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《阿尔金山及羌塘高原水资源开发利用与保护考察报告》编写组 《干旱区地理》2007,30(6):785-790
阿尔金山水资源相对丰富,是巴音郭楞蒙古自治州河川径流的主要形成区之一,巴音郭楞蒙古自治州若羌县罗布泊镇钾盐贮量很大,经济效益可观,但水资源成为了罗布泊钾盐矿发展的限制性因素。能否把阿尔金山的水资源作为罗布泊钾盐矿发展的支撑,是我们必须回答的一个问题。本文利用新疆维吾尔自治区水利厅阿尔金山野外考察资料,分析阿尔金山的水系与湖泊、自然地理和社会经济特点,以期为探讨阿尔金山能否作为罗布泊钾盐矿开发的水源条件提供理论依据。 相似文献
Uur Doan 《Geomorphology》2005,71(3-4):389-401
Karstification-based land subsidence was found in the Upper Tigris Basin with dimensions not seen anywhere else in Turkey. The area of land subsidence, where there are secondary and tertiary subsidence developments, reaches 140 km2. Subsidence depth ranges between 40 and 70 m. The subsidence was formed as a result of subsurface gypsum dissolution in Lower Miocene formation. Although there are limestones together with gypsum and Eocene limestone below them in the area, a subsidence with such a large area is indicative of karstification in the gypsum. The stratigraphical cross-sections taken from the wells and the water analyses also verify this fact. The Lower Miocene gypsum, which shows confined aquifer features, was completely dissolved by the aggressive waters injected from the top and discharged through by Zellek Fault. This resulted in the development of subsidence and formation of caprock dolines on loosely textured Upper Miocene–Pliocene cover formations. The Tigris River runs through the subsidence area between Batman and Bismil. There are four terrace levels as T1 (40 m), T2 (30 m), T3 (10 m) and T4 (4–5 m) in the Tigris River valley. It was also found that there were some movements of the levels of the terraces in the valley by subsidence. The subsidence developed gradually throughout the Quaternary; however no terrace was formed purely because of subsidence. 相似文献
基于岩溶生态系统特性的水土流失敏感性评价 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在岩溶地区大范围内进行土壤侵蚀风险评价需要寻求新的简单有效的方法,建立适合岩溶地区特点的评估模型,才能避免水土流失治理规划的失误。考虑岩溶地区碳酸盐岩成土速率低、存在石漠化等特点,选取土壤允许流失量和退化岩溶生态系统的基岩裸露率,结合年平均降水、坡度、植被指数,在生成各单因素评价图的基础上,在Arcview中完成单因素图的叠加分析,得到贵州省岩溶地区水土流失敏感性综合评价图,并将其划分为不敏感、轻度敏感、中度敏感和强度敏感四级。在此基础上,探讨了贵州省水土流失敏感性的空间分异规律,提出水土流失预防治理的优先区。 相似文献
海平面上升背景下黄浦江极端风暴洪水危险性分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
黄浦江流域是典型的风暴洪水脆弱区。随着气候变化和海平面上升,未来该区域可能遭受更为严重的灾害影响。从海平面绝对上升、构造沉降和压实沉降三个方面预测了2030 年和2050 年该区域海平面相对上升值为170 mm和390 mm。在此基础上,结合最大天文潮位值和最大风暴增水值,估算了2030 年和2050 年极端风暴洪水位将分别达到7.17 m和7.39 m。基于高精度洪水数值模型开展了2030 和2050 年两种极端风暴洪水情景模拟,结果显示黄浦江两岸地区均可能被淹没,上游地区较中下游地区受淹将更为严重。进而提出未来研究中需重点关注不确定性分析、防汛墙溃堤淹没情景分析和风暴频率—强度变化等领域。 相似文献
A. D. Kitov E. N. Ivanov V. M. Plyusnin A. S. Gladkov O. V. Lunina E. V. Serebryakov A. M. Afon’kin 《Geography and Natural Resources》2018,39(1):55-62
Presented are the results obtained from radar profiling of the Peretolchin glacier in the Munku-Sardyk mountain range in the south of Siberia (June 2014 and May 2016) using georadar OKO-2 with the ABDL Triton antenna unit operating at the radiation frequency of 50 and 100 MHz. The ice thickness was determined from the profiles and the ice volumes from the cross-sectional areas and distances between profiles. The ice volume was calculated for the body of the Peretolchin glacier to be 0.007 ± 0.0019 km3. An analytical method was also used to determine the ice volume according to the type and area of glacier. It is established that the correlation between the glacier volume and area is expressed by a power function V = kS p . The mean ice volume, calculated with due regard for different coefficients, was 0.0061 km3. The GlabTop model that assumes the cross-sectional form of the glacier was used to infer the ice volume: the mean volume for two cross-sections (parabolic and elliptic) was 0.0073 km3. It is found that over 110 years since the start of the investigation into the morphology of the Peretolchin glacier, it has increased twice in its length and in area, its volume has decreased by a factor of 3.7, and the lower boundary of the open part of the glacier has risen 184 meters during that period. 相似文献
V. M. Shul’kin 《Geography and Natural Resources》2012,33(2):172-176
Calculated indicators are suggested, which make it possible to assess the size of maritime water areas with a different relationship between streamflow and aerial depositions (dissolved forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd). The role of streamflow decreases for the Fe, Mn, P > Cu, N > Zn > Pb > Pd series. Furthermore, the aerial input of Pb and Cd is dominant throughout most of all the stretches of water used in the study. By comparing the resulting assessments with the size of actual water areas, it is possible to carry out a zoning of the offshore waters as regards the intensity of supply and the contributors of matter from land surface. 相似文献
金沙江虎跳峡成因及形成时代探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
虎跳峡是金沙江峡谷的典型代表,其成因及形成时代涉及金沙江-长江水系发育及其环境效应问题。文中分析研究了虎跳峡附近发育的夷平面、剥蚀面、阶地等区域性的层状地貌,并认为虎跳峡上下游河谷发育历史具有一致性;从地质构造上的分析表明,虎跳峡两侧的玉龙雪山、哈巴雪山为一相对完整的地块,不存在虎跳峡大断裂,因而虎跳峡峡谷是在区域地壳抬升、先成河深切作用下而形成的。根据相关盆地沉积物、玉龙雪山的冰川发育状况、前人在附近发现的哺乳动物化石等,初步认为虎跳峡峡谷形成于中更新世。 相似文献
β-环糊精包合态三氟氯氰杀虫剂的制备 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了进一步提高三氟氯氰菊酯农药的防治效果。寻找适宜的农药新剂型,我们用液相法制备了三氟氯氰菊酯-β-环糊精包合物,并以水为基质进行了稳定性观察,同时又以差热分析法和气相色谱法确认了包合物的形成,以旋光度法证明两者间的包合比。结果表明,三氟氯氰菊酯与β-环糊精可形成1:1型包合物,该包合物稳定性高,具有一定的水溶性,而且在水中稳定,所以有望通过环糊 包合作用将三氟氯氰菊酯帛成水剂;当以气相法测试包合态三氟氯氰菊酯含量时,必须将其解络,使之成为游离状态,然后按常规方法进行含量测定。 相似文献
长江中游城市群城市网络空间结构研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
按照"点"→"线"→"面"→"网络"的分析思路,运用分形理论、引力模型、隶属度模型、空间句法模型、时间-空间可达性模型,研究2013年长江中游城市群31个城市的网络空间结构。结果表明:(1)在"点"层次上,长江中游城市群首位城市武汉为超大城市且垄断地位较强,城市体系呈序列型分布,规模结构呈"橄榄状"态势。(2)在"线"层次上,长江中游城市群城市联系整体偏弱,骨干联系由武汉、长沙、南昌组成,武汉城市圈、长株潭城市群和环鄱阳湖城市群内部城市间联系较强,3个省会城市与其腹地城市间呈星形结构特征。(3)在"面"层次上,长江中游城市群形成武汉、长沙、南昌3个辐射中心,在西北—东南方向呈现"中间高、两端低"的特征,武汉—南昌辐射连片趋势较明显。(4)在"网络"层次上,长江中游城市群城市网络的时间、空间可达性格局基本一致,与拓扑可达性存在一定偏差。时间、空间可达性格局中心向南、西北、东北方向沿长江河谷地带出现"波峰",受桐柏山、幕阜山影响在北、东南方向分布"波谷"。在路网的发育方面,武汉城市圈发育最好,长株潭城市群受地形影响最大,环鄱阳湖城市群发育最均衡。 相似文献
The middle reaches of the Yellow River represent an important area for the protection and development of the Yellow River Basin. Most of the area of the river basin is within the Loess Plateau, which establishes it as a fragile ecological environment. Firstly, using high-resolution data of land use in the watershed from the past 30 years, landscape ecological risk(LER) sample units are defined and an ecological risk index(ERI) model is constructed. Kriging interpolation is used to display the LE... 相似文献