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This paper describes a fluid dynamical investigation of the influx of hot, dense ultrabasic magma into a reservoir containing lighter, fractionated basaltic magma. This situation is compared with that which develops when hot salty water is introduced under cold fresh water. Theoretical and empirical models for salt/water systems are adapted to develop a model for magmatic systems. A feature of the model is that the ultrabasic melt does not immediately mix with the basalt, but spreads out over the floor of the chamber, forming an independent layer. A non-turbulent interface forms between this layer and the overlying magma layer across which heat and mass are transferred by the process of molecular diffusion. Both layers convect vigorously as heat is transferred to the upper layer at a rate which greatly exceeds the heat lost to the surrounding country rock. The convection continues until the two layers have almost the same temperature. The compositions of the layers remain distinct due to the low diffusivity of mass compared to heat. The temperatures of the layers as functions of time and their cooling rate depend on their viscosities, their thermal properties, the density difference between the layers and their thicknesses. For a layer of ultrabasic melt (18% MgO) a few tens of metres thick at the base of a basaltic (10% MgO) magma chamber a few kilometres thick, the temperature of the layers will become nearly identical over a period of between a few months and a few years. During this time the turbulent convective velocities in the ultrabasic layer are far larger than the settling velocity of olivines which crystallise within the layer during cooling. Olivines only settle after the two layers have nearly reached thermal equilibrium. At this stage residual basaltic melt segregates as the olivines sediment in the lower layer. Depending on its density, the released basalt can either mix convectively with the overlying basalt layer, or can continue as a separate layer. The model provides an explanation for large-scale cyclic layering in basic and ultrabasic intrusions. The model also suggests reasons for the restriction of erupted basaltic liquids to compositions with MgO<10% and the formation of some quench textures in layered igneous rocks.  相似文献   
The determination of the thermal (temperature–time) histories of high‐P metamorphic terranes has been commonly based on the concepts of slow cooling and closure temperatures. In this paper, we find that this approach cannot reconcile a geochronological data set obtained from the amphibolite‐facies allochthonous Leknes Group of the Lofoten islands, Norway, which reveals an extremely complex thermal history. Using detailed results from several different geochronometers such as 40Ar/39Ar, Rb–Sr and U–Pb, we show that a model invoking multiple, short‐lived thermal pulses related to hot‐fluid infiltration channelized by shear zones can reconcile this complicated data set. This model suggests that hot fluids infiltrated throughout basement shear zones and affected the overlying cold allochthon, partially resetting U/Pb rutile and titanite ages, crystallizing new zircon and produced identical 40Ar/39Ar and Rb/Sr ages in muscovite, biotite and amphibole in various rocks throughout the region. This paper shows the enormous potential of coupling laser Ar‐spot data with thermal modelling to identify and constrain the duration of short‐lived events. An optimal P–T–t history has been derived by modelling the age data from a previously dated large muscovite crystal (Hames & Andresen, 1996, Geology, 24 :1005) and using Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry which is consistent with all geochronological data and geological constraints from the basement zones and allochthon cover. This tectonothermal model history suggests that there have been three episodic hot‐fluid and 40Ar‐free infiltration events, resulting in the total resetting of Ar ages during the Scandian (425 Ma) for 1 Ma at 650°C and two reheating events at 415 Ma for 400 ka at 650°C and at 365 Ma for 50 ka at 600°C, which are modelled as thermal spikes above an ambient temperature of 300°C. Independent confirmation of these parameters was provided by Pb‐diffusion modelling in rutile and titanite. The model suggests that the amphibolite facies rocks of the Leknes Group probably remained cold before being exhumed for at least 60 Ma (425–365 Ma) and successfully explains the presence of different minerals that crystallized or were totally/partially reset in the allochthon and in the basement. The migration of hot fluids for short periods of times within conduits extending through the basement and allochthon rock units is likely associated with episodic seismic activity during the Caledonian orogeny.  相似文献   
As a result of the serious consequences of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption (Iceland) on civil aviation, 52 volcanologists, meteorologists, atmospheric dispersion modellers and space and ground-based monitoring specialists from 12 different countries (including representatives from 6 Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres and related institutions) gathered to discuss the needs of the ash dispersal modelling community, investigate new data-acquisition strategies (i.e. quantitative measurements and observations) and discuss how to improve communication between the research community and institutions with an operational mandate. Based on a dedicated benchmark exercise and on 3 days of in-depth discussion, recommendations have been made for future model improvements, new strategies of ash cloud forecasting, multidisciplinary data acquisition and more efficient communication between different communities. Issues addressed in the workshop include ash dispersal modelling, uncertainty, ensemble forecasting, combining dispersal models and observations, sensitivity analysis, model variability, data acquisition, pre-eruption forecasting, first simulation and data assimilation, research priorities and new communication strategies to improve information flow and operational routines. As a main conclusion, model developers, meteorologists, volcanologists and stakeholders need to work closely together to develop new and improved strategies for ash dispersal forecasting and, in particular, to: (1) improve the definition of the source term, (2) design models and forecasting strategies that can better characterize uncertainties, (3) explore and identify the best ensemble strategies that can be adapted to ash dispersal forecasting, (4) identify optimized strategies for the combination of models and observations and (5) implement new critical operational strategies.  相似文献   
The effect of the marine environment upon a vented Ir-encapsulated238Pu heat source was investigated. The heat source was emplaced in coastal submarine feldspathic sediment. In less than a month it became encased in a rock-like concretion. The capsule was cemented initially with a white deposit of anhydrite, a mineral identified with high temperature deep-sea springs. As the concentration increased in thickness sedimentary particles were incorporated by the cementing agent. A non-porous barrier was formed such that decay product He was impeded from escape. This property protected the heat source against intrusion by the corrosive marine waters.As determined by neutron activation, the major and minor elements within the coastal sediment, various fractions of the concretion, and certain discrete entities within or on the surface of the concretion, are included.  相似文献   
Changes in the levels and spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as a consequence of the Oder flood in the summer of 1997 were investigated in surface water samples and fluffy layer material from the Oder Lagoon and the Pomeranian Bight. The measurements of the contaminants were complemented by satellite data to describe the spreading of the Oder flood discharge including the distribution of the particulate material. During the flood elevated levels of PAHs were discussed in the surface water and fluffy layer material of the Oder River Estuary in comparison to the average values in this region. These increased concentrations were attributed to flooding of municipal and industrial waste disposal areas in the drainage area of the Oder River. The meteorological conditions during the sampling period were characterized by predominant easterly winds, which guided the river plume along the German coast into the Arkona Sea, as verified by satellite observations. The highest concentrations of PAHs were observed near the mouth of the Swina and along the main direction of the river plume. Elevated concentrations of PAHs were also found in fluffy layer samples taken from the Oder Lagoon in late August. As derived from satellite data the eastern and the western parts of the lagoon differed in their SPM load during the entire flood period. The eastern part was covered by Oder water, while the western part contained a mixture of Oder Lagoon water. The highest concentrations of PAHs were not observed in the western part with the highest suspended matter values, but in the eastern part where the flood water entered the lagoon. Despite the significantly increased PAH levels measured during the flood, all measured concentrations were below the values that are considered to pose a risk to the ecosystem.  相似文献   
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