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Resumen Presentamos una solución numérica del problema del efecto de embalse con ayuda de una ecuación lineal inhomogénea en diferencias finitas de primer orden, suponiendo una ley lineal del desagüe. Este método numérico es de maneje cómodo para un cálculo aproximado.
Zusammenfassung Es wird die numerische Bestimmung der Seeretention mittels der Lösung einer linearen inhomogenen Differenzengleichung 1. Ordnung dargelegt. Dieses numerische Verfahren ist für eine Näherungsrechnung besonders geeignet.
Zusammenfassung Abweichend von der in einem früheren Aufsatz versuchten Erklärung der sommerlichen Feuchtezunahme über dem Mittelmeer wird plausibel gemacht, daß im wesentlichen die normale Erhöhung der Temperatur der Meeresoberfläche dafür verantwortlich ist.
Summary Earlier in this journal an article was published, which suggested that the increase of the relative humidity in the warmer season of the Mediterranean was effected by subsiding of dry air from above and therefore increasing evaporation. But now it seems to the author that only the normal annual variation of the sea surface temperature is responsible for the observed phenomenon.
Dunite samples have been deformed non-coaxially at high temperatures and pressures. In samples which were deformed by translation glide on {Okl}[100], olivine [100] = Z-axes rotated toward the maximum extensile-strain axis. In samples which were partly or completely recrystallized syntectonically the new olivine grains attained preferred orientations with [010] = X and [100] = Z parallel to the maximum and least principal compressive stress axes, respectively. These results may be used for kinematic and dynamic analysis of naturally deformed dunites and peridotites.  相似文献   
Different superstructures of wollastonite from the regional metamorphic Lepontine zone (Southern Alps) and other localities (e.g., Sierra Nevada, California) have been found. Besides well ordered normal 1T, 2M (2T ?), 4T-wollastonite, all disordered intermediate states exist. The various polymorphs were studied with the precession method. The superstructure is observed in reflections hkl k=odd. 4T-wollastonite is described with a 0=31.659 Å and is shown to be a common polymorph. The superstructure seems to be independent of metamorphic grade (in the well-zoned Lepontine area it does not follow any mineralogical isograds) and occurs only in strained rocks with well developed lineation and strong preferred orientation. Thus the formation of the superstructure is explained as a deformation effect. Contrary to temperature and pressure, both stress and strain show large local variations and inhomogeneities. Experimental deformation of a 2T-wollastonite at 4 kb and 700° C produced complete disorder. It is suggested that consecutive annealing of strained disordered wollastonite causes periodic stacking sequences of [SiO3]-chains along the a*-axis. It appears from these studies that superstructures in chainsilicates are more common than presently known and that they might be useful petrogenetic indicators for the deformation and cooling history of a rock.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ausgehend von einem Vergleich randnaher Normprofile und der faziellen Analyse eines vollständigen Bohrprofils wird für die Randfazies des Unteren Muschelkalkes ein Sedimentationsmodell entwickelt, das auf der Basis klimatisch und epirogenetisch bedingter Untergliederungen des Profils neue Parallelisierungsmöglichkeiten mit beckenwärtigen Faziesbereichen eröffnet.Hervorstechendste Merkmale des Bohrprofils sind rhythmisches Auftreten von Magnesit — der als sedimentäre Bildung bislang nur in Zusammenhang mit chloridischen Evaporiten bekannt war —, eine sedimentologisch und geochemisch begründete zyklische Gliederung sowie intensive Bioturbation und zugleich durchgehende Vergipsung.Die Zyklen sind formal gekennzeichnet durch Koppelung von tonigem Sandstein mit geringen Eisen- und hohen Magnesiumgehalten einerseits und von rotem Ton und Silt mit hohen Eisen- und niedrigen Magnesiumwerten andererseits. Die Zyklen werden als Wechselfolge von litoralen Sedimentationsphasen in subtropischem Klima und Abschnürungsphasen mit Hungersedimentation in aridem Klima interpretiert. Der syndiagenetisch gebildete Magnesit ist dabei Tonsedimentationsphasen genetisch zugeordnet. Anhand der Verteilung der vier nicht-detritischen Hauptminerale Dolomit, Gips, Anhydrit und Magnesit wird der Diageneseablauf rekonstruiert.Nach einer Diskussion der Bildungsumstände und der Korrelierbarkeit bieten sich die Werksteinzone der Randfazies und die Spiriferinabank der Beckenfazies als sedimentologische Zeitmarke an.
A depositional model of the marginal facies of the Lower Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) is developed by comparison of near-marginal profiles and a facies analysis of a complete drilling record. It is based upon climatologically and epirogenetically caused partitions of the profile and opens new possibilities of correlation with basinal areas.Significant features of the drilling record are rhythmic occurrences of magnesite in sediments only known in connection with chloridic evaporites, a cyclic deposition based on sedimentological and geochemical criteria, and intensive bioturbation with a gypsification throughout.The cycles are formally marked by the correlation of clayey sandstone with low iron and high magnesium contents at the one hand and of red clay and silt with high iron and low magnesium values at the other hand. The cycles are interpreted as an alternation of littoral sedimentation under a subtropical climate and of stages of lagoonal conditions or emersion under an arid climate. The magnesite syndiagenetically formed is genetically attached to stages of clay sedimentation. The process of diagenesis is reconstructed studying the distribution of four main non-detrital minerals: dolomite, gypsum, anhydrite, and magnesite.After discussion of the depositional conditions and the possibilities of correlation, the Werkstein-Zone of the marginal facies and the Spiriferina-Bank of the basinal facies are thought to be sedimentological time markers.

Résumé Une conception de la formation du facies marginal du Muschelkalk inférieur est développée sur la base d'une comparaison entre les profils normés de la région de sondage Mersch/Luxembourg et l'analyse facielle du profil complet de la carotte de ce sondage. A partir des divisions en partie causées par les climats et par des mouvements épirogénétiques, cette conception donne une nouvelle possibilité de corrélation avec le facies situé plus au centre du bassin sédimentaire.Le forage étudié est caractérisé par la présence rythmique de magnésite, qui, jusqu'à présent, était seulement connu en tant que formation sédimentaire, avec des évaporites, par une répartition cyclique basée sur des observations sédimentologiques et géochimiques et par une bioturbation intensive ainsi qu'une gypsification générale.Les cycles sont caractérisés formellement par le couplage d'un grès argileux à faible teneur en fer et à forte teneur en magnésium d'une part et d'argile rouge à forte teneur en fer et à faible teneur en magnésium d'autre part. Les cycles sont interpretés comme une séquence alternante comprenant une sédimentation littorale en climat subtropical et une sédimentation lagunaire ou d'émersion en climat aride. La magnésite formée syndiagénétiquement est donc coordonnée à une phase sédimentaire argileuse. Le cours de la diagénèse est reconstruit à partir de l'étude de la répartition des quatre minéraux principaux non-détriques: dolomite, gypse, anhydrite et magnésite.A la suite de la discussion des conditions de formation et des possibilités de corrélation la « Werkstein-Zone » du facies marginal et la « Spiriferina-Bank » du facies central apparaissent comme des indicateurs sédimentologiques chronostratigraphiques.

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Polymetamorphic rocks of Sifnos (Greece) have been investigated by Rb-Sr, K-Ar, and fission track methods. Critical mineral assemblages from the northern and southernmost parts of Sifnos include jadeite+quartz+3T phengite, and omphacite+garnet +3T phengite, whereas the central part is characterized by the assemblage albite+chlorite+epidote+2M 1 phengite.K-Ar and Rb-Sr dates on phengites (predominantly 3T) of the best preserved high P/itTmetamorphic rocks from northern Sifnos gave concordant ages around 42 m.y., indicating a Late Lutetian age for the high P/T metamorphism. Phengites (2M 1+3T) of less preserved high P/T assemblages yielded K-Ar dates between 48 and 41 m.y. but generally lower Rb-Sr dates. The higher K-Ar dates are interpreted as being elevated by excess argon.K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages on 2M 1 phengites from central Sifnos vary between 24 and 21 m.y. These ages date a second, greenschist-facies metamorphism which overprinted the earlier high-pressure metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   
The application of kriging-based geostatistical algorithms to integrate large-scale seismic data calls for direct and cross variograms of the seismic variable and primary variable (e.g., porosity) at the modeling scale, which is typically much smaller than the seismic data resolution. In order to ensure positive definiteness of the cokriging matrix, a licit small-scale coregionalization model has to be built. Since there are no small-scale secondary data, an analytical method is presented to infer small-scale seismic variograms. The method is applied to estimate the 3-D porosity distribution of a West Texas oil field given seismic data and porosity data at 62 wells.  相似文献   
The relative importance of climate, forest fires and human population size on long‐term boreal forest composition were statistically investigated at regional and local scales in Fennoscandia. We employ pollen data from lakes, reflecting regional vegetation, and small forest hollows, reflecting local vegetation, from Russia, Finland and Sweden to reconstruct the long‐term forest composition. As potential drivers of the Holocene forest dynamics we consider climate, generated from a climate model and oxygen isotope data, past forest fires generated from sedimentary charcoal data and human population size derived from radiocarbon dated archaeological findings. We apply the statistical method of variation partitioning to assess the relative importance of these environmental variables on long‐term boreal forest composition. The results show that climate is the main driver of the changes in Holocene boreal forest composition at the regional scale. However, at the local scale the role of climate is relatively small. In general, the importance of forest fires is low both at regional and local scales. The fact that both climate and forest fires explain relatively small proportions of variation in long‐term boreal vegetation in small forest hollow records demonstrates the complexity of factors affecting stand‐scale forest dynamics. The relative importance of human population size was low in both the prehistorical and the historical time periods. However, this is the first time that this type of data has been used to statistically assess the importance of human population size on boreal vegetation and the spatial representativeness of the data may cause bias to the analysis.  相似文献   
During the transition of juveniles from fresh water to estuarine and coastal environments, the survival of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) can be strongly size selective and cohort abundance is partly determined at this stage. Because quantity and quality of food influence juvenile salmon growth, high rates of prey and energy acquisition during estuarine residence are important for survival. Human activities may have affected the foraging performance of juvenile salmon in estuaries by reducing the area of wetlands and by altering the abundance of salmon. To improve our understanding of the effects of wetland loss and salmon density on juvenile salmon foraging performance and diet composition in estuaries, we assembled Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) diet and density data from nine US Pacific Northwest estuaries across a gradient of wetland loss. We evaluated the influence of wetland loss and density on juvenile Chinook salmon instantaneous ration and energy ration, two measures of foraging performance, and whether the effect of density varied among estuaries with different levels of wetland loss. We also assessed the influence of wetland loss and other explanatory variables on salmon diet composition. There was no evidence of a direct effect of wetland loss on juvenile salmon foraging performance, but wetland loss appeared to mediate the effect of density on salmon foraging performance and alter salmon diet composition. Specifically, density had no effect on foraging performance in the estuaries with less than 50 % wetland loss but had a negative effect on foraging performance in the estuaries with greater than 50 % wetland loss. These results suggest that habitat loss may interact with density to constrain the foraging performance of juvenile Chinook salmon, and ultimately their growth, during a life history stage when survival can be positively correlated with growth and size.  相似文献   
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