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In many fields of the Earth Sciences, one is interested in the distribution of particle or void sizes within samples. Like many other geological attributes, size distributions exhibit spatial variability, and it is convenient to view them within a geostatistical framework, as regionalized functions or curves. Since they rarely conform to simple parametric models, size distributions are best characterized using their raw spectrum as determined experimentally in the form of a series of abundance measures corresponding to a series of discrete size classes. However, the number of classes may be large and the class abundances may be highly cross-correlated. In order to model the spatial variations of discretized size distributions using current geostatistical simulation methods, it is necessary to reduce the number of variables considered and to render them uncorrelated among one another. This is achieved using a principal components-based approach known as Min/Max Autocorrelation Factors (MAF). For a two-structure linear model of coregionalization, the approach has the attractive feature of producing orthogonal factors ranked in order of increasing spatial correlation. Factors consisting largely of noise and exhibiting pure nugget–effect correlation structures are isolated in the lower rankings, and these need not be simulated. The factors to be simulated are those capturing most of the spatial correlation in the data, and they are isolated in the highest rankings. Following a review of MAF theory, the approach is applied to the modeling of pore-size distributions in partially welded tuff. Results of the case study confirm the usefulness of the MAF approach for the simulation of large numbers of coregionalized variables.  相似文献   
In this study, the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) data of eight years have been used to investigate the annual and interannual variations of large-scale circulation over the tropics. The results of EOF analysis indicate that the first three eigenvectors reflect the essential features in OLR annual variation. However, they contribute little to the interannual change. In comparison, the fourth to the sixth components have very large year-to-year variations. The pronounced anomalies are located over the tropics with east-west dipole pattern. It implies that ENSO events are related closely to the variation of the Walker circulation.  相似文献   
祝捷  罗熠 《探矿工程》2009,36(2):16-20
GJY灌浆自动记录仪后处理软件主要配合G JY系列灌浆自动记录仪使用,用于采集、分析和管理各类灌浆施工数据。主要介绍了该软件的研制背景、功能设计、开发平台、体系结构、数据结构、运行平台、主要功能、当前在工程实践中的应用效果及改进措施。  相似文献   
在南海东北部广泛发育沉积物波。通过高分辨率多波束数据、地震剖面以及重力柱状样,对沉积物波的形态特征、粒度特征、物源以及形成机制进行了分析。研究表明大致以台湾浅滩南海底峡谷为界,北侧为近北东向展布,南侧为近南北向展布。对其分布规律、地貌和形态特征及重力柱状样粒度分析表明这些沉积物波为浊流成因。沉积物波的发育与新生代晚期研究区的构造活动密切相关,自距今6.5 Ma以来台湾造山运动使台湾岛强烈抬升剥蚀,这些剥蚀物为研究区提供了大量的陆源物质,而在南海东北部陆坡区大量发育的峡谷-冲沟系统为陆缘物质向下陆坡的输送提供了良好的通道。研究区西侧的东沙隆起长期处于抬升剥蚀状态,这种抬升剥蚀也为研究区沉积物波的发育提供了部分物源。随着坡度的减缓,浊流沉积物开始堆积,在台湾浅滩南海底峡谷的北侧形成了展布方向与冲沟垂直的沉积物波,而在南侧由于台湾浅滩南海底峡谷发生转向,浊流从水道中漫溢出来,沉积物堆积下来,形成了与原先水道近于垂直的近南北向的沉积物波。  相似文献   
柏江湘  米贤武  李德俊 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6205-6212
用一种全量子理论方法研究了波导、光学微盘腔与三能级量子点耦合系统的动力学过程,求出其耦合后的透射模和反射模的解析解. 由于微腔表面粗糙引起反向散射,在微腔内形成两简并回音壁耦合共振模,其耦合率为β;量子点的两激发态分别以耦合率g1,g2与回音壁耦合共振模产生耦合. 在实数空间里,得出透射光谱和反射光谱的数值解,这些三能级模型结果比二能级模型结果更接近真实光学微盘腔系统,能更好地显示耦合系统的动力学特性.  相似文献   
厦门港帽铃水母生活史的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文详细描述了厦门港帽铃水母从胚囊期到水螅体的各发育期的外部形态、发育时间与大小,以及附着与变态过程,并对其结果进行讨论。  相似文献   
The development of embryos and larvae of Babyloniaformosae habei living along the southeast coast of China is observed under laboratory conditions. The egg masses are laid by females on hard substrate at night and each capsule contains 100-500 eggs. Each egg is 250-280 mm in diameter. The fast two cleavages of the embryo are meridional and equal, and a polar lobe is produced. Larval kidney, which only consists of a single cell, appears during the gastrula stage on each side of the embryo. The right tentacle develops prior to the left one. At 25-27 ℃, an intracapsulate veliger stage is reached about 4.5 d after deposition. The larvae hatch on the fifth day as swimming veligers with a shell length of 360 -500 mm. The newly hatched larva can ingest suspended algal cells from the water column and remains in the pelagic stage for 8-10 d. The newly settled juveniles are 900-1 200 mm in shell length.  相似文献   
早更新世时,重庆地区生活着巫山人;中更新世时,生存有盐井沟动物群和歌乐山动物群;晚更新世—全新世时,合川三汇坝动物群繁衍,以水杉、红椿木和枫杨为代表的植物群遍及全区,并有水杉、银杉等孓遗植物存在。整个第四纪时期,重庆地区的气候属亚热带温暖湿润气候,没有发生过冰川活动。  相似文献   
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