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This paper presents a new method (moving-windows) that optimizes diatom-based paleolimnological reconstructions of past environmental conditions from supra-regional training sets. The moving-window method identifies the best number of nearest neighbours (window size) from a merged supra-regional EDDI and local (MV) training set (n = 429) for each fossil diatom assemblage and the best type of transfer function (ML, WA-PLS) based on the error statistic of each transfer function (highest cross-validated R 2, lowest cross-validated average bias, maximum bias and RMSEP). At first we evaluated the moving-window approach by comparing measured TP-values with inferred TP-values using both the moving-window approach and the WA-PLS method. The relative errors of the moving-window approach were not significantly different for 208 samples that had an error <15 μg/l TP using the WA-PLS method. However, for the remaining 221 samples with errors >>15 μg/l TP using the WA-PLS method, the moving window approach significantly reduced the relative error of the inferred TP levels. Secondly, the moving- window approach was used to reconstruct epilimnetic total phosphorous (TP) for Lake Dudinghausen, Lake Rugensee, Lake Tiefer See and Lake Drewitzer See (Northern Germany) using both the supra-regional EDDI training set and a local training set from Northern Germany (MV training set). The moving-window inferred TP-levels of the four study lakes were compared with published reconstructed TP-values and with inferred TP-values based on the local MV training set. Overall, the moving-window and the published TP-trends agree well with each other. However, the moving-window reconstructions generally indicated lower TP-levels throughout the past ∼5,000 to 12,000 years, including past maxima. Thus, the moving-window method seems to generate more realistic absolute TP levels due to the optimized window size (highest number of modern analogues, best error statistics). The identification of more realistic absolute historic TP-values is important for the validation of reference conditions for inland waters. This study also demonstrates that a robust local training set may, similar to moving-window training sets, also lead to reliable reconstructions, if the geological settings of the local training set lakes and the study lakes are similar.  相似文献   
A Probabilistic Modelling System for Assessing Flood Risks   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
In order to be economically viable, flood disaster mitigation should be based on a comprehensive assessment of the flood risk. This requires the estimation of the flood hazard (i.e. runoff and associated probability) and the consequences of flooding (i.e. property damage, damage to persons, etc.). Within the “German Research Network Natural Disasters” project, the working group on “Flood Risk Analysis” investigated the complete flood disaster chain from the triggering event down to its various consequences. The working group developed complex, spatially distributed models representing the relevant meteorological, hydrological, hydraulic, geo-technical, and socio-economic processes. In order to assess flood risk these complex deterministic models were complemented by a simple probabilistic model. The latter model consists of modules each representing one process of the flood disaster chain. Each module is a simple parameterisation of the corresponding more complex model. This ensures that the two approaches (simple probabilistic and complex deterministic) are compatible at all steps of the flood disaster chain. The simple stochastic approach allows a large number of simulation runs in a Monte Carlo framework thus providing the basis for a probabilistic risk assessment. Using the proposed model, the flood risk including an estimation of the flood damage was quantified for an example area at the river Rhine. Additionally, the important influence of upstream levee breaches on the flood risk at the lower reaches was assessed. The proposed model concept is useful for the integrated assessment of flood risks in flood prone areas, for cost-benefit assessment and risk-based design of flood protection measures and as a decision support tool for flood management.  相似文献   
通过对亚美尼亚Kajaran的一口自流井流量数据和电导率数据的多年分析,我们发现这口井对远场大震的响应非常敏感。一般同震流量增加,震后大约滞后一小时传导率减小。传导率在震后大约三周时趋于最小,然后需要数月时间来恢复震前水平。例如,1999年8月17土耳其Izm itMW7.6级地震,相距1 400 km,引起流量增加25%,传导率减小6%。流量也可以显示潮汐的波动,这种波动的幅度(顶点到顶点)约为水井产生的平均波动的5%,但传导率数据的潮汐信号并不明显,且不稳定。监测期11次地震引起最大同震静态应变异常的估算均低于10-9,只有一次正常状态小于潮汐应变。所以,远震相关的井水异常是地震地面振动引起的,而非同震变形。我们提出混有地下水的模型来解释观察到的现象,此模型考虑了这个特殊的地下水系统的特殊状态:封闭的含水层含两类在水化组分上具有很大差异的地下水,地下水和微破裂的混合区域与自流井的液压相互关联。认为与地震相关的异常,是由自流井附近的局部水头增加产生的,而局部水头的增加是由于地震波的通过引起的。本文讨论了可能的机制,对异常的时间变化曲线进行了模拟。  相似文献   
We investigate the model sensitivity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) to anomalous freshwater flux in the tropical and northern Atlantic. Forcing in both locations leads to the same qualitative response: a positive freshwater anomaly induces a weakening of the AMOC and a negative freshwater anomaly strengthens the AMOC. Strong differences arise in the temporal characteristics and amplitude of the response. The advection of the tropical anomaly up to the deep water formation area leads to a time delayed response compared to a northern forcing. Thus, in its transient response, the AMOC is less sensitive to a constant anomalous freshwater flux in the tropics than in the north. This difference decreases with time and practically vanishes in equilibrium with constant freshwater forcing. The equilibrium response of the AMOC shows a non-linear dependence on freshwater forcing in both locations, with a stronger sensitivity to positive freshwater forcing. As a consequence, competitive forcing in both regions is balanced when the negative forcing is about 1.5 times larger than the positive forcing. The relaxation time of the AMOC after termination of a freshwater perturbation depends significantly on the AMOC strength itself. A strong overturning exhibits a faster relaxation to its unperturbed state. By means of a set of complementary experiments (pulse-perturbations, constant and stochastic forcing) we quantify these effects and discuss the corresponding time scales and physical processes.  相似文献   
The Andean Plateau of NW Argentina is a prominent example of a high‐elevation orogenic plateau characterized by internal drainage, arid to hyper‐arid climatic conditions and a compressional basin‐and‐range morphology comprising thick sedimentary basins. However, the development of the plateau as a geomorphic entity is not well understood. Enhanced orographic rainout along the eastern, windward plateau flank causes reduced fluvial run‐off and thus subdued surface‐process rates in the arid hinterland. Despite this, many Puna basins document a complex history of fluvial processes that have transformed the landscape from aggrading basins with coalescing alluvial fans to the formation of multiple fluvial terraces that are now abandoned. Here, we present data from the San Antonio de los Cobres (SAC) area, a sub‐catchment of the Salinas Grandes Basin located on the eastern Puna Plateau bordering the externally drained Eastern Cordillera. Our data include: (a) new radiometric U‐Pb zircon data from intercalated volcanic ash layers and detrital zircons from sedimentary key horizons; (b) sedimentary and geochemical provenance indicators; (c) river profile analysis; and (d) palaeo‐landscape reconstruction to assess aggradation, incision and basin connectivity. Our results suggest that the eastern Puna margin evolved from a structurally controlled intermontane basin during the Middle Miocene, similar to intermontane basins in the Mio‐Pliocene Eastern Cordillera and the broken Andean foreland. Our refined basin stratigraphy implies that sedimentation continued during the Late Mio‐Pliocene and the Quaternary, after which the SAC area was subjected to basin incision and excavation of the sedimentary fill. Because this incision is unrelated to baselevel changes and tectonic processes, and is similar in timing to the onset of basin fill and excavation cycles of intermontane basins in the adjacent Eastern Cordillera, we suspect a regional climatic driver, triggered by the Mid‐Pleistocene Climate Transition, caused the present‐day morphology. Our observations suggest that lateral orogenic growth, aridification of orogenic interiors, and protracted plateau sedimentation are all part of a complex process chain necessary to establish and maintain geomorphic characteristics of orogenic plateaus in tectonically active mountain belts.  相似文献   
Measurements of biogenic gases including enantiomeric monoterpenes and isoprene, and anthropogenic gases such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, ortho-, meta- and para- xylene (BTEX) compounds were made by GC-MS in November and December 2008 within a stone pine (Pinus pinea L) forest located on the Southwest coast of Spain (37.10°N, 6.70°W). Mixing ratios of the biogenic species were found to be low (mean circa 10 pptv) consistent with previously observed low wintertime regional forest emission rates. In contrast, anthropogenic species were significantly higher (mean 10–156 pptv), the dominant emissions originating from the city of Huelva and associated petrochemical activities, located 25 km north west of the measurement site. In wintertime the monoterpene (?)-α-pinene was found to be in slight enantiomeric excess over (+)-α-pinene at night but by day the measured ratio was closer to one i.e. racemic. Samples taken the following summer in the same location showed much higher monoterpene mixing ratios and revealed a strong enantiomeric excess of (?)-α-pinene. This indicates a strong seasonal variance in the enantiomeric emission ratio which is not manifested in the day/night temperature cycles in wintertime. Mixing ratios of the xylene isomers (meta- and para-) and ethylbenzene, which are all well resolved on the beta-cyclodextrin column, were exploited to estimate average OH radical exposures to VOCs from the Huelva industrial area. These were compared to empirical estimates of OH based on JNO2 measured at the site. The deficiencies of each estimation method are discussed.  相似文献   
A 15 member ensemble of 20th century simulations using the ECHAM4–T42 atmospheric GCM is utilized to investigate the potential predictability of interannual variations of seasonal rainfall over Africa. Common boundary conditions are the global sea surface temperatures (SST) and sea ice extent. A canonical correlation analysis (CCA) between observed and ensemble mean ECHAM4 precipitation over Africa is applied in order to identify the most predictable anomaly patterns of precipitation and the related SST anomalies. The CCA is then used to formulate a re-calibration approach similar to model output statistics (MOS) and to derive precipitation forecasts over Africa. Predictand is the climate research unit (CRU) gridded precipitation over Africa. As predictor we use observed SST anomalies, ensemble mean precipitation over Africa and a combined vector of mean sea level pressure, streamfunction and velocity potential at 850 hPa. The different forecast approaches are compared. Most skill for African precipitation forecasts is provided by tropical Atlantic (Gulf of Guinea) SST anomalies which mainly affect rainfall over the Guinean coast and Sahel. The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) influences southern and East Africa, however with a lower skill. Indian Ocean SST anomalies, partly independent from ENSO, have an impact particularly on East Africa. As suggested by the large agreement between the simulated and observed precipitation, the ECHAM4 rainfall provides a skillful predictor for CRU precipitation over Africa. However, MOS re-calibration is needed in order to provide skillful forecasts. Forecasts using MOS re-calibrated model precipitation are at least as skillful as forecast using dynamical variables from the model or instantaneous SST. In many cases, MOS re-calibrated precipitation forecasts provide more skill. However, differences are not systematic for all regions and seasons, and often small.  相似文献   
Planktonic foraminifera are widely utilized for the biostratigraphy of Cretaceous and Cenozoic marine sediments and are a fundamental component of Cenozoic chronostratigraphy. The recent enhancements in deep sea drilling recovery, multiple coring and high resolution sampling both offshore and onshore, has improved the planktonic foraminiferal calibrations to magnetostratigraphy and/or modified species ranges. This accumulated new information has allowed many of the planktonic foraminiferal bioevents of the Cenozoic to be revised and the planktonic foraminiferal calibrations to be reassessed. We incorporate these developments and amendments into the existing biostratigraphic zonal scheme.In this paper we present an amended low-latitude (tropical and subtropical) Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal zonation. We compile 187 revised calibrations of planktonic foraminiferal bioevents from multiple sources for the Cenozoic and have incorporated these recalibrations into a revised Cenozoic planktonic foraminiferal biochronology. We review and synthesize these calibrations to both the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS) of the Cenozoic and astronomical time scale (ATS) of the Neogene and late Paleogene. On the whole, these recalibrations are consistent with the previous work; however, in some cases, they have led to major adjustments to the duration of biochrons. Recalibrations of the early–middle Eocene first appearance datums of Globigerinatheka kugleri, Hantkenina singanoae, Guembelitrioides nuttalli and Turborotalia frontosa have resulted in large changes in the durations of Biochrons E7, E8 and E9. We have introduced (upper Oligocene) Zone O7 utilizing the biostratigraphic utility of ‘Paragloborotalia’ pseudokugleri. For the Neogene Period, major revisions are applied to the fohsellid lineage of the middle Miocene and we have modified the criteria for recognition of Zones M7, M8 and M9, with additional adjustments regarding the Globigerinatella lineage to Zones M2 and M3. The revised and recalibrated datums provide a major advance in biochronologic resolution and a template for future progress of the Cenozoic time scale.  相似文献   
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