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The sulfide and sulfate contents and their δ34S values were determined in Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Japanese Islands Arc. The total sulfur contents are much lower (less than 40 ppm) and the δ34S values are higher (+4.4 ± 2.1) than those of ocean-floor basalts (800 ± 100 ppm and +0.8 ± 0.5, respectively; Moore and Fabbi, 1971; Sakaiet al., 1982). Lateral variations of both sulfur content and δ34S values were observed in the four volcanic belts in Japan. In the Northeast Japan belt, the sulfur content (30 ± 10 ppm) of the rocks in the inner zone (the Japan Sea side) is 3 to 5 times that in the outer zone (the Pacific side), although the δ34S values of the two zones are almost the same (+4.3 ± 1.0). The δ34S values for the two belts in West Japan are on the average 2%. higher than those of East Japan.This study suggests that the primary magmas that formed the island arc volcanic rocks are initially depleted in sulfur (<120 ppm) and enriched in 34S (δ34S: +5 ~ +7) compared to ocean-floor tholeiitic basalts which formed at mantle under oceanic region. This indicates that the upper-mantle is heterogeneous in sulfur content and isotope composition.  相似文献   
Abstract: Pyrite rich in Zn, up to 3.1 wt%, was found in the TAG active mound of the TAG hydrothermal field, the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 26°08'N and 44°49'W. The Zn-rich pyrite is characterized by an optical homogeneity, a homogeneous distribution of Zn in the back-scattered electron images, both at a magnification of about 500, a negative correlation between Fe and Zn contents of the pyrite and a rather small unit cell edge (a0 = 5.4117 ± 0.0008Å), strongly indicating that the detected Zn is present in the pyrite in solid solution. Such Zn concentrations are observed exclusively in dendritic pyrite, suggesting that the Znrich pyrite grew from hydrothermal fluids of a high degree of supersaturation due to quenching on the seafloor.  相似文献   
A shock-wave heating model is one of the possible models for chondrule formation. We examine, within the framework of a shock-wave heating model, the effects of evaporation on the heating of chondrule precursor particles and the stability of their molten state in the postshock flow. We numerically simulate the heating process in the flow taking into account evaporation. We find that the melting criterion and the minimum radius criterion do not change significantly. However, if the latent heat cooling due to the evaporation dominates the radiative cooling from the precursor particle, the peak temperature of the precursor particle is suppressed by a few hundred Kelvins. We also find that the total gas pressure (ram plus static) acting on the precursor particle exceeds the vapor pressure of the molten precursor particle. Therefore, it is possible to form chondrules in the shock-wave heating model if the precursor temperature increases up to the melting point.  相似文献   
Oxygen isotope exchange between anhydrite and water was studied from 100 to 550°C, using the partial equilibrium method. The exchange rate was extremely low in NaCl solution. In the lower-temperature range, acid solutions were used to produce sufficient reaction to determine the oxygen isotope fractionation factors. The fractionation factors obtained in the present study are definitely different from those given by Lloyd [8]. They are similar to those for the HSO4?-water system studied by Mizutani and Rafter [19], and are consistently 2‰ higher than those of the barite-water system by Kusakabe and Robinson [5]. The temperature dependence of the oxygen isotope fractionation factors was calculated by the least squares method in which the weight was taken to be inversely proportional to the experimental error. The fractionation is given by:103lnαanhydrite-water=3.21×(103/T)2?4.72Available δ18O values of natural anhydrite were used to test the validity of this expression. It is shown that this newly revised geothermometer can be successfully applied to natural hydrothermal anhydrite.  相似文献   
Antiphase domains (APD's) of pigeonite lamellae in natural and heated augite crystals from the Hakonetoge andesite have been examined by a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Antiphase boundaries (APB's) of the pigeonite lamellae in natural specimens have a sigmoidal shape cutting the c axis in (010) sections. APB's in specimens heated at temperatures above the high-low inversion and then quenched are nearly parallel to the c axis with almost straight boundaries. These observations indicate that the preferred orientation of APB's in (010) sections depends on cooling rate; at fast colling rates the APB's are nearly parallel to the c axis, whereas at slower cooling rates they are inclined to the c axis. The cooling rate of the natural augite specimen from Hakonetoge is estimated to be about 0.01 °C/h from the experimentally determined time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagram for the APB orientations. APD sizes are large in specimens quenched from above the inversion temperature; they are at a minimum after cooling rates of around 1–0.1 °C/h, and then become larger with slower cooling rates.  相似文献   
Results of impact fragmentation experiments for basalts and pyrophyllites are reported. Aluminum cylindrical projectiles were impacted on cubic basalt and pyrophyllite targets at velocities of 70 to 990 m/sec. The targets and projectiles were 20 g to 3.3 kg and 2 to 20 g in weight respectively. Weights of the fragments produced by impacts were measured and the size distributions of fragments were examined. Data of the largest fragment mass (mL) normalized to the original target mass (Mt), mL/Mt, correlate better with the nondimensional impact stress, PI, a new scaling parameter introduced by H. Mizutani, Y. Takagi, and S. Kawakami (1984, in preparation) than the conventional projectile's kinetic energy per unit target mass, E/Mt, used in the previous studies. All the mL/Mt data for basalts obtained in the present study are summarized by mL/Mt = 2.95 × 10?2PI?1 where PI = P0L3/YR3, P0 = peak shock pressure, L = projectile size, R = target size and Y = material strength of target. For aluminum targets, however, the mL/Mt is 2.5 orders of magnitude larger than that for brittle targets at impacts with the same PI. Size distributions of fragments expressed in a log N - log (m/Mt) diagram divided into three regimes bounded by two inflection points. In each regime the curve is expressed by N (>mMt) = A (mMt)?a. The slopes, a, of the log N - log (mMt) curves in the regimes of a large and a medium size range are positively correlated with the nondimensional impact stress, PI, and expressed as a = C3 + a3log PI. The slopes, a, in the smallest size range are, on the other hand, nearly constant and have values of 0.5 to 0.7 (12?23). Present results indicate that the impact fragmentation is scaled well by the new scaling parameter, PI, of Mizutani, Takagi, and Kawakami and that the present experimental data may shed new light on planetary impact processes.  相似文献   
An ASCA observation of the Jovian impact of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 is reported. Four impacts of H, L, Q1 and R were observed and four impacts of B, C, G, and Q2 were observed within 60 minutes after their impacts. No significant flaring of X-ray emission was observed. Upper limit X-ray fluxes of 90 % confidence level, averaged 5 minutes just after the impacts, were 2.4 × 10–13 erg sec–1 cm–2, 3.5 × 10–13 erg sec–1 cm–2, 1.6 × 10–13 erg sec–1 cm–2 and 2.9 × 10–13 erg sec–1 cm–2 for the impacts of H, L, Q1 and R, respectively, in the 0.5(0.7 for H and Q1)–10 keV energy range. However, a hint of X-ray enhancement around Jupiter from July 17 to July 19 was detected with about 2 6 × 10–14 erg sec–1 cm–2 in the 0.5–10 keV energy range.  相似文献   
Numerical integration of the gravitational N-body problem has been carried out for a variety of photoplanetary clusters in the range N = 100 to 200. Particles are assumed to coagulate at collisions irrespective of relative velocity and mass ratio of the particles. It is shown graphically how the dispersed N-bodies accumulate to a single planet through mutual collisions. The velocity distribution and size distribution of bodies are also investigated as functions of time in the accretion process. The root mean square velocity of bodies in a cluster increases with time in an early stage of accretion but decreases with time in a late stage of accretion. Accretion rates of planets are found to be dependent strongly on the initial number density distribution, the initial size distribution, and the initial velocity distribution of bodies. Formation of satellites of about 10% in the planet mass is common to most cases in the present study. A substantial mass of bodies also escapes from the cluster. Many satellites and escapers formed during the accretion process of planets may be source materials of heavy bombardment in the early history of planets.  相似文献   
Thermal measurements and hydrate mapping in the vicinity of the K-2 mud volcano in Lake Baikal have revealed a particular type of association of thermal anomalies (29–121?mW?m–2) near hydrate-forming layers. Detailed coring within K-2 showed that hydrates are restricted to two distinct zones at sub-bottom depths exceeding 70–300?cm. Temperature data from stations with hydrate recovery and degassing features all display low thermal gradients. Otherwise, the thermal gradients within the mud volcano are generally increased. These findings imply a more complicated thermal regime than often assumed for mud volcanoes, with important roles for both fluids and hydrates. The coexistence of neighbouring low and high thermal anomalies is interpreted to result from discharging and recharging fluid activity, rather than hydrate thermodynamics. It is suggested that hydrates play a key role in controlling the fluid circulation pattern at an early stage. At a later stage, the inflow of undersaturated lake water would favour the dissolution of structure I hydrates and the formation of structure II hydrates, the latter having been observed on top of structure I hydrates in the K-2 mud volcano.  相似文献   
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