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We investigated several olivine-bearing, medium-grained, ophitic to subophitic eucritic clasts from three different Antarctic howardites. Based on grain size (0.5–2 mm), these clasts could represent intrusive igneous units. Based on mineral composition (pyroxene and plagioclase), they are similar to basaltic eucrites. Elemental concentrations of the major silicates and bulk mg#, however, range from those known for basaltic eucrites to those found in cumulate eucrites. Recognizable cumulus phases are absent. Conservatively speaking, the clasts examined may simply classify as relatively coarse-grained unequilibrated basaltic eucrites. Alternatively, at least one of the clasts showing intermediate grain size and a relatively primitive chemical composition (mg# 50) may sample a rock type that could be genetically placed between the basaltic and cumulate eucrite lines of origin. A minor, yet genetically meaningful common feature of the clasts studied is the occurrence of fayalitic olivine. Two distinct categories exist. They are (1) fine veinlets exclusively percolating through pyroxene and (2) more substantial (up to 100 μm wide) veins and/or interstitial deposits. Only the fine veinlets also contain variable amounts of anorthite, ilmenite, and troilite. Although both types of olivine are ferroan, textural aspects suggest distinct paths of generation. The fine veinlets are best explained by decomposition of relatively FeO-rich, heterogeneous, and locally metastable pyroxene, caused in situ by impact heating and subsequent fast cooling. The wider, often very ragged-looking monomineralic olivine fillings, on the other hand, may represent the iron-enriched portion of a highly fractionated magma.  相似文献   
Here, we construct a comprehensive howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) bulk chemistry data set to compare with Dawn data. Using the bulk chemistry data set, we determine four gamma‐ray/neutron parameters in the HEDs (1) relative fast neutron counts (fast counts), (2) macroscopic thermal neutron absorption cross section (absorption), (3) a high‐energy gamma‐ray compositional parameter (Cp), and (4) Fe abundance. These correspond to the four measurements of Vesta made by Dawn's Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) that can be used to discern HED lithologic variability on the Vestan surface. We investigate covariance between fast counts and average atomic mass (<A>) in the meteorite data set, where a strong correlation (r2 = 0.99) is observed, and we demonstrate that systematic offsets from the fast count/<A> trend are linked to changes in Fe and Ni concentrations. To compare the meteorite and GRaND data, we investigate and report covariance among fast counts, absorption, Cp, and Fe abundance in the HED meteorite data set. We identify several GRaND measurement spaces where the Yamato type B diogenites are distinct from all other HED lithologies, including polymict mixtures. The type B's are diogenites that are enriched in Fe + pigeonite + diopside ± plagioclase, relative to typical, orthopyroxenitic diogenites. We then compare these results to GRaND data and demonstrate that regions north of ~70°N latitude on Vesta (including the north pole) are consistent with type B diogenites. We propose two models to explain type B diogenite compositions in the north (1) deposition as Rheasilvia ejecta, or (2) type B plutons that were emplaced at shallow depths in the north polar region and sampled by local impacts. Lastly, using principal component (PC) analysis, we identify unique PC spaces for all HED lithologies, indicating that the corresponding GRaND measurables may be used to produce comprehensive lithologic maps for Vesta.  相似文献   
The Dominion Range 2010 howardite pairing group contains an evolved lithic clast of dacite composition. The dacite contains an assemblage of plagioclase, quartz, and augite, with minor pigeonite, troilite, ilmenite, FeNi metal, K‐feldspar, and phosphates. Primary augite occurs as >1 mm oikocrysts enclosing plagioclase. Quartz is abundant, comprising approximately 30% of the clast. Textural and geochemical characteristics support the hypothesis that the dacite is a primary igneous lithology, and represents a partial melt of the eucritic crust. Numerical modeling (MELTS) suggests 10–20% partial melting of a Juvinas source could have produced the dacite lithology; quantitative trace element modeling further supports crustal partial melting as the magma source for the dacite. The dacite likely formed as evolved‐melt pockets, and thus represents a volumetrically minor lithology in the Vestan crust, although its formation provides direct support for a genetic relationship between Stannern and residual trend eucrites, and is the first identification of residual eucrite complementary melts. We propose the dacite clast is the first characterized sample of tertiary crust on Vesta.  相似文献   
Abstract— Nakhla contains crystallized melt inclusions that were trapped in augite and olivine when these phases originally formed on Mars. Our study involved rehomogenization (slow‐heating and fast‐heating) experiments on multiphase melt inclusions in Nakhla augite. We studied melt inclusions trapped in augite because this phase re‐equilibrated with the external melt to a lesser extent than olivine and results could be directly compared with previous Nakhla melt inclusion studies. Following heating and homogenization of encapsulated melt inclusions, single mineral grains were mounted and polished to expose inclusions. Major element chemistry was determined by electron microprobe. The most primitive melt inclusion analyzed in Nakhla NA03 is basaltic and closely matches previously reported nakhlite parent melt compositions. MELTS equilibrium and fractional crystallization models calculated for NA03 and previous Nakhla parent melt estimates at QFM and QFM‐1 produced phase assemblages and compositions that can be compared to Nakhla. Of these models, equilibrium crystallization of NA03 at QFM‐1 produced the best match to mineral phases and compositions in Nakhla. In all models, olivine and augite co‐crystallize, consistent with the hypothesis that olivine is not xenocrystic but has undergone subsolidus re‐equilibration. In addition, measured melt inclusion compositions plot along the MELTS‐calculated liquid line of descent and may represent pockets of melt trapped at various stages during crystallization. We attempt to resolve discrepancies between previous estimates of the Nakhla parental melt composition and to reinterpret the results of a previous study of rehomogenized melt inclusions in Nakhla. Melt inclusions demonstrate that Nakhla is an igneous rock whose parent melt composition and crystallization history reflect planetary igneous processes.  相似文献   
Crystal size distribution (CSD) and spatial distribution pattern (SDP) analyses are applied to the early crystallizing phases, olivine and pyroxene, in olivine‐phyric shergottites (Elephant moraine [EET] 79001A, Dar al Gani [DaG] 476, and dhofar [Dho] 019) from each sampling locality inferred from Mars ejection ages. Trace element zonation patterns (P and Cr) in olivine are also used to characterize the crystallization history of these Martian basalts. Previously reported 2‐D CSDs for these meteorites are re‐evaluated using a newer stereographically corrected methodology. Kinks in the olivine CSD plots suggest several populations that crystallized under different conditions. CSDs for pyroxene in DaG 476 and EET 79001A reveal single populations that grew under steady‐state conditions; pyroxenes in Dho 019 were too intergrown for CSD analysis. Magma chamber residence times of several days for small grains to several months for olivine megacrysts are calculated using the CSD slopes and growth rates inferred from previous experimental data. Phosphorus imaging in olivines in DaG 476 and Dho 019 indicate rapid growth of skeletal, sector‐zoned, or patchy cores, probably in response to delayed nucleation, followed by slow growth, and finally rapid dendritic growth with back‐filling to form oscillatory zoning in rims. SPD analyses indicate that olivine and pyroxene crystals grew or accumulated in clusters rather than as randomly distributed grains. These data reveal complex solidification histories for Martian basalts, and are generally consistent with the formation at depth of olivine megacryst cores, which were entrained in ascending magmas that crystallized pyroxenes, small olivines, and oscillatory rims on megacrysts.  相似文献   
The Pliocene epoch represents an important transition from a climate regime with high-frequency, low-amplitude oscillations when the Northern Hemisphere lacked substantial ice sheets, to the typical high-frequency, high-amplitude Middle to Late Pleistocene regime characterized by glacial—interglacial cycles that involve waxing and waning of major Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. Analysis of middle Pliocene (3 Ma) marine and terrestrial records throughout the Northern Hemisphere forms the basis of an integrated synoptic Pliocene paleoclimate reconstruction of the last significantly warmer than present interval in Earth history. This reconstruction, developed primarily from paleontological data, includes middle Pliocene sea level, vegetation, land—ice distribution, sea—ice distribution, and sea-surface temperature (SST), all of which contribute to our conceptual understanding of this climate system. These data indicate middle Pliocene sea level was at least 25 m higher than present, presumably due in large part to a reduction in the size of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Sea surface temperatures were essentially equivalent to modern temperatures in tropical regions but were significantly warmer at higher latitudes. Due to increased heat flux to high latitudes, both the Arctic and Antarctic appear to have been seasonally ice free during the middle Pliocene with greatly reduced sea ice extent relative to today during winter. Vegetation changes, while more complex, are generally consistent with marine SST changes and show increased warmth and moisture at higher latitudes during the middle Pliocene.  相似文献   
Regolithic howardites are analogs for the surface materials of asteroid 4 Vesta, recently mapped by the Dawn spacecraft. Rigorously evaluating pairing of howardites recovered in 1995 in the Grosvenor Mountains (GRO 95), Antarctica, enables an examination of a larger, more representative regolith sample. Previous work on two of the howardites studied here concluded that GRO 95602 and GRO 95535 are solar wind‐rich surface regolith samples and that they are not paired with each other, leading to uncertainty regarding pairing relationships between the other GRO 95 howardites. Based on petrology, cosmic‐ray exposure history, and terrestrial age, four GRO 95 howardites are paired. The paired howardites (GRO 95534, 95535, 95574, 95581) were from a meteoroid with radius of 10–15 cm, a preatmospheric size comparable to that of Kapoeta, the largest known regolithic howardite. The paired GRO 95 howardites contain clasts of at least 18 separate HED lithologies, providing evidence they were assembled from diverse source materials. The total eucrite:diogenite mixing ratio (ratio of all eucrite lithologies to all diogenite lithologies) in the paired GRO 95 howardites is ~2:1. Petrographically determined basaltic eucrite:cumulate eucrite ratios in regolithic howardites, studied here and previously, vary more widely than total eucrite:diogenite ratios. Relative to eucritic pyroxene, plagioclase is depleted in these howardites, which provides evidence that plagioclase is preferentially comminuted in the vestan regolith. The extent of plagioclase depletion could be an indicator of regolith maturity.  相似文献   
Abstract— Recent measurements of ordinary chondrite physical and thermal properties along with new geothermometry studies have provided the necessary parameters for updating a previously proposed model (Miyamoto et al., 1981) for the thermal evolution and internal structure of ordinary chondrite parent bodies. Model calculations assumed a heat source term derived from the decay of 26Al (justification is provided). Differences from the previous model include: varying the thermal diffusivity parameter with increasing temperature (and decreasing porosity), using variable physical and thermal parameters to provide end member models, and incorporating a shortened thermal history of 60 Ma (obtained from new Pb-Pb chronology of phosphates) rather than 100 Ma. Times of isotopic closure in chondrite phosphates overlap the thermal model estimates, and postmetamorphic cooling rates from the model approximately coincide, in both trend and magnitude, with metallographic and fission track cooling rate data. Model calculations attempt to match peak metamorphic conditions in the central portions of these bodies and yield accretion ages between 1.4 to 3.1 Ma after calcium-aluminum inclusion (CAI) formation. Model calculations also predict that both the H and the L chondrite parent asteroids consisted of ~80% equilibrated and 20% unequilibrated chondritic material and that their original radii ranged from 80 to 95 km.  相似文献   
Larkman Nunatak (LAR) 12095 and LAR 12240 are recent olivine‐phyric shergottite finds. We report the results of petrographic and chemical analyses of these two samples to understand their petrogenesis on Mars. Based on our analyses, we suggest that these samples are likely paired and are most similar to other depleted olivine‐phyric shergottites, particularly Dar al Gani (DaG) 476 and Sayh al Uhaymir (SaU) 005 (and samples paired with those). The olivine megacryst cores in LAR 12095 and LAR 12240 are not in equilibrium with the groundmass olivines. We infer that these megacrysts are phenocrysts and their major element compositions have been homogenized by diffusion (the cores of the olivine megacrysts have Mg# ~70, whereas megacryst rims and groundmass olivines typically have Mg# ~58–60). The rare earth element (REE) microdistributions in the various phases (olivine, low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxene, maskelynite, and merrillite) in both samples are similar and support the likelihood that these two shergottites are indeed paired. The calculated parent melt (i.e., in equilibrium with the low‐Ca pyroxene, which is one of the earliest formed REE‐bearing minerals) has an REE pattern parallel to that of melt in equilibrium with merrillite (i.e., one of the last‐formed minerals). This suggests that the LAR 12095/12240 paired shergottites represent the product of closed‐system fractional crystallization following magma emplacement and crystal accumulation. Utilizing the europium oxybarometer, we estimate that the magmatic oxygen fugacity early in the crystallization sequence was ~IW. Finally, petrographic evidence indicates that LAR 12095/12240 experienced extensive shock prior to being ejected from Mars.  相似文献   
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