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广东省高州水库春季蓝藻水华成因初步探讨   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
高州水库为广东省茂名市重要的饮用水源地,2009年和2010年春季相继出现蓝藻水华,给居民饮水带来安全隐患.对高州水库2009年和2010年春季水华情况进行分析,结果表明:两年浮游藻类细胞密度最高分别达4.08×107 cel1s/L和1.47 x 108cells/L,其中蓝藻所占比例分别为98.2%和98.7%,优...  相似文献   
夜间气象能见度的测量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用能见度理论和双止偏光能见度测定仪原理,讨论了夜间气象能见度的测量原理和一种新的测量方法,并完成了初步的野外对比试验,得出了比较结论。  相似文献   
基于实测波面的波浪力获取作为结构动力响应分析以及数字孪生模型建立的必备环节,对海上风电数字化运维至关重要。为了满足更大的装机容量需求,单桩式海上风电基础趋于大型化,其尺度因子D/L也随之增大;并且实际海域均为非规则波,以尺度因子划分波浪力计算理论的方法对非规则波的适用性尚不明确。通过建立数值水槽,依据实际工况对不规则波与桩基的作用进行数值模拟,得到入射波浪场与桩基所受波浪力,在此基础上,基于入射波浪场分别采用Morison方程以及绕射理论求解波浪力并将之与数值模拟结果进行对比,分析了不同波浪力计算理论关于尺度因子的适用性,同时探究了波浪要素对计算精度的影响。结果表明:Morison方程在波高较大时精度下降;相对于Morison方程,绕射理论在该尺度下的精度更高。最后,通过分析实测数据进一步探讨了典型工况下的波浪力特征,以期通过实测波面计算波浪力的方法为实际服役风机波浪力计算提供技术支持。  相似文献   

西北太平洋海陆相互作用强烈,受黑潮和亚洲大陆风尘输入影响显著,是研究海洋沉积物中有机碳埋藏与陆源输入、海洋初级生产力和海洋环境演化关系的理想靶区。本研究基于采自九州-帕劳海脊北部的重力活塞647 cm长的KPR12岩芯,分析了总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、有机碳稳定碳同位素组成(δ13CTOC)、蛋白石(Opal)以及粒度等指标,初步探讨了近40万年来轨道尺度沉积有机碳的来源、埋藏特征及其影响机制。岩芯的TOC含量平均值为0.214%,呈冰期较高、间冰期较低的旋回特征。岩芯沉积物粒度的不同端元反映了研究区风尘输入大致呈冰期较高的趋势。岩芯的δ13CTOC(-25.24‰~-21.04‰,平均值为-22.59‰)显示有机质以海源为主(约62%),海源有机碳含量趋势与TOC的变化一致。研究区不同时期陆源物质的输入受风尘输送和黑潮的综合控制,黑潮增强可能对该区间冰期陆源有机碳贡献的升高有一定影响。岩芯中TOC与Opal含量的相关性分析表明,海洋初级生产力可能不是控制该岩芯有机碳含量变化的主要原因。冰期-间冰期旋回中的深层水通风条件、黑潮和北太平洋中层水的发育以及陆源细颗粒物质输入可能共同影响着本区沉积有机碳的降解与埋藏保存。


The size and spatial distribution of loess slides are important for estimating the yield of eroded materials and determining the landslide risk. While previous studies have investigated landslide size distributions, the spatial distribution pattern of landslides at different spatial scales is poorly understood. The results indicate that the loess slide distribution exhibits a power-law scaling across a range of the size distribution. The mean landslide size and size distribution in the different geomorphic types are different. The double Pareto and inverse gamma functions can coincide well with the empirical probability distribution of the loess slide areas and can quantitatively reveal the rollover location, maximum probability, and scaling exponents. The frequency of loess slides increases with mean monthly precipitation. Moreover, point distance analysis showed that > 80% of landslides are located < 3 km from other loess slides. We found that the loess slides at the two study sites (Zhidan and Luochuan County) in northern Shaanxi Province, China show a significant clustered distribution. Furthermore, analysis results of the correlated fractal dimension show that the landslides exhibit a dispersed distribution at smaller spatial scales and a clustered distribution at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   
湘南荷花坪锡多金属矿床成矿年代研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
荷花坪锡多金属矿床是本世纪初在南岭中段湘南地区新发现的一个大型矿床,区内的锡多金属矿化产在王仙岭岩体东南内、外接触带,已发现有Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ号4个主要锡多金属矿体。其中,Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅳ号矿体由早期矽卡岩型和晚期蚀变碎裂岩型矿石组成,Ⅲ号矿体则由独立产出的蚀变碎裂岩型矿石组成,且包含有部分碎裂花岗斑岩。以往研究已对Ⅳ号矿体中的矽卡岩型矿石和Ⅲ号矿体中含矿斑岩脉分别采用辉钼矿Re-Os法和锆石SHRIMP U-Pb法进行了测年,获得的年龄分别为224.0±1.9Ma和142±2Ma。本文补充了晚期蚀变碎裂岩型矿石的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar测年,结果显示,Ⅱ号矿体中蚀变碎裂岩型矿石白云母样品和石英样品的坪年龄分别为151.88±1.58Ma和155.39±7.04Ma;Ⅳ号矿体中蚀变碎裂岩型矿石石英样品的坪年龄为156.94±1.64Ma。结合前人研究资料综合分析,认为荷花坪矿区存在印支晚期(224Ma)、燕山早期(151~156Ma)和燕山晚期(142Ma)三期成矿作用,分别与区内印支期中粗粒含电气石黑云母花岗岩、燕山早期中粗粒黑云母花岗岩和燕山晚期花岗斑岩脉有关,不同期成岩、成矿作用的构造环境均为岩石圈的拉张伸展。湘南地区印支期(205~224Ma)基性岩浆活动及荷花坪矿床印支期成岩、成矿过程中均有幔源物质的参与,它们共同指示南岭地区中生代构造体制的转换或岩石圈伸展减薄可能始于印支主期(230~244Ma)之后的224Ma左右,即晚三叠世。  相似文献   
为了探索鲣鱼(Katsuwonus pelamis)鱼头眼窝肉中的DHA(C22:6n3)和EPA(C20:5n3)的抗抑郁活性效果,采用现代食品分离技术分离提取鲣鱼眼窝肉中的DHA和EPA,并对其抗抑郁活性效果进行研究。研究结果发现,当DHA和EPA剂量分别为50,100和300mg/kg时,能够对强迫游泳实验和悬尾实验的小鼠产生抗抑郁作用,其中低剂量(50mg/kg)表现为最活跃。DHA和EPA还能够对引起头抽动综合征的5-羟色胺小鼠产生轻微的增强作用。通过高效液相色谱-电化学法同时测定小鼠大脑区域内主要的单胺类神经递质及其代谢产物。本实验发现,与用压力媒介物处理的小鼠相比,DHA和EPA能够显著增加主要神经递质5-羟色胺和去肾上腺素在小鼠海马体、下丘脑及皮质层中的浓度,并减少5-羟色胺的代谢。DHA和EPA能够在预测抗抑郁特性的动物模型中(强迫游泳实验,悬尾实验)明确其具有抗抑郁活性效果,具有潜在的生物医学应用前景和环保效应。  相似文献   
本文基于Aqua/MODIS、Terra/MODIS和Envisat/MERIS多源卫星叶绿素a浓度产品,研究了客观分析融合方法,制作了西北太平洋海域(0°~50°N,100°~150°E)叶绿素a浓度融合产品,并从有效数据空间覆盖率和产品精度两个方面对融合方法进行了评价。与单传感器以及欧洲太空局发布的GSM模型业务化融合产品相比,客观分析融合产品空间覆盖率明显提高;与收集的2002-2012年间叶绿素a浓度实测数据比较,GSM模型业务化融合产品的匹配数据点为578个,偏差为-0.20 mg/m3,均方根误差为0.37 mg/m3,客观分析法融合产品的匹配数据点为1432个,偏差为-0.21 mg/m3,均方根误差为0.36 mg/m3。结果表明:本文研究的客观分析融合方法在保证融合产品精度的同时可显著提高产品的空间覆盖率,在海洋水色融合应用前景广阔。  相似文献   
As an effective livelihood approach to alleviate poverty without rural population migration, ethnic tourism has become the primary choice of economic development in ethnic areas worldwide in addition to traditional livelihood approaches. This article applies the theories of livelihood to study the community evolution driven by tourism livelihood and examine three mountainous tourism communities in different stages of tourist area life cycle. Drawing on the methods of GIS spatial analysis, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, this article proposes a sustainable livelihood framework for ethnic tourism to explore the evolution of ethnic tourism communities by identifying changes in livelihood assets (natural, financial, social, cultural and human capitals) in the process of tourism development. The results show that the development of ethnic tourism has led to changes in the increase of building land, and the diversification of land use functions with a trend of shifting from meeting local villagers' living needs to satisfying tourists, income composition and uneven distribution of tourism income spatially. Ethnic tourism also led to the deterioration of traditional social management structure, collapse of neighboring relationship, the over- commercialization and staged authenticity of ethnic culture, as well as the gradual vanish of agricultural knowledge with a trend of increasing modern business knowledge and higher education. In addition, these changes, involving livelihood assets from natural, economic, human, social and cultural aspects are interrelated and interactive, which form new evolution characters of ethnic community. This study reveals the conflicts over livelihood approaches which have formed new vulnerabilities to impact on sustainable evolution of ethnic communities. This research provides implications for achieving the sustainable development of ethnic communities with the driving force of tourism livelihood.  相似文献   
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