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Shallow strike slip earthquakes on vertical faults are modelled as two-dimensional antiplane strain ruptures in a uniformly prestressed homogeneous halfspace. Behind the rupture front, which is specified, the stress drops to a lower value. The elastodynamic boundary value problem is solved with a finite difference method. Several cases are studied, which include symmetric and one-directional rupture propagation, surface faulting, multiple events, variable rupture velocity, sticking and rebreaking of the fault plane. The time function of displacement, velocity and acceleration are interpreted as signals generated by events in the focus, namely starting, stopping and breaking through the surface of the rupture. The model explains peak velocity and peak acceleration in the near field of M5.5–6 earthquakes; which are typically about 0.2 m/s and 5 m/s2 at 10 km epicentral distance, if the rupture velocity is close to the shear wave velocity. Sticking of the fault does not alter the accelerograms significantly, but it increases the seismic moment in simple events and decreases it in multiple events.Contribution No. 226, Geophysical Institute, University of Karlsruhe.  相似文献   
An analysis of the hydrogen and helium isotopic composition from EPHIN data, during the quiet-time period from January 1 to June 1, 1996, is presented. An isotopic discrimination and background rejection have been applied and relationships between the abundances of 2H/1H, 3He/4He, and 4He/1H have been calculated. The energy spectra in the 4–50 MeV nucl–1 range have been obtained and the contribution of the different spectral components have been analysed in this energy range. We conclude that the main contribution to the 4He spectrum is of anomalous origin, while the proton and 3He spectra have contributions mainly from particles of solar origin at low energies and from the galactic cosmic radiation modulated by the heliosphere at high energies. The deuterium spectrum is mainly of galactic origin.  相似文献   
Gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow observations in the Swift era have a perceived lack of achromatic jet breaks compared to the BeppoSAX or pre- Swift era. Specifically, relatively few breaks, consistent with jet breaks, are observed in the X-ray light curves of these bursts. If these breaks are truly missing, it has serious consequences on the interpretation of GRB jet collimation and energy requirements, and the use of GRBs as cosmological tools. Here, we address the issue of X-ray breaks that are possibly 'hidden' and hence the light curves are misinterpreted as being single power laws. We do so by synthesizing X-ray telescope (XRT) light curves and fitting both single and broken power laws, and comparing the relative goodness of each fit via Monte Carlo analysis. Even with the well-sampled light curves of the Swift era, these breaks may be left misidentified, hence caution is required when making definite statements on the absence of achromatic breaks.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird mit Hilfe von Zeigerdiagrammen eine anschauliche Darstellung vom Zustandekommen der Phasenkontrasterscheinungen gegeben. An Hand theoretischer Überlegungen und experimenteller Versuche wird die besondere Eignung der Phasenkontrastmikroskopie für die Bestimmung der Brechzahl transparenter dünner Teilchen nach der Immersionsmethode nachgewiesen. Daraus ergeben sich Vorteile für die mikroskopische Beurteilung der Minerale in Tonfraktionen. Das wird an zwei praktischen Beispielen gezeigt. Der Vergleich der Ergebnisse der mit dem Phasenkontrastverfahren durchgeführten Tonuntersuchungen mit den auf röntgenographischem Wege erzielten läßt eine gute Übereinstimmung erkennen.  相似文献   
High-pressure metamorphic (HPM) rocks (derived from igneous protoliths) and their metasomatised rinds from the island of Syros (Greece) were analysed for their B and Cl whole-rock abundances and their H2O content by prompt-gamma neutron-activation analysis (PGNAA) and for their Li and Be whole-rock abundances by ICP-OES. In the HPM rocks, B?/Be and Cl?/Be ratios correlate with H2O contents and appear to be controlled by extraction of B and Cl during dehydration and prograde metamorphism. In contrast, samples of the metasomatised rinds show no such correlation. B?/Be ratios in the rinds are solely governed by the presence or absence of tourmaline, and Cl?/Be ratios vary significantly, possibly related to fluid inclusions. Li/Be ratios do not correlate with H2O contents in the HPM rocks, which may in part be explained by a conservative behaviour of Li during dehydration. However, Li abundances exceed the vast majority of published values for Li abundances in fresh, altered, or differentiated oceanic igneous rocks and presumably result from metasomatic enrichment of Li. High Li concentrations and highly elevated Li/Be ratios in most metasomatised samples demonstrate an enrichment of Li in the Syros HP mélange during fluid infiltration. This study suggests that B and Cl abundances of HPM meta-igneous rocks can be used to trace prograde dehydration, while Li concentrations seem to be more sensitive for retrograde metasomatic processes in such lithologies.  相似文献   
After a comment on the stratigraphical classification and the subdivision of Permian strata, a review on their occurrences in Central and Western Europe including the Alps is given. Within this area, the strata can be summarized to a northern, a central, and a “Verrucano” province. The Autunian (Lower Rotliegend) has been typically developed in the central province where it is best preserved. It is characterized by many different sedimentation processes the most important of which are described. They lead to the conclusion that the sediment deposition mainly took place in fresh water lakes and through fluviatile transport. On the other hand, the deposition of the Saxonian (Upper Rotliegend) took place in a much drier climate. Finally, the differences between the two types of climate are described.  相似文献   
The study of the expansion of the solar wind out of a system of coronal holes is continued. To this end, we consider the numerical integration of partial differential equations for problems with icosahedral symmetry, in general. First, employing Weyl theory, orbifold coordinates are introduced. Second, the icosahedral coordinates are discussed in detail. Third, following an analysis of the properties of these coordinates and the derivation of a few expressions useful for grid construction, various alternatives for the distribution of lattice points required for numerical integration are considered. A comparison of these numerical grids motivates the choice of a specific grid optimized for the numerical integration carried out in the accompanying paper by Kalish et al.(2002). This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Zooplankton samples from the eastern Mediterranean were collected in April/May 1999 with a multiple opening and closing net (mesh size 333 μm) to examine the distribution and taxonomic composition of mesozooplankton, mainly Calanoida (Copepoda), some years after the onset of the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT), a climatically induced shift in hydrography. The samples from seven stations on a transect from the Ionian Sea to the eastern part of the Levantine Basin were collected at closely spaced vertical intervals from the surface to water depths of 4250 m. Data from January 1987, June 1993, January 1998 and October 2001 from the main site of investigation, south of Crete, were used to describe the temporal evolution before (1987), during (1993) and after (1998–2001) the EMT. The eastern Mediterranean mesozooplankton fauna is dominated by three Calanoida species along the west–east transect, with varying abundances in different depth‐zones: Haloptilus longicornis in the epipelagic zone, Eucalanus monachus in the mesopelagic zone, and Lucicutia longiserrata in the bathypelagic zone. A drastic change in mesozooplankton composition and abundance occurred at the main site during the EMT, whereupon increased abundances of Candacia elongata and L. longiserrata were observed in the bathypelagic zone in the following years; L. longiserrata accounted for 43% of the total mesozooplankton in this zone. The hypothesis is posed that the Mediterranean deep‐sea ecosystem is able to respond quickly to changes in the environment and memorizes these changes over time. We claim that the biological effects of climatically induced changes can be easily monitored in the deep eastern Mediterranean Sea using calanoid copepod key species due to the hydrographically extreme, but ‘simply structured’ ecosystem.  相似文献   
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