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Southern Okinawa Trough represents an early stage of back-arc rifting and is characterized by normal faulting and microearthquakes. Earthquake distribution and deep structure of fault was investigated to clarify active rifting in the southern Okinawa Trough, where two parallel grabens are located. A network of ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) that displayed the hypocenters of 105 earthquakes were observed for a period of 4 days in southern-graben (SG). Most of the microearthquakes occurred in a cluster about 7 km wide, which on a cross-section striking N45°E dips 48° to the southwest. Relocated hypocenters, which are recorded by a local seismic network, show scattered distribution around the southern-graben. There are no remarkable surface faults in the southern-graben. On the other hand, the recalculation of hypocenter locations of 1996 earthquakes swarm recorded by a local seismic network suggests that the swarm is associated with normal faulting on the southern side of northern-graben (NG). Thus, the undeveloped southern-graben is located to the south of the developed northern-graben. Southward migration of rifting, which may be caused by migration of volcanism, could thus be occurring in the southern Okinawa Trough. The extension rate computed for the southern Okinawa Trough from the fault model of the northern-graben is 4.6 cm/year, which is 59–102% of the extension rate (GPS measurements). This result indicates that the majority of extensional deformation is concentrated within the center of the northern-graben in the Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   
Synthetic (Mg0.51, Mn0.49)2SiO4 olivine samples are heat-treated at three different pressures; 0, 8 and 12 GPa, all at the same temperature (~500° C). X-ray structure analyses on these single crystals are made in order to see the pressure effect on cation distribution. The intersite distribution coefficient of Mg and Mn in M1 and M2 sites, K D = (Mn/Mg) M1/(Mn/Mg) M2, of these samples are 0.192 (0 GPa), 0.246 (8 GPa) and 0.281 (12 GPa), indicating cationic disordering with pressure. The small differences of cell dimensions between these samples are determined by powder X-ray diffraction. Cell dimensions b and c decrease, whereas a increases with pressure of equilibration. Cell volume decreases with pressure as a result of a large contraction of the b cell dimension. The effect of pressure on the free energy of the cation exchange reaction is evaluated by the observed relation between the cell volume and the site occupancy numbers. The magnitude of the pressure effect on cation distribution is only a fifth of that predicted from the observed change in volume combined with thermodynamic theory. This phenomenon is attributed to nonideality in this solid solution, and nonideal parameters are required to describe cation distribution determined in the present and previous experiments. We use a five-parameter equation to specify the cationic equilibrium on the basic of thermodynamic theory. It includes one energy parameter of ideal mixing, two parameters for nonideal effects, one volume parameter, and one thermal parameter originated from the lattice vibrational energy. The present data combined with some of the existing data are used to determine the five parameters, and the cation distribution in Mg-Mn olivine is described as a function of temperature, pressure, and composition. The basic framework of describing the cationic behavior in olivine-type mineral is worked out, although the result is preliminary: each of the determined parameters is not accurate enough to enable us to make a reliable prediction.  相似文献   
Abstract— Chemical structures of the insoluble organic matter (IOM) from the Antarctic CM2 chondrites (Yamato [Y‐] 791198, 793321; Belgica [B‐] 7904; Asuka [A‐] 881280, 881334) and the Murchison meteorite were analyzed by solid‐state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Different types of carbons were characterized, such as aliphatic carbon (Ali‐C), aliphatic carbon linked to hetero atom (Hetero‐Ali‐C), aromatic carbon (Aro‐C), carboxyls (COOR), and carbonyls (C=O). The spectra of the IOM from Murchison and Y‐791198 showed two major peaks: Ali‐C and Aro‐C, while the spectra from the other meteorites showed only one major peak of Aro‐C. Carbon distribution was determined both by manual integration and deconvolution. For most IOM, the Aro‐C was the most abundant (49.8–67.8%) of all carbon types. When the ratios of Ali‐C to Aro‐C (Ali/Aro) were plotted with the atomic hydrogen to carbon ratio (H/C), a correlation was observed. If we use the H/C as a parameter for the thermal alteration event on the meteorite parent body, this result shows a different extent of thermal alteration. In addition, IOM with a lower Ali/Aro showed a lower ratio of Ali‐C to COOR plus C=O (Ali / (COOR + C=O)). This result suggests that the ratio of CO moieties to aliphatic carbon in IOM might reflect chemical oxidation that was involved in hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have investigated 10 new specimens of the Millbillillie eucrite to study its textures and mineral compositions by electron probe microanalyser and scanning electron microscope. Although originally described as having fine-grained texture, the new specimens show diversity of texture. The compositions (Mg/Fe ratios) of the host pigeonites and augite lamellae are homogeneous, respectively, in spite of the textural variation. In addition to their chemical homogeneity, pyroxenes in coarse and fine-grained clasts are partly inverted to orthopyroxene. Chemical zoning of plagioclase during crystal growth is preserved. This eucrite includes areas of granulitic breccias and impact melts. Large scale textures show a subparallel layering suggesting incomplete mixing and deposition of impact melt and lithic fragments. An 39Ar-40Ar age determination for a coarse-grained clast indicates a strong degassing event at 3.55 ± 0.02 Ga. We conclude that Millbillillie is among the most equilibrated eucrites produced by thermal annealing after impact brecciation. According to the classification of impact breccias, Millbillillie can be classified as a mixture of granulitic breccias and impact melts. The last significant thermal event is characterized by network-like glassy veins that run through clasts and matrices. Consideration of textural observations and requirements for Ar-degassing suggests that the 39Ar-40Ar age could in principle date either the earilier brecciation and annealing event or the event which produced the veins.  相似文献   
The large microwave burst of 1981 April 1, which was accompanied by both hard X-ray and γ-ray emissions, was analyzed to study the acceleration of particles in the impulsive phase. The analysis suggests the following results. (1) Electrons were accelerated up to energies of several hundred keV in a low loop. On the other hand, electrons were accelerated to relativistic energy without injection of pre-accelerated electrons near the top of a large loop where energetic ions were also probably accelerated. (2) The mechanism for accelerating electrons to relativistic energy and also ions was different from that for accelerating electrons up to energies of several hundred KeV and was closely related with upward motion of a flare loop.  相似文献   
The abundances of rare earth elements in 5 each of aphyric volcanic rocks of pigeonitic and hypersthenic rock series from Izu-Hakone region have been determined by neutron activation analysis. Pigeonitic rock series show rare earth patterns with relative depletion of lighter rare earths (low lanthanum type) and large increase in rare earth abundances with differentiation. Hypersthenic rock series show higher lanthanum abundances (high lanthanum type) compared with pigeonitic rock series. The differences in rare earth patterns between two rock series are compatible with the theory of independent magmatic generation of these two series. Variation of rare earth patterns in both series have been examined by a model of magmatic differentiation based on the observed rare earth partition coefficients.  相似文献   
Néel temperature (Tm N of α-Fe2SiO4 (fayalite) was measured as a function of pressure by means of Mössbauer spectroscopy in the pressure range 0–16 Gpa. High pressure was generated using a clamp-type miniature diamond anvil cell which was inserted into a cryostat. The Néel temperature increased linearly with increasing pressure at a rate of dT N /dp=2.2±0.2 K/GPa. The result is discussed on the basis of the model proposed for the magnetic structure of fayalite by Santoro et al. (1966). The observed dT N /dp suggests that the superexchange interactions vary as the ?10/3 power of the volume while the volume dependence of the direct exchange interactions is positive and small.  相似文献   
A photochemical box model is used to simulate seasonal variations in concentrations of sulfur compounds at latitude 40° S. It is assumed that the hydroxyl radical (OH) addition reaction to sulfur in the dimethyl sulfide (DMS) molecule is the predominant pathway for methanesulfonic acid (MSA) production, and that the rate constant increases as the air temperature decreases. Concentration of the nitrate radical (NO3) is a function of the DMS flux, because the reaction of DMS with NO3 is the most important loss mechanism of NO3. While the diurnally averaged concentration of OH in winter is a factor of about 8 smaller than in summer, due to the weak photolysis process, the diurnally averaged concentration of NO3 in winter is a factor of about 4–5 larger than in summer, due to the decrease of DMS flux. Therefore, at middle and high latitudes in winter, atmospheric DMS is mainly oxidized by the reaction with NO3. The calculated ratio of the MSA to SO2 production rates is smaller in winter than in summer, and the MSA to non-sea-salt sulfate (nssSO4 2-) molar ratio varies seasonally. This result agrees with data on the seasonal variation of the MSA/nssSO4 2- molar ratio obtained at middle and high latitudes. The calculations indicate that during winter the reaction of DMS with NO3 is likely to be a more important sink of NOx (NO+NO2) than the reaction of NO2 with OH, and to serve as a significant pathway of the HNO3 production. If dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is produced through the OH addition reaction and is heterogeneously oxidized in aqueous solutions, half of the nssSO4 2- produced in summer may be through the oxidation process of DMSO. It is necessary to further investigate the oxidation products by the reaction of DMS with OH, and the possibility of the reaction of DMS with NO3 during winter.  相似文献   
Abstract. The petrography, chemical, fluid inclusion and isotope analyses (O, Rb-Sr) were conducted for the shale samples of the Mount McRae Shale collected from the Tom Price, Newman, and Paraburdoo mines in the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia. The Mount McRae Shale at these mines occurs as a footwall unit of the secondary, hematite-rich iron ores derived from the Brockman Iron Formation, one of the largest banded iron formations (BIFs) in the world. Unusually low contents of Na, Ca, and Sr in the shales suggest that these elements were leached away from the shale after deposition. The δ18O (SMOW) values fall in the range of + 15.0 to +17.9 per mil and show the positive correlation with calculated quartz/sericite ratios of the shale samples. This suggests that the oxygen isotopic compositions of shale samples were homogenized and equilibrated by postdepositional event. The pyrite nodules hosted by shales are often rimmed by thin layers of silica of varying crystallinity. Fluid inclusions in quartz crystals rimming a pyrite nodule show homogenization temperatures ranging from 100 to 240C for 47 inclusions and salinities ranging from 0.4 to 12.3 wt% NaCl equivalent for 18 inclusions. These fluid inclusion data give direct evidence for the hydrothermal activity and are comparable to those of the vein quartz collected from the BIF-derived secondary iron ores (Taylor et al, 2001). The Rb-Sr age for the Mount McRae Shale is 1,952 ± 289 Ma and at least 200 million years younger than the depositional age of the Brockman Iron Formation of ∼ 2.5 Ga in age. All the data obtained in this study are consistent with the suggestion that high temperature hydrothermal fluids were responsible for both the secondary iron ore formation and the alteration of the Mount McRae Shale.  相似文献   
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