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The Sakhalin Slope Gas Hydrate Project (SSGH) is an international collaborative effort by scientists from Japan, Korea, and Russia to investigate natural gas hydrates (GHs) that have accumulated on the continental slope off Sakhalin Island, Okhotsk Sea. From 2009 to 2011, field operations of the SSGH-09, -10, and -11 projects were conducted. GH-bearing and -free sediment cores were retrieved using steel hydro- and gravity corers. The concentrations of sulfate ions in sediment pore waters were measured to investigate sulfate concentration–depth profiles. Seventeen cores showed linear depth profiles of sulfate concentrations. In contrast, eight cores and two cores showed concave-up and -down profiles plausibly explained by sudden increase and decrease in methane flux from below, respectively, presumably caused by the formation of gas hydrate adjacent to the core sampling sites.  相似文献   
The Grüneisen ratio, γ, is defined as γy=αK TV/Cv. The volume dependence of γ(V) is solved for a wide range in temperature. The volume dependence of αK T is solved from the identity (? ln(αK T)/? ln V)Tδ T-K′. α is the thermal expansivity; K T is the bulk modulus; C V is specific heat; and δ Tand K′ are dimensionless thermoelastic constants. The approach is to find values of δ T and K′, each as functions of T and V. We also solve for q=(? ln γ/? ln V) where q=δ T -K′+ 1-(? ln C V/? ln V)T. Calculations are taken down to a compression of 0.6, thus covering all possible values pertaining to the earth's mantle, q=? ln γ/? ln V; δ T=? ln α/? ln V; and K′= (?K T/?P)T. New experimental information related to the volume dependence of δ T, q, K′ and C V was used. For MgO, as the compression, η=V/V 0, drops from 1.0 to 0.7 at 2000 K, the results show that q drops from 1.2 to about 0.8; δ T drops from 5.0 to 3.2; δ T becomes slightly less than K′; ? ln C V/? In V→0; and γ drops from 1.5 to about 1. These observations are all in accord with recent laboratory data, seismic observations, and theoretical results.  相似文献   
Ti-rich hydroandradite often occurs, though usually as a minor constituent, in serpentinized ultramafic rocks and associated gabbroic rocks of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt. The chemistry of the host rocks is commonly characterized by undersaturation with SiO2. Two Ti-rich hydroandradites from metasomatized gabbroic rocks of the Shibukawa area have been chemically analysed by the wet method. Mössbauer experiments indicate the presence of Fe3+ and Fe2+ in the octahedral sites of these Ti-rich hydroandradites. Wet chemical analyses for total reducing capacity of the present garnets by two different methods together with Mössbauer data imply the presence of octahedral Ti3+ in their structure. Ti-rich hydroandratites, apart from their hydrous property, have a similar crystal chemistry to natural Ti-rich andradites. Ti-rich hydroandradites were probably formed in rocks with unusual chemical compositions within a P-T region of 300–400° C and 4–7 kb under limited conditions of relatively low oxygen fugacity and low μCO2.  相似文献   
— Earthquake faultings have a wide variety of slip behaviors, such as, a log-linear frequency-magnitude relation, characteristic earthquakes, slow slip events, and so on. We report a model which can reproduce a certain variety of observed complex slip behaviors on a fault. Our 3-D model simulates the seismic cycle on a shallow dipping subduction fault in a homogeneous elastic half-space, on which frictional sliding is controlled by a rate- and state-dependent friction law. We find that the behaviors of reproduced seismic cycles depend on a lateral dimension of a seismogenic zone (H) with respect to a constant seismogenic width in dip direction (W). The following three domains appear in the seismic cycle behaviors: (1) Regular, periodic behaviors when H is comparable to W; (2) transitional, quasi-periodic behaviors when H/W~ 3; and (3) complex behaviors when H/W is larger than about 4. The slip behavior in the domain (1) is characterized by a periodical recurrence of a characteristic earthquake, which is centered in strike direction. In the domain (2), although earthquakes are still centered, these recurrence intervals and the sizes are modulated within a certain range. Also, in the domain (3), earthquakes occur not only at the center but at various lateral positions on the seismogenic zone. In this domain, the log-linear frequency-magnitude relations, like the Gutenberg-Richter relation, are produced. Slow slip events also occur at source areas of the earthquakes. It is suggested that a heterogeneous stress distribution at a source region is important, as well as heterogeneities in friction properties on the fault, for understanding the wide variety of slip behaviors in faultings.  相似文献   
在以往实验的基础上,跟踪调查了筛选出的化学诱导物质对紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis)幼虫变态后的生长和成活率的影响,并比较了其与相同条件下自然诱导物、微生物膜诱导后的稚贝的生长和成活率.实验结果表明,肾上腺素、苯肾上腺素、可乐宁、KCI和NH_4Cl 5种化学物质均成功地诱导了该种幼虫的变态,其变态后稚贝同微生物诱导变态后的稚贝以相同的速度生长,且在培育过程中无死亡稚贝出现.因此,这些化学物质可作为该种养殖以及海洋防污染研究中幼虫变态的有效人工诱导物.  相似文献   
An earthquake of Mw 9.0 struck the Pacific coast in northeast Japan on March 11, 2011 and was followed by a hugely damaging tsunami along 500 km of the Japanese coastline. An inland aftershock of M. 7.0 occurred on April 11; during which, surface fault ruptures appeared on land. A large variety of landslide disasters resulted from these earthquakes in various parts of northeastern Honshu, Japan. The full extent of the landslides is still being determined. This brief report introduces some of the landslide phenomena so far investigated by the Japanese Landslide Society. These are (1) failure of a water reservoir embankment dam in Sukagawa, Fukushima prefecture, (2) landslides and surface seismic fault rupture from the April 11 aftershock in Iwaki, Fukushima, (3) a concentration of surface failures at Matsushima Bay in Miyagi prefecture, and (4) small landslides on modified slopes in residential areas around Sendai city.  相似文献   
The failure of brittle materials, for example glasses and rock masses, is commonly observed to be discontinuous. It is, however, difficult to simulate these phenomena by use of conventional numerical simulation methods, for example the finite difference method or the finite element method, because of the presence of computational grids or elements artificially introduced before the simulation. It is, therefore, important for research on such discontinuous failures in science and engineering to analyze the phenomena seamlessly. This study deals with the coupled simulation of elastic wave propagation and failure phenomena by use of a moving particle semi-implicit (MPS) method. It is simple to model the objects of analysis because no grid or lattice structure is necessary. In addition, lack of a grid or lattice structure makes it simple to simulate large deformations and failure phenomena at the same time. We first compare analytical and MPS solutions by use of Lamb’s problem with different offset distances, material properties, and source frequencies. Our results show that analytical and numerical seismograms are in good agreement with each other for 20 particles in a minimum wavelength. Finally, we focus our attention on the Hopkinson effect as an example of failure induced by elastic wave propagation. In the application of the MPS, the algorithm is basically the same as in the previous calculation except for the introduction of a failure criterion. The failure criterion applied in this study is that particle connectivity must be disconnected when the distance between the particles exceeds a failure threshold. We applied the developed algorithm to a suspended specimen that was modeled as a long bar consisting of thousands of particles. A compressional wave in the bar is generated by an abrupt pressure change on one edge. The compressional wave propagates along the interior of the specimen and is visualized clearly. At the other end of the bar, the spalling of the bar is reproduced numerically, and a broken piece of the bar is formed and falls away from the main body of the bar. Consequently, these results show that the MPS method effectively reproduces wave propagation and failure phenomena at the same time.  相似文献   
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