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The sawing rate is one of the most significant and effective parameters in extracting building stones via diamond wire sawing. This parameter designates the capability of diamond wire sawing for sawing different stones; in addition, the parameter gives rise to economical considerations for quarry designers. In this study, the existent relations between stone geotechnical parameters and the sawing rate of stones via diamond wire sawing were analyzed using regression and correlation coefficient as well as the collected data from Marmarit stone quarries. Moreover, we estimated the sawing rate of Marmarit using the dimensional stone rock mass rating (DSRMR); upon comparison of the data obtained from DSRMR our pre‐collected data on quarries, we did not gain satisfactory results from DSRMR, hence we used artificial neural network (ANN). The results showed that the percentage of Silica, the coefficient of water absorption, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS), and abrasive hardness are the proper parameters for creating the ANN. Discontinuities have the least effects possible on diamond wire sawing. Having given the training possibility of the ANN, and its ability to evaluate relations among input parameters, the ANN, which was being trained with Marmarit's traits, was an accurate network for estimating diamond wire sawing in Marmarit quarries, although it could not generalize this network for other stones such as Chini and Crystal. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Heavy mineral analysis is a useful tool in tracing the changes in the hydrographic setting of the Nile through time. Analyses by the writer and others are presented to differentiate between a former Nilotic system, a Proto-Nile, and the modern Nile system, and to demonstrate the changes undergone by the modern Nile.The Proto-Nile was almost totally dependent upon discharge from equatorial and sub-equatorial tributaries in East Africa and from local Sudano-Egyptian affluents. The modern Nile system, in contrast, is dominated by contributions from the Blue Nile and the Atbara River, which drain the Ethiopian Plateau. The discharge of these rivers is governed by the monsoonal rains which are responsible for the summer floods in the Lower Nile Basin. It has been generally believed that this riverine system is very recent, perhaps not much older than 20,000 years. The evidence presented in this paper indicates that the Modern Nile system was well established by the later part of the Middle Pleistocene. In its early stage, the modern Nile was characterized by greater contributions from the non-Ethiopian East African and Sudano-Egyptian tributaries than at present.  相似文献   
Bathymetric information for shallow coastal/lake areas is essential for hydrological engineering applications such as sedimentary processes and coastal studies. Remotely sensed imagery is considered a time-effective, low-cost, and wide-coverage solution for bathymetric measurements. This study assesses the performance of three proposed empirical models for bathymetry calculations in three different areas: Alexandria port, Egypt, as an example of a low-turbidity deep water area with silt-sand bottom cover and a depth range of 10.5 m; the Lake Nubia entrance zone, Sudan, which is a highly turbid, unstable, clay bottom area with water depths to 6 m; and Shiraho, Ishigaki Island, Japan, a coral reef area with varied depths ranging up to 14 m. The proposed models are the ensemble regression tree-fitting algorithm using bagging (BAG), ensemble regression tree-fitting algorithm of least squares boosting (LSB), and support vector regression algorithm (SVR). Data from Landsat 8 and Spot 6 satellite images were used to assess the performance of the proposed models. The three models were used to obtain bathymetric maps using the reflectance of green, red, blue/red, and green/red band ratios. The results were compared with corresponding results yielded by two conventional empirical methods, the neural network (NN) and the Lyzenga generalised linear model (GLM). Compared with echosounder data, BAG, LSB, and SVR results demonstrate higher accuracy ranges from 0.04 to 0.35 m more than Lyzenga GLM. The BAG algorithm, producing the most accurate results, proved to be the preferable algorithm for bathymetry calculation.  相似文献   
The discrimination between potential source materials involved in the genesis of Iberian granites and granodiorites, as well as the role of mantle-crust interactions, are examined using constraints imposed by melting experiments, melting-assimilation experiments and Sr-Nd isotope systematics. The Sr-Nd isotope relationships indicate the existence of different genetic trends in which juvenile mantle materials are involved by different mechanisms: (1) a source trend, traced by a particular evolution of the pre-Hercynian basement and indicating mantle participation at the time of sedimentation; (2) a set of magmatic trends traced by gabbro-tonalite-enclave-granodiorite associations, implying the incorporation of new mantle material at the time of granite generation. These relationships strongly support a pure crustal origin for the peraluminous leucogranites, derived from partial melting of crustal protoliths, and a hybrid origin for the peraluminous granodiorites. These granodiorites are the most abundant granitic rocks of the Central Iberian zone (CIZ) of the Iberian massif, implying that processes of hybridisation by assimilation and/or magma mixing played an important role in granitoid production during the Hercynian orogeny. These hypotheses have been tested by means of melting and assimilation experiments. Melting experiments in the range 800–900 °C and at pressures of 3, 6, 10 and 15 kbar indicate that: (1) several potential source materials such as Bt-Ms gneisses and metagreywackes are suitable for the production of peraluminous leucogranite melts; (2) the melt compositions are always leucogranitic, regardless of pressure; (3) pressure exerts a strong influence on the fertility of the source: experiments at 3 kbar produce more than 20 vol% of melt, compared with less than 5 vol% of melt produced at 10 and 15 kbar and at the same temperature. The melting-assimilation experiments carried out at 1000 °C and 4, 7 and 10 kbar and using a proportion of 50% gabbro and 50% gneiss give high melt proportions (more than 50 vol.%) and noritic residues. These melts have the composition of leucogranodiorites, and overlap with part of the compositional range of peraluminous granodiorites of the Iberian massif. The generation of more mafic granodiorites may be explained by the incorporation of some residual orthopyroxene to the granodiorite magmas. The low solubility of Fe + Mg prevents the generation of granodiorite melts with more than 3 wt% of MgO + FeO at all crustal pressures. The large volumes of peraluminous, hybrid granodiorites, produced by assimilation of crustal rocks by mantle magmas, imply that an important episode of crustal growth took place during the Late-Palaeozoic Hercynian orogeny in the Iberian massif. Received: 30 June 1998 / Accepted: 27 November 1998  相似文献   
Upper Cretaceous phosphorite beds of the Duwi Formation, Upper Egypt, are intercalated with limestone, sandy limestone, marl, calcareous shales, and calcareous sandstone. Calcareous intercalations were subjected to field and detailed petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical investigations in order to constrain their rock composition and origin. Mineralogically, dolomite, calcite, quartz, francolite and feldspars are the non-clay minerals. Smectite, kaolinite and illite represent the clay minerals. Major and trace elements can be classified as the detrital and carbonate fractions based on their sources. The detrital fraction includes the elements that are derived from detrital sources, mainly clay minerals and quartz, such as Si, Al, Fe, Ti, K, Ba, V, Ni, Co, Cr, Zn, Cu, Zr, and Mo. The carbonate fraction includes the elements that are derived from carbonates, maily calcite and dolomite, such as Ca, Mg and Sr. Dolomite occurs as being dense, uniform, mosaic, very fine-to-fine, non-ferroan, and non-stoichiometrical, suggesting its early diagenetic formation in a near-shore oxidizing shallow marine environment. The close association and positive correlation between dolomite and smectite indicates the role of clay minerals in the formation of dolomite as a source of Mg^2+ -rich solutions. Calcareous rocks were deposited in marine, oxidizing and weakly alkaline conditions, marking a semi-arid climatic period. The calcareous/argillaceous alternations are due to oscillations in clay/carbonate ratio.  相似文献   
The Feiran–Solaf metamorphic belt consists of low-P high-T amphibolite facies, partly migmatized gneisses, schists, amphibolites and minor calc-silicate rocks of metasedimentary origin. There are also thick concordant synkinematic sheets of diorite, tonalite and granodiorite orthogneiss and foliated granite and pegmatite dykelets. The gneissosity (or schistosity) is referred to as S1, and is almost everywhere parallel to lithological layering, S0. This parallelism is not due to transposition. The gneissosity formed during an extensional tectonic event (termed D1), before folding of S0. S1 formed by coaxial pure shear flattening strain (Z normal to S0, i.e. vertical; with X and Y both extensional and lying in S1). This strain also produced chocolate tablet boudinage of some layers and S1-concordant sills and veins. S1 has a strong stretching lineation L1 with rodding characteristics. Within-plane plastic anisotropy (lower ductility along Y compared to along X) resulted in L1-parallel extensional ductile shears and melt filled cracks. Continued shortening of these veins, and back-rotation of foliations on the shears produced intrafolial F1 folds with hinges parallel to the stretching lineation. F1 fold asymmetry variations do not support previous models involving macroscopic F1 folds or syn-gneissosity compressional tectonics. The sedimentary protoliths of the Feiran–Solaf gneisses were probably deposited in a pre-800 Ma actively extending intracratonic rift characterizing an early stage of the break-up of Rodinia.  相似文献   
Globally, landslides cause hundreds of billions of dollars in damage and hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries each year. A landslide susceptibility map describes areas where landslides are likely to occur in the future by correlating some of the principal factors that contribute to landslides with the past distribution of landslides. A case study is conducted in the mountainous northern Iran. In this study, a landslide susceptibility map of the study area was prepared using bivariate method with the help of the geographic information system. Area density (bivariate) method was used to weight landslide-influencing data layers. An overlay analysis is carried out by evaluating the layers obtained according to their weight and the landslide susceptibility map is produced. The study area was classified into five hazard classes: very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. The percentage distribution of landslide susceptibility degrees was calculated. It was found that about 26% of the study area is classified as very high and high hazard classes.  相似文献   
This paper aims to investigate the geomorphological characteristics of theeastern coast of the Dead Sea as influenced by structural instability andclimatic changes. Aerial photos and map analyses served to distinguish mainmorphological features and slope classes, whereas geomorphological changesalong the cost, mainly those developed by the declining of the Dead Sealevels were located and examined in the field. The eastern coast of the DeadSea was considered an ultimate outcome of stream work practiced undercontrols of sea-level lowerings. Climatic, hydrological and structuralinstabilities characterizing the study coast put watersheds and wadisdraining into the sea under accelerated erosion that produced huge volumes ofsediments to be deposited in the upper levels of the subsiding former lakesof the Dead Sea. Retrogradation exposed subaqueous deltaic-fluviatileformations, contributing to coastal geomorphological development. Also,present climatic seasonal fluctuations, rejuvenating stream work, continue tosubject past depositional environments to denudation as the stream distanceof transport is increased, and newer subaqueous deltas are being formed.Weathering and mass-wasting processes added to such a development byenhancing the formation of karst, tofoni and pedestal features as well as thehigh erodibility rate of deltaic sediments which endagers constructionalprojects along the study coast.  相似文献   
This work discusses the composition, radioactivity, and possible utilization of the kaolin resources in Sinai which are hosted in thick sandstone sequences belonging to the Carboniferous (Wadi Khaboba) and Early Cretaceous (Wadi Iseila and Abansakar) ages. The characterization of kaolin was done by microscopic and SEM examination, supported by XRD and ICP-MS analyses. The studied kaolin resources consist of kaolinite, as the main constituent, associated with subsidiary dickite and halloysite, and minor contribution of smectite and illite. The most dominant non-clay mineral is quartz, besides minor gypsum, dolomite, and hematite. Ferrugination dominates, in most cases, at the upper boundaries of the kaolin lenses, suggesting possible supergene activity. The high Al2O3/SiO2 ratio for the Cretaceous kaolin (0.54, in average) specifies its better grade relative to the Carboniferous kaolin (0.43, in average). The kaolin of the middle part of lens C in Wadi Iseila contains Si/Al molecular ratio of about unity, suggesting high-grade kaolin. The Carboniferous kaolin has enriched the radionuclides: U, Th, and Ra (at disequilibrium state due to leaching of eU relative to Ra) and the REE, relative to that of the Cretaceous age. The Carboniferous kaolin is characterized by a higher contribution of HREE (zircon signature), whereas LREE seems to be more influential for the Early Cretaceous kaolin (monazite signature). In spite of the very high CIA index (93 to 99), none of the analyzed kaolin deposits displays Ce abnormality. The high radioactivity of some Carboniferous kaolin can be a serious impediment for its utilization or its exportation. The kaolin of Sinai does not satisfy the international standards for paperwork industries and refractory manufacturing, but beneficiation may overcome this challenge. However, some lenses have high-grade kaolin with a low percentage of oxides of iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, and potassium and a low radioactivity, hence nominated for the local refractory industry. The high-grade kaolin of Sinai fulfills the standards required for ceramics manufacturing in the global market. Grade 3 kaolin (< 30%, Al2O3) can be used in the manufacturing of white Portland cement and red glaze manufacturing on both local and global markets.  相似文献   
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