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Abstract   A 8.65 Ma adakitic intrusive sheet exposed near Monglo village in the Baguio District of Northern Luzon contains a suite of ultramafic and mafic xenoliths including in order of abundance: spinel dunites showing typical mantle-related textures, mineral and bulk rock compositions, and serpentinites derived from them; amphibole-rich gabbros displaying incompatible element patterns similar to those of flat or moderately enriched back-arc basin basalt magmas; and amphibolites derived from metabasalts and/or metagabbros of identical affinity. A single quartz diorite xenolith carrying a similar subduction-related geochemical signature has also been sampled. One amphibolite xenolith provided a whole-rock K–Ar age of 115.6 Ma (Barremian). We attribute the origin of this suite to the sampling by ascending adakitic magmas of a Lower Cretaceous ophiolitic complex located at a depth within the 30–35 km thick Luzon crust. It could represent an equivalent of the Isabela-Aurora and Pugo-Lepanto ophiolitic massifs exposed in Northern Luzon.  相似文献   
The geology, petrology, and petrogenesis of Saba Island, Lesser Antilles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Saba is the northernmost volcano along the Lesser Antilles island-arc chain. The Lesser Antilles arc results from the west-northwest subduction of the Atlantic lithosphere beneath the Caribbean Plate. Sediment thickness along the trench decreases northward away from sediment sources on the continent of South America. We focused our attention on Saba precisely because it is the furthest away from documented geochemical effects in the southern arc volcanics of the large sediment thicknesses — normally attributed to both source or upper level contamination (i.e. assimilation).Field mapping, petrology, mineralogy, K–Ar dating, and geochemical analyses (major and trace element) indicate a complex history of magma petrogenesis including crystal fractionation, magma mixing, and, surprisingly, crustal assimilation. This is the first time assimilation has been documented in the northern section of the Lesser Antilles arc. Magma mixing shows up in the field as banded pumice and petrographically and mineralogically as complex zoning in phenocrysts (such as reverse zoning in plagioclase), disequilibrium mineral assemblages (e.g. quartz and olivine), and disequilibrium between minerals and whole-rock compositions (e.g. forsterite content of olivine). Mass-balance modeling of major and trace elements support our contention that crystal fractionation (including amphibole) played an important role in magma evolution. However, various geochemical trends can only be explained by assimilation-fractional crystallization based on the fact that the trends of various trace elements and trace-element ratios vary with increasing silica. Finally, we could find no evidence of sediment source contamination in the most mafic rocks. It may exist but is overprinted by the later assimilation effects.  相似文献   
Abstract Arc volcanic activity on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean (Japan and Central America) has been investigated by examining the number of volcanic ash layers recorded in Neogene and Quaternary deep-sea sediments. The data suggest that ash layers counted in deep-sea sediments may provide a reliable record of arc volcanism. The study is based on a quantitative analysis of arc volcanic activity using cores collected on DSDP (Deep-Sea Drilling Project) and ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) legs. Five distinct parameters which might affect ash distribution in marine sediments were reviewed: nature of the eruption, wind influence, settling conditions, diagenesis, and plate motion. Of these five, past atmospheric circulation was the most significant. The main constraint on the analysis is that temporal scattering of ash is not directly related to wind pattern variations. Results of this analysis are correlated with dating of terrestrial volcanic sequences. Although marine tephra records for individual regions reveal minor differences in the episodes of volcanic activity, a general correlation exists between activity of arc volcanism in Japan and in Central America. Two important pulses of arc volcanism occurred during Middle Miocene times (18–13 Ma) and Plio-Quaternary times (5–0 Ma). These episodes of intense volcanism are separated by a well recorded quiescent period during Late Miocene times. These correlating episodes of the volcanic record indicate a direct link between arc volcanism and the global tectonic evolution of the Pacific ocean margins.  相似文献   
Artificial and natural tracer tests combined with high accurate electronic distancemeter measurements are conducted on a small landslide with a well known slip surface geometry. Outflow yields and chemical contents are monitored for all the experiment duration and they analyzed to estimate the slip surface hydraulic parameters. The main result is that the slip surface acts as a drain for groundwater flows that evacuates interstitial pressures in the slope and brings the sliding mass to be more stable one. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A Variational Echo Tracking (VET) technique has been applied to four months of archived data from the South Korean radar network in order to examine the influence of the various user-selectable parameters on the skill of the resulting 20-min to 4-h nowcasts. The latter are computed over a (512 × 512) array at 2-km resolution. After correcting the original algorithm to take into account the motion of precipitation across the boundaries of such a smaller radar network, we concluded that the set of default input parameters initially assumed is very close to the optimum combination. Decreasing to (5 sx 5) or increasing to (50 × 50) the default vector density of (25 × 25), using two or three maps for velocity determination, varying the relative weights for the constraints of conservation of reflectivity and of the smoothing of the velocity vectors, and finally the application of temporal smoothing all had only marginal effects on the skill of the forecasts. The relatively small sensitivity to significant variations of the VET default parameters is a direct consequence of the fact that the major source of the loss in forecast skill cannot be attributed to errors in the forecast motion, but to the unpredictable nature of the storm growth and decay. Changing the time interval between maps, from 20 to 10 minutes, and significantly increasing the reflectivity threshold from 15 to 30 dBZ had a more noticeable reduction on the forecast skill. Comparisons with the Eulerian “zero velocity“ forecast and with a “single“ vector forecast have also been performed in order to determine the accrued skill of the VET algorithm. Because of the extensive stratiform nature of the precipitation areas affecting the Korean peninsula, the increased skill is not as large as may have been anticipated. This can be explained by the greater extent of the precipitation systems relative to the size of the radar coverage domain.  相似文献   
Nine samples of metavolcanic rock from the lower parts of greenstone belts in central French Guiana (the Paramaca series) and 14 granitic samples from the intrusive gneisses (the Degrad Roche and Arawa gneisses) were selected for Sm—Nd and Rb—Sr analysis.The Sm—Nd results from the metavolcanic series (including two tholeiites, five peridotitic komatiites and two andesites) yield an isochron age of 2.11±0.09 (2 σ) Ga with an initial 143Nd144Nd ratio (INd) of 0.51002±9 (2 σ), corresponding to ?Nd(T) = + 2.1 ± 1.8. This isochron is interpreted as representing the age of initial volcanism of the Paramaca series. Acid intrusives were dated by the Rb—Sr method. A whole rock Rb—Sr isochron, including data points from both the Degrad Roche and Arawa gneisses, yields an age of 2.00±0.07 (2 σ) Ga with initial 87Sr86Sr ratio (ISr value) of 0.7019±4 (2 σ). This result is considered to be the time of emplacement of the orthogneiss protoliths.The positive εNd value (+ 2.1 ± 1.8) obtained from the metavolcanic rocks of French Guiana suggests that their mantle sources have evolved in reservoirs slightly depleted in Light Rare Earth Elements (LREE). This result confirms the possible existence of ancient LREE-depleted reservoirs within the lower Proterozoic mantle. Moreover, the high εNd(T) value for these rocks excludes any significant crustal contamination during magma genesis.The French Guianese orthogneisses yield a low ISr value (0.7019±4 (2 σ)) which, together with geochemical considerations, suggests that their granitic protoliths could have originated by partial melting of short-lived crustal precursors of basaltic to granodioritic composition.The present geochronological and isotopic study suggests that the Guiana Shield may represent a major continental accretion event during the lower Proterozoic.  相似文献   
A detailed analysis of metamorphic complexes outcropping in the Muteh area in central Iran leads to establish the regional stratigraphical column, and to propose a Palaeozoic age for the metamorphic protolith that mainly consists of volcano-sedimentary units. 40K---40Ar ages for minerals suggest the Mesozoic age of the metamorphic amphiboles and the Palaeocene ones for a late or even post metamorphic bimodal magmatism. To cite this article: N. Rachidnejad-Omran et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 1185–1191.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of Adakites from the Philippines: Constraints on Their Origins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. We have identified in the Philippine Archipelago 230 samples of Late Miocene to Quaternary intermediate and evolved magmatic rocks or glasses, the compositions of which plot within the adakitic field defined by Defant and Drum-mond (1990) using Sr/Y ratios versus Y contents. These rocks belong to four different subductions, along the Manila Trench (Batan, Northern Luzon, Central Luzon), the Negros and Sulu Trenches (Negros and Western Mindano), the Cotobato Trench (Southern Mindanao) and the Philippine Trench (Eastern Mindanao). Lavas from Central Mindanao overlie the deep remnants of the Molucca Sea Plate, and were emplaced in a post-collision setting.
All these samples show a significant depletion in Y and HREE with respect to their "normal" calc-alkaline equivalents, suggesting that garnet was either a residual phase during partial melting or a fractionating mineral during differentiation or assimilation coupled with fractional crystallisation (AFC). However, only 19 samples out of our set (i.e., 8 %) display very high Sr/Y ratios (100–250). Our preferred model for the genesis of these "typical adakites" is ca. 20 % partial melting of subducted altered oceanic metabasalts converted to eclogite. This melting process could have been triggered by water from the underlying serpentinites. Most of the samples, termed "intermediate adakites", display major and trace element chemical features intermediate between those of the former group and those of normal calc-alkaline lavas. We show that magma mixing between slab-derived adakitic magmas and mafic mantle-derived melts accounts for most of the trends linking typical and intermediate adakites, although an additional contribution of mantle is required in some cases.  相似文献   
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