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美国20世纪干旱指数评述   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
由于没有对干旱现象的充分定义,干旱监测和分析长期受到影响。在过去2个世纪,干旱指数由基于降水短缺的简单方法逐渐发展到针对具体问题的更复杂的模式。19世纪后期和20世纪初干旱指数研究集中于以下几个方面:某一时段的正常降水百分率,降水小于某一阈值的连续天数,以降水和温度为变量的公式,和以持续降水短缺作为因子的各种模式。1965年Palm er以Thornthwaite蒸散量作为需水量,提出了基于水平衡的干旱指数,它是干旱研究史上的里程碑,至今仍在广泛应用。1960年代以来干旱指数的研究进展主要包括:地表供水指数,它结合了积雪、水库蓄水、流量和高海拔降水,因而弥补了Palm er指数的不足;用于火灾监控的Keetch-Byram干旱指数;标准降水指数(SPI)和采用全球卫星植被观测的植被条件指数。这些模式随着新资料的出现而不断发展。20世纪末研发出干旱监测工具(DM),它结合Palm er指数和其它几个(后Palm er)指数得出全美国干旱条件的统一评估。本文对干旱指数作了历史性回顾,有助于对Palm er指数复杂性和干旱测量本质的理解。  相似文献   
Lake Zürich occupies a glacially overdeepened perialpine trough in the northern Middlelands of Switzerland. A total of 154.4 m of Quaternary sediments and 47.3 m of Tertiary Molasse bedrock has been cored from the deepest part of the lake, some 10 km south of the city of Zürich. Some 16.8 m of gravels and sands directly overlying the bedrock include basal till and probably earliest subglacial fluvial and lacustrine deposits. These are overlain by 98.6 m of fine-grained, glacial-aged sediments comprising completely deformed proglacial and/or subglacial lacustrine muds, separated by four basal mud tills. The lack of interglacial sediments, fossils, and other datable material, and the presence of severe sediment deformation and unknown amounts of erosion prevent the establishment of an exact chronostratigraphy for sediments older than the upper mud till. Above it some 8.6 m of lacustrine muds were deposited, folded, faulted, and tilted during the final opening of the lake at about 17,500–17,000 years ago. Superimposed are 30.4 m of final Würm and post-glacial sediments comprising (from oldest): cyclic proglacial mud, thick-bedded and laminated mud, a complex transition zone, laminated carbonate, laminated marl, and diatom-calcite varves. These sediments reflect changing catchment and lacustrine conditions including: glacial proximity, catchment stability, lake inflow characteristics, thermal structure, chemistry, and bed stability. Average sedimentation rates ranged from 11 cm yr−1 immediately after glacier withdrawal, to as low as 0.4 mm yr−1 as the environment stabilized. The lack of coarse outwash deposits separating the fine-grained glaciolacustrine sediments from a corresponding underlying basal till suggests that deglaciation of the deep northern basin of Lake Zürich was by stagnation-zone retreat rather than by retreat of an active ice-front.  相似文献   
We used high-resolution in situ measurements of turbidity and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) to quantitatively estimate the tidally driven exchange of mercury (Hg) between the waters of the San Francisco estuary and Browns Island, a tidal wetland. Turbidity and FDOM??representative of particle-associated and filter-passing Hg, respectively??together predicted 94?% of the observed variability in measured total mercury concentration in unfiltered water samples (UTHg) collected during a single tidal cycle in spring, fall, and winter, 2005?C2006. Continuous in situ turbidity and FDOM data spanning at least a full spring-neap period were used to generate UTHg concentration time series using this relationship, and then combined with water discharge measurements to calculate Hg fluxes in each season. Wetlands are generally considered to be sinks for sediment and associated mercury. However, during the three periods of monitoring, Browns Island wetland did not appreciably accumulate Hg. Instead, gradual tidally driven export of UTHg from the wetland offset the large episodic on-island fluxes associated with high wind events. Exports were highest during large spring tides, when ebbing waters relatively enriched in FDOM, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and filter-passing mercury drained from the marsh into the open waters of the estuary. On-island flux of UTHg, which was largely particle-associated, was highest during strong winds coincident with flood tides. Our results demonstrate that processes driving UTHg fluxes in tidal wetlands encompass both the dissolved and particulate phases and multiple timescales, necessitating longer term monitoring to adequately quantify fluxes.  相似文献   
This work characterizes the source rock potential of the Tarfaya Basin and enabled us to reconstruct its geochemical history. Outcrop samples covering different stratigraphic intervals, plus the northwestern part of the Zag/Tindouf Basin (Bas Draa area), were analyzed for total organic carbon (Corg) and total inorganic carbon contents and total sulfur content. Rock-Eval analysis and vitrinite reflectance measurements were performed on 56 samples chosen on the basis Corg content. A set of 45 samples were extracted and non-aromatic hydrocarbons were analyzed by way of gas chromatography-flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Non-isothermal open system pyrolysis at different heating rates was applied to obtain kinetic parameters for modelling petroleum generation from four different source rocks.High quality petroleum source rocks with high Corg content and hydrogen index (HI) values were found for samples of Eocene, Coniacian, Turonian and Cenomanian age. Most samples were carbonate rich and organic/sulfur values were high to moderate. Various maturity parameters indicated immature or possibly early mature organic matter. Based on organic geochemical and petrological data, the organic matter is of marine/aquatic origin (Cenomanian) or a mixture of aquatic and terrigenous material (Eocene). The Early Cretaceous interval did not contain high quality source rocks, but indications of petroleum impregnation were found.  相似文献   
In certain areas rhyolitic tuffs of the Upper Rotliegend include a greenish, talc-like substance, called Hygrophyllit. It has been found too at the base of the Rotliegend in the Saarland. It is shown, that Hygrophyllit corresponds to decomposed pumice, related to the acid permian volcanism. X-ray, DTA and chemical investigations yielded, that Hygrophyllit consists essentially of a mixed layer mica-Ca-montmorillonite with random interstratification and previously about 33 % expandable layers. In consequence there are in the Rotliegend of the Saar-Nahe-Basin three different diagenetic developments of acid pyroclastic rocks: The formation of Kaolinite in the Lower Rotliegend, of devitrification products in the Upper Rotliegend and of an interstratified mica-montmorillouite concerning pumice. The reason for this different diagenesis is discussed.

Für weitgehende Hilfe bei den elektronenmikroskopischen Untersuchungen schulde ich Herrn Doz. Dr. Pense Dank. Ebenso danke ich Herrn Dr. Lorenz für Diskussionen und Überlassung von jüngerem Bimsmaterial.  相似文献   
Seabed impacted by settling solids from a turbidity plume can be surveyed by submersible using a ‘bounce’ technique to determine depth of the turbidity front, and hence depth above which benthos observations are practical. The protocol adopted was that after frontal depth was determined by a preliminary dive, the site for the benthic survey was selected. On arrival on the seabed a reconnaisance was made for the observers to agree on the identification of visible benthos. Then 100 × 1 m2 transects were surveyed using a 1 m2 quadrat attached to the submersible in view of the port-side observer. At the site investigated, two shallow water stations (depths 13–15 m, and 16–18 m) showing light deposits of mine tailings were seen to support associations of large epifauna and infauna. The first station had an almost single-species stand of the burrowing anenome Pachycerianthus fimbriatus at approximately 100 · 100 m?2, and the second a diverse species association with several starfish and other species at 1–2 · 100 m?2. Burrow holes (up to 3–5 cm diameter) of various sizes indicated that large infaunal species were present. At a deeper station (36–27 m) with heavy tailings and almost no burrow holes, a single Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, and an unidentified shrimp were seen in the 100 m2 transect. Each dive site was inshore (shallower) from a routinely monitored benthos station shown repeatedly to support a population of small infauna in the tailings. Burrow holes have the potential for determining the identity and abundance of large infaunal species present if an identification system can be developed. The technique of epifaunal and burrow hole surveys (by submersible and scuba diver), combined with infaunal and sediment core surveys and contemporary theory on infaunal succession, provides the potential for a procedure to map the distribution in shallow water of tailings impact and benthic recovery (succession).  相似文献   
Comprehensive GC/MS analysis was applied to both the mobile liquid phase (seepage water) and the immobile solid matter of discrete layers derived from a waste deposit landfill. The vertical distribution of organic compounds supports information on the transport, transfer and transformation processes with depth and, consequently, with time.Numerous low molecular weight organic contaminants of natural and xenobiotic origin were identified and partially quantified. Several were selected to act as molecular indicators for different processes. Interpretation of their occurrence and concentration profiles (considering possible waste sources) and their molecular properties allowed us to (i) differentiate immobile and mobile fractions, (ii) reveal restrictions in the vertical transport by transfer processes between particulate and water phase, (iii) identify dynamic accumulations of individual contaminants and (iv) estimate approximate residence times. In addition, intensive degradation processes were pointed out for the natural fraction of the organic matter by way of determination of specific transformation products. Besides the transformation of natural components, transformation of numerous xenobiotics was recognised. In particular, with respect to an important group of contaminants, the phthalate-based plasticisers, a detailed view of (i) the influence of transfer and transport phenomena on transformation processes as well as (ii) the consecutive appearance of different degradation steps in both seepage water and solid waste was pointed out. The information provides a valuable base for the prediction of the long term behaviour of organic contaminants in waste deposit landfills.  相似文献   
Weekly snow cover areas, derived from the NOAA/NESS Northern Hemisphere Digitized Snow and Ice Cover Data Base, were correlated with weekly temperature anomalies across the United States and with weekly 700-mb geopotential heights over the North American sector. The correlations were computed for snow cover across the entire North American continent as well as the western and eastern United States for the winters 1966–67 through 1979–80. Extensive snow cover is associated with negative temperature anomalies across most of the continental United States. The strongest relationship occurs along the eastern flank of the Rocky Mountains from the Canadian border to the central Great Plains and reflects the southward movement of cold arctic air masses toward the Gulf of Mexico. An anomalous trough over the western part of North America is responsible for extensive snow cover in the winter. The surface storm track is displaced southward during winters with heavy snow cover, with cyclones occurring more frequently in the southern Plains and southeastern United States. Moist Gulf of Mexico air advected northward by the southerly flow aloft is an important prerequisite condition for the occurrence of extensive snow cover in the eastern United States during the first half of winter.  相似文献   
王涓力 《干旱气象》2006,24(1):90-94
美国需要改进干旱监测与评估方法。干旱是代价昂贵的自然灾害(联邦应急管理局(FEMA),1995;W ilhite,2000),但经常被评估和预报产品的开发者忽略。相比于其他灾害,干旱表现得更模糊并且不适合用传统的评估或预报方法,它相对缓慢的发生以及其影响的复杂性,需要有一套新的方法来对它进行评估。干旱监测和预报技术的提高会使我们为应对干旱灾害做更好的准备工作,进行更好的应对实践,从而减少社会对干旱及其影响的脆弱性。为追踪和展示全美国干旱的程度、空间范围以及其影响,开发了新的干旱监测工具,研发了每周发布的国家级干旱监测业务产品(th…  相似文献   
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