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中国西部地区典型岩质滑坡机理研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
黄润秋 《第四纪研究》2003,23(6):640-647
本文根据作者在中国西部地区多年的研究工作实践,对几类典型的大型岩质斜坡变形及失稳机理进行了较为深入的分析,重点阐述了这些大型滑坡形成的地质条件、斜坡变形过程及发生机理的"概念模型",其中包括滑移-拉裂-剪断的三段式模式、挡墙溃决模式、"超级强夯"模式等.这些机理及模式的提出,对这一地区的防灾减灾实践具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   
Propagation of fractures, especially those emanating from wellbores and closed natural fractures, often involves Mode I and Mode II, and at times Mode III, posing significant challenges to its numerical simulation. When an embedded inclined fracture is subjected to compression, the fracture edge is constrained by the surrounding materials so that its true propagation pattern cannot be simulated by 2D models. In this article, a virtual multidimensional internal bond (VMIB) model is presented to simulate three‐dimensional (3D) fracture propagation. The VMIB model bridges the processes of macro fracture and micro bond rupture. The macro 3D constitutive relation in VMIB is derived from the 1D bond in the micro scale and is implemented in a 3D finite element method. To represent the contact and friction between fracture surfaces, a 3D element partition method is employed. The model is applied to simulate fracture propagation and coalescence in typical laboratory experiments and is used to analyze the propagation of an embedded fracture. Simulation results for single and multiple fractures illustrate 3D features of the tensile and compressive fracture propagation, especially the propagation of a Mode III fracture. The results match well with the experimental observation, suggesting that the presented method can capture the main features of 3D fracture propagation and coalescence. Moreover, by developing an algorithm for applying pressure on the fracture surfaces, propagation of a natural fracture is also simulated. The result illustrates an interesting and important phenomenon of Mode III fracture propagation, namely the fracture front segmentation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
卤水中铷铯的分离与提取   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
闫树旺  唐明林 《矿物岩石》1993,13(2):113-119
在查阅大量国内外文献的基础上,对采用沉淀法、离子交换法和溶剂萃取法从卤水中分离提取铷、铯进行了较为系统的评述。  相似文献   
碳酸盐矿物的阴极发光性与其Fe,Mn含量的关系   总被引:40,自引:2,他引:40  
黄思静 《矿物岩石》1992,12(4):74-79
根据不同地区和时代84件碳酸盐样品的阴极发光和Fe,Mn元素分析,在本次研究使用的仪器和实验条件下,方解石和白云石的阴极发光性与其Fe,Mn含量之间存在如下关系:Mn<40μg/g(ppm)时,其阴极发光性主要受Mn的绝对含量控制,当Mn<20μg/g时,不具阴极发光;Fe>5000μg/g时,其阴极发光性与Fe的绝对含关系更为密切,当Fe>10000μg/g时,不具阴极发光;Mn>40μg/g,Fe<5000μg/g时,其阴极发光性受Fe/Mn比值的显著控制,此时当Fe/Mn<7时,具强的阴极发光,30>Fe/Mn>7时,具中等强度的阴极发光,Fe/Mn>30时,具弱的阴极发光。两个热液碳酸岩中单晶白云石样品的阴极发光性和稀土元素含量间的关系说明,碳酸盐矿物的阴极发光性可能还与某些稀土元素的存在有关,它们可能是某些样品具低激活电压和长发光余辉的原因。  相似文献   
在实测地表大地热流、岩石放射性元素含量以及生热率的基础上,作者计算了攀西古裂谷地区的深部热流值(q_r)及地壳上部放射性元素富集层厚度(D),即分别为38.4mw/m~2和15.7km。与世界上其它地区相比,本区具有较高的深部热流值和较大的D值。笔者进一步阐明,较大的D值是攀西古裂谷地区地壳分异程度差在地热上的反映,而较高的q_r值表明本区来自地壳深处上地幔的热量比较大,这与攀西古裂谷地区的整个地质发展历史相一致。  相似文献   
Surface soils were collected in the aquatic–terrestrial ecotone (ATE) of Yongnianwa wetland, downstream of Haihe River basin of North China in June of 2007. Samples were subjected to a total digestion technique before they were analyzed for total concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn to investigate their pollution levels in the ATE. The contamination index, integrated contamination index, geoaccumulation index, toxic units, and sum of toxic units were adopted to assess the heavy metal contamination levels and ecotoxicity, respectively. The results showed all the selected element concentrations in upland soils of the ecotone were relatively higher than those in the lowland soils. No Cr pollution was observed in all soil samples, but almost all samples were slightly polluted by Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn except for Site 1. The contamination indexes and geoaccumulation indexes consistently presented no contamination for Site 1 and slight contamination for other sites. The ΣTUs increased from lowland to upland, but the whole level of toxicity in this ecotone was relatively low.  相似文献   
Role of solar activity on modern climate change, particularly in the decadal scale is an important scientific issue. This paper reviews the recent observation of decadal solar signal in earth’s climate, with focus on the mechanism of solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation and cosmic rays on climate system ,and its validation. The paper points out that the assessment of uncertainty in observations, amplification process of the climate system, as well as possible future impact of solar extreme events are challenges in the present study. Finally, the keys of breakthrough are pointed, to provide a reference for future research.  相似文献   
In this paper, we introduce a value chain approach, on the view of the value chain analytic in business management, to be the framework of a crisis response system serving for crisis management strategy in identifying risk sources, responding to unexpected events, and recovering from a shock. This system is not only a computer system but also a system of governmental emergency response mechanism and it is tremendous and complex. The system integrates and coordinates the correlative resources of emergency response units of the city. We consider the efficiency of the system. In addition, the run cost of the system also is taken into account. Based on this framework, the Qingdao’s practical situation is analyzed. As a result, a design proposal of the Qingdao’s crisis response system is put forward.  相似文献   
古气候模式与现代气候模式控制因子不完全相同,有的因子在现代气候模拟中可以不考虑,但是在古气候模拟中则是必不可少的,例如轨道参数、大气中温室气体的浓度、大陆冰盖、大洋热盐环流等。而且,随着模拟的时间尺度不同,这些因子的作用也不同。评价古气候模拟,可以从3处着眼:气候变化的方向、幅度和速度。但是,长期以来古气候模拟仅仅涉及到前两个问题,也就是研究气候对外强迫的平衡响应。集其大成者是古气候模式比较计划(Paleaoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project,  相似文献   
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