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当今世界仍不太平,研究国际冲突对人类社会的进步和发展具有重要的意义。利用Cite Space可视化文献分析工具对1946—2016年的Web of Science数据库中国际冲突研究的12 035篇文献进行分析,研究结果直观地展示了发文时间分布、主要发文国家、主要发文机构、核心期刊等,揭示了国际冲突研究领域由理论探讨战争发生机制、理论研究政治体制与国际冲突的关系到定量研究的演进路径,指出引发国际冲突原因、特征及其解决是当前的研究热点,地理要素、非国家行为体、国际法等与国际冲突的关系及对其影响是今后需重点关注的方面。为更好地了解国际冲突研究领域基础及研究进展提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   
位于罗霄山脉北支武功山西南地区的钱山地热田是研究武功山地热资源的关键地区。本文综合区域地质、研究区地质特征、热物性参数、水化学特征、锆石同位素等方法, 重点分析了钱山地区的地热系统特征, 深入研究了钱山地热的构造背景和热源机制。研究表明: ①NE–SW向的和平—三江断裂是钱山地热重要的导热和控热构造; ②水化学及同位素特征指示钱山地区的地热水和冷水均为大气降水补给; ③早志留世黑云二长花岗岩热导率特征表明花岗岩具有很好的导热效果和聚热能力; ④黑云二长花岗岩放射性生热率较低且时代久远, 揭示放射性元素生热和岩浆岩余热对热源做出的贡献非常小, 钱山地热的热源主要来自壳源深部地热。本研究可为武功山地区地热资源成因及合理开发利用等提供重要的启示。  相似文献   
渤海海域凹陷由于资料的限制,其沉积相研究多为宏观的区域性研究,制约了储层的精细解释。基于最新采集的高精度地震三维资料,结合地震地层学、层序地层学、地震沉积学等理论方法,开展渤中凹陷西斜坡BZ3-8区块东营组重点目的层,东二下层序高分辨率井震层序分析及其地震沉积学研究。结果表明,研究区南北两侧具有不同的物源体系和沉积相模式。低水位体系域(LST)和高水位体系域(HST)时期,研究区北部物源均形成扇形、朵形的地震多属性及振幅切片异常,对应于扇三角洲沉积;南部物源均形成NE向展布的条带状地震多属性及振幅切片异常,对应于辫状河三角洲沉积。海进体系域(TST)时期,湖平面快速上升导致扇体不发育,仅在研究区北部局部发育小规模的扇三角洲沉积。东二下层序LST(富砂)-TST(富泥)-HST(富砂)的岩相演化规律,充分反映了经典层序地层学理论层序格架中的地层岩相组合分布规律,对储层和烃源岩的预测具有指示意义。  相似文献   
Frequency-dependent rupture behavior of sub- duction zone interplate megathrust faults has been observed by back-projection method in different frequency bands (from 0.05 to 5 Hz). It has been suggested that the down-dip region of the Tohoku megathrust radiated strongly at high frequencies (〉10 Hz) compared with that of the up-dip region. By assuming the same source tirne function of each fault patch, we perform a synthetic sensitivity analysis to compare the energy received from the shallower parts (and further way from the receiver sites) with that frona the deeper parts (and closer to the receiver sites) of the rupture. Our results indicate that regional onshore recordings are probably not adequate to constrain the presence of far-off shore high frequency radiations because of the strong attenuation of this region.  相似文献   
陈浩然  杨静 《地理教学》2021,(6):51-53,20
面向中小学生为主的研学旅游以其“研”和“学”为最大特点,因此其重点应放在研究方法的应用与掌握之上。然而目前,研学旅游的研究集中在前期设计的阶段,研学旅游的实践主要使用导师讲解的形式,学生依然是被动的接受者,研学旅游被异化为校园之外的“第二课堂”。本文基于自然地理和人文地理的两个案例,讨论如何借助不同的研学方法来推动研学旅游实践转向以学生为主体,从而真正落实研学之目的。  相似文献   
The source of silica in the formation of the Precambrian laminated cherts has long remained a problem to be solved. Through experiments on cherts and living blue-green algae, the authors found that the collected chert samples probably come from primary deposits, and there is a great biomass of fossil algae in chert, among which the filamentous algae can be compared with the living blue-green algae Oscillatoria, that a higher Pco_2 of the gas would be favourable for the increase of the biomass of living blue-green algae and consequently raises the pH value of the water body; and that lack of free oxygen and a higher concentration of SiO_2 in the water have no apparent influence on the biomass of blue-green algae. Based on the evidence above, a biogeochemical model concerning the origin of Precambrian laminated chert has been set up, in which the. photosynthesis of algae under the presumed atmospheric conditions of the Precambrian might raise the pH value of the water body and promote the dissolution of silicate minerals, thus providing a source of colloid SiO_2 for the formation of Precambrian laminated chert.Furthermore, a simulation experiment device has been designed successfully, which can control the temperature(30 ± 0.5°), Pco_2(50662.5 Pa) and Po_2(about zero Pa) of the gas, the rate of photosynthesis of algae and the movement of the water carrying opal. In the simulation experiments, separate measurements have been made on the rate of photosynthesis of algae, pH value and concentration of SiO_2 of the water body, with the results indicating that under the conditions similar to the presumed Precambrian atmosphere, the photosynthesis of algae can make the pH value of the water body go up steadily to over 9.7, leading to the dissolution of the silicate minerals, with the concentration of SiO_2 measured reaching as high as 84 mg/l. Finally, through the vaporation of water, a phenomenon of colloid floccilation has been observed.The simulation experiment has verified the proposed biogeochemical model illustrating the origin of Precambrian laminated chert. Moreover, the device and method of its kind may also be applied to the research on the relationship of the Precambrian algae with the formation of some other mineral deposits such as of Fe, Mn, U and carbonates.  相似文献   
基于模板匹配的云底高度估计   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
本文提出一种将主动卫星遥感云底高数据扩展到被动遥感卫星视场的新方法。在分析云顶高度(CTH)和云水路径(CWP)对云垂直分布影响的基础上,提出用CTH和CWP两项参数为基的模板匹配法,结合加权最近邻插值估计云层厚度,并用成熟的CTH反演产品减去云层厚度,得到云底高度(CBH)。然后引入小波去噪的方法抑制对云底高度估计的局部高频涨落。与基于云类型的估计方法相比,该方法在20~300km范围内与其估计效果相当,且在170~240km范围内误差更小。考虑到基于云类型的估计方法在CloudSat卫星和MODIS云分类结果上存在差异,本文方法的适用性更好。  相似文献   
The NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) provides important source of information about the seasonal prediction of climate over the Indo-Pacific oceans. In this study, the authors provide a comprehensive assessment of the prediction of sea surface temperature (SST) in the tropical Indian Ocean (IO). They also investigate the impact of tropical IO SST on the summer anomalous anticyclonic circulation over the western North Pacific (WNPAC), focusing on the relative contributions of local SST and remote forcing of tropical IO SST to WNPAC variations. The CFSv2 captures the two most dominant modes of summer tropical IO SST: the IO basin warming (IOBW) mode and the IO dipole (IOD) mode, as well as their relationship with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, it produces a cold SST bias in IO, which may be attributed to deeper-than-observed mixed layer and smaller-than-observed total downward heat flux in the tropical IO. It also overestimates the correlations of ENSO with IOBW and IOD, but underestimates the magnitude of IOD and summer IOBW. The CFSv2 captures the climate anomalies related to IOBW but not those related to IOD. It depicts the impact of summer IOBW on WNPAC via the equatorial Kelvin wave, which contributes to the maintenance of WNPAC in July and August. The WNPAC in June is mostly forced by local cold SST, which is better predicted by the CFSv2 compared to July and August. The mechanism for WNPAC maintenance may vary with lead time in the CFSv2.  相似文献   
大别山北麓竹竿河黄土—古土壤样品的磁组构特征显示,研究剖面0 ~ 1480 cm层段的平均Pj、F值小于1.02,而底部Pj、F大于1.02.F-L、Pj-q组合关系图反映磁化率椭球体为压扁状,磁面理较磁线理发育.磁化率椭球体主轴方位显示0~ 1480cm层段样品的椭球体轴向分布分散,长轴的倾角大于60°,短轴的倾角小于15°,而底部的分布聚集,长轴的倾角一般小于10°,短轴的倾角大于80°,上述特征综合揭示了0 ~ 1480cm层段属于典型风成沉积而底部属于典型水成沉积.磁化率椭球体最大主轴的偏角暗示风成沉积的主导风向为NW-SE方向,而水成沉积的古流向为SW-NE方向,与现代竹竿河水系的方向基本一致.磁化率各向异性最大轴方向的优选方向可能与大别山抬升等构造运动有关.  相似文献   
基于航空和高铁流的中国城市网络格局及演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2009、2014、2019年的航空、高铁时刻表数据构建出航空子网络、高铁子网络以及航空?高铁叠合网络,利用社会网络分析、主成分分析等方法得到交通综合指数,并用以对3个网络的动态演化特征进行分析。研究表明:① 航空流与高铁流视角下的城市网络形态存在显著的差异。航空运输为远距离、高等级核心城市之间的联系提供了快速通道,航空网络中构成菱形结构支点的核心城市处于动态变化的状态,随着中西部城市的崛起,网络均衡性逐步提升;高铁网络对东部和中部地区主要城市起到串联作用,网络的演化依托高铁干线的延伸,呈现由点状向廊道至带状发展的平面分布。② 网络对比分析发现高铁网络的拓展对航空网络产生挤压效应,逐渐成为1500 km范围内的主导性高速交通运输方式,促使航空运输的优势距离不断扩展;网络叠合分析发现高行政等级城市及经济发达城市占据主导位置,中西部城市崛起,东北城市衰落;整体网络呈现由点?线?面扩张发展的趋势,且胡焕庸线两侧的城市网络格局存在显著差异。叠合网络东部和中部城市联系从以航空为主导转为高铁主导,而西部城市仍以航空联系为主导。  相似文献   
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