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内蒙古大井矿床中产出一种奇特的闪锌矿斑点结构,闪锌矿斑点包裹于黄铁矿中,通过显微镜研究和电子探针分析,认为该闪锌矿斑点属罕见的富铜闪锌矿,ω(Cu)为3.87%—6.99%,平均5.37%,其成因与在黄铜矿中的闪锌矿斑点一样,是高温下出溶作用的产物。  相似文献   
20100124山西河津M4.8地震前,临汾地震台宽频倾斜仪记录到与实验室岩石破裂亚失稳过程类似图像,震源及附近地区也出现多项准同步性的短临异常。本文对这次地震前震源及附近地区多种地球物理场观测数据在发震断层黏滑失稳前不同阶段的变化特征进行了探讨。结果表明:1)震前记录到的亚失稳现象并非单点单测项,而是具有多点多物理场的群体性特征;2)这些异常出现的时间与临汾宽频倾斜仪记录的亚失稳事件时间基本同步,其形态上以大幅突变为主,时间上多集中在震前45 d左右,空间上主要集中在距震中100 km的范围内,且具有随时间从外围向震中区集中的特点;3)震前不仅在多种地球物理场观测数据中记录到类似亚失稳现象,而且在震前1~6 d一些地球物理场观测仪器还记录到与发震断层失稳前预滑有关的小事件;4)震前临汾宽频倾斜仪记录到的亚失稳现象、震源及附近地区出现多项准同步性的短临异常,是在震源及附近地区的区域应力场增强、介质特性发生改变的情况下出现的,可能与河津地震有关;5)震前多种地球物理场异常随时间推移显示出协同化的特点,即沿发震断裂方向有由外围向震中迁移和集中的特点。  相似文献   
为给山西省临县三交区块的地下水环境保护提供科学依据,运用地下水数值模拟技术对压裂液在煤层中的运移进行了预测。在分析研究区地质结构的基础上,建立了水文地质概念模型,将山西组3#煤层概化为一个承压含水层,其上覆二叠系砂岩、泥岩作为隔水层,下伏的泥岩、砂岩互层作为隔水层,并确定了地下水系统的边界条件。运用地下水模型软件(Feflow)对研究区内的压裂液在煤层中的运移进行了模拟和预测,预测结果表明,压裂液在煤层中的的运移范围在煤层压裂影响范围以内,即压裂井周围300 m范围内。  相似文献   
Sparsity constrained deconvolution can improve the resolution of band-limited seismic data compared to conventional deconvolution. However, such deconvolution methods result in nonunique solutions and suppress weak reflections. The Cauchy function, modified Cauchy function, and Huber function are commonly used constraint criteria in sparse deconvolution. We used numerical experiments to analyze the ability of sparsity constrained deconvolution to restore reflectivity sequences and protect weak reflections under different constraint criteria. The experimental results demonstrate that the performance of sparsity constrained deconvolution depends on the agreement between the constraint criteria and the probability distribution of the reflectivity sequences; furthermore, the modified Cauchyconstrained criterion protects the weak reflections better than the other criteria. Based on the model experiments, the probability distribution of the reflectivity sequences of carbonate and clastic formations is statistically analyzed by using well-logging data and then the modified Cauchy-constrained deconvolution is applied to real seismic data much improving the resolution.  相似文献   
20世纪以来,川滇地区M≥6.7强震时间间隔具有良好的规律性,其地震发生的年份可组成一个二维时间坐标系,并据此建立川滇地区的强震时间预测模型。预测分析表明:未来16年,川滇地区可能存在发生4次6.7级以上地震发生的风险,2012-2021及2025-2029年均有M≥6.7强震信号,且未来强震可能发生在2014-2015、2019与2027年前后。  相似文献   
华北地区地震短临异常综合标志及预报指标的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李文英  张清荣 《地震》1994,(1):23-30
本文对华北16次中强以上地震前多兆短临异常进行了分析,归纳出短临异常的综合变化特征。依据短临异常的综合特征,提出在中期异常背景上孕震过程由中期向短期过渡的两个定量化综合标志。研究了孕震后期在观测到较多数量短临异常情况下,能否发布5级以上地震预报意见的预报指标。作为本文结果的检验,计算了8次地震丧的综合标志和预报指标。本研究工作在短临预报中具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   
Regional high-precision velocity models of the crust are an important foundation for examining seismic activity, seismogenic environments, and disaster distribution characteristics. The Hefei-Chao Lake area contains the main geological units of Hefei Basin, with thick sediments and the Chao Lake depression. Several major concealed faults of the southern NNE-trending Tanlu Fault Zone cross this area. To further explore the underground distribution characteristics of the faults and their tectonic evolutionary relationship with adjacent tectonic units, this study used ambient noise data recorded by a seismic array deployed in Hefei City and Chao Lake, constructing a 3-D velocity model at the depth of 1–8 km. Then a multi-scale high-resolution 3-D velocity model of this area was constructed by this new upper crustal velocity model with the previous middle and lower crustal model. The new model reveals that a high-velocity belt is highly consistent with the strike of the Tanlu Fault Zone, and a low-velocity sedimentary characteristic is consistent with the Hefei Basin and Chao Lake depression. The distribution morphology of high and low velocity bodies shows that the sedimentary pattern of Hefei-Chao Lake area is closely related to the tectonic evolution of the Tanlu Fault Zone since the Mesozoic. This study also identifies multiple low-velocity anomalies in the southeastern Hefei City. We speculate that strong ground motion during the 2009 Feidong earthquake (magnitude of 3.5) was related to amplification by the thick sediments in the Hefei Basin. We also discuss further applications of multi-scale high-resolution models of the shallow layer to strong ground motion simulations in cities and for earthquake disaster assessments.  相似文献   
阿尔泰南缘东段变形岩石磁组构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
磁组构是指岩石磁化率的各向异性,磁组构方法已经被广泛应用于构造变形分析。阿尔泰南缘东段地区岩石磁组构特征是磁各向异性度P值大,反映本区总体韧性剪切变形强烈。萨尔布拉克—科克萨依脆性劈理化带和玛因鄂博韧性剪压构造带的E>0占优势,磁面理发育,部分样品磁线理发育,反映变形以压扁变形为主,主压应力方向为NE(NEE)向,伴随弱的左行剪切;达拉维孜—阿热勒托别韧性流变构造带和锡泊渡—富蕴深层次变晶糜棱岩带E>0和E<0均存在,磁面理和磁线理均发育,反映以剪切变形为主;其中达拉维孜—阿热勒托别构造带主压应力方向为NE(NEE)向,为左行剪切,而锡泊渡—富蕴构造带主压应力方向为SN向,为右行剪切。在达拉维孜—阿热勒托别构造带中的哈腊苏铜矿和卡拉先格尔—老山口一带一些叠加蚀变矿化的强变形岩石的P值明显减小,说明在韧性变形之后发生过矿化热液作用导致磁化率各向异性发生了均一化。结合区域构造分析,可以认为萨尔布拉克—科克萨依构造带、达拉维孜—阿热勒托别构造带和玛因鄂博构造带构成一个完整的板块碰撞聚合带,而锡泊渡—富蕴构造带可能为在古生代期间被强烈改造的具有前震旦纪结晶基底的微大陆的残留(或断片)。  相似文献   
流动环境中圆孔水平热射流三维数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据计算流体动力学理论,采用Realizable k-ε紊流模型和SIMPLEC算法,考虑浮力作用,利用有限体积法来离散求解流动环境中圆孔水平热射流的流动与传热控制方程,对流动环境中圆孔水平热射流进行了三维数值模拟,比较了不同流速比和不同射流出口温度条件下的流动特性和温度分布特性,得到了热射流轨迹的速度和温度衰减规律,分析了流速比和射流出口温度对热射流轨迹温度分布的影响。  相似文献   
文章对非开挖导向孔三维轨迹设计软件的功能和使用方法进行了介绍,对该系统近两年的工程应用进行了总结,并通过一个典型工程实例介绍了软件模拟施工环境和设计轨迹的过程。通过用户反馈信息的搜集,介绍了软件存在的部分问题及其改进方案,并对软件的进一步开发的思路进行了展望。  相似文献   
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