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在线路调查和样方调查的基础上分析了广州白云山常绿阔叶林的结构特征.群落主要由亚热带科属组成,优势科为芸香科、五加科、茜草科、山茶科、壳斗科、鼠刺科、樟科等.优势树种也以相应的优势科属树种为主.群落中胸径≥3cm的个体密度较小,只有1964株/hm2;群落较为低矮,平均高度只有6m;乔木垂直分化不明显,树种水平分布不均.白云山的植被是次生植被和人工造林改造的结果,只在山谷少数植被没受人类干扰.其现状植被是天然次生植被和人工植被的混合体.在一些由马尾松发展起来的群落,天然侵入的阔叶树种已在主要层中居优势;群落中可见马尾松衰退的痕迹.  相似文献   
本文报告一种用半导体激光器作光源,用子脉冲宽度100ns,长度为511的周期伪随机码对半导体激光器的输出作幅度调制;APD作光电检测器,高速数字信号处理器TMS320C25作信号处理的激光雷达组成方案和试作样机的实验结果。  相似文献   
贺艳华  刘聪  周国华  陈妍 《热带地理》2021,41(2):327-339
通过构建城乡居民客观发展指数、主观幸福感指数和福祉差异系数,分析了2005-2015年长江经济带城镇、乡村居民福祉水平及其差距的动态变化过程和空间差异,探讨其影响因素与作用机制.结果表明:1)长江经济带及各省城乡居民福祉均呈上升趋势,区域城镇和乡村居民福祉指数分别由2005年的0.6653、0.5704提高至2015年...  相似文献   
In 2008 (January–February), East Asia (EA) experiences the most severe and long-persisting snowstorm in the past 100 years. Results in this study show that 2007/2008 winter is dominant by the third principal mode of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) which explains 8.7% of the total surface air temperature variance over EA. Significantly distinguished from the first two leading modes, the third mode positive phase features an increased surface pressure over the northwestern EA, an enhanced central Siberian high (CSH), a strengthened and northwestward extended western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and anomalously strong moisture transport from western Pacific, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal to EA. It also exhibits an intimate linkage with the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) in the Arctic Ocean areas adjacent to northern Eurasian continent, central North Pacific and northeastern Pacific. Such SSTAs emerge in prior autumn and persist through ensuing winter, signifying precursory conditions for the anomalous third EAWM mode. Numerical experiments with a simple general circulation model demonstrate that the Arctic SSTAs excite geo-potential height anomalies over northern Eurasian continent and impacts on the CSH, while the extra-tropical Pacific SSTAs deform the WPSH. Co-effects of them play crucial roles on origins of the third EAWM mode. Based on these results, an empirical model is established to predict the third mode of the EAWM. Hindcast is performed for the 1957–2008 period, which shows a quite realistic prediction skill in general and good prediction ability in the extreme phase of the third mode of the EAWM such as 2007/2008 winter. Since all these predictors can be readily monitored in real time, this empirical model provides a real time forecast tool and may facilitate the seasonal prediction of high-impact weather associated with the abnormal EAWM.  相似文献   
综合运用风廓线雷达等多种非常规探测资料,对江西省2013年6月29日暖区大暴雨进行分析,并对比6月28日锋面暴雨,归纳总结短时大暴雨发生的一些前兆信号及可用指标。结果表明:1)风廓线雷达能直观反映暴雨区附近中小尺度扰动、近地面弱冷空气入侵、急流脉动发展等特征,1.5—4 km高度层出现16 m/s以上急流对暖区暴雨发生有利,对强降水的发生有1—3 h提前指示作用。2)0.5—1.5 km高度层正的风垂直切变带对应降水发生发展,正速度带中大于4 m/s风速切变对应下游降水加强。3)PWV值在强降水发生前常出现持续上升或波浪上升。PWV值达到65 mm且维持较长时间,同时配合动力触发条件,有利于强降水的发生;PWV值低于60 mm并持续性下降,对应降水趋于减弱停止;强降水落区出现在湿舌前端的PWV等值线密集区内。4)此次强降水主要发生在TBB小于-40℃区域前端的等值线密集区和地面辐合线附近,且地面辐合线的强度、移向与新生单体的发展密切相关;强回波不断在地面辐合线附近合并加强形成"列车效应",雷达回波上逆风区、急流核、速度对等特征的出现有利于强降水的维持。  相似文献   
选取阿尔山气象站1981—2015年冷季(10月—次年4月)气象资料,利用滑动平均、线性倾向估计和Mann-Kendall等方法,对年最大积雪深度、积雪日数、气温和降水量进行分析。结果表明,阿尔山地区年最大积雪深度主要发生在1月至3月,其中2月份概率最大,达50%;34 a内最大积雪深度呈上升趋势(2.77 cm/10a),年平均增加0.98%,且年最大积雪深度在1998年发生了突变,即在1998年之前增长缓慢,在2000年以后上升趋势显著。积雪日数的统计分析表明,初始积雪日数和有效积雪日数呈现略微减少趋势,而稳定积雪日数有微弱的增加趋势;通常初始积雪日数比有效积雪日数大30天左右。年最大积雪深度与稳定积雪时期的降水量、积雪日数、日照时数有显著的相关性,相关系数分别为0.647、0.515、0.584,但与稳定积雪时期的气温没有明显的相关性。在全球变暖的大环境下,积雪深度随着降水量和日照时数的增加而增加,且积雪深度受降水量的影响大于日照时数的影响。  相似文献   
The rocky desert in a karst area directly causes the lack of soil, water and forest, hence leading to the poverty there. In 1990, the villagers from the Muzhe Village in Benggu Township, Xichou County, Yunnan declared a war against rocky desert in an attempt to ask the fields for more yields. They invented a distinctive land rehabilitation and sustainable use pattern called "transforming heaven and earth" that had been practiced in Southwest China's karst areas. The key mechanism of the pattern was to develop terraced fields with well conserved soil, water and fertility by exploding rocks in the fields, building stone walls, gathering more soil, and improving soil quality and productivity for the fields in combination with building of irrigation facilities and roads, as well as with forestation and agriculture structure adjustment. The purpose of the pattern was to alleviate poverty in the karst areas by improving soil productivity and promoting agricultural development. A typical area was studied with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the pattern was carried out there for fifteen years, have produced excellent ecological benefits and good economic benefits. Its application in the area approved that it was a sustainable land use pattern for rocky desert areas.  相似文献   
Models of land use change are useful tools for un-derstanding the analysis of the cause and conse-quences of land use changes, assessing the impacts of land use system on ecological system and supporting land use planning and policy[1,2]. Modeling land use scenario changes and its potential impacts on the structure and function of the ecosystem in the typical regions are regarded as one of the good ways to un-derstand the interactive mechanism between land use system and ecological system[3―10…  相似文献   
通过岩芯观察、薄片鉴定、物性测试资料、常规测井资料等的综合分析,对托甫台地区中奥陶统一问房组碳酸盐岩的沉积相和储层特征及其分布进行研究发现:托甫台地区中奥陶统一间房组发育开阔台地相,包括台内滩、滩间海和点礁亚相.储集空间类型有晶间孔与晶间溶孔、粒问孔与粒间溶孔、粒内溶孔以及大小不等的溶洞等,它们与各种裂缝组成缝洞系统.储层类型有洞穴型、裂缝-孔洞型、裂缝型及孔洞-裂缝型等4种,以裂缝型和孔洞-裂缝型为主,储层非均质性强.在储层特征研究基础上分析储层响应地震特征,并运用地震波场特征参数融合技术进行储层地震预测,在研究区预测出4条南北向展布的带状大型缝洞单元.  相似文献   
通过冰雹云模式模拟的一次冰雹云降水过程中降水粒子廓线和微波辐射传输模式结合,分析了冰雹云发展的不同阶段的微物理含量垂直结构变化及其对微波亮温的影响,得到以下几点结论:1)如果微波通道受到降水粒子散射和辐射的共同作用,如降水云早期的85 GHz亮温,成熟期的19 GHz亮温及消散期的37 GHz亮温,由于辐射和散射信息互相抵消,致使亮温随雨强的变化较复杂,这些通道亮温和雨强的相关性明显降低,不宜被用来反演地面雨强。2)根据19 GHz亮温随地面雨强或冰相粒子柱含量的改变,可以大致确定降雨云的不同阶段:在发展阶段,主要是降雨层以上的冰相粒子,尤其霰粒影响19 GHz亮温,致使其亮温与冰相粒子柱含量具有较好的负相关,而与地面雨强相关性较差;在成熟阶段,主要受雨水上层逐渐增加的辐射和冰相粒子散射共同作用,使得19GHz亮温与地面雨强和冰相粒子柱含量的相关性都不太好;在消散阶段,19 GHz亮温主要受较强的雨水辐射影响,与地面雨强和冰相粒子柱含量均有着较高的正相关。3)37 GHz是相对比较稳定的通道,其亮温与地面雨强有较好的线性关系,尤其与冰相粒子柱含量相关性更好,因此是反演地面雨强和冰相粒子柱含量的最佳通道。85 GHz亮温对降雨云体的中高层结构较为敏感,使得其亮温随地面雨强增加而降低的变化比较离散,不如37 GHz的集中。  相似文献   
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