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何德华 《海洋学研究》1991,9(2):119-123
本文综述了1989年4月至1990年1月秦山核电站邻近水域生态调查结果,认为,该水域具暖温带强潮河口区生态特征。水体虽含丰富营养盐和充足溶解氧,由于同时存在着各种不利于生物繁殖生长的环境因子,表现为生物资源贫瘠、种类组成简单,测区所代表的强潮河口湾顶区属低生产力水域。  相似文献   
By applying the series expansion technique in the complex variable method established by Muskhelishvili, the plane elasticity problem for the stress and displacement field around a lined circular tunnel in conjunction with the consideration of misfit and interaction between the liner and the surrounding geomaterial is dealt with. The tunnel is assumed to be driven in a homogeneous and isotropic geomaterial. The coefficients in the Laurent series expansion of the stress functions are determined. The complex potentials in the liner and the surrounding geomaterial are explicitly derived, respectively. As an example, the case of a lined circular tunnel located in an isotropic initial stress field but subjected to uniform internal pressure is numerically considered. Numerical results indicate that the installation of tunnel liner can reduce the influences of the tunnel excavation on the in situ displacement and stress fields. However, the relative thickness and rigidity of the liner should be in an appropriate range. In addition, the effect of the tunnel excavation upon the displacement field is more significant than that upon the stress field. As far as the stress field in the surrounding geomaterial is concerned, when the ratio between the cover depth of tunnel and the tunnel radius is larger than 5, the results for the stress field in the paper are applicable. When the ratio between the tunnel depth and the tunnel radius is larger than 20, the results are applicable for the displacement field. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
王鹏  臧殿光  陈胜  何小会 《地质科学》1958,55(3):909-920
四川盆地德阳—安岳裂陷槽的突破,带来了我国单体储量规模最大的安岳气田的发现,随后的研究把该裂陷槽作为主要的生烃中心,其作用主要体现在对烃源岩的贡献上。随着勘探的深入及深层资料品质的提高,在槽内灯影组顶部发现了明显的加厚反射特征存在,结合区域构造演化、地震反射特征、沉积演化等研究,证实了灯影组槽内颗粒丘滩体的存在,创建了震旦系灯影组裂陷槽内颗粒滩沉积新模式,明确了优质储层的形成机制,预测了分布范围,该新目标的发现和落实拓宽了勘探方向,是安岳主体成果向南拓展的重要补充。  相似文献   
国朋飞  何生  柴德蓉  殷世艳 《地球科学》2015,40(7):1177-1186
恩平组烃源岩成藏贡献研究对于拓展珠Ⅰ坳陷勘探新领域以及发现新的储量具有重要的应用价值, 目前相关研究较少.在油源对比的基础上, 将生标绝对含量与端元油配比实验相结合, 研究了珠Ⅰ坳陷恩平组烃源岩对单井油样的相对贡献.油源对比结果指示, 研究区原油可分为3类: 第1类源自始新统文昌组中深湖相烃源岩, 主要分布在惠陆低凸起、番禺4洼、流花凸起等地区; 第2类源自始新统-渐新统恩平组湖沼相烃源岩, 仅分布在惠州凹陷北部; 第3类为混源油, 发现于惠州凹陷南部和恩平凹陷.甾萜类绝对含量等7个指标建立的混源比例图版适用于计算油样中前两类烃源岩的相对贡献.计算结果表明, 文昌组烃源岩是珠Ⅰ坳陷的主力烃源岩, 恩平组烃源岩仅对惠州凹陷和恩平凹陷中的部分油样存在贡献.   相似文献   
The lithospheric strike‐slip Altyn Tagh Fault has accommodated hundreds of kilometres of displacement between the Qaidam and Tarim blocks since its Eocene reactivation. However, the way the deformation is accommodated in the Qilian Shan and further east remains uncertain. Based on 360 km of north‐eastward migration of the relatively rigid Qaidam block along the Altyn Tagh Fault and 3D isovolumetric balancing of the crustal deformation within the Altyn Tagh Fault–Qilian Shan system, we demonstrate that 250 ± 28 km (43.8–49.4%) of N20E directed crustal shortening and an additional ~250–370 km of eastward motion of the Qilian Shan crust must be accounted for by strike‐slip faulting in the Qilian Shan and crustal thickening in the Qinling area, as well as by extension in the adjoining North China block graben systems.  相似文献   
Authigenic gypsum was found in a gravity core, retrieved from the top of Mound Perseverance, a giant cold‐water coral mound in the Porcupine Basin, off Ireland. The occurrence of gypsum in such an environment is intriguing, because gypsum, a classic evaporitic mineral, is undersaturated with respect to sea water. Sedimentological, petrographic and isotopic evidence point to diagenetic formation of the gypsum, tied to oxidation of sedimentary sulphide minerals (i.e. pyrite). This oxidation is attributed to a phase of increased bottom currents which caused erosion and enhanced inflow of oxidizing fluids into the mound sediments. The oxidation of pyrite produced acidity, causing carbonate dissolution and subsequently leading to pore‐water oversaturation with respect to gypsum and dolomite. Calculations based on the isotopic compositions of gypsum and pyrite reveal that between 21·6% and 28·6% of the sulphate incorporated into the gypsum derived from pyrite oxidation. The dissolution of carbonate increased the porosity in the affected sediment layer but promoted lithification of the sediments at the sediment‐water interface. Thus, authigenic gypsum can serve as a signature for diagenetic oxidation events in carbonate‐rich sediments. These observations demonstrate that fluid flow, steered by environmental factors, has an important effect on the diagenesis of coral mounds.  相似文献   
Exhumed basin margin‐scale clinothems provide important archives for understanding process interactions and reconstructing the physiography of sedimentary basins. However, studies of coeval shelf through slope to basin‐floor deposits are rarely documented, mainly due to outcrop or subsurface dataset limitations. Unit G from the Laingsburg depocentre (Karoo Basin, South Africa) is a rare example of a complete basin margin scale clinothem (>60 km long, 200 m‐high), with >10 km of depositional strike control, which allows a quasi‐3D study of a preserved shelf‐slope‐basin floor transition over a ca. 1,200 km2 area. Sand‐prone, wave‐influenced topset deposits close to the shelf‐edge rollover zone can be physically mapped down dip for ca. 10 km as they thicken and transition into heterolithic foreset/slope deposits. These deposits progressively fine and thin over tens of km farther down dip into sand‐starved bottomset/basin‐floor deposits. Only a few km along strike, the coeval foreset/slope deposits are bypass‐dominated with incisional features interpreted as minor slope conduits/gullies. The margin here is steeper, more channelized and records a stepped profile with evidence of sand‐filled intraslope topography, a preserved base‐of‐slope transition zone and sand‐rich bottomset/basin‐floor deposits. Unit G is interpreted as part of a composite depositional sequence that records a change in basin margin style from an underlying incised slope with large sand‐rich basin‐floor fans to an overlying accretion‐dominated shelf with limited sand supply to the slope and basin floor. The change in margin style is accompanied with decreased clinoform height/slope and increased shelf width. This is interpreted to reflect a transition in subsidence style from regional sag, driven by dynamic topography/inherited basement configuration, to early foreland basin flexural loading. Results of this study caution against reconstructing basin margin successions from partial datasets without accounting for temporal and spatial physiographic changes, with potential implications on predictive basin evolution models.  相似文献   
阿拉善高原地下水的稳定同位素异常   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
顾慰祖 《水科学进展》1998,9(4):333-337
1987~1995年对降水、黑河水和古日乃草原地下水作了定位观测,在巴丹吉林沙漠水文探险中采集了沙漠和戈壁地下水及湖水.降水同位素组成δD~δ18O与Craig线相同,但发现了地下水的δD~δ18D关系平行于降水线且有氘盈余为负且达-22‰的异常,其成因不明.由地表、地下水环境同位素组成,分析了黑河治理规划实施后可能对地下水资源产生的工程影响,它近期不会成为古日乃草原沙漠化进程的因素,但对额济纳绿洲的影响却不容忽视.  相似文献   
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