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Zusammenfassung In der Betischen Kordillere sind die Lagerungsbeziehungen der Faziestypen des mediterranen Juras sehr gut erschlossen. Aus Geländebeobachtungen und sedimentologischen Untersuchungen ergab sich die Hypothese, daß das Entstehen derartiger Faziestypen in erster Linie von den morphologischen Verhältnissen am Meeresboden abhängt; die Wassertiefe wirkt sich nur mittelbar aus. Veränderungen der submarinen Land schaft und damit auch Fazieswechsel wurden hauptsächlich durch bruchtektonische Vorgänge hervorgerufen. Eine verhältnismäßig klare paläogeographische Gliederung erhält man im Bereich der pelagischen Schwellen, deren Ablagerungen normalerweise sehr starke diagenetische Veränderungen erfahren haben. Hierbei fällt den roten Knollenkalken (Ammonitico rosso-Fazies) eine Schlüsselrolle zu.
Due to large scale exposures in the Betic Cordilleras, it is possible there to study the interrelations of mediterranean Jurassic facies types. Field work and sedimentological investigations resulted in the hypothesis, that the origin of a facies type depends in the first place on submarine morphological settings; water depth bears only secondary influence. Changes in submarine morphology were controled by faulting. A detailed paleography can be obtained on the seamont areas, where sediments were normally affected by important diagenetic alterations. A key role, in this connection, must be attributed to red nodular limestones.

Résumé Dans les Cordillères Bétiques, les relations entre les différents types de facies du Jurassique méditerranéen sont bien exposées. Des investigations sédimentologiques, complétées d'observations de terrain, conduisent à cette hypothèse que ces types de facies dépendent en premier lieu des relations morphologiques au sein du fond marin; la profondeur de l'eau n'a qu'une influence indirecte. Pendant le Jurassique, les changements morphologiques du fond marin, et avec eux les modifications de faciès ont été induits par une tectonique de failles radiales. Généralement, les sédiments des seuils pélagiques sont affectés par des altérations diagénétiques bien marquées, il est donc possible d'en déduire une paléogéographie bien détaillée. Dans ce contexte, on doit attribuer un rôle-clef aux calcaires noduleux rouges (faciès »Ammonitico rosso«).

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Low mass stars     
Low mass stars contribute an important fraction to the mass of our Galaxy. Due to the faintness of these stars a direct investigation of their space distribution and kinematics can be carried out only in the immediate solar neighbourhood. This fact emphasizes the importance of the Third Catalogue of Nearby Stars (CNS3) as a probe of the stellar content of our galaxy.A preliminary version (Gliese and Jahreiss, 1991) of the CNS3 was recently released. Based on this version the spatial distribution of the nearby red dwarf stars is discussed. An infrared and a bolometric luminosity function is presented and compared with independent determinations from photometric surveys. An outlook is given on the expectation for the next decade due to the various surveys presently carried out or planned for the near future.  相似文献   
Three stratigraphic units based on geologic relationships and paleomagnetic observations may be distinguished on Pinzon Island. The oldest unit is a broad shield which forms the main body of the island and was erupted during a period of reversed magnetic polarity from an area now occupied by a caldera. Subsequent activity was centered about 1.5 km to the north-northwest from vents later engulfed by the collapse of a younger caldera. The lower portion of this sequence was erupted during a period of transitional pole positions and is overlain by flows of normal polarity. Pinzon has the most diverse suite of differentiated tholeiitic rocks found in the Galapagos Archipelago. Products of eruptive cycles are preserved as sequences of tuffs and flows that have decreasing degrees of differentiation and increasing phenocryst abundance upsection. The sequences may be a consequence of tapping successively deeper levels of compositionally zoned magma chambers. Such a model is consistent with computer calculations utilizing major and trace element data for Pinzon rocks, which suggest that lavas of the island may be related by shallow-level crystal fractionation of observed phenocryst minerals.  相似文献   
The geological record of the Western Andean Escarpment (WARP) reveals episodes of uplift, erosion, volcanism and sedimentation. The lithological sequence at 18°S comprises a thick pile of Azapa Conglomerates (25–19 Ma), an overlying series of widespread rhyodacitic Oxaya Ignimbrites (up to 900 m thick, ca. 19 Ma), which are in turn covered by a series of mafic andesite shield volcanoes. Between 19 and 12 Ma, the surface of the Oxaya Ignimbrites evolved into a large monocline on the western slope of the Andes. A giant antithetically rotated block (Oxaya Block, 80 km×20 km) formed on this slope at about 10–12 Ma and resulted in an easterly dip and a reversed drainage on the block's surface. Morphology, topography and stratigraphic observations argue for a gravitational cause of this rotation. A “secondary” gravitational collapse (50 km3), extending 25 km to the west occurred on the steep western front of the Oxaya Block. Alluvial and fluvial sediments (11–2.7 Ma) accumulated in a half graben to the east of the tilted block and were later thrust over by the rocks of the escarpment wall, indicating further shortening between 8 and 6 Ma. Flatlying Upper Miocene sediments (<5.5 Ma) and the 2.7 Ma Lauca–Peréz Ignimbrite have not been significantly shortened since 6 Ma, suggesting that recent uplift is at least partly caused by regional tilting of the Western Andean slope.  相似文献   
A new giga-Hertz ultrasonic interferometer has been developed, based on ultrasonic microscopy technology. The interferometer operates from 0.3 GHz to 1.5 GHz. The high frequency and associated small wavelengths together with the large bandwidth make it possible to measure travel times in samples with thicknesses of several microns and allow for unprecedented accuracy in bond corrections. An absolute accuracy of 1 part in 105 in travel time measurements is achievable in single crystals (thickness of 200 microns) or glasses of interest to the earth sciences. The high precision travel time data, combining with sample length measurements using a laser interferometer built in our laboratory, yield very high precision ultrasonic velocities.The interferometer is intended for use in conjunction with a newly developed 4 GPa gas piston cylinder apparatus (Getting andSpetzler, 1993) for equation of state measurements under simultaneous pressure and temperature. A separate correction for the bond will be made for each datum at every point in temperature pressure space.  相似文献   
Bluhm  Hartmut  Borowski  Christian  Ahnert  Ahmed  Vopel  Kay  Schriever  Gerd  Thiel  Hjalmar 《Ocean Dynamics》1999,51(10):149-152
Ocean Dynamics - Das Ökosystem der Tiefsee wird zunehmend durch industrielle Eingriffe beeinflusst. Über die Auswirkungen dieser Aktivitäten auf das Benthos wurden bisher nur...  相似文献   
The avifauna of three oceanic islands of the Revillagigedo archipelago in the eastern Pacific Ocean consists of 14 endemic landbird taxa and 3 recent continental colonists. This study analyzes the origin, areography of continental relatives, ecological characteristics, and role of immigration and extinction factors as regulators of the islands' species. Only two natural extinctions have been detected on this archipelago in more than 130 years. The endemic nature of the pristine avifauna is interpreted as an indication of high stability over thousands of years. The MacArthur–Wilson (1967) “equilibrium theory of island biogeography” cannot explain or predict the persistence of this avifauna adapted to stable and unique island ecosystems. Lack's (1976) “theory of ecological poverty” regulating island avifaunas, however, predicts stability and a resource-limited bird community. The Revillagigedo avifauna can be understood as an interactive community of a few highly adapted and competitive ecological generalists that have effectively filled all niche spaces and closed off the islands to further colonization. Catastrophic change or anthropogenic landscape degradation may, however, create novel niche spaces and open affected islands to new colonists. This appraisal lends support to the call for a shift away from application of the equilibrium model of island biogeography in conservation science. [Key words: island biogeography, equilibrium theory, island stability, island avifauna, MacArthur-Wilson, Lack, Revillagigedo Islands, Socorro Island.]  相似文献   
Moving object databases are designed to store and process spatial and temporal object data. An especially useful moving object type is a moving region, which consists of one or more moving polygons suitable for modeling the spread of forest fires, the movement of clouds, spread of diseases and many other real-world phenomena. Previous implementations usually allow a changing shape of the region during the movement; however, the necessary restrictions on this model result in an inaccurate interpolation of rotating objects. In this paper, we present an alternative approach for moving and rotating regions of fixed shape, called Fixed Moving Regions, which provide a significantly better model for a wide range of applications like modeling the movement of oil tankers, icebergs and other rigid structures. Furthermore, we describe and implement several useful operations on this new object type to enable a database system to solve many real-world problems, as for example collision tests, projections and intersections, much more accurate than with other models. Based on this research, we also implemented a library for easy integration into moving objects database systems, as for example the DBMS Secondo (1) (2) developed at the FernUniversität in Hagen.  相似文献   
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