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This is a numerical study on the time development of surface waves generated by a submerged body moving steadily in a two-layer fluid system, in which a layer of water is underlain by a layer of viscous mud. The fully nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations are solved on FLUENT with the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) multiphase scheme in order to simulate the free surface waves as well as the water-mud interface waves as functions of time. The numerical model is validated by mimicking a reported experiment in a one-layer ...  相似文献   
在简单介绍中国香港地质概况的基础上,对发育在香港境内酸性火山岩中的大型六方柱状节理构造景观进行了介绍,并对其形成的地质基础和过程进行了探讨.对世界上著名的十多个柱状节理构造景观进行对比后指出,香港酸性火山凝灰岩大型六方柱状节理景观是世界上同类岩石中罕见的地质现象,分布面积大,露头完整,具有稀缺性、独特性和典型性,对西太...  相似文献   
The Juan de Fuca Ridge is a hydrothermally active, sediment covered, spreading ridge situated a few hundred kilometres off the west coast of North America in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Sediments from seven sites drilled during the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Legs 139 and 168 were analyzed for total hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA), individual amino acid distributions, total organic C (TOC) and total N (TN) contents. The aim was to evaluate the effects of hydrothermal stress on the decomposition and transformation of sedimentary amino acids. Hydrolyzable amino acids account for up to 3.3% of the total organic C content and up to 12% of the total N content of the upper sediments. The total amounts of amino acids decrease significantly with depth in all drilled holes. This trend is particularly pronounced in holes with a thermal gradient of around 0.6 degrees C/m or higher. The most abundant amino acids in shallow sediments are glycine, alanine, lysine, glutamic acid, valine and histidine. The changes in amino acid distributions in low temperature holes are characterized by increased relative abundances of non-protein beta-alanine and gamma-aminobutyric acid. In high temperature holes the amino acid compositions are characterized by high abundances of glycine, alanine, serine, ornithine and histidine at depth. D/L ratios of samples with amino acid distributions similar to those found in acid hydrolysates of kerogen, indicate that racemization rates of amino acids bound by condensation reactions may be diminished.  相似文献   
招商、引资、发展是过去20年来巾国长江三角洲城市与珠江三角洲城市经济增长的一个主要策略,尤其是长、珠三角地区的经济发展上是一个主要的动力.以地理信息系统(GIS)的平台,呈现经过经济与管理实证的"引资环境"指标,就是一个相当有效的方法.文章报告<中国两大外向型经济区域引资发展环境统计指标图示集>的内容及如何进一步利用地理信息系统的想法.  相似文献   
A relative sea‐level curve over the Holocene is constructed for the Young Sound region in northeastern Greenland. The reconstruction is derived by dating the heights of raised beach ridges in coastal plains using optically stimulated luminiscence (OSL), and by dating palaeoterrestrial surface levels now buried beneath the intertidal frame using the 14C technique. The relative sea‐level curve reveals a rapid fall of at least 10 mm a?1 from ca. 9500 to 7500 a ago, which slowed to 2 mm a?1 until it reached the present sea level ca. 3000 a ago. This part of the curve is based on the raised beach ridge data. Thereafter, relative sea level continued to fall, to reach a minimum level at about 0.5 m below the present sea level ca. 2300 a ago. Since then, relative sea level has experienced a slow rise of about 0.2 mm a?1. This part of the curve uses the data from the palaeoterrestrial surfaces. The study supplements other estimates of Holocene relative sea‐level changes and supports the observations of a decreasing trend in the timing of the cross point and in minimum relative sea level from South to North Greenland. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The volume of Earth's oceans may be determined by a dynamic mechanism involving exchange of water between the crust and the mantle. Fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges are currently submerged to a depth at which the pressure is close to the critical pressure for seawater. This ensures optimal convective heat transport and, hence, maximal penetration of hydrothermal circulation along the ridge axes. The oceanic crust is hydrated to a depth of a kilometer or more and can therefore carry a substantial flux of water to the upper mantle when it is subducted. The current ingassing rate of water by this process is probably at least sufficient to balance the outgassing rate. If the oceans were shallower, as they may have been in the distant past, convective heat transport would be reduced and the depth of hydrothermal penetration and crustal hydration would decrease. Outgassing would exceed ingassing and ocean volume would increase. The system is self-stabilizing as long as the depth of the oceans does not exceed its present value. This mechanism could explain why continental freeboard has remained approximately constant since the Archean despite probable increases in continental area.  相似文献   
详细评述了剪切带运动学和内部几何学研究的新进展。剪切带内的递进变形一般为三斜对称,单斜剪切带(包括简单剪切带)是特例情形。理论模拟表明,如同许多天然剪切带中所见到的,在三斜剪切带中,拉伸线理的方位可从近水平到平行于倾向连续变化。过去一般将拉伸线理的方向当作剪切运动方向的做法是以简单剪切模式为基础的,不适合于一般剪切带。在三斜剪切带中,拉伸线理和剪切方向之间不存在简单关系。然而,C面上的韧性滑动擦痕平行于剪切方向发育,是剪切方向的可靠标志。因此,在剪切带运动学解释中区分韧性滑动擦痕与拉伸线理非常重要。  相似文献   
Santo Antão, the northernmost island of the Cape Verde Archipelago, consists entirely of silica-undersaturated volcanic products and minor intrusions. 40Ar–39Ar incremental heating experiments have been carried out on 24 samples that cover the entire exposed chronological sequence. The oldest lavas (7.57±0.56 Ma), representing an older volcanic basement, are exposed about 620 m above mean sea level. After an interval of quiescence of up to 4.3 Ma the volcanic activity resumed and continued at low eruption rates. The older basement is unconformably overlain by a ca. 810-m-thick lava sequence that spans an age range from 2.93±0.03 to 1.18±0.01 Ma. This sequence is cut by many dykes and sills. Simultaneous volcanic activity occurred in the northeastern, central and eastern part of the island. A phonolitic pumice deposit that forms a noteworthy feature over most of the island has an estimated age of 0.20 Ma. This predates volcanic activity that formed the highest point of the island (Tope de Coroa) which has an age of 0.17±0.02 Ma. The most recent eruption on the island formed nephelinitic lavas in the Porto Novo region at 0.09±0.03 Ma. The oldest volcanism exposed on Santo Antão, which took place about 7.6 Ma ago, was simultaneous with waning activity on Maio at the eastern end of the Cape Verde Archipelago.  相似文献   
A simple method for application in source potential mapping is used to assess the original oil and gas potentials in source rock horizons based upon Rock-Eval potential (S2) and total organic carbon (TOC) values. The method assumes that kerogens consist of mixtures of end-members with assigned hydrogen index values. Based on suggested algorithms, the average amounts of oil-prone, gas-prone and inert organic material over source rock intervals are determined in TOC units. The method uses regression lines from plots of remaining hydrocarbon potentials (S2) versus total organic carbon (TOC), and “quick-look” transparent overlays are used to read the appropriate kerogen mixture.Mineral matrix effects during pyrolysis, when strong, can cause erroneous results. This effect which occurs for oil-prone kerogens and adsorptive minerals can cause problems particularly for lean samples (S2 = 0–3 mg HC/g rock) whilst the errors for richer samples are less.The method is applied on three sections of Upper Jurassic organic-rich rocks from the Danish North Sea sector, which are at different maturity stages. One of these sections is dominated by gas-prone material, one is dominated by oil-prone material and the third section contains a mixture of oil- and gas-prone material.The method has been compared with other methods that split kerogens in oil and gas generating potential and has given reasonable results.Experience using the method and a presented example suggest that sedimentological, system tract information may be derived from S2 to TOC cross-plots. A constructed modelling example suggests that the end-member concept used in this approach may be used in forward type source rock prediction models when combined with sedimentological models. The resulting S2–TOC plots can be used in order to check the forward modelling results against observed values.  相似文献   
A Fourier transformation of the magnetic field from a magnetized sphere allows a particularly simple interpretation of the parameters of the sphere. The depth to the centre and total magnetic moments of the sphere are related to the intercept and slope of the power spectrum. The horizontal centre and direction of magnetization are related to slope and intercept of the phase spectra in two perpendicular, horizontal directions. Examples with artificial data contaminated by various noise components are presented.  相似文献   
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