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We report cloudy micro- and nano-inclusions in a superdeep diamond from São-Luiz, Brazil which contains inclusions of ferropericlase (Mg, Fe)O and former bridgmanite (Mg, Fe)SiO3 and ringwoodite (Mg, Fe)2SiO4. Field emission-SEM and TEM observations showed that the cloudy inclusions were composed of euhedral micro-inclusions with grain sizes ranging from tens nanometers to submicrometers. Infrared absorption spectra of the cloudy inclusions showed that water, carbonate, and silicates were not major components of these micro- and nano-inclusions and suggested that the main constituent of the inclusions was infrared-inactive. Some inclusions were suggested to contain material with lower atomic numbers than that of carbon. Mineral phase of nano- and micro-inclusions is unclear at present. Microbeam X-ray fluorescence analysis clarified that the micro-inclusions contained transition metals (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) possibly as metallic or sulfide phases. The cloudy inclusions provide an important information on the growth environment of superdeep diamonds in the transition zone or the lower mantle.  相似文献   
详细的地球化学研究表明,新疆北部富蕴县沙尔布拉克中泥盆统北塔山组的辉石安山岩具有中等的SiO2含量(52.13%-60.45%);高MgO(3.91%-9.31%)和相容元素(包括Ni、Cr、Co等)含量,以及高Mg^#和Al2O3/TiO2比值;低TiO2含量(0.21%-0.35%);同时具有U型稀土元素分布模式;并强烈亏损高场强元素。这些特征均与玻安岩的地球化学特征一致,应属于玻安岩,形成于前弧环境。沙尔布拉克玻安岩的存在表明,古亚洲洋在早-中泥盆世向南发生了洋壳俯冲作用。  相似文献   
Observational results of the structure of the sea breeze over the urban and suburban areas of Tokyo for four summer days are presented.On two of these days, the inland penetration of the sea breeze front could be clearly traced. In one case, the sea breeze was first observed along the shores of Tokyo Bay around 0900 JST, and propagated in three hours through the Tokyo City area, the width of which is about 20 km. It then advanced inland at a rate of 16 km h–1. Prior to the arrival of the sea breeze at the suburban site, the mixing height had remained at about 600 m for four hours. With the arrival of the sea breeze front, accompanied by an abrupt change in wind speed and direction, the mixing height increased sharply to 1700 m. It is suggested that this behavior and the structure of the front are intensified due to the urban effect, or the difference in the thermal characteristics between the urban and rural areas.On the days without a sea breeze front, the land breeze system during the early morning was less intense, allowing the sea breeze to develop simultaneously with the inland valley wind and easily form a large-scale local wind system during the morning hours. In both cases, the vertical motion accompanying the local wind system works as a feedback mechanism to control the local winds by modifying the thermal and pressure fields.  相似文献   
Trigonioides goshourensis n. sp. and Trigonioides amakusensis Kikuchi and Tashiro occur in the late Albian Eboshi Formation of the Goshoura Group in Kyushu, Japan. These Albian species are characterized by three radial pseudocardinal teeth on the thick and wide hinge plate, and are probably ancestors of Cenomanian species of Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) with four radial pseudocardinal teeth. This chronological relation may be important for the correlation of non-marine Cretaceous strata in East Asia. In addition, the habitat of T. amakusensis is interpreted as estuarine tidal flats under brackish water conditions, although Trigonioides is generally a freshwater bivalve genus.  相似文献   
Geochemical analysis of the bottom sediments of Lakes Banryoko, Onbe, Hamahara and Kijima in Shimane prefecture of southwest Japan was carried out to determine their metal concentrations, and to assess the potential for ecological harm by comparison with sediment quality guidelines. The work conducted includes water quality measurement, and analyses of trace and major elements and rare earth element (REE) of sediments. Results showed that water quality of the lakes contrasts slightly between their upper and lower parts. Average abundances of As, Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr in Banryoko sediments were 27, 33, 90, 27, 25, and 46 ppm, respectively, compared to 31, 52, 175, 44, 44, and 75 ppm at Onbe, 11, 26, 96, 13, 13, and 35 ppm at Hamahara, and 24, 43, 193, 31, 12, and 30 ppm at Kijima. These concentrations exceeded the lowest effect level that has moderate impact on aquatic organisms as proposed by the New York State Department of Environmental conservation. Pb and Cu abundances are comparable to the Coastal Ocean Sediment Database threshold, while As and Zn exceed this value, indicating the concentrations of these metals are potentially toxic. Increases in the abundances of these metals in lake sediments are probably related to the reducing condition of the sediments, anthropogenic sources and surface soil erosion. The REE patterns of sediments in the study areas are broadly comparable to the average upper continental crust, but show some contrast between lakes due to differing source litho type. Significant positive correlations between Fe2O3 and As, Pb, Zn, and Cu were found in the sediments, suggesting these metals may be adsorbed on Fe oxides in the lake sediments.  相似文献   
Geochemical analysis of street dusts was conducted to evaluate the environment of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Dust samples were collected from different areas (industrial, commercial, and residential) of Dhaka City, and their major, trace and rare earth elements (REE) were determined. Samples from the commercial area had Pb concentrations double those of the industrial and residential areas. Contents of Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr in the industrial areas were greater than those in the commercial and residential areas. The REE patterns of all dusts in Dhaka are similar and are comparable to the average upper continental crust. The condition of the Dhaka environment was compared to that in Japan and other baseline sediments using Zn–Fe2O3 and Pb–Fe2O3 diagrams. Zn–Fe2O3 trends for the dusts show steep inclination compared to the baseline sediment and the Japanese urban sediment trends. Dhaka lake data show enrichment of Zn over the dusts, suggestive of Zn pollution from poorly controlled industrial sources. In contrast, on the Pb–Fe2O3 diagram, Dhaka dusts have greater Pb contents than lake sediments, probably due to the higher traffic density in the commercial area compared to the residential area including the area around the lake. The results suggest that higher levels of Pb and Zn in street dusts in Dhaka can most likely be attributed to the anthropogenic sources like vehicle emissions to the atmosphere and a rapid development.  相似文献   
We conducted melting experiments on a low-alkali tholeiite (SiO2 ~52 wt%, MgO ~6.5 wt%, CaO/Na2O~4.4, Al2O3/SiO2 ~0.33) under both H2O-undersaturated and H2O-saturated conditions to investigate the effect of H2O on the Ca–Na partitioning between plagioclase and melt. Experiments were performed in the temperature and pressure ranges of 1,000–1,300°C and 1–5 kbar, respectively, with varying H2O contents of 0–12wt%. Redox condition was 0–2 log unit above NNO (nickel–nickel oxide) buffer. Temperature-bulk H2O diagrams for the low-alkali tholeiite are constructed at 1, 2, and 5 kbar, and compositions of near-liquidus plagioclase and coexisting melt are determined. To exclude the effect of melt composition (CaO/Na2O and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios) on plagioclase composition and to reveal the effect of H2O on An (=100×Ca/(Ca+Na)) content and (=(Ca/Na)pl/(Ca/Na)melt), we focused on the composition of near-liquidus plagioclases which crystallized from melts with nearly constant CaO/Na2O and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios. Our experimental results show that, at each experimental pressure, An content of the near-liquidus plagioclase and the KDCa-Na almost linearly increases as H2O content in melt increases. Each of the An content and the variations in a low-alkali tholeiitic system (CaO/Na2O~4.0–4.5, Al2O3/SiO2 ~0.27–0.33) can be described by one equation using temperature, pressure, and melt H2O content as parameters. An content and of liquidus plagioclase increases with increasing melt H2O and with decreasing pressure, elucidating that nearly H2O-saturated conditions of 2–3 kbar is optimal for the crystallization of the most An-rich plagioclase (>An88). We suggest this pressure condition of 2–3 kbar, corresponding to depth of 7–11 km, plays an important role for the origin of An-rich plagioclase in H2O-rich low-alkali tholeiite. At pressures more than ca. 4 kbar, crystallization of liquidus Ca-rich clinopyroxene decreases the CaO/Na2O ratio of liquid, thus prohibiting the crystallization of high-An plagioclase from hydrous tholeiite.  相似文献   
Over the past three decades, fish net pen culture has been developed in the coastal waters of Japan. However, serious organic pollution of the surrounding water and sediment followed the development of this new style of fishery. This paper reports a typical example of the environmental disturbance that has occurred due to the organic pollution resulting from fish net pen culture. Since fish cultivation was initiated in 1973, oxygen depletion of the bottom water and extremely reducing conditions within the sediment have occurred during the summer. These environmental disturbances resulted in unusual dynamics of the benthic communities including defaunation in the summer and recolonization of the azoic areas from autumn to the next spring. Significant changes in the benthic fauna were observed between benthic communities before and after organic pollution of the sediment. Molluscs were originally the most dominant benthic fauna. As organic pollution of the bottom sediment progressed, the molluscs were replaced by polychaetes. Likewise, total biomass of the benthic fauna decreased markedly over the past two decades. Prior to contamination, the organic matter deposited on the sediment was decomposed by the action of bacteria, ciliates, meiofauna, and macrofauna. The addition of organic material resulting from fish culture has overwhelmed these decomposition mechanisms, and conditions have worsened as organic matter is continuously added to the sediment. Contamination of marine sediment by the net pen cultivation of fish sets up a vicious cycle: the addition of exogenous sources of organic material increases the need for a more vigorous decomposition process while actually creating conditions that limit the rate of the necessary decomposition activity. The sustainable development of fish net pen culture will require the creation of a new technology that efficiently promotes the decomposition of organic matter deposited below the pen nets.  相似文献   
Neocalanus flemingeri, Neocalanus plumchrus, Neocalanus cristatus and Eucalanus bungii are large and dominant mesozooplankton occurring throughout the subarctic Pacific. They are an important trophic link and transporter of organic matter to the mesopelagic zone. Vertical distributions of these copepods were investigated from March to October 2000 in the Oyashio region of the western subarctic Pacific. Neocalanus plumchrus and N. flemingeri were distributed in the surface layer (0–50 m) and N. cristatus and E. bungii in the subsurface layer (50–100 m). However, when examined in detail, clear seasonal and vertical differences were observed. Neocalanus plumchrus was concentrated in the top 20 m from late April to the end of July, and N. flemingeri showed a little deeper distribution from May to July. Neocalanus cristatus showed a deeper distribution than that of grazing individuals of E. bungii from April to early July, but grazing individuals of E. bungii (C3–C6) showed a deeper distribution than that of N. cristatus from the end of July to October. Early copepodites of E. bungii were distributed much shallower than late copepodite stages and overlapped with copepodites of N. plumchrus and N. flemingeri. These results suggest that the four species of large copepods have established habitat segregation by season, vertical distribution and food resource partitioning in the Oyashio region as well as other regions of the North Pacific.  相似文献   
The northern part of Okinawa Island suffers from red soil pollution—runoff of red soil into coastal seawater—which damages coastal ecosystems and scenery. To elucidate the impacts of red soil pollution on the oxidizing power of seawater, hydrogen peroxide (HOOH) and iron species including Fe(II) and total iron (Fe(tot), defined as the sum of Fe(II) and Fe(III)) were measured simultaneously in seawater from Taira Bay (red-soil-polluted sea) and Sesoko Island (unpolluted sea), off the northern part of Okinawa Island, Japan. We performed simultaneous measurements of HOOH and Fe(II) because the reaction between HOOH and Fe(II) forms hydroxyl radical (•OH), the most potent environmental oxidant. Gas-phase HOOH concentrations were also measured to better understand the sources of HOOH in seawater. Both HOOH and Fe(II) in seawater showed a clear diurnal variation, i.e. higher in the daytime and lower at night, while Fe(tot) concentrations were relatively constant throughout the sampling period. Fe(II) and Fe(tot) concentrations were approximately 58% and 19% higher in red-soil-polluted seawater than in unpolluted seawater. Gas-phase HOOH and seawater HOOH concentrations were comparable at both sampling sites, ranging from 1.4 to 5.4 ppbv in air and 30 to 160 nM in seawater. Since Fe(II) concentrations were higher in red-soil-polluted seawater while concentrations of HOOH were similar, •OH would form faster in red-soil-polluted seawater than in unpolluted seawater. Since the major scavenger of •OH, Br, is expected to have similar concentrations at both sites, red-soil-polluted seawater is expected to have higher steady-state •OH concentrations.  相似文献   
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