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The Haihe cohesive sediment, which is typical in China, is studied systematically for its basic physical and incipient motion properties. Following the requirements of dredging works in the Haihe Estuary, cohesive sediment samples were taken from three locations. Laboratory experiments were conducted to delermine the rheological properties of these samples and to examine the incipient motion of the cohesive sediment. it is found that the cohesive sediment has an obvious yield stress τb, which increases with the mud density in a manner of an exponential function, and so does the viscosity parameter η. The cohesive sediment behaves like a Bingham fluid when its density is below 1. 38 - 1 .40 g/cm3 , and when denser than these values, it may become a power-law fluid. The incipient motion experiment also revealed that the incipient velocity of the cohesive sediment increases with the density in an exponential manner. Therefore, the incipient motion is primarily related to the density, which is different f  相似文献   
详细评述了剪切带运动学和内部几何学研究的新进展。剪切带内的递进变形一般为三斜对称,单斜剪切带(包括简单剪切带)是特例情形。理论模拟表明,如同许多天然剪切带中所见到的,在三斜剪切带中,拉伸线理的方位可从近水平到平行于倾向连续变化。过去一般将拉伸线理的方向当作剪切运动方向的做法是以简单剪切模式为基础的,不适合于一般剪切带。在三斜剪切带中,拉伸线理和剪切方向之间不存在简单关系。然而,C面上的韧性滑动擦痕平行于剪切方向发育,是剪切方向的可靠标志。因此,在剪切带运动学解释中区分韧性滑动擦痕与拉伸线理非常重要。  相似文献   
Santo Antão, the northernmost island of the Cape Verde Archipelago, consists entirely of silica-undersaturated volcanic products and minor intrusions. 40Ar–39Ar incremental heating experiments have been carried out on 24 samples that cover the entire exposed chronological sequence. The oldest lavas (7.57±0.56 Ma), representing an older volcanic basement, are exposed about 620 m above mean sea level. After an interval of quiescence of up to 4.3 Ma the volcanic activity resumed and continued at low eruption rates. The older basement is unconformably overlain by a ca. 810-m-thick lava sequence that spans an age range from 2.93±0.03 to 1.18±0.01 Ma. This sequence is cut by many dykes and sills. Simultaneous volcanic activity occurred in the northeastern, central and eastern part of the island. A phonolitic pumice deposit that forms a noteworthy feature over most of the island has an estimated age of 0.20 Ma. This predates volcanic activity that formed the highest point of the island (Tope de Coroa) which has an age of 0.17±0.02 Ma. The most recent eruption on the island formed nephelinitic lavas in the Porto Novo region at 0.09±0.03 Ma. The oldest volcanism exposed on Santo Antão, which took place about 7.6 Ma ago, was simultaneous with waning activity on Maio at the eastern end of the Cape Verde Archipelago.  相似文献   
A simple method for application in source potential mapping is used to assess the original oil and gas potentials in source rock horizons based upon Rock-Eval potential (S2) and total organic carbon (TOC) values. The method assumes that kerogens consist of mixtures of end-members with assigned hydrogen index values. Based on suggested algorithms, the average amounts of oil-prone, gas-prone and inert organic material over source rock intervals are determined in TOC units. The method uses regression lines from plots of remaining hydrocarbon potentials (S2) versus total organic carbon (TOC), and “quick-look” transparent overlays are used to read the appropriate kerogen mixture.Mineral matrix effects during pyrolysis, when strong, can cause erroneous results. This effect which occurs for oil-prone kerogens and adsorptive minerals can cause problems particularly for lean samples (S2 = 0–3 mg HC/g rock) whilst the errors for richer samples are less.The method is applied on three sections of Upper Jurassic organic-rich rocks from the Danish North Sea sector, which are at different maturity stages. One of these sections is dominated by gas-prone material, one is dominated by oil-prone material and the third section contains a mixture of oil- and gas-prone material.The method has been compared with other methods that split kerogens in oil and gas generating potential and has given reasonable results.Experience using the method and a presented example suggest that sedimentological, system tract information may be derived from S2 to TOC cross-plots. A constructed modelling example suggests that the end-member concept used in this approach may be used in forward type source rock prediction models when combined with sedimentological models. The resulting S2–TOC plots can be used in order to check the forward modelling results against observed values.  相似文献   
A Fourier transformation of the magnetic field from a magnetized sphere allows a particularly simple interpretation of the parameters of the sphere. The depth to the centre and total magnetic moments of the sphere are related to the intercept and slope of the power spectrum. The horizontal centre and direction of magnetization are related to slope and intercept of the phase spectra in two perpendicular, horizontal directions. Examples with artificial data contaminated by various noise components are presented.  相似文献   
The volume of Earth's oceans may be determined by a dynamic mechanism involving exchange of water between the crust and the mantle. Fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges are currently submerged to a depth at which the pressure is close to the critical pressure for seawater. This ensures optimal convective heat transport and, hence, maximal penetration of hydrothermal circulation along the ridge axes. The oceanic crust is hydrated to a depth of a kilometer or more and can therefore carry a substantial flux of water to the upper mantle when it is subducted. The current ingassing rate of water by this process is probably at least sufficient to balance the outgassing rate. If the oceans were shallower, as they may have been in the distant past, convective heat transport would be reduced and the depth of hydrothermal penetration and crustal hydration would decrease. Outgassing would exceed ingassing and ocean volume would increase. The system is self-stabilizing as long as the depth of the oceans does not exceed its present value. This mechanism could explain why continental freeboard has remained approximately constant since the Archean despite probable increases in continental area.  相似文献   
能量桩是一种在传递上部建筑荷载的同时获取地热能源的新技术,其实际工作过程中,热荷载会引起桩体的膨胀或收缩,而桩顶建筑和桩底持力层则会对桩体变形产生约束,进一步影响桩体的应力和位移,但是目前对该问题的研究却十分有限。基于模型试验和数值模拟方法,对桩顶和桩底不同约束条件下两种埋管形式(单U和W型)的桩体位移和热应力进行了分析,并进一步探讨了位移零点随桩顶和桩底约束条件的变化规律。研究结果表明,随着桩顶上部荷载约束刚度的增大,桩体位移零点上移,桩体热应力随着深度增大而减小;随着桩端土体约束刚度的增大,桩体位移零点下移,桩体热应力随着深度增大而增大;相较于无外荷载,工作荷载作用下位移零点上移。  相似文献   
Holm RH 《Ground water》2012,50(5):808-811
Small-scale projects to provide clean drinking water undertaken in the developing world can contribute to significantly improving the livelihood of rural communities. There has been a historical tendency to poorly plan such projects leading to an unsustainable future. Recent history indicates three simple steps to ensuring successful and enduring clean water projects. First, identification of need by the indigenous community provides ownership in the project. Second, a partnership between key individuals in the indigenous community with the donor provides for ambassadors on both sides of the project. Finally, an exit strategy by the donors for the indigenous communities ensures local sustainability for the future. The study site is the village of Geisha in northern Malawi, Africa. Sustainable implementation approaches are discussed in this case study as well as the various lessons learned. Improved project processes ensure sustainable small-scale water quality projects by donor organizations in developing countries.  相似文献   
High Arctic lakes are among the most sensitive ecosystems and climate change strongly affects their physical properties, especially water temperature, and mixing processes. To study the effect of recent climate change on such a lake in the Arctic environment, we measured water chemistry and temperature from 2005 to 2010 in Kongressvatn, a crenogenic meromictic lake in Spitsbergen (Svalbard). In addition, we monitored water column temperatures during two consecutive years and compared them to regional air temperature data and physicochemical lake data from 1962 and 1968, two relatively cold years. Summer surface water temperature was highly correlated to air temperature, and both have increased by approximately 2°C since 1962. Temperature monitoring during 2?years showed that the warm summer of 2007 resulted in increased water temperatures even in the stratified, denser hypolimnion. Our water chemistry measurements showed that the chemocline position in 2005?C2010 was ca 12?m deeper than in 1962?C1968, and a second, weaker, chemocline appeared at metalimnetic depths of 7?C15?m. During the study period, the water level decreased by 4?m, and this change accelerated between 2008 and 2010. Our data support the hypothesis that water temperatures and stratification patterns are changing rapidly with air temperature, but changes in the catchment, such as glacial retreat and permafrost melting, may have an even stronger impact on lake properties.  相似文献   
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