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Exsolution systems in synthetic pyroxenes were studied by transmission electron microscopy. An iron free sample En80Wo20 was prepared by devitrifying glass at 1300°C. Samples with bulk composition En50Fs30Wo20 and En35Fs38Wo27 were given various but well-defined heat treatments. The exsolution systems observed cannot unambiguously be related to the heat treatment. Periodic lamellar exsolution was observed parallel to (001) and (100) with sharp satellite reflections in the diffraction diagram. In more complex exsolution systems coarse (100) lamellae were found together with fine lamellae parallel to (001) and (100). An unusual phenomenon occurs at a (100) twin boundary where both individuals display exsolution lamellae parallel to (001). Pigeonite lamellae in one twin meet augite lamellae of the other individual at the twin boundary and vice-versa. The precise matching is achieved by a change in width near the boundary. Smoothly curved phase boundaries are developed in the obtuse angle of crosshatched (100) and (001) pigeonite lamellae in augite, whereas the boundaries in the acute angle are straight with sharp edges. This is consistent with elastic energy constraints.  相似文献   
The potential for marsh plants to be vectors in the transport of mercury species was studied in the natural, mature, tidal China Camp salt marsh on San Pablo Bay. The fluxes of organic matter, mercury (THg), and monomethylmercury (MeHg) were studied in natural stands of Spartina foliosa and Salicornia virginica. Seasonal fluxes from the sediment into aboveground biomass of live plants and subsequent transfer into the dead plant community by mortality were measured. Loss of THg and MeHg from the dead plant community through fragmentation, leaching, and excretion were calculated and were similar to net uptake. Seasonal data were added up to calculate annual mass balances. In S. foliosa, annual net production was 1,757 g DW m?2, and the annual net uptakes in the aboveground biomass were 305 μg THg m?2 and 5.720 μg MeHg m?2. In S. virginica, annual net production was 2,117 g DW m?2, and the annual net uptakes in aboveground biomass were 99.120 μg THg m?2 and 1.990 μg MeHg m?2. Of both plant species studied, S. foliosa had a slightly lower production rate but greater mercury species uptake and loss rates than S. virginica, and, consequently, it is to be expected that S. foliosa matter may affect the local and possibly the regional food web relatively more than S. virginica. However, the actual effects of the input of mercury-species-containing plant-derived particulate matter into the food webs would depend on trophic level, food preference, seasonal cycle of the consumer, total sediment surface area vegetated, location of the vegetation in the marsh landscape, and estuary bay landscape. Since the levels of mercury species in dead plant material greatly exceed those in live plant material (on a dry weight basis), detritivores would ingest greater mercury species concentrations than herbivores, and consumers of S. foliosa would ingest more than consumers of S. virginica. The greatest THg and MeHg losses of both plant species due to mortality and to fragmentation–leaching–excretion occurred in late spring and early autumn, which corresponds to peak MeHg levels observed in sediments of coastal systems of previous studies, suggesting enhanced THg–MeHg export from the marsh to the nearshore sediment.  相似文献   
This paper numerically investigates the slurry shield tunneling in fully saturated soils with different hydraulic conductivities in short- and long-term scales. A fully coupled hydromechanical three-dimensional model that accounts for the main aspects of tunnel construction and the hydromechanical interactions due to tunneling process is developed. An elasto-plastic constitutive model obeying a double hardening rule, namely hardening soil model, is employed in the numerical simulations. The research mainly focuses on assessing the influence of soil hydraulic conductivity and the method to simulate backfill grouting in the tail void on the evolution of ground subsidence, excess pore water pressure and lining forces. Two different consolidation schemes have been taken into account to computationally address the tunnel construction in soil with low and high hydraulic conductivities. In addition, different methods are employed to simulate the tail void grouting as a hydromechanical boundary condition and to study its effects on the model responses. Finally, the influences of infiltration of the fluidized particles of grouting suspension into the surrounding soil and its corresponding time–space hydraulic conductivity evolution on the displacements and lining forces are studied.  相似文献   
Stable organic carbon and nitrogen isotopes can be used to interpret past vegetation patterns and ecosystem qualities. Here we present these proxies for two loess-palaeosol sequences from the southern Carpathian Basin to reconstruct the palaeoenvironment during the past 350 ka and establish regional commonalities and differences. Before now, isotopic studies on loess sequences from this region were only conducted on deposits from the last glacial cycle. We conducted methodological tests involving the complete decalcification of the samples prior to stable isotope analyses. Two decalcification methods (fumigation method and wet chemical acidification), different treatment times, and the reproducibility of carbon isotope analyses were tested. Obtained results indicate that the choice of the decalcification method is important for organic carbon stable isotope analyses of loess-palaeosol sequences because ratios vary by more than 10‰ between the wet chemical and fumigation methods, due to incomplete carbonate removal by the latter. Therefore, we suggest avoiding the fumigation method for studies on loess-palaeosol sequences. In addition, our data show that samples with TOC content <0.2% bear increased potential for misinterpretation of their carbon isotope ratios. For our sites, C3-vegetation is predominant and no palaeoenvironmental shifts leading to a change of the dominant photosynthesis pathway can be detected during the Middle to Late Pleistocene. Furthermore, the importance of further stable nitrogen isotope studies is highlighted, since this proxy seems to reflect past precipitation patterns and reveals favourable conditions in the southern Carpathian Basin, especially during interstadials.  相似文献   
Active Long Path Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (LP-DOAS) measurements of halogen oxides were conducted at Masaya Volcano, in Nicaragua from April 14 to 26, 2007. The active LP-DOAS system allowed night-time halogen measurements and reduced the ClO detection limit by an order of magnitude when compared to previous passive DOAS measurements, as wavelengths below 300 nm could be used for the DOAS retrievals. BrO was detected with an average BrO/SO2 molecular ratio of approximately 3 × 10−5 during the day. However, BrO values were below the detection limit of the instrument for all night-time measurements, a strong indication that BrO is not directly emitted, but rather the result of photochemical formation in the plume itself according to the autocatalytic “bromine explosion” mechanism. Despite the increased sensitivity, both ClO and OClO could not be detected. The achieved upper limits for the X/SO2 ratios were 5 × 10−3 and 7 × 10−6, respectively. A rough calculation suggests that ClO and OClO should be present at similar abundances in volcanic plumes. Since the DOAS technique is orders of magnitude more sensitive for OClO than for ClO, this indicates that OClO should always be detectable in plumes in which ClO is found. However, further LP-DOAS studies are needed to conclusively clarify the role of chlorine oxides in volcanic plumes.  相似文献   
Aromatic sulfonates can be found in drinking water. Thus, they must have passed water treatment and survived ozonation. Degradation of aromatic sulfonates can be achieved by the UV/H2O2‐process. Since drinking water is often treated with chlorine as a disinfectant, the formation of disinfection by‐products has to be considered. Therefore, the production of AOX (on activated carbon adsorbable organic halogens) after chlorination of the sulfonates with and without preoxidation was investigated. Instead of the analysis of the individual degradation products, the determination of the sum parameter AOX was used as a fast screening method. The investigated sulfonates were: anthraquinone‐2‐sulfonate, naphthalene‐2‐sulfonate, 2‐aminonaphthalene‐1‐sulfonate, and 4,4′‐diaminostilbene‐2,2′‐disulfonate. All sulfonates containing amino groups showed high potentials of AOX formation. The preoxidation with ozone increased the potentials of AOX formation in general. Treating the sulfonates by using the UV/H2O2‐process, the formation potentials run to zero after going through a maximum value.  相似文献   
In interconnected microcracks, or in microcracks connected to spherical pores, the deformation associated with the passage of mechanical waves can induce fluid flow parallel to the crack walls, which is known as squirt flow. This phenomenon can also occur at larger scales in hydraulically interconnected mesoscopic cracks or fractures. The associated viscous friction causes the waves to experience attenuation and velocity dispersion. We present a simple hydromechanical numerical scheme, based on the interface-coupled Lamé–Navier and Navier–Stokes equations, to simulate squirt flow in the frequency domain. The linearized, quasi-static Navier–Stokes equations describe the laminar flow of a compressible viscous fluid in conduits embedded in a linear elastic solid background described by the quasi-static Lamé–Navier equations. Assuming that the heterogeneous model behaves effectively like a homogeneous viscoelastic medium at a larger spatial scale, the resulting attenuation and stiffness modulus dispersion are computed from spatial averages of the complex-valued, frequency-dependent stress and strain fields. An energy-based approach is implemented to calculate the local contributions to attenuation that, when integrated over the entire model, yield results that are identical to those based on the viscoelastic assumption. In addition to thus validating this assumption, the energy-based approach allows for analyses of the spatial dissipation patterns in squirt flow models. We perform simulations for a series of numerical models to illustrate the viability and versatility of the proposed method. For a 3D model consisting of a spherical crack embedded in a solid background, the characteristic frequency of the resulting P-wave attenuation agrees with that of a corresponding analytical solution, indicating that the dissipative viscous flow problem is appropriately handled in our numerical solution of the linearized, quasi-static Navier–Stokes equations. For 2D models containing either interconnected cracks or cracks connected to a circular pore, the results are compared with those based on Biot's poroelastic equations of consolidation, which are solved through an equivalent approach. Overall, our numerical simulations and the associated analyses demonstrate the suitability of the coupled Lamé–Navier and Navier–Stokes equations and of Biot's equations for quantifying attenuation and dispersion for a range of squirt flow scenarios. These analyses also allow for delineating numerical and physical limitations associated with each set of equations.  相似文献   
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