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More than 5000 km3 of magmatic material was erupted in Pliocene-Pleistocene times in a volcano-tectonic depression, i. e., the Hohi volcanic zone (HVZ) in central Kyushu, Japan. The eruptive deposits consist mainly of andesite lava flows and large-scale pyroclastic-flow deposits. Their eruptions were accompanied by the formation of an EW-oriented graben (70 km × 45 km) under regional NS extensional stress. Pre-Tertiary basement rocks are absent on the surface of the graben but occur at depth, having subsided up to 3 km. Radiometric ages of volcanic rocks on the surface show zoned isochrons from 5 Ma at the margin to 0.3 Ma in the center of the HVZ. The youngest center of age zonation coincides with a 30 mgal negative Bouguer gravity anomaly. Radiometric ages of rocks from drill cores are older toward the bottom of the graben, reaching a maximum of at least 4 Ma. Volcanic activity concentrated over time toward the center of the graben and buried successively erupted material. Areas of active volcanism in the HVZ became smaller and changed in style during the 5-Ma history of activity. Volcanism of the early stage (5-2 Ma) was characterized by voluminous eruptions of andesitic lava flows that formed lava plateaus and were intruded by EW-oriented feeder dikes, perhaps related to fissure eruptions. In contrast, late-stage volcanism (2-0 Ma) resulted primarily in andesitic to dacitic lava domes with features of monogenetic volcanoes produced at low eruption rates. The HVZ shows unimodal volcanism dominated by andesitic and dacitic lavas with a small amount of rhyolite and only traces of basalt; these characteristics differ from those that typify volcanism in most other extensional areas. Erupted material in the HVZ is of the calc-alkali and high-alkali tholeiite series and shows no significant chemical changes over 5 Ma, except for an increase in K2O after 1.6 Ma. The net horizontal displacement along normal faults indicates that the HVZ widened by about 10%–20% across the graben at an average rate of 0.1 cm/yr. I interpret the HVZ to be neither a pull-apart structure of the pre-Tertiary basement nor the result of propagation of the Okinawa Trough, but rather the earliest stage of rifting when vertical subsidence caused by normal faulting is compensated by filling with volcanic material.  相似文献   
Material cored during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 310 ‘Tahiti Sea Level’ revealed that the fossil reef systems around Tahiti are composed of two major stratigraphic sequences: (i) a last deglacial sequence; and (ii) an older Pleistocene sequence. The older Pleistocene carbonate sequence is composed of reef deposits associated with volcaniclastic sediments and was preserved in Hole 310‐M0005D drilled off Maraa. Within an approximately 70‐m‐thick older Pleistocene sequence (33.22–101.93 m below seafloor; 92.85–161.56 m below present sealevel) in this hole, 11 depositional units are defined by lithological changes, sedimentological features, and paleontological characteristics and are numbered sequentially from the top of the hole downward (Subunits P1–P11). Paleowater depths inferred from nongeniculate coralline algae, combined with those determined by using corals and larger foraminifers, suggest two major sealevel rises during the deposition of the older Pleistocene sequence. Of these, the second sealevel rise is associated with an intervening sealevel drop. It is likely that the second sealevel rise corresponds to that during Termination II (TII, the penultimate deglaciation, from Marine Isotope Stages 6 to 5e). Therefore, the intervening sealevel drop can be correlated with that known as the ‘sealevel reversal’ during TII. Because there are limited data on the Pleistocene reef systems in the tropical South Pacific Ocean, this study provides important information about Pleistocene sealevel history, the evolution of coral reef ecosystems, and the responses of coral reefs to Quaternary climate changes.  相似文献   
The variation of displacement along fifteen traces of minor normal faults was measured in the multilayered Quaternary sediments of Kyushu, Japan. In the diagrams of distance along a fault trace (L) vs displacement (D) two distinct types of faults, a cone-shaped L-D pattern (C-type) and mesa-shaped one (M-type), were detected. Because the L-D pattern is subject to slip-parallel strain in the wall rocks, a D-constant pattern is ascribed to the competent (rigid) material and a D-variable pattern is found in the incompetent material. Therefore, C-type faults are characteristic of homogeneous incompetent materials, whereas M-types are representative of faults that cut through a rigid unit. However, the steep slopes in the flanking sections of M-type patterns indicate that the faulting of a rigid unit should terminate in a strain absorber of incompetent materials. The concept of lithologic control in the L-D pattern is important for the better understanding of faulting processes as well as the localization of faults.  相似文献   
Boundary-Layer Meteorology - Known as the heat-mitigation effect, irrigated rice-paddy fields distribute a large fraction of their received energy to the latent heat during the growing season. The...  相似文献   
Analytical data of rare earth elements (REEs) are presented for six new standard rock samples (JB-2, JB-3, JR-1, JR-2, JA-1, and JGb-1) issued by the Geological Survey of Japan. These data have been simultaneously determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry.  相似文献   
Drill-hole, geochronologic, and gravity data identify the buried Shishimuta caldera beneath post-caldera lava domes and lacustrine deposits in the center of the Hohi volcanic zone. The caldera is the source of the Yabakei pyroclastic flow, which erupted 1.0 Ma ago with a bulk volume of 110 km3. The caldera is a breccia-filled funnel-shaped depression 8 km wide and > 3 km deep with a V-shaped negative Bouguer gravity anomaly up to 36 mgal. Neither ring vents nor resurgence was recognized; instead, post-caldera monogenetic volcanism in an extensional setting dominated the area. The andesitic breccia has a relatively low density and fills the caldera; it possibly formed by fragmentation of disrupted roof rock during the violent Yabakei eruption and related collapse. Fewer normal faults and shallow microearthquakes occur inside the caldera than around it, possibly because rocks beneath the caldera are structurally incoherent. A profile of Shishimuta caldera may be more elongated vertically, and have a more intensely fractured zone, than that of a Valles-type caldera.  相似文献   
The chronology of deposits of the 1976 eruption of Augustine volcano, which produced pyroclastic falls, pyroclastic flows, and lava domes, is determined by correlating the stratigraphy with published records of seismicity, plume observations, and distant ash falls. Three thin air-fall ash beds (unit A1, A2 and A3) correlate with events near the beginning of the 1976 eruption on 22 and 23 January. On 24 January a small-volume, ash-cloud-surge deposit (unit S) accumulated over the north half of Augustine Island. A series of pumiceous pyroclastic flows represented by the lobate pumiceous deposits (unit F) occurred on 24 January and locally melted the snowpack to cause small pumice-laden floods. A thin ash bed (unit A4) was deposited on 24 January, and the main plinian eruption (unit P) occurred on 25 January. In middle to late February and again in mid April, lava domes were extruded at the summit accompanied by incandescent block-and-ash flows down the north flank. A hut near the north coast of the island was mechanically and thermally damaged by the small-volume ash-cloud surge of unit S before the eruption of the pumice flow of unit F; the metal roof was then penetrated by lithic fragments of the plinian fall of 25 January. Explosive eruptions in the early stage of an eruption-like that which deposited unit S — are important hazards at Augustine Island, as are infrequent debris avalanches and attendant tsunamis.deceased on 18 May 1980  相似文献   
The synthesis of organic molecules via chemical reactions within impact vapor plumes has been proposed as a mechanism to supply organics on a planet. However, the kinetics of chemical reactions within a rapidly expanding vapor plume or quenching process of the reactions has not been studied extensively. In this study, we constructed a new numerical model that calculates kinetics of the entire chemical reactions within an impact vapor plume. Numerical results revealed that the semi-analytical models proposed so far, in which the final amount of a chemical species was given by the equilibrium abundance at the quenching temperature of the fastest reaction path involving the species, underestimates the yield of organic molecules, such as HCN, by up to a factor of 10. This is because the previously used assumption that a species can achieve equilibrium with the rest of the reaction system via the fastest reaction path involving the species is not necessarily valid. Our analysis of the high-temperature H/C/N/O reaction system suggests that the quenching of slow reactions divides the reaction network into smaller reaction sub-systems isolated from the rest of the reaction system. Then, the fastest reaction path cannot equilibrate an isolated reaction sub-system with the rest of the reaction system. Simulation of this actual disequilibrium mechanism requires a simultaneous numerical calculation of the entire reaction network, which is equivalent to conducting a full kinetic model calculation, such as our model. Our numerical code makes it possible to discuss quantitatively the impact chemistry for various situations, such as the Galilean satellites. In this study, our numerical model is applied to the delivery of organic molecules via cometary impact on the Galilean satellites. Our numerical results indicate that small-particle impacts would produce HCN efficiently. Resulting HCN may freeze out immediately and be deposited on satellite surfaces, where it may be eventually converted into complex organics via irradiation of charged particle. On the other hand, large-size impacts may form transient CH4-N2 atmospheres, in which complex organics (tholin) may be formed via energy deposition of UV and/or charged particle. Resulting complex organics may subsequently precipitate on the satellite surfaces without clear correlation with the locations of impact craters. Such distribution of complex organics created by chemical reactions within vapor plumes due to cometary impacts may explain an absorption (4.57 μm) on Galilean satellites nonassociated with observable (moderate- and large-size) impact craters.  相似文献   
An instrumented field study of the across-shore evolution of wave characteristics was conducted under wind-wave and swell-wave conditions on a sloping type B shore platform along the mesotidal, fetch-limited coast of Auckland, New Zealand, based on spectral analysis of hydrodynamic data recorded in pressure-sensor time series during a 24-h deployment on 24–25 November 2008. The results highlight the ability of the shore platform in dissipating wave energy reaching the cliff toe under wind-wave and swell-wave conditions, and the spectral redistribution of wave energy. As waves propagated onto the platform surface and towards the cliff toe, infragravity-wave energy became progressively more dominant, while gravity waves were dissipated. Wave height and period in the central sector of the platform and at the cliff toe were not markedly affected by differences in incident-wave conditions observed during the survey. The findings confirm the importance of platform morphology in modulating wave-energy delivery to the cliff toe. In contrast to previous studies, infragravity-wave height at the cliff toe did not appear to be correlated to incident-wave conditions.  相似文献   
Here we have conducted an integral study using site observations and a model with detailed snow dynamics, to examine the capability of the model for deriving a simple relationship between the density and thermal conductivity of the snowpack within different climatic zones used in large-scale climate modeling. Snow and meteorological observations were conducted at multiple sites in different climatic regions (two in Interior Alaska, two in Japan). A series of thermal conductivity measurements in snow pit observations done in Alaska provided useful information for constructing the relationship. The one-dimensional snow dynamics model, SNOWPACK, simulated the evolution of the snowpack and compared observations between all sites. Overall, model simulations tended to underestimate the density and overestimate the thermal conductivity, and failed to foster the relationship evident in the observations from the current and previous research. The causes for the deficiency were analyzed and discussed, regarding a low density of the new snow layer and a slow compaction rate. Our working relationships were compared to the equations derived by previous investigators. Discrepancy from the regression for the melting season observations in Alaska was found in common.  相似文献   
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