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Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von der herrschenden Vorstellung einer Transgression roter Liaskalke zur Zeit des oberen Unterlias über ein subaerisch verkarstetes Dachsteinkallerelief, untersuchte ich die Liassedimente in den Berchtesgadener Alpen eingehender und unternahm vergleichende Begehungen im östlichen Hagengebirge, im Steinernen Meer und in den Steinbrüchen von Adnet.Die Sedimente des Lias liegen in einer Graukalk- und einer abwechslungsreicheren Rotkalk-Fazies (F.Fabricius 1962) vor. Ammoniten zeigten, daß die Graukalkfazies einen Teil der Rotkalkfazies vertritt (im wesentlichen Sinemur). Auf die Ausbildung der Rotkalke hatten Mangelsedimentation, Subsolution und syngenetische Umlagerungen Einfluß.Normalerweise überlagert der Lias den Dachsteinkalk konkordant. Diskonforme Lagerung läßt sich durch submarine Kalklösung und synsedimentäre Spaltenbildung erklären. Die submarin entstandenen Zugspalten im Dachsteinkalk sind mit Rotkalksedimenten und Dachsteinkalktrümmern gefüllt. Die Bildungsdauer dieser, sich episodisch erweiternden Spalten ließ sich mit Ammoniten einschätzen.Argumente gegen die Annahme einer Transgression werden diskutiert.
Basing on the prevailing theory of a transgression of red Liassic limestones over a relief of Dachstein limestone affected by subaeric karstification, during late lower Liassic time, the author investigated the Liassic sediments of the Berchtesgaden Alps more in detail, comparing also with the eastern Hagen mountains, the Steinernes Meer and the quarries of Adnet.The Liassic sediments occur in two types of facies: gray limestone and a less uniform red limestone (Fabricius 1962). As ammonites prove, the gray limestone facies represents part of the red limestone facies (essentially Sinemur). The development of the red limestone was influenced by reduced sedimentation, subsolution and syngenetic rearrangement.In general, the Liassic strata are overlying the Dachstein limestone conformably, Disconformities may be explained by submarin limestone solution and synsedimentary formation of joints. The tension joints which developed by submarin action in the Dachstein limestone are filled up with red limestone sediments and debris of Dachstein limestone. It was possible to estimate the period of formation of these joints by ammonites.Arguments against the theory of a transgression are discussed.

Résumé En suivant la conception d'une transgression de calcaires liassiques rouges vers la fin du liassique inférieur sur un relief de calcaire «Dachstein» karstifié, l'auteur étudiait les dépôts liassiques des Alpes de Berchtesgaden plus en détail, y incluse une comparaison avec la montagne de Hagen orientale, le «Steinernes Meer» et les carrières d'Adnet.Les dépôts liassiques existent en deux faciès: des calcaires gris et des calcaires rouges plus variés (Fabricius 1962). Comme il est prouvé par des ammonites, le faciès de calcaires gris représente une partie du faciès de calcaires rouges (essentiellement Sinemur). Le développement des calcaires rouges était influencé par une sédimentation réduite, par la subsolution et par une réarrangement syngénétique.En général, les couches liassiques surmontent le calcaire «Dachstein» conformément. Discordance de stratification peut être expliquée par solution calcaire sous-marine et formation synsédimentaire de diaclases. Les diaclases d'extension formées en sous-marin dans le calcaire «Dachstein» sont remplies de dépôts de calcaire rouge et de débris du calcaire «Dachstein». La durée de formation de ces diaclases est à estimée par des ammonites.Des arguments contre la théorie d'une transgression sont discutés.

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Modern techniques of precise geodetic positioning are capable of monitoring global tectonic movements. We can avoid the tremendous effort of observing those point motions at every place on the earth, if we accept the model of rigid tectonic plates, which allows us to extrapolate from discrete point observations to the appertaining plates. The target of describing plate kinematics is the determination of its kinematic parameters, which are the coordinates of the rotation pole and the rotational velocity of each tectonic plate. A mathematical model is presented, which is capable of including geodetic observations (point coordinate shifts, distance changes) as well as geophysical quantities (sea floor spreading rates, earthquake slip vectors). The parameter estimation procedure is derived and demonstrated in simulated examples. Finally a global geodetic network for space techniques is designed, which provides an optimum parameter estimation.  相似文献   
The future information needs of stakeholders for hydrogeological and hydro‐climate data management and assessment in New Zealand may be met with an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards‐compliant publicly accessible web services framework which aims to provide integrated use of groundwater information and environmental observation data in general. The stages of the framework development described in this article are search and discovery as well as data collection and access with (meta)data services, which are developed in a community process. The concept and prototype implementation of OGC‐compliant web services for groundwater and hydro‐climate data include demonstration data services that present multiple distributed datasets of environmental observations. The results also iterate over the stakeholder community process and the refined profile of OGC services for environmental observation data sharing within the New Zealand Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) landscape, including datasets from the National Groundwater Monitoring Program and the New Zealand Climate Database along with datasets from affiliated regional councils at regional‐ and sub‐regional scales. With the definition of the New Zealand observation data profile we show that current state‐of‐the‐art standards do not necessarily need to be improved, but that the community has to agree upon how to use these standards in an iterative process.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die kretazischen Auèrbacher Eisenerze sind in Erosionsrirmän in Malmkalk bzw. -dolomit überwiegend syngenetisch-sedimentär durch, Ausfällung von Fe++-und HCO3 -Ionen enthaltenden Lösungen als Siderit bzw. — nach Oxydation des Eisens - als Nadeleisenerz zur Ablagerung gelangt. Ein Teil der heute vorliegenden Nadeleisenerze ist auch auf spätere Oxydation von primärem Eisenkarbonat zurückzuführen. Wesentliche Hinweise auf die Genese geben — außerden Lagerungsverhältnissen — vor allem der geringe Aluminiumgehalt der hochprozentigen Erze und der hohe Kohlenstoffgehalt der Weißerze; daneben werden auch andere Elemente, wie Bor, Yttrium, Phosphor, Mangan, Titan usw. zur Dentung herangezogen.Den Herren der Maxhütte möchten wir für die Förderung der Arbeit und die Erlaubnis zur Veröffentlichung und Herrn Prof. Dr. C. W.,Correns für seine vielseitige Unterstützung aufrichtig danken, außerdem auch Herrn Prof. Dr. Tx. ERNST, in dessen Institut ein Teil der abschließenden Arbeiten durchgeführt wurde. Herrn Dr. H.Tilliviann (Bayer. Geol, Landesamts danken wir für zahlreiche, freundliche Hinweise und die Überlassung von Proben.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. Populations migrating from developing to industrialized countries seem to elicit a higher incidence and prevalence rate of AD, suggesting lifestyle and environmental factors to have a role in the pathophysiology of AD. One of its major neuropathological hallmarks is the deposition of Aβ peptides as amyloid plaques in the brain of AD patients. Aβ is proteolytically cleaved out of the larger amyloid precursor protein (APP). Cu and Mn are often found in drinking water and may have a neurotoxic potential. APP is involved in Cu homeostasis in mouse and man. In vitro observations and in vivo data obtained from APP mouse models provide strong evidence that APP overexpression enables intracellular Cu to be transported out of the cell. Disturbed metal‐ion homeostasis with elevated serum Cu levels occurs in Alzheimer and Down's patients and lowered levels in post‐mortem AD brain. We observed that bioavailable Cu has specific beneficial effects in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model. This should be regarded as a proof‐of‐concept for a prophylactic approach to overcome the observed CNS Cu deficiency in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients. Manganism is a disorder with symptoms similar to that of Parkinson's disease. The precise mechanism how manganese can damage the nervous system is unknown. There is some evidence that iron and manganese may utilize similar transport systems. Epidemi ologic data strongly suggests that manganese enters the body primarily via inhalation and through the ingestion of manganese in drinking water.  相似文献   
The peltasperm foliage Autunia naumannii (Gutbier) Kerp and possible peltasperm fructifications are for the first time described from the uppermost Taiyuan Formation of earliest Permian age near Wuda, Inner Mongolia. This is the oldest record of this group on the North China Block (Sino‐Korean Platform), indicating an early migration into this area. Data of other occurrences in China demonstrate independent radiations of the group in Cathaysia. All known records indicate that peltasperms probably originated in the tropical extrabasinal areas of Euramerica, and subsequently migrated within the tropical belt and experienced independent regional radiations in Europe, the southwestern United States and on the North China Block. The present discovery of Autunia naumannii (Gutbier) Kerp in China adds a common floral component between the Euramerican and Cathaysian floras, providing more evidence indicating mutual migration of floral elements between Cathaysia and Euramerica. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Within the framework of the Tropospheric Research Programme (TFS) four working groups in Germany (University of Stuttgart, University of Cologne, Research Center Karlsruhe, German Weather Service) formed a network developing a model system for chemistry transport calculations on different scales. The network was optimized, based on each module and combined for the different interfaces in order to perform daily preoperational ozone forecasts and its precursors at the German Weather Service in summer 1999 (May through September). The setup of the model system, the interfaces and changes of each module are described. The results of the whole preoperational episode are displayed and discussed. Main efforts were done analyzing the model climate statistics and the verification of the predictions with an extensive data base of observations at stations in Germany. The results of this extensive verification demonstrate the relatively good performance of the entire forecast system.  相似文献   
The development of winter storm- and summer thunderstorm-related loss events within the next decades in Germany was investigated with regard to change in frequency and intensity caused by climate changes. As a first step, observed meteorological data were connected with insurance data on a statistical basis. A regional climate model was then used to estimate future climate development. Using the statistical relations between meteorological and insurance data, the development of climate-driven damages was calculated. Results show that an increase of loss events can be expected within the next decades. These results show loss ratios shifting from higher return periods to smaller ones. In progressive decades, all these loss events become regionally more differentiated.  相似文献   
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