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利用福建省41个GPS基准站2011—2014年的观测资料,运用GAMIT/GLOBKl0.4软件及块体整体旋转线性应变模型,得到了福建省各测站及分块的水平运动速度场和块体上的应变图像。通过分析研究2011—2013和2011-2014两个时段速度场和应变场的特征,为福建省未来地震活动判定提供形变依据。  相似文献   
The concentration of ice nuclei (IN) and the relationship with aerosol particles were measured and analyzed using three 5-L mixing cloud chambers and a static diffusion cloud chamber at three altitudes in the Huangshan Mountains in Southeast China from May to September 2011.The results showed that the mean total number concentration of IN on the highest peak of the Huangshan Mountains at an activation temperature (Ta) of-20℃C was 16.6 L-1.When the supersaturation with respect to water (Sw) and with respect to ice (Si) were set to 5%,the average number concentrations of IN measured at an activation temperature of-20℃C by the static diffusion cloud chamber were 0.89 and 0.105 L-1,respectively.A comparison of the concentrations of IN at three different altitudes showed that the concentration of IN at the foot of the mountains was higher than at the peak.A further calculation of the correlation between IN and the concentrations of aerosol particles of different size ranges showed that the IN concentration was well correlated with the concentration of aerosol particles in the size range of 1.2-20 μtm.It was also found that the IN concentration varied with meteorological conditions,such as wind speed,with higher IN concentrations often observed on days with strong wind.An analysis of the backward trajectories of air masses showed that low IN concentrations were often related to air masses travelling along southwest pathways,while higher IN concentrations were usually related to those transported along northeast pathways.  相似文献   
The variability of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) is studied using a partially coupled climate model (PCCM) in which the ocean component is driven by observed monthly mean wind stress anomalies added to the monthly mean wind stress climatology from a fully coupled control run. The thermodynamic coupling between the atmospheric and oceanic components is the same as in the fully coupled model and, in particular, sea surface temperature (SST) is a fully prognostic variable. The results show that the PCCM simulates the observed SST variability remarkably well in the tropical and North Pacific and Indian Oceans. Analysis of the rainfall-SST and rainfall-SST tendency correlation shows that the PCCM exhibits local air-sea coupling as in the fully coupled model and closer to what is seen in observations than is found in an atmospheric model driven by observed SST. An ensemble of experiments using the PCCM is analysed using a multivariate EOF analysis to identify the two major modes of variability of the EASM. The PCCM simulates the spatial pattern of the first two modes seen in the ERA40 reanalysis as well as part of the variability of the first principal component (correlation up to 0.5 for the model ensemble mean). Different from previous studies, the link between the first principal component and ENSO in the previous winter is found to be robust for the ensemble mean throughout the whole period of 1958–2001. Individual ensemble members nevertheless show the breakdown in the relationship before the 1980’s as seen in the observations.  相似文献   
To assist emergency management planning and prevention in case of hazardous chemical release into the atmosphere,especially in densely built-up regions with large populations,a multi-scale urban atmospheric dispersion model was established.Three numerical dispersion experiments,at horizontal resolutions of 10 m,50 m and 3000 m,were performed to estimate the adverse effects of toxic chemical release in densely built-up areas.The multi-scale atmospheric dispersion model is composed of the Weather Forecasting and Research (WRF) model,the Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation software package,and a Lagrangian dispersion model.Quantification of the adverse health effects of these chemical release events are given by referring to the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency's Acute Exposure Guideline Levels.The wind fields of the urban-scale case,with 3 km horizontal resolution,were simulated by the Beijing Rapid Update Cycle system,which were utilized by the WRF model.The sub-domain-scale cases took advantage of the computational fluid dynamics method to explicitly consider the effects of buildings.It was found that the multi-scale atmospheric dispersion model is capable of simulating the flow pattern and concentration distribution on different scales,ranging from several meters to kilometers,and can therefore be used to improve the planning of prevention and response programs.  相似文献   
文中材料采自黔北务川—正安—道真地区下二叠统大竹园组和梁山组。大竹园组孢粉化石类型单调,保存较差;而梁山组孢粉化石丰富,保存良好。孢粉组合特征为:(1)大竹园组包含丰富的CalamosporaFlorinites及少量Torispora verrucosa,Gulisporites,Alisporites,HamiapollenitesStriatopodocarpites,这一孢粉组合主要出现在上石炭统至下二叠统。按照大竹园组层位和孢粉化石特征,其地质时代应为早二叠世Asselian期—Artinskian期(相当于紫松期—隆林期)。(2)梁山组中可建立孢粉组合Laevigatosporites vulgaris-Gulisporites-Florinites ovalis,共计发现孢粉化石34属49种,其中蕨类植物孢子含量为51.6%~56.1%,裸子植物花粉含量为43.9%~48.4%。与大竹园组沉积时期相比,这一时期植被极为繁盛。根据孢粉组合特征,梁山组地质时代可能为早二叠世隆林期,即Kungurian期。  相似文献   
青海玉树地区活动断裂与地震   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
青海玉树是巴颜喀拉地块西南边界上的典型历史强震区。最新的活动断裂遥感解译与地表调查结果表明,该区新构造期间主要发育清水河断裂带、玉树断裂带、阿布多断裂带和杂多断裂带4条NW向左旋走滑活动断裂带。其中,构成玉树—鲜水河—小江断裂系尾端构造的玉树活动断裂带是该区活动性最显著的岩石圈断裂。该断裂是由当江断裂、结古—结隆断裂和巴塘断裂3条斜接的主干断层和夹杂其间的多条次级断裂所共同构成的Z型左旋剪切张扭性变形带。它在上新世以来和晚第四纪期间的左旋走滑速率为4.0~5.4mm/a,调节了该区大部分的块体挤出与旋转变形,并构成该区大震活动的主要控震构造。历史强震梳理和古地震研究揭示,玉树主干走滑断裂带自约14530a BP以来至少发生了包括2010年地震在内的共11次大地震,原地重复间隔平均在千年以上,最长达近3000a。1738年玉树西北地震之后,玉树—甘孜断裂带的主干断层表现为平均间隔为50~100a的低频、串联式分段破裂过程,并且大震活动存在从东南向西北迁移的趋势。通过对玉树断裂未来大地震危险性进行综合地质判定认为,该区至少仍存在6段未来百年内大地震危险程度不同的地震空区,潜在的大地震震级为Mw6.6~7.3,其中危险性相对较高的段落主要是当江断裂带的当江—拉则段和结古—结隆断裂带上的结隆—叶卡诺段与桑卡—相古段。  相似文献   
根据对渤海湾盆地沾化凹陷泥质岩、粉砂岩、砂岩和白云岩平行层面与垂直层面方向热导率差异及孔隙连通性差异特征的研究,探讨了沉积岩平行层面与垂直层面方向热导率与孔隙连通性之间的关系。热导率实验结果表明:沾化凹陷泥质岩、粉砂岩和砂岩的平行层面方向热导率大于垂直层面方向热导率;白云岩的平行层面方向热导率小于垂直层面方向热导率。沉积岩平行层面与垂直层面方向热导率差异和孔隙连通性差异之间具有正相关性。孔隙特征分析结果表明:孔隙连通性较好方向,热导率也较高;孔隙连通性较差的的方向,热导率也较低。  相似文献   
万会  苗琦 《中国煤炭地质》2014,(2):71-73,77
煤炭是我国最主要的矿产资源之一,目前煤炭矿产资源勘查、煤质评价、煤炭资源储量报告评审及煤炭矿井建设等工作依据的主要技术标准,为指导相关工作的开展做出了突出的贡献。然而,在相关规范的实际执行过程中,常会遇到诸如煤炭可采性区块的界定依据、资源储量控制程度、含煤系数的计算标准、局部可采煤层的稳定性评价、最低可采煤层厚度指标、不可采煤层的计量、高硫煤的处理方式等问题。通过分析上述问题在规范执行中的局限及矛盾,提出了相应的修订建议。  相似文献   
黔西地区构造变形特征及其煤层气地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黔西地区处于特提斯与滨太平洋两个构造域的交接地带,多期性质不同的构造作用形成了现今错综复杂的构造变形特征。根据构造变形的差异,可划分为织金-纳雍NE向构造变形区、水城-紫云NW向构造变形区和黔西南复杂构造变形区。在野外地质的基础上,结合微观变形特征和矿物流体包裹体测试分析,认为黔西地区构造变形属于上地壳低温-中低温环境下的脆性-脆韧性变形;由于黔西地区基底构造相对稳定,成煤期后断块内部变形较弱,煤储层形成了一定程度的构造裂隙,有助于渗透率的提高,煤层气勘探开发前景良好。  相似文献   
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