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企业网络发育程度与区域创新能力研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
本文从分析企业网络的发育和完善程度出发,探讨影响网络创新能力的因素。文章指出,网络发育程度与创新能力(创新数量、创新发生的频率)是正相关的。从宏观上讲网络越密集、各种正式和非正式联系越有效、网络联系越稳定、网络自我更新能力越强、网络的开放性越强、网络越能根植于当地的良好的区域环境,越容易激发创新;从微观上讲,网络中行为主体的学习能力越强,其创新发生频率越高,创新能力越强。 相似文献
Using the new data from Hipparcos and the TD-1 UV data, we fix the positions of three objects, HD 104237, HD 100546 and ε Cha in the HR diagram and discuss their theoretical evolutionary status. 相似文献
Assessment of effectiveness of nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau based on net primary production and the large sample comparison method 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
Yili Zhang Zhongjun Hu Wei Qi Xue Wu Wanqi Bai Lanhui Li Mingjun Ding Linshan Liu Zhaofeng Wang Du Zheng 《地理学报(英文版)》2016,26(1):27-44
Twenty-one typical coupled large samples were chosen from areas within and surrounding nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau using the large sample comparison method (LSCM). To evaluate the effectiveness of the nature reserves in protecting the ecological environment, the alpine grassland net primary production (NPP) of these coupled samples were compared and the differences between them before and after their establishment as protected areas were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) With respect to the alpine grassland NPP, the ecological and environmental conditions of most nature reserves were more fragile than those of the surrounding areas and also lower than the average values for the Tibetan Plateau. (2) Of the 11 typical nature reserves selected, the positive trend in the NPP for Manzetang was the most significant, whereas there was no obvious trend in Taxkorgan. With the exception of Selincuo, the annual NPP growth rate in the nature reserves covered by alpine meadow and wetland was higher than that in nature reserves consisting of alpine steppe and alpine desert. (3) There were notable findings in 21 typical coupled samples: (a) After the establishment of the nature reserves, the annual rate of increase in the NPP in 76% of samples inside nature reserves and 82% of samples inside national nature reserves was higher than that of the corresponding samples outside nature reserves. (b) The effectiveness of ecological protection of the Mid-Kunlun, Changshagongma, Zoige and Selincuo (Selin Co) nature reserves was significant; the effectiveness of protection was relatively significant in most parts of the Sanjiangyuan and Qiangtang nature reserves, whereas in south-east Manzetang and north Taxkorgan the protection effectiveness was not obvious. (c) The ecological protection effectiveness was significant in nature reserves consisting of alpine meadow, but was weak in nature reserves covered by alpine steppe. This study also shows that the advantage of large sample comparison method in evaluating regional ecology change. Careful design of the samples used, to ensure comparability between the samples, is crucial to the success of this LSCM. 相似文献
Potential promoted productivity and spatial patterns of medium- and low-yield cropland land in China 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
With a continuously increasing population and better food consumption levels, improving the efficiency of arable land use and increasing its productivity have become fundamental strategies to meet the growing food security needs in China. A spatial distribution map of medium- and low-yield cropland is necessary to implement plans for cropland improvement. In this study, we developed a new method to identify high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data at a spatial resolution of 500 m. The method could be used to reflect the regional heterogeneity of cropland productivity because the classification standard was based on the regionalization of cropping systems in China. The results showed that the proportion of high-, medium-, and low-yield cropland in China was 21%, 39%, and 40%, respectively. About 75% of the low-yield cropland was located in hilly and mountainous areas, and about 53% of the high-yield cropland was located in plain areas. The five provinces with the largest area of high-yield cropland were all located in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, and the area amounted to 42% of the national high-yield cropland area. Meanwhile, the proportion of high-yield cropland was lower than 15% in Heilongjiang, Sichuan, and Inner Mongolia, which had the largest area allocated to cropland in China. If all the medium-yield cropland could be improved to the productive level of high-yield cropland and the low-yield cropland could be improved to the level of medium-yield cropland, the total productivity of the land would increase 19% and 24%, respectively. 相似文献
Trace Elements in Fluid Inclusions in the Carlin—Type Gold Deposits,Southwestern Guizhou Province 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Fluid inclusions in quartz from the Lannigou and Yata Carlin-type gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for their trace elements(Co,Ni,Cu,Pb,Zn,Pt,etc.).The results show that quartz fluid inclusions entrapped at different ore-forming stages contain higher Co,Ni,Cu,Pb and Zn.It has been found for the first time that the ore-forming fluids responsible for the Carlin-type gold deposits are rich in Pt.From this it can be concluded that basic volcanic rocks seem to be one of the important sources of ore-forming materials for the Carlin-type gold deposits. 相似文献
可可西里地区乌兰乌拉湖湖泊环境变迁及古人类活动遗迹 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
通过对可可西里地区及在乌兰乌拉湖所发现古人类活动遗迹的综合研究,认为乌兰乌拉湖地区自晚更新世末期以来,湖泊环境发生了由湿润(3×104aB.P.以前)──温暖(2×104aB.P.前后)──干暖(1×104aB.P.以前)──冷干(1×104aB.P.以来)的变化,湖水也产生了多次进退变化,与之相适应的古人类活动也发生了迁徒变化。 相似文献
皮羌辉长岩体位于塔里木盆地柯坪断隆西部,皮羌村北约15 km处。该岩体的围岩包括志留系、泥盆系和石炭系—二叠系,新近系不整合覆盖其上。采集该辉长岩样品进行单矿物分离,取分离出的斜长石进行Ar-Ar定年。700~1 400 ℃的8个加热阶段析出的39Ar为总量的95.89%,在坪谱图上得到一个较稳定的坪,坪年龄为265.5±1.2 Ma; 与之相对应的等时线年龄为267.29±5.62 Ma。结合区域地质分析,皮羌辉长岩体的侵入时代为中二叠世早期; 是塔里木二叠纪岩浆活动的一部分。其侵入后基本未受后期构造热事件影响。 相似文献
吐木休克断裂位于塔里木盆地西部,是一条大型基底卷入型断裂构造带,构成塔里木盆地次级构造单元阿瓦提凹陷和巴楚断隆的分界。根据系统的地震资料解释,可以将吐木休克断裂分为西段、中段和东段3部分,各段构造特征有所差异。西段,为单一的基底卷入型高角度逆冲断层,倾向巴楚断隆; 中段,除倾向巴楚断隆的主冲断层外,倾向相反的反冲断层越来越清晰,楔状冲断构造的轮廓逐渐显现出来。同时,在断层上盘还发育第四纪正断层; 东段,倾向巴楚断隆的主冲断层,向上断至中寒武统,未断开中寒武统以上的地层,其冲断位移量完全为倾向阿瓦提凹陷的反冲断层所吸收,形成典型的楔状冲断构造。根据地震资料解释,认为吐木休克断裂带主要存在两期断裂构造:深部高角度基底卷入型逆冲断裂带和其上叠加的浅部正断层。前者形成于库车组沉积前,在库车组沉积期间持续活动,并在新近纪晚期定型; 后者是本次研究首次发现的,形成于第四纪早中期,仅发育在吐木休克断裂带的中部。 相似文献
Experimental study of motion characteristics of rock slopes with weak intercalation under seismic excitation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In order to investigate the effect of a weak intercalation on slope stability, a large-scale shaking table model test was conducted to study the dynamic response of rock slope models with weak intercalation. The dynamic response of the prototype slopes were studied in laboratory with the consideration of law of similitude. The initiation failure was observed in the rock slope model with a counter-tilt thin-weak intercalation firstly, not in the slope model with a horizontal thin-weak intercalation. Furthermore, it was interesting that the fracture site is shifted from crest top to the slope surface near the weak intercalation, which is different with the location of failure position in a normal layered slope. We also discussed the effect of the dip angle and the thickness of weak intercalation on the failure mechanism and instability mode of the layered rock slope. From the experimental result, it was noted that the stability of the slope with a counter-tilt weak intercalation could be worse than that of the other slopes under seismic excitation. The findings showed the difference of failure in slopes with a horizontal and counter weak intercalation, and implicated the further evaluation of failure of layered slopes caused by seismic loads. 相似文献