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Partitioning of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn) in marine sediments collected from various sites in Hong Kong waters were determined using sequential extraction method. Sediments from Kellette Bank, located in Victoria Harbour, had higher metal concentrations especially Cu and Zn than most other sites. Slightly over 20% of total Cu and Cr existed as readily available forms in Peng Chau and Kellette Bank. At most sampling sites, over 15% of the Cu existed as the exchangeable form indicating that Cu could be readily released into the aqueous phase from sediments. A significantly higher percentage of Pb and Zn was associated with the three non-residual fractions. Hence, there is a greater environmental concern for remobilization of Pb and Zn compared with Cr. The high amount of residual Cd (>50%) and the relatively lower Cd content indicate that little environmental concern is warranted for the remobilization of Cd. Distribution of metals in sediments collected from different depth at Kellette Bank shows that metal concentrations decreased with profile depth. The levels of Pb and Zn associated with the two readily available fractions increased sharply in the surface sediment. These metals represented the pollutants, which were introduced into the area in the mid-eighties through early nineties as a result of rapid economic and industrial development in the territory. As significant portions of these metals were bound to the readily available phases in the surface sediments, metal remobilization could be a concern. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
Signatures in flowing fluid electric conductivity logs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flowing fluid electric conductivity logging provides a means to determine hydrologic properties of fractures, fracture zones, or other permeable layers intersecting a borehole in saturated rock. The method involves analyzing the time-evolution of fluid electric conductivity (FEC) logs obtained while the well is being pumped and yields information on the location, hydraulic transmissivity, and salinity of permeable layers. The original analysis method was restricted to the case in which flows from the permeable layers or fractures were directed into the borehole (inflow). Recently, the method was adapted to permit treatment of both inflow and outflow, including analysis of natural regional flow in the permeable layer. A numerical model simulates flow and transport in the wellbore during flowing FEC logging, and fracture properties are determined by optimizing the match between simulation results and observed FEC logs. This can be a laborious trial-and-error procedure, especially when both inflow and outflow points are present. Improved analyses methods are needed. One possible tactic would be to develop an automated inverse method, but this paper takes a more elementary approach and focuses on identifying the signatures that various inflow and outflow features create in flowing FEC logs. The physical insight obtained provides a basis for more efficient analysis of these logs, both for the present trial and error approach and for a potential future automated inverse approach. Inflow points produce distinctive signatures in the FEC logs themselves, enabling the determination of location, inflow rate, and ion concentration. Identifying outflow locations and flow rates typically requires a more complicated integral method, which is also presented in this paper.  相似文献   
Climate change has fundamentally altered the water cycle in tropical islands, which is a critical driver of freshwater ecosystems. To examine how changes in streamflow regime have impacted habitat quality for native migratory aquatic species, we present a 50‐year (1967–2016) analysis of hydrologic records in 23 unregulated streams across the five largest Hawaiian Islands. For each stream, flow was separated into direct run‐off and baseflow and high‐ and low‐flow statistics (i.e., Q10 and Q90) with ecologically important hydrologic indices (e.g., frequency of flooding and low flow duration) derived. Using Mann–Kendall tests with a running trend analysis, we determined the persistence of streamflow trends through time. We analysed native stream fauna from ~400 sites, sampled from 1992 to 2007, to assess species richness among islands and streams. Declines in streamflow metrics indicated a general drying across the islands. In particular, significant declines in low flow conditions (baseflows), were experienced in 57% of streams, compared with a significant decline in storm flow conditions for 22% of streams. The running trend analysis indicated that many of the significant downward trends were not persistent through time but were only significant if recent decades (1987–2016) were included, with an average decline in baseflow and run‐off of 10.90% and 8.28% per decade, respectively. Streams that supported higher native species diversity were associated with moderate discharge and baseflow index, short duration of low flows, and negligible downward trends in flow. A significant decline in dry season flows (May–October) has led to an increase in the number of no‐flow days in drier areas, indicating that more streams may become intermittent, which has important implications for mauka to makai (mountain to ocean) hydrological connectivity and management of Hawai'i's native migratory freshwater fauna.  相似文献   
Drilling of a deep borehole does not normally allow for hydrologic testing during the drilling period. It is only done when drilling experiences a large loss (or high return) of drilling fluid due to penetration of a large-transmissivity zone. The paper proposes the possibility of conducting flowing fluid electrical conductivity (FFEC) logging during the drilling period, with negligible impact on the drilling schedule, yet providing important information on depth locations of both high- and low-transmissivity zones and their hydraulic properties. The information can be used to guide downhole fluid sampling and post-drilling detailed testing of the borehole. The method has been applied to the drilling of a 2,500-m borehole at Åre, central Sweden, firstly when the drilling reached 1,600 m, and then when the drilling reached the target depth of 2,500 m. Results unveil eight hydraulically active zones from 300 m down to borehole bottom, with depths determined to within the order of a meter. Further, the first set of data allows the estimation of hydraulic transmissivity values of the six hydraulically conductive zones found from 300 to 1,600 m, which are very low and range over one order of magnitude.  相似文献   
This article is a study of the thermal effects associated with the emplacement of aged radioactive high-level wastes in a geologic repository, with emphasis on the following subjects: waste characteristics, repository structure, and rock properties controlling the thermally induced effects; thermal, thermomechanical, and thermohydrologic impacts, determined mainly on the basis of previous studies that assume 10-yr-old wastes; thermal criteria used to determine the repository waste loading densities; and technical advantages and disadvantages of surface cooling of the wastes prior to disposal as a means of mitigating the thermal impacts. Waste loading densities determined by repository designs for 10-yr-old wastes are extended to older wastes using the near-field thermomechanical criteria based on room stability considerations. Also discussed are the effects of long surface cooling periods determined on the basis of far-field thermomechanical and thermohydrologic considerations. Extension of the surface cooling period from 10 yr to longer periods can lower the near-field thermal impact but have only modest long-term effects for spent fuel. More significant long-term effects can be achieved by surface cooling of reprocessed high-level waste.  相似文献   
影响任何一个地下废物处置场所长期行为的一个重要因素是进入地下废物贮置洞室内的渗流量的大小,预测地下洞室中的渗流量是困难的,特别是当地下废物贮置洞室位于非均质非饱和带中,三维数值模型用于研究地下非均质中非饱和流动及流入地下洞室中的渗流量,讨论了非均质模型与均质模型的比较以及数值剖分尺度对计算结果的影响,进入洞室中的渗漏率随着引入系统中入渗量的增加而增大,选用4个参数来衡量渗流场的非均质程度:(1)介质的平均渗透率K0;(2)Van Genuchten参数α;(3)渗透率空间分布相关尺度;(4)渗透率空间分布变化的标准差σ,根据一个随机实现的渗透率分布,通过改变平均渗透率来研究其对流入洞室中渗透量的影响,对一个固定的入渗率而言,流入洞室中的渗漏率将随着Van Genuchten参数α的减小而减小,模拟结果表明流入洞室的渗漏率与介质的平均渗透率相关,即随平均渗透率的增大,流入洞室的渗漏率亦增大,流入洞室的渗漏率还高度依赖于非均质渗透率场的空间分布相关长度与标准差,一个大的相关长度或高的标准差均能导致流入洞室的渗漏率增大。  相似文献   
Shear‐type buildings with Maxwell model‐based brace–damper systems are studied in this paper with a primary emphasis on the effects of brace stiffness. A single‐story building with a viscous damper installed on top of a Chevron‐brace is first investigated. Closed‐form solutions are derived for the simple structure, relating the brace stiffness and damper coefficient to the targeted reduction in response displacement or acceleration. For a given brace stiffness, the solution is minimized to give a set of formulae that will allow the optimal damper coefficient to be determined, assuring the desired performance. The model is subsequently extended to multistory buildings with viscous dampers installed on top of Chevron‐braces. For a targeted reduction in the mean square of the interstory drift, floor acceleration or base shear force, the minimum brace stiffness and optimal damper coefficients are obtained through an iterative procedure. The response reduction, which signifies the improved performance, is achieved by a combination of brace stiffness and viscous damper coefficients, unlike conventional approaches where damper coefficients are typically optimized independent of brace stiffnesses. Characteristics of multi‐degree‐of‐freedom systems are studied using a 2‐story and a 10‐story buildings where the effects of brace stiffness on the overall performance of the building can be quantified. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents a methodology for site class mapping in regions without adequate geotechnical, geologic and geomorphologic data, which is prevailing in many less developed regions globally. The proposed methodology is based primarily on analysis of earthquake ground motion data recorded by regional seismographic network. Three analysis methods independently developed have been adopted with appropriate weightings, from which a continuous value of site class index ranging from 1 to 4 could be assigned to each station. Finally, a regional site class map could be developed by applying an interpolation procedure across all stations of the seismographic network of which the site classes were estimated.  相似文献   
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