务价值与环境因子间的数量关系。  相似文献   
经济地理学视角下的物流活动研究进展及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着全球生产网络和现代物流研究的兴起,物流对于提升地区和企业的竞争力具有举足轻重的地位和作用.现阶段的物流研究主要集中于管理学和交通地理学2个学科.管理学侧重于研究物流组织和企业物流效率的提高,缺乏整体和空间的视角,而交通地理学则侧重于以货物流通为代表的传统物流研究,对于现代供应链及物流组织研究不够,二者各有研究优势和不足.经济地理学对物流活动的研究经历了传统物流活动研究、物流活动被遗忘、物流研究的被重新认识和发现3个阶段.在当今经济地理学"社会、制度、文化转向"背景下,经济地理学将在日益复杂的现代物流网络研究中发挥重要的作用,现代物流活动的相关研究,主要是由交通地理学者借鉴经济地理学理论对物流活动进行的研究.及经济地理学者对生产领域研究时对物流活动不经意的涉及,研究方向主要包括:全球生产网络下现代物流的性质和作用,现代物流组织结构研究,现代物流活动的空间表现及发展动力机制4个领域.总体而言尚处于研究起步阶段.最后,文章提出了对当代中国经济地理学对物流活动研究的几点启示.  相似文献   
基于赣江流域39个气象站点逐月降水和气温数据,计算不同时间尺度标准化降水蒸散发指数(SPEI),采用Mann-Kendall突变检验、主成分分析(PCA)等方法,分析了赣江流域1960—2018年干旱时空变化特征.研究表明:不同时间尺度SPEI均有微弱升高的趋势,干旱形势有所缓解,SPEI能够较好地表征赣江流域旱涝情况.赣江流域中部的轻旱和特旱发生频率要高于其他地区,中旱主要高发地区主要分布在南部和西部区域,重旱主要集中在东部和北部.赣江流域干旱的空间分布具有较好的一致性,旱涝变化整体保持一致,南部与北部旱涝状态存在相反的纵向差异,且中部与南部、北部旱状况涝存在空间差异.  相似文献   
Positioning of screw holes is an important production procedure for steel construction connecting with bolts. In this paper, a new production method is presented, in which the digital camera is used for taking pictures of screw holes and other techniques are advanced. This paper also indicates that the pixels of CCD chip in photogrammetry should be chosen as all geometric units in an image, such as interior elements and all kinds of distortions. The measure can also simplify the camera calibration for determining the size of non-square pixel.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONDespitethedevelopmentofelastic-plastic-viscousnumeri-calmethodfortheanalysisofslopes,traditionaltechniquesbasedon...  相似文献   
Gong  Wenping  Tang  Huiming  Juang  C. Hsein  Wang  Lei 《Acta Geotechnica》2020,15(11):3243-3259
Acta Geotechnica - Although advances in piling equipment and technologies have extended the global use of stabilizing piles (to stabilize slope or landslide), the design of stabilizing piles...  相似文献   
The discovery of 33S anomalies in Archean sedimentary rocks has established that the early Earth before ∼2.2 Ga (billion years ago) had a very different sulfur cycle than today. The origin of the anomalies and the nature of early sulfur cycle are, however, poorly known and debated. In this study, we analyzed the total sulfur and oxygen isotope compositions, the δ18O, Δ17O, δ34S, Δ33S, and Δ36S, for the >3.2 Ga Fig Tree barite deposits from the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. The goal is to address two questions: (1) was Archean barite sulfate a mixture of 33S-anomalous sulfate of photolysis origin and 33S-normal sulfate of other origins? (2) did the underlying photochemical reactions that generated the observed 33S anomalies for sulfide and sulfate also generate 17O anomalies for sulfate?We developed a new method in which pure barite sulfate is extracted for oxygen and sulfur isotope measurements from a mixture of barite sands, cherts, and other oxygen-bearing silicates. The isotope data reveal that (1) there is no distinct 17O anomaly for Fig Tree barite, with an average Δ17O value the same as that of the bulk Earth (−0.02 ± 0.07‰, N = 49); and (2) the average δ18O value is +10.6 ± 1.1‰, close to that of the modern seawater sulfate value (+9.3‰). Evidence from petrography and from the δ18O of barites and co-existing cherts suggest minimum overprinting of later metamorphism on the sulfate’s oxygen isotope composition. Assuming no other processes (e.g., biological) independently induced oxygen isotope exchange between sulfate and water, the lack of reasonable correlation between the δ18O and Δ33S or between the δ34S and Δ33S suggests two mutually exclusive scenarios: (1) An overwhelming majority of the sulfate in the Archean ocean was of photolysis origin, or (2) The early Archean sulfate was a mixture of 33S-normal sulfates and a small portion (<5%?) of 33S-anomalous sulfate of photolysis origin from the atmosphere. Scenario 1 requires that sulfate of photolysis origin must have had only small 33S or 36S anomalies and no 17O anomaly. Scenario 2 requires that the photolysis sulfate have had highly negative δ34S and Δ33S values, recommending future theoretical and experimental work to look into photochemical processes that generate sulfate in Quadrant I and sulfide in Quadrant III in a δ34S (X)-Δ33S (Y) Cartesian plane. A total sulfur and oxygen isotope analysis has provided constraints on the underlying chemical reactions that produced the observed sulfate isotope signature as well as the accompanying atmospheric, oceanic, and biological conditions.  相似文献   
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