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Janicot and Sultan (Geophys Res Lett 28(3):523–526, 2001) and Sultan et al. (J Clim 16(21):3389–3406, 2003) showed evidence of an intraseasonal signal of Sahelian rainfall corresponding to wet and dry sequences of the West African Monsoon. Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, NOAA outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and observed daily rainfall over West Africa from 1968 to 1990, this paper investigates the variability of 3 to 5-day African Easterly Waves (AEWs), convection and their relationship with rainfall in these wet and dry sequences. The mean daily value rainfall during wet sequences is twice the mean value during dry sequences but the number of dry or wet sequences per year is not correlated with the annual rainfall. Wet sequences account for 39% of the annual accumulated rainfall while dry sequences account for 22%. The number of 3 to 5-day AEWs increases during wet years in wet sequences and the activity tends to be larger during wet years in both wet and dry sequences. These AEWs explain 40% of the accumulated rainfall during wet sequences whereas they contribute to 26% of the accumulated rainfall observed during dry sequences. Generally, they contribute to the increase of rainfall during these sequences. Mean convection is stronger and there are twice as many low OLR days (<225W/m2) during wet than dry sequences. The mean rainfall for days with high convective activity (convective days) is also twice as great during wet sequences. Rainfall that occurs during days without low OLR (weak convection with warm cloud tops or isolated deep convection) contributes to 69% of the total rainfall during dry sequences and 45% during wet sequences. A composite study was performed from day D 0−10 to day D 0+10 in each sequence. Wet (dry) sequences of the African monsoon start with a decrease (slight increase) of the negative meridional Ertel Potential Vorticity (PV) gradient at 700 hPa, associated with an increase (decrease) of the spectral density of AEWs. During the wet sequence, the African Easterly Jet (AEJ), detected by 700 hPa zonal wind, decreases and moves northward, whereas the Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ), detected at 200 hPa, increases and shifts southward. Convective activity increases from D 0−6 to D 0−3 and remains high for 4 days in wet sequences. The daily rainfall increases (decreases) between D 0−6 and D 0 and returns to the mean value at D 0+4 for wet (dry) sequences.  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments are conducted on a physical system in which an oscillatory, along-shore, free stream flow of a homogeneous fluid occurs in the vicinity of a long coastline with vertical slope; the model sea-floor is horizontal. Particular attention is given to the resulting rectified (mean) current which is along the coastline with the shore on the right, facing downstream. In the lateral far field region defined by (1), where y is the offshore coordinate and H is the depth of the fluid, the motion field is approximately independent of the lateral distance from the coast. The vertical structure of the cross-stream motion in this region consists of Ekman layers near the sea-floor and interior adjustment flows, both periodic in time. In the near field, defined by (1), the motion is strongly dependent on the cross-stream coordinate as well as time, and rectified currents are observed. The mechanism responsible for the rectification is a complex nonlinear coupling between laterally directed adjustment flows driven by the transport in the bottom Ekman layers, and the free stream motion field. The rectified current is found to be substantially wider than the Stewartson layer thickness but much narrower than the Rossby deformation radius. The characteristic width, δy, of the rectified current is shown to scale as , where Ro is the Rossby number Rot is the temporal Rossby number and E is the Ekman number. Experiments are presented which support this scaling.  相似文献   
North-west Spitsbergen consists of a complex of Caledonian and Grenvillian crystalline rocks, situated at the north-west corner of the Barents Shelf. The aim of this study is to understand the extent of pre-Caledonian basement rocks and their protoliths. Micas and zircon grains from six rocks from north-west Spitsbergen have been dated by the 40Ar/39Ar and single-zircon Pb-evaporation methods. Two grey granites yielded Late Caledonian mica 40Ar/39Ar and zircon ages of ca. 420-430 My, with inherited zircon grains as old as 1725 My. Zircon grains from a gneissose granite xenolith in a grey granites gave crystallization ages of ca. 960 My; some grains from a migmatite neosome show similar ages. Zircon grains yielding Archean and late Palaeoproterozoic ages (1600-1800 My) are interpreted as xenocrysts of detrital origin. The youngest ages obtained from detrital zircon grains from a greenschist facies quartzite of the Signehamna unit are ca. 1800 My. Similar schists are included as xenoliths in the 960 My old gneissose granite; therefore, the sedimentary protoliths of the unit are Mesoproterozoic. The dating results suggest a significant tectonothermal event during Grenvillian time; subsequent Caledonian events had less extensive thermal effects. However, it is still a matter of debate whether Grenvillian or Caledonian metamorphism produced the majority of the migmatites. A large population of zircon grains with Late Palaeoproterozoic ages suggests a wide surface exposure of rocks of this age in the source area, with some Archean zircons.  相似文献   
The effects of using different types of glass fiber filters (GF/F, GF/C) and of sample treatments were evaluated. Studies on the variation of suspended matter (SM) and particulate organic carbon (POC) showed that: 1) the transversal and day to night variations are important and must be taken into account in order to get a correct river flux; 2) no regular seasonal variations of SM and POC were observed, as they are controlled essentially by the climatological, hydrologic, physiochemical, biological, and geological conditions of the drainage area. Contribution No 2246 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
We report on observations of the X-ray pulsar IGR J16320−4751 (also known as AX J1631.9−4752) performed simultaneously with International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory ( INTEGRAL ) and XMM–Newton . We refine the source position and identify the most likely infrared counterpart. Our simultaneous coverage allows us to confirm the presence of X-ray pulsations at ∼1300 s, that we detect above 20 keV with INTEGRAL for the first time. The pulse fraction is consistent with being constant with energy, which is compatible with a model of polar accretion by a pulsar. We study the spectral properties of IGR J16320−4751 during two major periods occurring during the simultaneous coverage with both satellites, namely a flare and a non-flare period. We detect the presence of a narrow 6.4 keV iron line in both periods. The presence of such a feature is typical of supergiant wind accretors such as Vela X-1 or GX 301−2. We inspect the spectral variations with respect to the pulse phase during the non-flare period, and show that the pulse is solely due to variations of the X-ray flux emitted by the source and not due to variations of the spectral parameters. Our results are therefore compatible with the source being a pulsar in a High Mass X-ray Binary. We detect a soft excess appearing in the spectra as a blackbody with a temperature of ∼0.07 keV. We discuss the origin of the X-ray emission in IGR J16320−4751: while the hard X-rays are likely the result of Compton emission produced in the close vicinity of the pulsar, based on energy argument we suggest that the soft excess is likely the emission by a collisionally energized cloud in which the compact object is embedded.  相似文献   
In the Gironde Estuary, most part of phytoplanktonic material carried by the rivers is mineralised in the maximum turbidity zone (MTZ). In order to follow the degradation of the phytoplanktonic material into the MTZ, we developed an in vitro approach based on the monitoring of phytoplanktonic pigments. Algal material from two chlorophytes (Scenedesmus suspicatus Chaudat and Chlamydomonas sp.) was incubated in the dark during 28 days into water samples from the Gironde estuary MTZ, at variable suspended solid concentrations (SPM) as well as in a sterilised turbid sample. First order decay constants of chlorophylls a and b and lutein increased by a factor 3 to 5 between SPM of 0 and gl?1. The production of pheophytin a in the presence of particles and the lack of degradation in the sterilised turbid sample confirmed the effect of attached bacteria on the particles. To cite this article: E. Lemaire et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 251–258.  相似文献   
Emissions of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by savanna fires   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are known as anthropogenic compounds arising from the combustion or the pyrolysis of fossil fuels, they may be also emitted by the combustion of vegetation. A field study was carried out in January 1991 at Lamto (Ivory Coast) as part of the FOS DECAFE experiment (Fire Of Savanna). Some ground samplings were devoted to the qualitative and quantitative characterization of atmospheric emissions by savanna fires during prescribed burns and under background conditions. Specific collections for gaseous and particulate PAHs have shown that the African practice of burning the savanna biomass during the winter months is an important source of PAHs. These compounds are emitted mainly in gaseous form but a significant fraction, essentially heavy PAHs, is associated with fine carbonaceous particles and can therefore represent a hazard for human health, since some of these compounds are mutagenic and carcinogenic. Twelve compounds were identified during the fire episodes and in the atmospheric background. The total concentration in the fires is of the order of 10 ng m–3 for the gas phase and from 0.1 to 1 ng m–3 in the aerosols. In the atmospheric background the mean concentrations are regular, 0.15 ng m–3 and 2 pg m–3, respectively. These concentrations are comparable with what is observed in European rural zones. The particulate emissions of PAHs by the savanna fires are distinguished by the abundance of some compounds which can be considered as tracers, although they are also slightly emitted by fossil fuel sources. These compounds are essentially pyrene, chrysene and coronene. In the gas phase, although no individual PAH may be considered as specific of the biomass combustion emissions, the relative abundances of the main PAHs are characteristic of the biomass burning. The concentrations of pyrene and fluorene are always predominant; these compounds could be considered as characteristic emission products of smoldering and flaming episodes, respectively. In the background the PAH composition shows that in a tropical region the air consists of a mixture coming from the various sources, but the biomass combustion is by far the most important source.The fluxes of total PAH emitted by savanna biomass burning in Africa were estimated to be of the order of 17 and 600 ton yr–1, respectively, for the particulate PAHs and the gaseous PAHs, respectively.  相似文献   
Organic matter was studied in the turbidity maximum zone (TMZ) of the Seine Estuary during 8 tidal cycles from April to October in 2001, 2002 and 2003, covering a salinity range from 0 to 27. The hydrological conditions were quite varied (extremely wet in 2001, unusually dry in 2003). A particularly striking feature is the high organic matter content in the suspended solids (SS) of the Seine estuary (4–5%).  相似文献   
The degradability of particulate organic matter(POM)in the Gironde Estuary(France)was measuredusing the incubation technique.The influence of sample treatment and incubation conditions on the re-sults was evaluated.A mathematical model was successfully used to describe the various degradationcurves.Results showed that the upstream POM had very high degradability;the central estuaryPOM had low degradability;and that the mouth POM degradability was between that of central POM(low degradability)and marine POM(high degradability).  相似文献   
The Lepontine dome represents a unique region in the arc of the Central and Western Alps, where complex fold structures of upper amphibolite facies grade of the deepest stage of the orogenic belt are exposed in a tectonic half-window. The NW-verging Mont Blanc, Aar und Gotthard basement folds and the Lower Penninic gneiss nappes of the Central Alps were formed by ductile detachment of the upper European crust during its Late Eocene–Early Oligocene SE-directed underthrust below the upper Penninic and Austroalpine thrusts and the Adriatic plate. Four underthrust zones are distinguished in the NW-verging stack of Alpine fold nappes and thrusts: the Canavese, Piemont, Valais and Adula zones. Up to three schistosities S1–S3, folds F1–F3 and a stretching lineation XI with top-to-NW shear indicators were developed in the F1–F3 fold nappes. Spectacular F4 transverse folds, the SW-verging Verzasca, Maggia, Ziccher, Alpe Bosa and Wandfluhhorn anticlines and synclines overprint the Alpine nappe stack. Their formation under amphibolite facies grade was related to late ductile folding of the southern nappe roots during dextral displacement of the Adriatic indenter. The transverse folding F4 was followed since 30 Ma by the pull-apart exhumation and erosion of the Lepontine dome. This occurred coevally with the formation of the dextral ductile Simplon shear zone, the S-verging backfolding F5 and the formation of the southern steep belt. Exhumation continued after 18 Ma with movement on the brittle Rhone-Simplon detachment, accompanied by the N-, NW- and W-directed Helvetic and Dauphiné thrusts. The dextral shear is dated by the 29–25 Ma crustal-derived aplite and pegmatite intrusions in the southern steep belt. The cooling by uplift and erosion of the Tertiary migmatites of the Bellinzona region occurred between 22 and 18 Ma followed by the exhumation of the Toce dome on the brittle Rhone–Simplon fault since 18 Ma.  相似文献   
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