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We estimated Moho depth beneath the southern Tanlu fault zone and its adjacent area using common-conversion-point(CCP)stacking of receiver fun-ctions,which were computed from teleseismic records of the CEArray.Our estimated Moho depth matches well with 2-D profiles derived from active-source deep seismic reflection surveys,suggesting that the calculated the Moho depth map is likely accurate beyond the 2-D profiles.Overall,the estimated Moho depth map showed a high spatial correlation with tectonic provinces,i.e.,Moho topographic boundaries are in good agreement with geological boundaries.Beneath the Dabie orogenic belt and the mountainous areas in southern Anhui Province,the Moho lies relatively deep,and there is an obvious difference in Moho depth between the two sides of this segment of the Tanlu fault.We further selected four depth profiles with dense instrumentation to show Moho depth changes across different tectonic blocks in the study area.We saw two step-like changes in Moho depth beneath the Xiangfan-Guangji and Gushi-Feizhong,which run parallel along the WNW-ESE direction and delineate the southern and northern bounds of the northern Dabie orogenic belt,which is likely the suture zone between the North China Block and South China Block.Crust beneath the northeast corner of the study area is significantly thinner than other areas,which is consistent with the crustal detachment model proposed for suturing between the North and South China blocks in the region east to the Tanlu fault.  相似文献   
本文以云南会泽铅锌矿为例,从成矿时代、成矿物来源、成矿流体来源和成矿热动力等方面初步讲座主峨眉山玄武岩与铅锌矿床成矿的关系。结果表明:矿床成矿时代可能与峨眉山玄武岩岩浆活动时代相近;峨眉山玄武岩在成矿过程中提供了部分成矿物质;伴随峨眉山玄武岩岩浆活动过程去气作用(包括地幔去气作用和岩浆去气作用)形成的流体参与了会泽铅锌矿成矿流体的形成;峨眉山玄武岩岩浆活动为成矿热动力的主要来源。  相似文献   
地幔柱大辩论及如何验证地幔柱假说   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
目前关于地幔柱存在与否的争论主要集中在地幔柱学说的三个假设上:(1)起源于地球核幔边界缓慢上升的细长柱状热物质流;(2)热点下具有异常高温地幔;(3)地幔柱是相对静止的。这三个方面的验证需要今后深部地球物理探测、岩石学和古地磁等学科的综合运用和进一步的工作。文中认为,地幔柱学说依然能合理地解释地球上一级地质现象,反对地幔柱的学者过分强调了一些小尺度的与地幔柱理论不符的细节,而小尺度地壳特征显然还受到其他许多因素的影响。可以从以下5个方面来鉴别老地幔柱:(1)大规模火山作用前的地壳抬升;(2)放射状岩墙群;(3)火山作用的物理特征;(4)火山链的年代学变化;(5)地幔柱产出岩浆的化学组成。研究表明,峨眉山大火成岩省满足其中的3到4个指标,因此地幔柱是形成峨眉山玄武岩的主要动力学机制。  相似文献   
煤层陷落柱高分辨率地震探测技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在华北、华东及西北地区近20多个煤田的石炭二叠系中,普遍存在着因煤系地层基底厚层灰岩古岩溶塌陷形成的煤层陷落柱,尤以山西省西山及汾河沿岸的煤田、河北省太行山中段的煤田更为普遍。煤层陷落柱发育形态分为圆锥形、筒形、斜塔形、不规则形等特点,应用高分辩地震勘探技术,根据陷落柱发育区反射波同相轴中断、扭曲、能量变弱、连续性变差、分叉合并或圈闭、产状突变等特征,可有效地探测其空间位置及形态。  相似文献   
根据主采煤层顶底板岩体岩性类型及结构面发育程度对其稳定性进行了评价:72煤层顶板以中等稳定一不稳定类型为主,82煤层顶板以中等稳定类型为主,10煤层顶板以中等稳定一稳定类型为主。在大量统计见煤点硬质岩百分含量(k值)的基础上,结合顶板岩石的单轴抗压强度,对各主采煤层顶底板工程地质类型进行了划分:72煤层以一、二类顶板为主,82、10煤层均以五类顶板为主。综合评价该矿工程地质条件为中等即Ⅲ类二型。根据研究成果,指出该矿在采掘过程中可能出现的工程地质问题,并依此提出了治理建议。  相似文献   
利用NCEP再分析资料、常规气象资料分析淮河流域2007年雨季洪水期间大气环流及影响系统的时空分布,对雨季偏长及致洪暴雨气象成因进行了探讨.结果发现淮河流域雨季偏长与西太平洋副热带高压(副高)伸入大陆稳定脊线位置以及中高纬度建立稳定的阻塞高压有密切的关系;出现的持续性暴雨都与中纬度附近稳定的横槽或低压带有关;暴雨都是多个影响系统叠加的结果,与它们的位置有一定的对应关系.影响系统主要有低层切变线、西南涡和急流.2007年淮河雨季期间来自西北太平洋副热带高压西侧的东南气流和来自孟加拉湾的西南气流对淮河流域降水区水汽的输送起主要作用;低层辐合、高层辐散增强了上升运动,为持续强降雨提供了动力条件,并触发能量的释放.  相似文献   
层状云的雨滴谱分档数值模拟研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
通过建立雨滴分档模式,结合部分观测资料,对中国北方常见的三类典型层状云系:强锋面抬升层状云系、气旋尺度辐合层状云系及弱锋面抬升层状云系的云中水成物总比含水量、降水强度及地面雨滴谱进行了数值模拟,并与观测值进行了比较分析。结果表明,雨滴分档模式较一般使用的单参数Marshall-Palmer(M-P)分布的参数化模式更能反映雨滴的自然演变特征。  相似文献   
The mesoscale orographic effects on typhoon Aere's precipitation are simulated using an Advanced Regional Eta-coordinate Model (AREM) version 3.0. In particular, the effects of the latent heat release are studied by two comparable experiments: with and without condensational heating. The results show that the typhoon rainfall is tripled by the southeastern China mesoscale terrain, and the condensational heating is responsible for at least half of the increase. One role of the latent heat release is to warm the atmosphere, leading to a depression of the surface pressure, which then causes a larger pressure difference in the zonal direction. This pressure gradient guides the water vapour to flow into the foothills, which in turn amplifies the water vapour flux divergence amplified, causing the typhoon rainfall to increase eventually. The other role of the latent heat release is to make the convection more organized, resulting in a relatively smaller rain area and stronger precipitation.  相似文献   
The Atmospheric Environmental Monitoring Network successfully undertook the task of monitoring the atmospheric quality of Beijing and its surrounding area during the 2008 Olympics.The results of this monitoring show that high concentrations of PM2.5 pollution exhibited a regional pattern during the monitoring period(1 June-30 October 2008).The PM2.5 mass concentrations were 53 μg m 3,66 μg m 3,and 82 μg m 3 at the background site,in Beijing,and in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomerations,respectively.The PM2.5 levels were lowest during the 2008 Olympic Games(8-24 August):35 μg m 3 at the background site,42 μg m 3 in Beijing and 57 μg m 3 in the region.These levels represent decreases of 49%,48%,and 56%,respectively,compared to the prophase mean concentration before the Olympic Games.Emission control measures contributed 62%-82% of the declines observed in Beijing,and meteorological conditions represented 18%-38%.The concentration of fine particles met the goals set for a "Green Olympics."  相似文献   
The structure of radar echo in stratiform cloud which was found in mei-yu frontal cloud system is generally inhomogeneous, especially in the structure of bright band echoes. The inhomogeneous structure of warm region in stratiform cloud and the shower feature of precipitation are closely related to the inhomogeneous structure of bright band and convective cells embedded in stratiform cloud.During Summer time the mei-yu cloud system is an important precipitating system in the southern part of China. To study its structure is of great significance for weather forecast and understanding the physical processes of cloud and precipitation. Therefore, we have observed mei-yu frontal cloud system by use of 711 type radar (3 cm) and airplane at Tunxi, Anhui Province since 1979. It was found that the structure of stratiform cloud, especially the structure of its warm region appears to be inhomogeneous1),2). This is a significant feature of cloud structure in mei-yu frontal cloud system. In this paper, we shall further analyse this inhomogeneous structure of stratiform cloud and study its effect on the precipitation.  相似文献   
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