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We have re-examined the prospects of HOCl as an inert reservoir for atmospheric chlorine in the light of new theoretical calculations and available experimental measurements of its photodissociation cross-sections. The theoretical calculations and most recent laboratory studies imply that the broad maxima 3200 Å observed in two other experimental spectra may not belong to HOCl. On the basis of this implication HOCl could have a long lifetime against photodissociation in the stratosphere, and could, thereby, become a reservoir for atmospheric chlorine comparable to ClONO2 or even HCl. In this capacity HOCl could reduce the predicted ozone destruction due to any given level of total chlorine burden. We have also examined the difficulties in laboratory measurements of the HOCl absorption spectrum with particular emphasis on identifying the impurities which may be present in the experimental system. It appears that specialized new experiments are needed to clearly establish the nature and strength of HOCl absorption in the neighbourhood of 3200 Å. Some refinements in the theoretical calculations also seem desirable. In view of the difficulties involved in the laboratory determination of HOCl photodissociation cross-sections, it is suggested that a search for possible stratospheric HOCl by atmospheric spectroscopists would be worthwhile.  相似文献   
This paper presents results of high-resolution deep seismic reflection profiling of the Proterozoic Vindhyan basin of the Rajasthan area along the Chandli-Bundi-Kota-Kunjer profile. Seismic images have been used to estimate the thickness of Vindhyan strata as well as to understand the tectonic framework of the basin. The results are constrained by gravity, magnetic and magnetotelluric data. The study reveals gentle SE-dipping reflection bands representing the Vindhyan strata. The seismic sections depict gradual thickening of the Vindhyan succession towards southeast from Bundi. The velocities of the upper and lower Vindhyans are identified as 4.6-4.8 km/s and 5.1-5.3 km/s. The NW limit of the Vindhyan basin is demarcated by the Great Boundary Fault (GBF) that manifests as a 30 km wide NW dipping thrust fault extending to a depth of 30 km.  相似文献   
— Seismic responses of weathered and non-weathered ridge models were simulated to study the ridge effects on the ground motion characteristics. The range of ridge slope from 19.98° to 45° was considered to produce a possible set of generalized results. 2.5-D modeling based on parsimonious staggered grid approximation of elastodynamic wave equations was adopted in simulations. Computed results reveal an increase of amplitude of incoming waves with both elevation and the slope of the ridge. Further, the characteristics of surface waves are highly ridge slope dependent. The analysis of responses of weathered and non-weathered ridge models reveals that ridge has caused a strong generation of surface waves near its top. The surface waves are not dominating on the top of the ridge but at some lower elevation. The increase of weathering of ridge further intensified the ridge effect. Analysis in frequency domain, based on spectral ratio method, does not indicate any pattern in the spectral amplification factor and is very much sensitive to slope, source focal mechanism and location. However, on an average there is a continuous decrease of amplification with slope in the vertical component and increase in the transverse component, and it is increasing in the radial component up to slope =38.0° and thereafter decreasing.  相似文献   
Finite Element (FE) modeling under plane stress condition is used to analyze the fault type variation with depth along and around the San Andreas Fault (SAF) zone. In this simulation elastic rheology was used and was thought justifiable as the variation in depth from 0.5 km to 20 km was considered. Series of calculations were performed with the variation in domain properties. Three types of models were created based on simple geological map of California, namely, 1) single domain model considering whole California as one homogeneous domain, 2) three domains model including the North American plate, Pacific plate, and SAF zone as separate domains, and 3) Four domains model including the three above plus the Garlock Fault zone. Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and Byerlee's law were used for the calculation of failure state. All the models were driven by displacement boundary condition imposing the fixed North American plate and Pacific plate motion along N34°W vector up to the northern terminus of SAF and N50°E vector motion for the subducting the Gorda and Juan de Fuca plates. Our simulated results revealed that as the depth increased, the fault types were generally normal, and at shallow depth greater strike slip and some thrust faults were formed. It is concluded that SAF may be terminated as normal fault at depth although the surface expression is clearly strike slip.  相似文献   
On farm bio-resource recycling has been given greater emphasis with the introduction of conservation agriculture specifically withclimate change scenarios in the mid-hills of the north-west Himalaya region(NWHR). Under this changing scenario, elevation, slope aspect and integrated nutrient management(INM) may affect significantly soil quality and crop productivity. A study was conducted during 2009-2010 to 2010-2011 at the Ashti watershed of NWHR in a rainfed condition to examine the influence of elevation, slope aspect and integrated nutrient management(INM) on soil resource and crop productivity. Two years of farm demonstration trials indicated that crop productivity and soil quality is significantly affected by elevation, slope aspect and INM. Results showed that wheat equivalent yield(WEY) of improved technology increased crop productivity by -20%-37% compared to the conventional system. Intercropping of maize with cowpea and soybean enhanced yield by another 8%-17%. North aspect and higher elevation increased crop productivity by 15%-25% compared to south aspect and low elevation(except paddy). Intercropping of maize with cowpea and soybean enhanced yield by another 8%-15%. Irrespective of slope, elevation and cropping system, the WEY increased by -30% in this region due to INMtechnology. The influence of elevation, slope aspect and INM significantly affected soil resources(SQI) and soil carbon change(SCC). SCC is significantly correlated with SQI for conventional(R2 = 0.65*), INM technology(R2 = 0.81*) and for both technologies(R2 = 0.73*). It is recommended that at higher elevation.(except for paddy soils) with a north facing slope, INM is recommended for higher crop productivity; conservation of soil resources is recommended for the mid hills of NWHR; and single values of SCC are appropriate as a SQI for this region.  相似文献   
Abstract. Municipal solid waste combustion leads to concentration of various metals in the solid residue (fly ash) remaining after combustion. These metals pose serious environmental hazard and require proper handling and monitoring in order to control their harmful effects. Leachability of some metals from fly ash was examined in fly ash and Milli-Q water mixture (liquid-to-solid ratio, 100) under various temperature and pH conditions in the laboratory. The leaching experiments conducted for 24 hours showed that pH was generally more important than temperature in controlling the amount of metals leached out of the fly ash. However, at a given pH, rise in temperature led to different degree of (usually one to two fold) enhanced or reduced leaching of metals. Owing to amphoteric nature of oxides of Al, Cr, Pb and Zn, these metals often yielded typical pattern of increase and decrease in their concentrations with change in pH. The extent of leaching of Cr and Pb in our experiments suggests that decrease of pH to acidic range in the case of Pb and to neutral to acidic range for Cr over a long period of storage of fly ash at solid waste dumping site may facilitate leaching of these metals from fly ash, leading to contamination of groundwater to the level that exceeds beyond the level permitted by the environmental laws.  相似文献   
The Gandak megafan of eastern Uttar Pradesh and northwestern Bihar lies in the Middle Gangetic Plains. The Gandak River has shifted about 80 km to the east due to tilting in the last 5000 years. This has created a soil chronoassociation similar to the chronosequences found on some flights of river terraces. This chronoassociation has five members, QGD1-5. They are distinguished on the basis of profile development, clay mineralogy and calcium carbonate content. Chlorite transforms to vermiculite on a large scale from QGD1 to QGD3 and decreases drastically in member QGD4. Kaolinite and interstratified kaolinite-smectite are abundant in the older members of the chronoassociation. The youngest soils (QGD1:? < 500 b.p.) are found on the floodplains of the major rivers. QGD2 soils, like those of the Young Gandak Plain, date from? > 500 b.p., while QGD3 soils, like those on the Older Gandak Plain and Old Rapti Plains date back to 2500 b.p. QGD4 soils, like those on the Oldest Gandak Plain, are dated as? 5000 years b.p., whilst the oldest QGD5 soils, as on the Old Ghaghra Plain and Ganga-Ghaghra Interfluve, date back to 10000 b.p. These soils, which include pedogenic calcite and a? saline epipedon, indicate a dry climatic spell during the period 9000-11000 b.p. Faults developed on the megafan are not related to the basement structures.  相似文献   
This study aims at discriminating eight mangrove species of Rhizophoraceae family of Indian east coast using field and laboratory spectra in spectral range (350–2500 nm). Parametric and non-parametric statistical analyses were applied on spectral data in four spectral modes: (i) reflectance (ii) continuum removed, (iii) additive inverse and (iv) continuum removed additive inverse. We introduced continuum removal of inverse spectra to utilize the advantage of continuum removal in reflectance region. Non-parametric test gave better separability than parametric test. Principal component analysis and stepwise discriminant analysis were applied for feature reduction and to identify optimal wavelengths for species discrimination. To quantify the separability, Jeffries–Matusita distance measure was derived. Green (550 nm), red edge (680–720 nm) and water absorption region (1470 and 1850 nm) were found to be optimal wavelengths for species discrimination. The continuum removal of additive inverse spectra gave better separability than the continuum removed spectra.  相似文献   
Spectro-polarimetric observations of active regions were carried out in the spectral lines of Sii 10827.1 Å and Hei 10830 Å to study the three-dimensional magnetic field structure and associated plasma flow properties. Comparison of Sii and Hei magnetograms with the potential field model shows that a large fraction of the magnetic field is consistent with the potential field structure, by assuming that the height difference between the origin of the two lines is about 1200 km. The slope of the scatter plot between Sii and Hei magnetograms is 0.5, 0.76 in an emerging flux and a larger active region, respectively. These values are lower than the scatter plot slopes obtained from Kitt Peak photospheric and chromospheric magnetograms, in which case the corresponding values are 0.83 and 0.9, respectively. Considering the height difference between these two sets of chromospheric magnetograms, this implies that the magnetic field spreads out faster near the transition region heights. Dopplergrams obtained by determining the centroid of the asymmetric line profiles show that, in case of emerging flux region, the chromospheric upflow regions are located in the magnetic neutral line areas.  相似文献   
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