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Barite has been found for the first time in the Swiss Jura (Hirni, Passwang). Small, white crystals of barite with yellow ankerite grow on calcite in different chambers of a Bajocian ammonite. Chemical data (by microprobe analysis) and lattice parameters (refined by leastsquares from powder patterns) are given for the two minerals. There is a distinct correlation between the cell dimensions and the chemical composition for both of them. The genesis is discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Abweichend von der in einem früheren Aufsatz versuchten Erklärung der sommerlichen Feuchtezunahme über dem Mittelmeer wird plausibel gemacht, daß im wesentlichen die normale Erhöhung der Temperatur der Meeresoberfläche dafür verantwortlich ist.
Summary Earlier in this journal an article was published, which suggested that the increase of the relative humidity in the warmer season of the Mediterranean was effected by subsiding of dry air from above and therefore increasing evaporation. But now it seems to the author that only the normal annual variation of the sea surface temperature is responsible for the observed phenomenon.
Resumen Presentamos una solución numérica del problema del efecto de embalse con ayuda de una ecuación lineal inhomogénea en diferencias finitas de primer orden, suponiendo una ley lineal del desagüe. Este método numérico es de maneje cómodo para un cálculo aproximado.
Zusammenfassung Es wird die numerische Bestimmung der Seeretention mittels der Lösung einer linearen inhomogenen Differenzengleichung 1. Ordnung dargelegt. Dieses numerische Verfahren ist für eine Näherungsrechnung besonders geeignet.
Resumen Como aplicación hidrodinámica de un problema más general, tratado al principio, demostraremos el siguiente teorema:El rotacional del campo de la variación unitaria del torbellino de las partículas que se mueven rotacionalmente en líquidos ideales y homogéneos puede representarse por medio de paréntesis deLagrange.
Zusammenfassung Als hydrodynamische Anwendung eines eingangs behandelten allgemeineren Problems wird folgender Satz bewiesen:Der Rotor des Feldes der individuellen Ableitung des Wirbelvektors der sich drehend bewegenden Partikel idealer und homogener inkompressibler Flüssigkeiten läßt sich mittels der Klammersymbole vonLagrange darstellen.
Distribution of Cs, Na, and Ba between great monocrystals of KCl and water solution was investigated. Impurity was either labelled by long-lived radioactive isotopes or was activated after growth of the crystals by neutrons in a nuclear reactor. No influence on partition coefficients was caused by using radioactive tracers, e.g. due to raised inclusion of mother liquor. Between impurity concentrations from 3·10–4 to 10–1 in the solution the partition coefficients were nearly constant and about 10–3 for Na, about 10–4 for Cs, and <5·10–5 for Ba in KCl at temperatures of 40° C. If different impurity ions were built in simultaneously, the partition coefficients were independent of composition of solution. In case of Cs in KCl capture of Cs increased with increasing temperature.

Meinem hoehverehrten Lehrer, Herrn Prof. Dr. W. von Engelhart, danke ieh für die freundliehe Überlassung des interessanten Themas. Für die stete Förderung und die zahlreichen fruehtbaren Diskussionen und Anregungen bin ich ihm und Herrn Dr. H. Puchelt zu großem Dank verpflichtet.Dem Bundesnlinisterium für wissensehaftliehe Forsehung danke ieh ffir die großzügige Unterstützung der Arbeit.Herrn Prof. Dr. W. Seelmann-Eggebert und Herrn Dr. V. Schneider vom Kernforsehungszentrum Karlsruhe und Herrn Dr. Bartel von der Kernforsehungsanlage Jülich danke ich für die Unterstützung bei der Neutronenaktivierung und Herrn Dr. J. Ottemann vom Mineralogischen Instigut der Universität Heidelberg für die Untersuchung mit der Elektronenmikrosonde.  相似文献   
This environmental overview of Eckernförde Bay (northern Germany) summarizes the results of previous studies relevant to the Office of Naval Research's Coastal Benthic Boundary Layer (CBBL) Baltic field exercise conducted during 1993–1994. Significant environmental characteristics include the following: (1) surface sediment distribution is related to water depth, dictated primarily by hydrodynamic reworking of older glacial deposits; (2) the origin and characteristics of small-scale sedimentary structures depend on storm-generated waves and currents; (3) the proximity of the sea surface and sediment —water interface results in a pelagic—benthic coupling that drives biogeochemical processes and produces organicrich, acoustically turbid sediments; and (4) the bay floor is complicated topographically by pockmarks and manmade sedimentary structures.  相似文献   
For biomarkers to be useful in assessing anthropogenic impacts in field studies involving aquatic organisms, they should not be affected by naturally occurring changes in environmental parameters such as salinity. This is especially important in estuarine environments and for relatively unspecific biomarkers like heat-shock proteins (hsps, stress proteins). In this study, the heat-shock protein response was measured in the euryhaline clam, Potamocorbula amurensis, after exposure to a range of salinities reflecting normal and extreme environmental conditions in Northern San Francisco Bay, California. The ability to raise cellular hsp70 levels in response to heat-shock was significantly impaired in P. amurensis collected from a low (0.5 ppt) salinity field site, and after 14 day exposure to low salinity in the laboratory.  相似文献   
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