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Regionally extensive 3D seismic data from the Lower Congo Basin, offshore Angola, have been used to investigate the influence of salt‐related structures on the location, geometry and evolution of Miocene deep‐water depositional systems. Isochron variations and cross‐sectional lap‐out relationships have then been used to qualitatively reconstruct the syn‐depositional morphology of salt‐cored structures. Coherence and Red‐green‐blue‐blended spectral decomposition volumes, tied to cross‐sectional seismic facies, allow imaging of the main sediment transport pathways and the distribution of their component seismic facies. Major sediment transport pathways developed in an area of complex salt‐related structures comprising normal faults, isolated diapirs and elongate salt walls with intervening intraslope basins. Key structural controls on the location of the main sediment transport pathways and the local interaction between lobe‐channel‐levee systems and individual structures were the length and height of structures, the location and geometry of segment boundaries, the growth and linkage of individual structures, and the incidence angle between structural strike and flow direction. Where the regional flow direction was at a high angle to structural strike, transport pathways passed progressively through multiple intraslope basins in a fill and spill manner. Segment boundaries and structural lows between diapirs acted as spill points, focusing sediment transport between intraslope basins. Channel–lobe transitions are commonly associated with these spill points, where flows expanded and entered depocentres. Deflection of channel‐levee complexes around individual structures was mainly controlled by the length of structures and incidence angle. Where regional flow direction was at a low angle to structural strike, sediment transport pathways ran parallel to structure and were confined to individual intraslope basins for many tens of kilometres. Spill between intraslope basins was rare. The relative position of structures and their segment boundaries was fixed during the Miocene, which effectively pinned the locations where sediment spilled from one intraslope basin to the next. As a result, major sediment transport pathways were used repeatedly, giving rise to vertically stacked lobe‐channel‐levee complexes along the pathways. Shadow zones devoid of coarse clastics developed in areas that were either structurally isolated from the sediment transport pathways or bypassed as a result of channel diversion.  相似文献   
Cost reduction in seismic reconnaissance is an issue in geothermal exploration and can principally be achieved by sparse acquisition. To address the adherent decrease in signal/noise ratio, the common‐reflection‐surface method has been proposed. We reduced the data density of an existing 3D dataset and evaluated the results of common‐reflection‐surface processing using seismic attributes. The application of the common‐reflection‐surface method leads in all cases to an improvement of the signal/noise ratio. The most distinct improvement can be seen in the low fold regions. The improvement depends strongly on the midpoint aperture, and there is a tradeoff between reflector continuity and horizontal resolution. If small scale targets are to be imaged, a small aperture size is necessary, which may be far below the Fresnel zone for a specific reflector. The substantial reduction of the data density leads in our case to an irrecoverable information loss.  相似文献   
The authors suggested acceptance criteria for rural dispersion models’ performance measures in this journal in 2004. The current paper suggests modified values of acceptance criteria for urban applications and tests them with tracer data from four urban field experiments. For the arc-maximum concentrations, the fractional bias should have a magnitude <0.67 (i.e., the relative mean bias is less than a factor of 2); the normalized mean-square error should be <6 (i.e., the random scatter is less than about 2.4 times the mean); and the fraction of predictions that are within a factor of two of the observations (FAC2) should be >0.3. For all data paired in space, for which a threshold concentration must always be defined, the normalized absolute difference should be <0.50, when the threshold is three times the instrument’s limit of quantification (LOQ). An overall criterion is then applied that the total set of acceptance criteria should be satisfied in at least half of the field experiments. These acceptance criteria are applied to evaluations of the US Department of Defense’s Joint Effects Model (JEM) with tracer data from US urban field experiments in Salt Lake City (U2000), Oklahoma City (JU2003), and Manhattan (MSG05 and MID05). JEM includes the SCIPUFF dispersion model with the urban canopy option and the urban dispersion model (UDM) option. In each set of evaluations, three or four likely options are tested for meteorological inputs (e.g., a local building top wind speed, the closest National Weather Service airport observations, or outputs from numerical weather prediction models). It is found that, due to large natural variability in the urban data, there is not a large difference between the performance measures for the two model options and the three or four meteorological input options. The more detailed UDM and the state-of-the-art numerical weather models do provide a slight improvement over the other options. The proposed urban dispersion model acceptance criteria are satisfied at over half of the field experiments.  相似文献   
The effects of inorganic nutrient (N and P) and glucose C treatments on bacterial growth were followed for 3 days in natural surface and deep water bacterial samples during the main post-spring bloom stages of phytoplankton growth in the northern Baltic Sea. In addition, the importance of photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter on bacterial growth was investigated vertically (0.1–2.0 m) and spatially, in a salinity gradient from river mouth to open sea. Bacterial production was consistently C limited in the surface layer, with N or both N and P as the secondary limiting nutrients from spring to early summer and in late summer, respectively. In deep water, bacterial growth showed combined temperature and C limitation, and in spring, this also appeared to be true with surface samples. The effect of 1-day sunlight pre-treatment varied from no effect up to a 44% production increase, with clear bacterial production responses only being seen at the surface (10 cm depth). The implications of bacterial C limitation for the structure and function of the surface plankton ecosystem, including its CO2 exchange with the atmosphere are discussed.  相似文献   
A step-by-step integration method is proposed to compute within the framework of the conventional mode superposition technique the response of bilinear hysteretic structures subjected to earthquake ground motions. The method is computationally efficient because only a few modes are needed to obtain an accurate estimate of such a response, and because it does not require the use of excessively small time steps to avoid problems of accuracy or stability. It is developed on the basis that the non-linear terms in the equations of motion for non-linear systems may be considered as additional external forces, and the fact that by doing so such equations of motion can be interpreted as the equations of motion of an equivalent linear system, excited by a modified ground motion. These linear equations are then subjected to a conventional modal decomposition and transformed, as with linear systems, into a set of independent differential equations, each representing the system's response in one of its modes of vibration. To increase the efficiency of the method and account properly for the participation of higher modes, these independent equations are solved using the Nigam-Jennings technique in conjunction with the so-called mode acceleration method. The accuracy and efficiency of the method is verified by means of a comparative study with solutions obtained with a conventional direct integration method. In this comparative study, including only a few modes, the proposed method accurately predicts the seismic response of three two-dimensional frame structures, but requiring only, on an average, about 47 per cent less computer time than when the direct integration method is used.  相似文献   
Horizontal diffusion in the surface layer is dependent on the standard deviation of wind direction fluctuations . Diurnal variation of this parameter in complex terrain was studied for the July 1979 Geysers, Cal., experiment using data from a network of 11 short meteorological towers in the 25 km2 Anderson Creek watershed Valley side slopes are roughly 20 ° and maximum terrain difference is about 1 km.Values of for wind directions sampled for one hour at a height of 10 m are about 35 ° during the daytime. They slowly decrease to about 20 ° by 8 to 10 p.m. as stability increases but wind speeds are still relatively high. After 10 p.m. the drainage flow sets in at most stations, with speeds of 1 to 2 m s-1, and average increases to about 30° during the period 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. In general, highest values of at night are associated with lowest values of wind speed and greatest static stability. This enhancement of by the terrain suggests that horizontal diffusion at night always conforms to that expected during nearly neutral stabilities. That is, Pasquill class D diffusion applies to the horizontal component all night in complex terrain.  相似文献   
The response of an array of sensors to coherent undesired noise interfering with the measurement of a desired signal can be optimized if special filters are applied to the outputs of the sensors. In this paper, we derive analytic expressions for filters which minimize the power spectrum of the array response to the undesired coherent signal while simultaneously providing an all-pass condition for the desired signal. These filters are shown to yield an array rejection response which has zero-width main lobes and no sidelobes. An example illustrating the results is also presented.  相似文献   
The reduction in variance of concentration fluctuations due to line averaging is estimated assuming that the process is influenced by the integral distance scale, y I , of ambient turbulence and the scaling width, W, of the time-averaged plume. An analytical formula is derived for the line-averaged variance for situations where the autocorrelogram is exponential and the point variance decreases exponentially with distance from plume centerline. Predictions of concentration fluctuation variance are compared with water tank and field data, with the result that the decrease of variance with averaging distance is well-simulated if the model parameters y I and W are carefully chosen.  相似文献   
Observations of 1-s average concentration fluctuations during two trials of a U.S. Army diffusion experiment are presented and compared with model predictions based on an exponential probability density function (pdf). The source is near the surface and concentration monitors are on lines about 30 to 100 m downwind of the source. The observed ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of the concentration fluctuations is about 1.3 on the mean plume axis and 4 to 5 on the mean plume edges. Plume intermittency (fraction of non-zero readings) is about 50%; on the mean plume axis and 10%; on the mean plume edges. A meandering plume model is combined with an exponential pdf assumption to produce predictions of the intermittency and the standard deviation of the concentration fluctuations that are within 20%; of the observations.  相似文献   
Air pollution sources such as oil platforms and ships are sometimes located near coastlines where the plumes can impact population centers. Models of overwater dispersion must account for the stability of the overwater boundary layer. An overwater dispersion model based on the standard Gaussian formula is described which uses measurements of the air-sea temperature difference, the wind speed, and the mixing depth to predict concentration patterns at the coastline. Internal boundary layers and complex terrain at the coastline are accounted for. This new model is evaluated using the results of three tracer experiments in United States coastal zones.  相似文献   
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