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针对不同用户对煤炭粒径有不同的要求,煤颗粒粒径在4mm以下,其中0.125mm粒径以下的颗粒不能超过10%的无烟煤精粉有大量的出口需求,而目前所用设备产品质量不能满足要求,而且效率低的状况,对煤颗粒粒级分选设备的工作原理进行了分析并提出改进方案。基于流体力学理论对改进的设备的工作原理进行了数学建模和算例分析,得出随粒径不同,沉降时间不同,因而在风流中沉降距离不同,从而可以利用风流达到对煤粒进行分选的目的。  相似文献   
Minor elements and ore genesis of the Fankou lead-zinc deposit,China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Fankou Pb-Zn deposit occurs in the Middle-Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous carbonate and argillaceous carbonate formations. In principle, the deposit can be classified as a carbonate-hosted strate-bound deposit. Representative sphalerite, galena, and pyrite separates from Fankou have been analysed. For the purpose of comparison a literature survey on minor elements of other districts have been carried out. The comparison of determined data with the quoted data shows that the Fankou sphalerites are rich in Ga, Ge and Ag, but poor in Se and Te; the Fankou galenas are rich in Ag, Hg, Sb and As, but poor in Se, Te, Tl and Bi; the Fankou pyrites are rich in As, Cd and In, but poor in Se, Te, Co and Ni. Zn/Cd and Se/S×10–4 ratios for sphalerites, Sb/Ag, Sb/Bi and Se/S×10–4 ratios for galenas and Co/Ni ratios for pyrites from Fankou and other districts have been calculated. Ga-Ge-Ag atomic ratios in sphalerites, Sb-Bi-Ag atomic ratios in galenas and Co-Ni relations in pyrites have been plotted. The average value (311) of Zn/Cd ratios for sphalerites from Fankou is similar to values of sphalerites from Gaobanhe, Heqing, Accesa and Broken Hill. The average Sb/Ag ratio (0.74) and the Sb-Bi-Ag atomic ratios in Fankou galenas are similar to those in the syngenetic galena from the British Island. The Ga-Ge-Ag atomic ratios for Fankou sphalerites are similar to those for the syngenetic sphalerites and Gorno sphalerites. The average Co/Ni ratio (1.1) for micro to fine-grained pyrites from Fankou laminated-bedded pyrite ore is similar to that (0.8) for the sedimentary pyrites from other districts. As to the fine to medium-grained pyrites from Fankou massive pyritic ores, their higher Co/Ni ratios (1.6–1.8) may relate to the fact that more Ni is lost than Co, during the reformation or recrystallization. Sphalerite, galena and pyrite from Fankou all are rather poor in Se and have very low values of Se/S×10–4, so they may bear no genetic relation to volcanism. To sum up, the following conclusions can be reached: (1) The Fankou deposit possesses some syngenetic features. (2) Evidently it differs from skarn type, hydrothermal type, and volcanogenic type deposits. (3) Surely it is a reformed sedimentary Pb-Zn deposit.  相似文献   
TBP萃淋树脂微色谱柱分离富集钼的研究及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了TBP萃淋树脂微色谱柱分离富集微量钼的柱性能,确定了分离钼的最佳条件。在减压条件下,运用零空床体积洗脱技术,以3mol/LHCl为上柱介质,0.5mol/LHCl洗脱,可使钼(VI)与钨(Ⅵ)、铁(Ⅲ)、锡(Ⅳ)等干扰离子快速分离,采用邻氯苯基荧光酮胶束增溶光度法,测定矿石中微量钼,结果满意。  相似文献   
There are two types of lead–zinc ore bodies, i.e., sandstone-hosted ores (SHO) and limestone-hosted ores (LHO), in the Jinding giant sulfide deposit, Yunnan, SW China. Structural analysis suggests that thrust faults and dome structures are the major structural elements controlling lead–zinc mineralization. The two types of ore bodies are preserved in two thrust sheets in a three-layered structural profile in the framework of the Jinding dome structure. The SHO forms the cap of the dome and LHO bodies are concentrated beneath the SHO cap in the central part of the dome. Quartz, feldspar and calcite, and sphalerite, pyrite, and galena are the dominant mineral components in the sandstone-hosted lead–zinc ores. Quartz and feldspar occur as detrital clasts and are cemented by diagenetic calcite and epigenetic sulfides. The sulfide paragenetic sequence during SHO mineralization is from early pyrite to galena and late sphalerite. Galena occurs mostly in two types of cracks, i.e., crescent-style grain boundary cracks along quartz–pyrite, or rarely along pyrite–pyrite boundaries, and intragranular radial cracks in early pyrite grains surrounding quartz clasts. The radial cracks are more or less perpendicular to the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries and do not show any overall (whole rock) orientation pattern. Their distribution, morphological characteristics, and geometrical relationships with quartz and pyrite grains suggest the predominant role of grain-scale cracking. Thermal expansion cracking is one of the most important mechanisms for the generation of open spaces during galena mineralization. Cracking due to heating or cooling by infiltrating fluids resulted from upwelling fluid phases through fluid passes connecting the SHO and LHO bodies, provided significant spaces for crystallization of galena. The differences in coefficients of thermal expansion between pyrite and quartz led to a difference in volume changes between quartz grains and pyrite grains surrounding them and contributed to cracking of the pyrite grains when temperature changed. Combined thermal expansion and elastic mismatch due to heating and subsequent cooling resulted in the radial and crescent cracking in the pyrite grains and along the quartz–pyrite grain boundaries.  相似文献   
北京房山变质核杂岩的基本特征及其成因探讨   总被引:40,自引:4,他引:40  
宋鸿林 《现代地质》1996,10(2):149-158
摘要:北京房山变质核杂岩是典型的板内变质核杂岩。由核部的结晶基底及顶部的变余糜棱岩带、固态流变的中间层和脆性剪裂的上部盖层组成三层结构。核部有强力侵位的早白垩世的房山花岗闪长岩株。地壳的韧性伸展表现于下古生界及其前的盖层岩系中,形成于印支期前,反映了强烈的区域古地热异常。印支期的南北向挤压造就了区域构造格局。燕山期的岩浆侵入使变质核杂岩定型。新生代的差异性隆升使核杂岩最终出露地表。幔源热异常、基底热隆及岩浆的强力侵位是核杂岩形成的主要因素.  相似文献   
物探方法在岩溶勘查中的应用综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
简要介绍了岩溶勘察中常用物探方法的基本原理和技术,并举例说明其在岩溶地区进行水利水电工程地质勘察、岩溶地下水寻找、环境保护和溶洞探测时的有效性。  相似文献   
铜同位素地球化学及研究新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多接收杯电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(MC-ICPMS)的应用极大地提高了铜(Cu)同位素的分析精度和效率,推进了铜同位素地球化学的发展和应用。文中对Cu同位素地球化学进行了全面的综述,并更新了铜同位素研究的最新进展及其在地质与环境过程中的应用。自然界中铜同位素(δ65Cu)的变化范围可达20‰以上,高温下铜同位素分馏较小,而在低温条件下,铜同位素能产生巨大的同位素分馏,其主要取决于低温下铜的氧化还原反应。作为最重要的金属成矿元素之一、重要的重金属元素和重要的挥发性元素,铜同位素在矿床地球化学、环境地球化学和天体化学领域均显示了巨大的应用潜力。  相似文献   
层状侵入体的韵律层理是一种特殊的岩石构造,长期以来其成因倍受关注,成因假说很多。本文在综合这些观点关于岩浆物理,化学性质的研究,尤其是在岩浆房地对流特征研究成果的基础上,提出了新的成因解释,认为固化带前锋处矿物的结晶,熔浆组分的扩散及固化带前锋本身的推进等3个因素的相互耦合是形成韵律层理的主要机制,这个过程是发生在一定过冷却条件下的,在这种定性认识基础上,笔者提出了旨在对韵律层理形成过程进行模拟计  相似文献   
Jilin Province in NE China lies on the eastern edge of the Xing–Meng Orogenic Belt. Mineral exploration in this area has resulted in the discovery of numerous large, medium, and small sized Cu, Mo, Au, and Co deposits. To better understand the formation and distribution of both the porphyry and skarn types Cu deposits of the region, we examined the geological characteristics of the deposits and applied zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os isotope dating to constrain the age of the mineralization. The Binghugou Cu deposit yields a zircon U–Pb age for quartz diorite of 128.1 ± 1.6 Ma; the Chang'anpu Cu deposit yields a zircon U–Pb age for granite porphyry of 117.0 ± 1.4 Ma; the Ermi Cu deposit yields a zircon U–Pb age for granite porphyry of 96.8 ± 1.1 Ma; the Tongshan Cu deposit yields molybdenite Re–Os model ages of 128.7 to 130.2 Ma, an isochron age of 129.0 ± 1.6 Ma, and a weighted mean model age of 129.2 ± 0.7 Ma; and the Tianhexing Cu deposit yields molybdenite Re–Os model ages of 113.9 to 115.2 Ma, an isochron age of 114.7 ± 1.2 Ma, and a weighted mean model age of 114.7 ± 0.7 Ma. The new ages, combined with existing geochronology data, show that intense porphyry and skarn types Cu mineralization was coeval with Cretaceous magmatism. The geotectonic processes responsible for the genesis of the Cu mineralization were probably related to lithospheric thinning. By analyzing the accumulated molybdenite Re–Os, zircon U–Pb, and Ar–Ar ages for NE China, it is concluded that the Cu deposits formed during multiple events coinciding with periods of magmatic activity. We have identified five phases of mineralization: early Paleozoic (~476 Ma), late Paleozoic (286.5–273.6 Ma), early Mesozoic (~228.7 Ma), Jurassic (194.8–137.1 Ma), and Cretaceous (131.2–96.8 Ma). Although Cu deposits formed during each phase, most of the Cu mineralization occurred during the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
湖南黄沙坪铅锌矿床内带铁闪锌矿铁占位机制的探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对黄沙坪铅锌矿床内带铁闪锌矿的研究表明,其形成温度为300℃±压力大致为10^7Pa,成矿溶液为中偏酸性,硫逸度较高,还原性较强,成矿溶液中Fe和Zn的主要配合物有:FeCl^+,FeOH^+,FeCl^0,Zn(HS)^02,ZnCl^+,ZnCl^02,Fe^2+等,Fe^2+主要是铁闪锌矿结晶过程中进入八面体位置的,这是ZnS与FeS之间构成有限固溶体的根本原因。  相似文献   
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