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The accurate prediction of runout distances, velocities and the knowledge of flow rheology can reduce the casualties and property damage produced by debris flows, providing a means to delineate hazard areas, to estimate hazard intensities for input into risk studies and to provide parameters for the design of protective measures. The application of most of models that describe the propagation and deposition of debris flow requires detailed topography, rheological and hydrological data that are not always available for the debris-flow hazard delineation and estimation. In the Cortina d’Ampezzo area, Eastern Dolomites, Italy, most of the slope instabilities are represented by debris flows; 325 debris-flow prone watersheds have been mapped in the geomorphological hazard map of this area. We compared the results of simulations of two well-documented debris flows in the Cortina d’Ampezzo area, carried on with two different single-phase, non-Newtonian models, the one-dimensional DAN-W and the two-dimensional FLO-2D, to test the possibility to simulate the dynamic behaviour of a debris flow with a model using a limited range of input parameters. FLO-2D model creates a more accurate representation of the hazard area in terms of flooded area, but the results in terms of runout distances and deposits thickness are similar to DAN-W results. Using DAN-W, the most appropriate rheology to describe the debris-flow behaviour is the Voellmy model. When detailed topographical, rheological and hydrological data are not available, DAN-W, which requires less detailed data, is a valuable tool to predict debris-flow hazard. Parameters obtained through back-analysis with both models can be applied to predict hazard in other areas characterized by similar geology, morphology and climate.  相似文献   
The 2004 Chuetsu earthquakes of Niigata (Japan) triggered numerous landslides, and the most widespread types of landslides were highly disrupted, relatively shallow slides and soil (debris) flows. This paper presented a method to evaluate slope instability using Newmark displacement on a pixel-by-pixel basis in a given area. The proposed method was able to integrate Newmark displacement modeling and Monte Carlo simulations within geographical information systems. In the modeling, an empirical attenuation relationship was utilized to calculate Arias intensity over this study area, and the variability of geotechnical parameters was taken into account to calculate coseismic landslide displacement. Before deriving the displacement from related inputs, the Monte Carlo simulations ran 1,500 times and generated 1,500 displacement values for each grid cell, and then means and standard deviations of displacement were calculated and probabilistic distributions can be obtained. Finally, given 10 cm as a threshold value of displacement, estimated probabilities of displacement exceeding 10 cm were shown as a map of seismic landslide hazards. The resulting hazard map was classified into four categories from very low to high level.  相似文献   
应用探地雷达探测活动断层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在浅覆盖区采用探地雷达探测地震活动断层。通过实验确定出最佳的采集参数和数据处理流程,在雷达剖面上,能够清晰地显示出断层上部的形态特征、上断点埋深和岩土分层。结合钻孔资料,利用雷达剖面上对第四系覆盖的分层结果和上断点所在的层位可以分析和评价断层的活动性。  相似文献   
The analysis of paleomagnetic data available for the southern Primiorye region revealed that the studied objects were magnetized under regional remagnetization presumably during the Late Mesozoic folding and this magnetization can be interpreted as being synfolding. The interpretation is based on the parameter that characterizes the folding completion degree immediately before regional remagnetization. It is shown that the relaxation of Late Mesozoic horizontal stresses was irregular. The obtained estimates of the degree of folding completion are consistent with the available geological data and Talitskii’s model for tectonic deformations.  相似文献   
Singular physical or chemical processes may result in anomalous amounts of energy release or mass accumulation that, generally, are confined to narrow intervals in space or time. Singularity is a property of different types of non-linear natural processes including cloud formation, rainfall, hurricanes, flooding, landslides, earthquakes, wildfires, and mineralization. The end products of these non-linear processes can be modeled as fractals or multifractals. Hydrothermal processes in the Earth’s crust can result in ore deposits characterized by high concentrations of metals with fractal or multifractal properties. Here we show that the non-linear properties of the end products of singular mineralization processes can be applied for prediction of undiscovered mineral deposits and for quantitative mineral resource assessment, whether for mineral exploration or for regional, national and global planning for mineral resource utilization. In addition to the general theory and framework for the non-linear mineral resources assessment, this paper focuses on several power-law models proposed for characterizing non-linear properties of mineralization and for geoinformation extraction and integration. The theories, methods, and computer system discussed in this paper were validated using a case study dealing with hydrothermal Au mineral potential in southern Nova Scotia, Canada.  相似文献   
In this paper, an inverse mapping is used to transform the previously-derived analytical solutions from a local elliptical coordinate system into a conventional Cartesian coordinate system. This enables a complete set of exact analytical solutions to be derived rigorously for the pore-fluid velocity, stream function, and excess pore-fluid pressure around and within buried inclined elliptic inclusions in pore-fluid-saturated porous rocks. To maximize the application range of the derived analytical solutions, the focal distance of an ellipse is used to represent the size of the ellipse, while the length ratio of the long axis to the short one is used to represent the geometrical shape of the ellipse. Since the present analytical solutions are expressed in a conventional Cartesian coordinate system, it is convenient to investigate, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the distribution patterns of the pore-fluid flow and excess pressure around and within many different families of buried inclined elliptic inclusions. The major advantage in using the present analytical solution is that they can be conveniently computed in a global Cartesian coordinate system, which is widely used in many scientific and engineering computations. As an application example, the present analytical solutions have been used to investigate how the dip angle of an inclined elliptic inclusion affects the distribution patterns of the pore-fluid flow and excess pore-fluid pressure when the permeability ratio of the elliptic inclusion is of finite but nonzero values.  相似文献   
The forthcoming collision by debris of P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet with Jupiter during the week of July 18, 1994 has generated considerable scientific and public interest. This collision may release an amount of energy ranging from 1025-1031 ergs in the Jovian atmosphere. Two possible phenomena associated with this event are described in this Letter to the Editor. The first one is the likely display of deformed Jovian magnetic field lines as the comet interacts with the Jovian magnetosphere. The second one is electromagnetic radiation outbursts during comet explosions over a wide frequency range from radio up to gamma ray emissions. If relativistic electrons with energies up to ~ 1000 MeV could be produced during comet explosions, then synchrotron radiations with frequencies from radio up to infrared range could be detectable. Hard X-rays and gamma rays could be produced by bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton processes. Since one cannot exclude the possible transient presence of relativistic electrons with Lorentz factor 2 × 106, synchrotron radiation component might even be extended into gamma ray frequency range during intermittent short time intervals.  相似文献   
In the framework of the MIT bag model we consider absolutely stable strange quark matter consisting of u, d, and s quarks and electrons. For a realistic range of parameters of the quark bag we compute the threshold density for the appearance of strange quark matter that is realized on the surface of self-sustaining strange stars. On the basis of twelve calculated equations of state we give a detailed study of the series of configurations of strange stars consistent with the best known observational data. We show that the binding energy of the models depends essentially on the quark-gluon interaction constant c.Translated fromAstrofizika, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1994.The authors are grateful to E. V. Chubaryan and A. M. Atoyan for assistance in overcoming the information blockade. The present paper was written in the framework of area 46/101 93-353, supported by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia.  相似文献   
为研究地铁建设对济南白泉泉群的影响,在综合分析白泉泉域地质、水文地质条件的基础上,假定研究区岩溶强径流带位置及水力性质,利用FEFLOW软件建立地下水流数值模型。以规划地铁M1号线为研究对象,分析了济南东站、梁王站、梁王东站分别施工及3个站同时施工4种情景下,采用施工降水或施工降水+人工回灌两种施工方式对白泉泉群流量的影响。结果表明:单独采用施工降水的施工方式使得白泉泉群流量衰减,其中3个站同时施工对泉流量的影响最大,泉流量最大衰减达5.48%;各站分别施工时,济南东站对泉流量影响最大,泉流量较未施工时减少了0.043×104 m3/d。采用施工降水+人工回灌的施工方式,能够有效缓解泉流量的衰减,各车站施工时的泉流量衰减由仅施工降水时的2.26%~5.48%降低至0.08%~1.21%。岩溶强径流带有利于地下水形成优势径流,促进白泉泉群补给,一定程度上缓解因地铁施工引起的泉流量衰减。  相似文献   
桩基施工将引起周边地层位移和邻近隧道结构变形,以南京龙津桥改建项目桩基工程为背景,通过现场实测,分析研究钻孔灌注桩施工全过程各工况条件对地层位移场和邻近既有隧道结构变形的影响规律。结果表明:由于钢套管的护壁作用,钻孔灌注桩施工过程中产生的最大地层位移和隧道结构变形较小,说明采用“钢套管边旋压边取土”、“群桩间跳施工”等工艺,对周围土体扰动影响程度较小,建议近隧桩基工程采用全套管灌注桩的施工方法,监测分析结果可为类似工程提供技术参考。  相似文献   
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