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The Kela-2 gas field, found in the Kuqa Depression of the Tarim Basin, northwestern China, is a large-sized dry gas field (C1 /C1-5 =0.992 0.999) and characterized by ultra-high pressure (pressure factor up to 2.0 2.2). The pyrolysis experiment was carried out under isothermal gold-tube closed system, with samples collected from the Jurassic coal, Jurassic mudstone and Triassic mudstone in the Kuqa Depression. The result of gas yield showed that the Middle and Lower Jurassic source rocks have higher gas generation potential than the Triassic source rocks. The kinetic modeling of gas generation and methane carbon isotope fractionation suggested that the Kela-2 gases belong to the products of high-over mature stages and were mainly derived from the Middle and Lower Jurassic coal-bearing strata. The Triassic source rocks made a minor contribution to the Kela-2 gases. The Kela-2 gases chiefly generated from coal-bearing source rocks with R o values from 1.3% to 2.5%, and thus primarily accumulated after 5 Ma.  相似文献   
赵宏  高广运  姜洲 《岩土力学》2014,35(9):2448-2454
采用薄层法算出群桩基础的频域阻抗,将群桩阻抗等效于一个单输入单输出系统,并表示为一个复数的频域传递函数。基于矢量匹配法(VF法),通过对传递函数拟合得到任意分层地基的群桩阻抗函数的集总参数形式。采用VF法对整体频域拟合,可以得到多项分式分式阻抗形式,进而扩展成为Wu-Lee模型。结果表明,VF法拟合得到的动力柔度函数可以精确地匹配分层地基动力柔度函数,由于多项分式的形式可以直接扩展成为Wu-Lee集总参数模型,且数值稳定。对于高频阻抗拟合需要采用高阶数,进行劳斯(Routh)降阶,得到较好的效果。  相似文献   
广东流溪河水库湖沼学变量的时空动态特征   总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9  
流溪河水库县位于北回归线上的大型山谷型水库,是一座典型的热带-亚热带过渡区水体.为了解该水库的特点,于2006年对水库的水文、营养盐状况及相关理化因子进行了逐月监测,对其主要的湖沼学变量的季节动态和空间分布进行了分析,探讨了湖沼学特征和生态过程的主要驱动因子.流溪河水库全年表层水温在14.9-31.6℃之间,水柱热分层开始于3月初,一直持续到12月,呈单循环混合模式.水库的水动力学主要受降水和水库用水的影响,2006年全年降雨量为2960mm,平均水力滞留时间长170d;降雨量集中在丰水期(4-9月),导致丰水期水力滞留时间短(65d),丰水期与枯水期水文水动力季节性差别显著,水文水动力学变化剧烈.2006年全年湖泊区的TN、TP、Chl.a、SD的平均值分别为0.66mg/L,0.016mg/L,2.2mg/m3,3.1m,指示该水库为贫中营养型水体.N/P的质量比为41:1,DIN/DIP的质量比为78:1,说明该水库浮游植物生长在强烈的磷限制性水体中,较高的N/P比是由流域中热带-亚热带红壤中营养盐组成特点所决定.营养盐、透明度和叶绿素a等变量的分布具有明显的时空异质性,丰水期初期(4-5月)营养盐浓度显著地高于其它月份,说明地表径流是输送营养盐入库的主要途径;沿入库河流至水库大坝方向,营养盐和Chl.a具有递减规律,即:河流区>过渡区>湖泊区.受季风的影响,丰水期的降水集中加上水库的本身形态是导致流溪河水库湖沼学特征呈显著的季节性和空间梯度的关键因素.  相似文献   
三家厂铜矿地质地球化学及找矿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
易门三家石铜矿位于云南易门铜矿带西部,按产状、矿物组合及成矿作用可分为狮山式和凤山式矿床。矿床地质、地球化学研究结果表明,三家厂铜矿狮山式矿床是沉积岩容矿的海底喷流热水沉积硫化物矿床;凤山式矿床是狮山式矿床经后期构造和热液改造的产物。  相似文献   
汪德根  陈田  刘昌雪  潘婷婷 《地理研究》2009,28(5):1414-1426
以休闲旅游需求较高的上海、杭州和苏州3市为案例地,运用因子分析法研究新休假制度"增加传统节日为法定假日"、"实施五个小长假"和"实施带薪休假"对居民休闲旅游行为产生影响的潜在特征,确立了新休假制度9个公因子,并在此基础上利用方差分析法进一步检验不同人口学特征和3市居民对新休假制度的影响感知是否存在显著差异。研究结果表明:(1)取消"五一"长假对居民休闲旅游影响较小;(2)对实施5个小长假支持态度反映出居民的旅游需求由初级化向高级化发展的趋势;(3)普遍赞成带薪休假制度反映了居民对于休假权利的觉醒,使得居民能享受优质的休假旅游,加强监督和保障机制是确保带薪休假落实的关键;(4)节假日调整有利于我国旅游业进一步发展。  相似文献   
田建明  徐徐  谢华章  杨云  丁政 《地震学报》2004,26(4):432-439
通过对江苏地区及南黄海海域历史地震资料特点分析,将研究区历史地震类型分为相对安全类和相对危险类,并对地震类型的统计结果、地理分布特征及构造进行探讨. 结果表明:① 江苏及南黄海地区绝大多数中强以上历史地震类型为相对安全类,仅有13.8%的中强以上历史地震为相对危险类;② 江苏陆地、长江口以东海域和南黄海北部坳陷地区以相对安全类地震为主,苏中沿海南黄海海域地震类型分布较为复杂,相对安全类和相对危险类地震类型比例基本相当;③ 研究区历史地震类型统计结果和空间分布特征与现代地震序列类型实况非常吻合,反映本区地震活动具有继承性的特点.研究结果可以作为江苏省地震应急工作中震后早期趋势判定的参考依据.   相似文献   
The investigation of the occurrence of lead in dated snow and ice from Greenland and Antarctica has played a major role in our understanding of the history of the pollution of the atmosphere of our planet by this metal. Such studies have however proved to be very demanding, mainly because of the extreme purity of polar snow and ice. Reliable measurements can be obtained only if ultra-clean and highly sensitive procedures are used, as pioneered by Clair Patterson. The Greenland data show evidence of large-scale pollution of the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere for lead as early as two millennia ago during Greco–Roman times, especially because of mining and smelting activities in southern Spain. It peaked at the end of the 1960s, with lead concentrations in snow about 200 times higher than natural values, before declining during recent times because of the fall in the use of leaded gasoline. Lead pollution in Antarctica was already significant at the end of the 19th century as a consequence of whaling activities, the traffic of coal-powered ships crossing the Cape Horn, and mining activities in South America, South Africa and Australia. After declining because of the opening of the Panama Canal, the great economic depression and World War II, it reached a maximum during the 1980s, with lead concentrations 20 times higher than natural values. Other studies focus on past natural variations of lead in ancient ice dated from the last climatic cycles. To cite this article: C. Boutron et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   
采用有限元方法,针对青藏高原东南缘建立更细致、更精确的三维有限元弹性模型。选取9种不同的应力边界条件,分别进行优化分析后处理,将对应台站形变模拟值与GPS实测值进行误差分析,最终选取最佳方案作为古构造应力场。结果表明,青藏高原东南缘4 Ma BP的古应力场主要起源于中国大陆周围板块的相互作用,特别是印度板块NNE向强烈碰撞作用,成为中国大陆尤其是西南部青藏高原地区构造应力场最主要的动力来源,控制各个块体相互作用的方式和运动格局。青藏高原东南缘古应力场主要包括几个力源:西北部青藏高原侧向挤压造成的WE向应力约105 MPa;西南部直接来自于印度板块的NE-WS向应力约70 MPa;南部NS向作用力33 MPa;东南部扬子块体侧向NW-SE阻挡力56 MPa;北东部受扬子块体强烈EW向阻挡力90 MPa。这些力源共同作用于青藏高原东南缘,形成现今复杂应力场。
The Haicheng earthquake (Ms 7.3) occurred in Liaoning Province (39°N–43°N, 120°E–126°E ), China on February 4, 1975. The mortality rate was only 0.02% owing to the first timely and accurate prediction, although the area affected by the earthquake was 9200 km2 and covered cities with a population density of 1000 p/km2. In this study, the doubledifference (DD) tomography method was used to obtain high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) P- and S-wave velocity (Vp and Vs) structures and Vp/Vs as well as the earthquake locations. Tomography results suggest that velocity structure at shallow depth coincides well with topography and sediment thickness. The earthquake locations form a northwest-striking zone associated with the Jinzhou(JZ) Fault and a northeast-striking zone associated with the Haichenghe-Dayanghe (HD) Fault, and suggest that the JZ Fault consists of three faults and the Ms 7.3 Haicheng earthquake originated at the intersection of the JZ and the Faults. Lowvelocity zones (LVZs) with low Vp/Vs are observed at 15–20 km depth beneath the Haicheng (HC) region. We interpret the LVZs in the middle crust as regions of fluids, suggesting rock dehydration at high temperatures. The LVZs and low Vp/Vs in the upper crust are attributed to groundwater-filled cracks and pores. We believe that large crustal earthquakes in this area are caused by the combination of faulting and fluid movement in the middle crust.  相似文献   
GY-15型全液压动力头工程钻机的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GY-15型全液压动力头工程钻机是我所根据市场需求,结合自己多年研制全液压动力头钻机的优势开发的一种新型基础桩钻孔设备,本文着重对该钻机的结构特点、试验情况、主要技术参数等作了简要的介绍.  相似文献   
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