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<正>The pressure and impact on large rivers have increased greatly in recent years,as a consequence of their exploitation to meet various human needs.Large rivers are particularly exposed to problems of multiple uses,often with conflicting aims.At the global scale river systems are increasingly altered by dams,leading to interruption of continuity and a disrupted sediment regime,which results in far-reaching problems.These challenges point also to the need for more integrated management approaches and consideration of catchment-river interactions emphasizing land use management and effects of these uses.At the global scale,there is currently no overview assessment of the current status of the world's large rivers,the conflicting demands on such rivers,and likely future anthropogenic impacts,as well as the potential for restoration,improvements in integrated management and the associated problems caused by their multiple uses.The special issue in the International Journal of Sediment Research on"Sediment loads and processes in large rivers"aims to provide a global forum for a wide-ranging discussion of key issues related to research on large rivers and to their effective and sustainable management,involving both scientists and decision makers.The sequence of papers in the special issue highlights the current situation in different river systems with regard to morphodynamic reactions of  相似文献   
Forest clearing and conversion to cattle pasture in the lowland Amazon region has been linked to soil compaction and increased soil water storage, which combine to diminish soil infiltration, enhance quick lateral flows and increase the stream flow response to precipitation. Quantifying the importance of quick surficial flow in response to this land use change requires identification of water sources within catchments that contribute to stream flow. Using an end member mixing analysis approach, potential contributing sources of stream flow were evaluated during an entire rainy season in a forest and a pasture watershed drained by ephemeral‐to‐intermittent streams in the south‐western Amazon. Water yield was 17% of precipitation in the pasture and 0·8% of precipitation in the forest. During the early rainy season, throughfall, groundwater, and soil water contributed 79%, 18%, and 3%, respectively, to total forest stream flow. Over the entire rainy season, throughfall, groundwater, and shallow soil water provided 57%, 24%, and 19%, respectively, of stream flow. In the pasture watershed, overland flow dominated stream flow both in the early (67%) and late (57%) rainy season, with a mean contribution of 60% overland flow, 35% groundwater, and 5% soil water. The uncertainty associated with those estimates was studied using a Monte Carlo approach. In addition to large changes in total surface flow, marked differences were found in the proportions of total stream flow in the second half of the rainy season between the forest and pasture watershed. These results suggest that (1) there is great potential for alteration of the hydrological budgets of larger watersheds as the proportion of deforested land in the Amazon increases, and (2) as more rainfall is diverted into fast flowpaths to streams in established pastures, the potential to deliver water with higher solute concentrations generated by erosion or by bypassing sites of solute removal increases. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
F11 Jets, supernovae, gammabursts – more light for theory? F35 A Direct Comparison of the QSO Samples from VPMS and SDSS F36 Gravitational Microlensing Simulations and Ensemble Broad‐Band Variability of the QSOs from VPMS F42 Luminosity function of low redshift quasars F43 Star Formation around Active Galactic Nuclei – Results from near infrared observations F58 High‐Redshift Quasars as Probes of Early Star Formation F66 On the dust emission of Seyfert nuclei F72 Propagation of Very Light MHD Jets F78 Giant Outflows in MassiveHigh‐z Radio Galaxies: Direct Evidence for AGNFeedback in the Early Universe F89 Lowfrequency mapping of ‘normal’ FR II radio galaxies: Resolving the puzzle of X‐shaped radio sources F90 Nature of X‐shaped radio sources: A statistical approach F100 Cosmological growth of Supermassive Black Holes: constraints on kinetic and radiative energy feedback F107 Molecular Tori in AGN F136 Electron‐Ion Recombination Rate Coefficients of Iron M‐Shell Ions for X‐Ray Astronomy F139 Hydrodynamic models of obscuring tori F145 The unique BL Lac Object S5 0716+714 F158 On the Cluster Environment of the BL Lac Object OJ 287 F179 The circumnuclear dust in nearby AGN resolved by mid‐infrared interferometry F184 NIR‐imaging of SDSS BL Lac objects F190 Blazar Observations in the TeV energy range with the MAGIC Telescope F198 Gas Inflow Rates in Nearby AGN Galaxies F202 Two zone SSC model for blazar jets F215 Long‐termVHE γ ‐ray monitoring of bright blazars with a dedicated telescope F218 Long termmonitoring of bright TeV Blazars with the MAGIC telescope F220 Fifteen Blazars in Very‐High Energy Gamma Rays: A Comparative Study F229 Numerical calculation of blazar spectra. Application to 1 ES 1218+30.4 F230 Blazar spectral energy distributions corrected for gamma ray attenuation F240 Observation of PG 1553+113 with the MAGIC Telescope F243 VHE Gamma‐Ray Flare of PKS2155‐304 detected by the MAGIC telescope F245 Observations of 3C279 with the MAGIC Telescope F258 Diffraction limited near infrared imaging spectroscopy of the NLR of NGC4151  相似文献   
The objective of the TRANSALP project is an investigation of the Eastern Alps with regard to their deep structure and dynamic evolution. The core of the project is a 340-km-long seismic profile at 12°E between Munich and Venice. This paper deals with the P-wave velocity distribution as derived from active source travel time tomography. Our database consists of Vibroseis and explosion seismic travel times recorded at up to 100 seismological stations distributed in a 30-km-wide corridor along the profile. In order to derive a velocity and reflector model, we simultaneously inverted refractions and reflections using a derivative of a damped least squares approach for local earthquake tomography. 8000 travel time picks from dense Vibroseis recordings provide the basis for high resolution in the upper crust. Explosion seismic wide-angle reflection travel times constrain both deeper crustal velocities and structure of the crust–mantle boundary with low resolution. In the resulting model, the Adriatic crust shows significantly higher P-wave velocities than the European crust. The European Moho is dipping south at an angle of 7°. The Adriatic Moho dips north with a gentle inclination at shallower depths. This geometry suggests S-directed subduction. Azimuthal variations of the first-break velocities as well as observations of shear wave splitting reveal strong anisotropy in the Tauern Window. We explain this finding by foliations and laminations generated by lateral extrusion. Based on the P-wave model we also localized almost 100 local earthquakes recorded during the 2-month acquisition campaign in 1999. Seismicity patterns in the North seem related to the Inn valley shear zone, and to thrusting of Austroalpine units over European basement. The alignment of deep seismicity in the Trento-Vicenza region with the top of the Adriatic lower crust corroborates the suggestion of a deep thrust fault in the Southern Alps.  相似文献   
As part of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), the 1.5-km-deep borehole Yaxcopoil-1, located in the Chixculub meteor impact structure in Mexico, has undergone further study after drilling operations ceased. Temperature logs were repeated ten times at intervals 0.3–0.8, 15, 24 and 34 months after borehole shut-in. The logs bear a distinct signature of transient heat transfer by groundwater flow manifested by a gradual distortion of the linear temperature profile when a cold wave of 0.8–1.6°C amplitude was detected propagating downward from 145 to 312 m at a rate of 4–6 m/month. To understand the nature of this moving anomaly, a 20-day monitoring of the cold wave was carried out at a depth of 307 m that showed further cooling of 0.6°C during the first 16 days of the passage followed by temperature stabilisation. As an explanation of this unusual phenomenon, a theory is proposed, whereby the drilling mud has accumulated within the overlying and cooler highly porous and permeable karstic rocks during the drilling and migrates downward. The observed migration rate suggests a permeability higher than 10?11 m2. This indicates a high vulnerability to contamination of the only freshwater aquifer in the Yucatan region.  相似文献   
A statistical approach by a modified Markov process model was used to prove that the lower Permian coal measures of the Tanzanian Mchuchuma basin developed distinct cyclicities during deposition. From results the transition path of lithologic states typical for this coal sequence is as follows: (A) coarse sandstone, (B) medium sandstone, (C) fine-very fine sandstone, (D) shale, (E) mudstone, (F) coal or (E+F) and again (A) coarse sandstone. The majority of cycles is are asymmetric (ABCDEF-ABC.)but symmetrical cycles are present as well (ABCDEFED). The statistical results concur with observed sedimentological evidence of depositional environment. Fining upward cycles correspond to the development of basal channel bars, changing into levées, then into back swamps which are topped by coal swamps. Frequent interbedding of coal and mudstone in the upper part of the coal measures calls for periodic flooding and flushing of fine clastics into coal-forming swamps causing interruption of peat formation. Cyclical deposition is explained by wandering channels in response to varying discharge and rate of deposition, their lateral frequent shifting caused the formation of asymmetrical cycles in this fluviodeltaic depositional model.
Zusammenfassung Das kohleführende untere Perm des Mchuchuma Beckens (SW-Tanzania) wurde statistisch mit Hilfe der Markov Analyse auf Zyklizität innerhalb der Abfolge untersucht. Die statistischen Daten zeigen, daß die bevorzugte und für dieses Kohlebecken typische Sequenz folgende lithologische Abfolge umfaßt: (A) grober Sandstein, (B) mittlerer Sandstein, (C) feiner Sandstein, (D) Siltstein, (E) Tonstein, (F) bzw. (E+F) Kohle und erneut (A) grober Sandstein. Es existieren meist asymmetrische Zyklen (ABCDEF-ABCD...) aber symmetrische Zyklen (ABCDEFED) treten ebenfalls auf. Die Markov Analyse ergänzt sehr gut die Beobachtungen bezüglich des Ablagerungsmilieus in den Aufschlüssen. »Fining up« Zyklen beginnen mit basalen Gerinnesanden, überlagert von levée Ablagerungen, welche ihrerseits übergehen in »back swamps« und Kohlesümpfe. Der obere Teil der Kohleabfolge ist durch häufige Wechsellagerungen von Kohle mit Tonstein charakterisiert, die auf periodische Überflutungen und Verfrachtungen von Feinklastika in die Kohlesümpfe zurückzuführen sind. Wandernde Flußgerinne, ausgelöst durch rasch wechselnde Sedimentfracht und Ablagerungsrate, führten zu zyklischen Ablagerungen. Häufig auftretende laterale Gerinneverlagerungen erklären die asymmetrischen Zyklen in diesem fluvio-deltaischen Ablagerungsmodell.

Résumé Des analyses statistiques ont été effectuées par la méthode de Markov sur le Permien inférieur charbonnier du bassin de Mchuchuma (Tanzanie du sud-ouest) dans le but de montrer l'existence de cycles sédimentaires. Les résultats font apparaître une séquence, typique de ce bassin, qui s'ordonne ainsi de bas en haut: (A) grès grossier, (B) grès moyen, (C) grès fin à très fin, (F) siltite, (E) pélite, (F) charbon ou (E+F) et de nouveau (A) grès grossier. Les cycles sont pour la plupart assymétriques (ABCDEF-ABC...) mais il en existe aussi de symétriques (ABCDEFED).Les résultats obtenus par la méthode de Markov concordent avec les observations sédimentologiques relatives au milieu de dépôt. Les cycles granoclassés débutent par des sables fluviatiles surmontés par des dépôts de levées suivis à leur tour de »back swamps«, et se terminent par des dépôts de marais tourbeux. La partie supérieure de la série est caractérisée par une stratification alternée de charbon et de pélite due à des inondations périodiques amenant dans les marais des produits clastiques fins qui interrompaient la formation de la tourbe. La sédimentation cyclique s'explique par la migration de chenaux, provoquée par les variations de l'apport sédimentaire et de la vitesse de dépôt. Les fréquents déplacements latéraux des chenaux expliquent l'asymétrie des cycles, dans ce modèle fluvio-deltaïque.

- Mchuchuma (-). , : (A) ; (B) ; (C) - ; (D) ; (E) ; (F) , (E + F) (A) . (ABCDEF-ABCD), (ABCDEFED). . « » , , , . (). , , , . / .
The author gives a short introduction into theories of cyclogenesis which are based on instability. The polarfront and baroclinic instability theories are discussed along with the difference between linear and non-linear instability. The author stresses that one may consider cyclogenesis from the point of view of the production of cyclonic vorticity. The terms responsible for the production of vorticity become increasingly important as soon as the horizontal and vertical wind shear as expressed by the Rossby and Richardson numbers reach a critical combination. This critical combination can be reached more easily if heat of condensation is set free than with purely dry-adiabatic processes. Therefore, cyclogenesis is more easily possible in saturated air than in non-saturated air.  相似文献   
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