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Using γ-ray data detected by Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and multi-wave band data for 35 TeV blazars sample, we have studied the possible correlations between different broad band spectral indices ( $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ , $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ , $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm r.\gamma}$ , $\alpha_{\rm{ir.o}}$ , $\alpha_{\rm ir.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm ir.\gamma}$ , $\alpha_{\rm o.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm o.\gamma}$ , $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ , $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ ) in all states (average/high/low). Our results are as follows: (1) For our TeV blazars sample, the strong positive correlations were found between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm r.\gamma}$ in all states (average/high/low); (2) For our TeV blazars sample, the strong anti-correlations were found between $\alpha_{\rm r.ir}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm ir.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm o.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm{r.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\mathrm{ir.o}}$ and $\alpha_{\rm o.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm r.x}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ , between $\alpha_{\rm ir.x}$ and $\alpha_{\rm x.\gamma}$ in all states (average/high/low). The results suggest that the synchrotron self-Compton radiation (SSC) is the main mechanism of high energy γ-ray emission and the inverse Compton scattering of circum-nuclear dust is likely to be a important complementary mechanism for TeV blazars. Our results also show that the possible correlations vary from state to state in the same pair of indices, Which suggest that there may exist differences in the emitting process and in the location of the emitting region for different states.  相似文献   
2012年7月下旬河套地区4次切变暴雨的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用日常预报业务中可以方便使用的常规观测资料、数值预报产品、卫星云图、加密自动站观测资料以及雷达资料等,从环流背景、流型配置、物理机制等方面对比分析了河套地区4次暴雨过程,旨在提高对暴雨的短期预报预测能力及短时强降水的临近预警能力。分析发现:(1)副热带高压西侧的偏南气流以及来自孟加拉湾的暖湿偏南气流在35°—40°N与来自高纬度的干冷的偏北气流多次交汇,水汽在该带中明显辐合,为河套地区持续性暴雨发生发展提供源源不断的水汽,提供水汽辐合上升动力条件;(2)暴雨落区与低层的显著流线出口区或急流出口区的位置、切变线的位置密切相关,暴雨一般落在高空急流的右侧、低空急流的左侧;(3)暴雨天气出现前一般会出现500 hPa以下θ随高度的增加而减少的特征;(4)暴雨天气出现前一般都会出现风随高度顺转的特征;(5)暴雨过程中地面辐合线起到动力抬升作用,触发中小尺度系统的生成和发展;(6)抬升凝结高度和自由对流高度都比较低,利于水汽凝结,而平衡高度较高,利于能量的积累,对于对流天气的预报有较好的指示意义。  相似文献   
Chen  Li  Han  Wangya  Liu  Dan  Liu  Guohua 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(7):1081-1097
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Understanding the underlying ecological processes that control plant diversity within (α-diversity) and among (β-diversity) forest gaps is important for...  相似文献   
朱华友  李涵  代泽娟  蒋自然 《地理科学》2019,39(8):1246-1255
基于动态外部性视角,提出再地方化效应的测度及对地区转型发展的作用机理,以皖江产业承接示范区为研究对象,从MAR外部性、Jacobs外部性和Porter外部性3方面分析企业再地方化效应的时空演化特征,运用双向固定效应模型验证其对皖江示范区转型发展的影响。研究表明: 时间演化特征与各城市的产业承接政策和转入的产业类型不同有关;空间上MAR外部性呈现出“总体均衡-向西增强-向南增强”的演化特征,Jacobs外部性由西南向东北逐渐增强,Porter外部性整体呈增强态势; MAR外部性对区域经济绩效和创新水平的效应均表现为“倒U”型;Jacobs外部性能够显著促进地区经济发展,但对区域创新的效应为“U”型;Porter外部性能够推动地区经济发展,但不利于区域创新。  相似文献   
马迪  吕世华  鲍艳  奥银焕  韩博  赵林 《中国沙漠》2017,37(4):749-754
利用陆面过程模式BATS,引入地表发射率及两种大气发射率参数化方案,同时引入不同的地表粗糙度参数化方案,对比各种参数化方案对沙漠下垫面地面温度及能量收支的模拟状况。结果表明:采用Van Bavel等发展的地表发射率及Chung等发展的大气发射率方案可以明显改进地面温度及向上长波辐射的模拟,Chung等方案在夜间与正午的模拟效果更好,减小了1 ℃左右的地面温度模拟偏差,减小了10 W·m-2左右的向上长波辐射模拟偏差。晴天地面温度及向上长波辐射的模拟结果优于阴天。利用Zhang等发展的裸土粗糙度参数化方案也会提高模式对地表感热通量模拟的准确性。  相似文献   
龙凡  韩天成 《地下水》2004,26(1):43-47
本文通过联剖、电测深、磁法和测温法等综合工作成果,分析、推断出汤上屯热水构造的产状、性质和热水出露条件,圈定出了热水分布范围.  相似文献   
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Sand damages along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway occur frequently and have spread rapidly since it was completely opened to traffic in 2006. The goal of this study was to understand the effects of sand damages on the railway via meteorological data and in situ observation of wind-blown sand. We selected the Tuotuohe section of this railway as a typical research object, and we systematically investigated its characteristics of sand damages, drift potential, sand-driving wind rose, and their time variation. The direction of sand-drifting wind clearly varies with the season. In winter, the predominant wind blows from the west and lasts for three months, while in summer the frequency of northeasterly wind begins to increase and multi-directional winds also occurs in July. The drift potential in this area is 705.81 VU, which makes this a high-energy wind environment according to Fryberger’s definition. The directional variability (RDP/DP) is 0.84 and the resultant drift potential is 590.42 VU with a resultant direction of 89.1°.  相似文献   
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通过对民勤绿洲-荒漠过渡带典型固沙植物多枝柽柳(Tamarix ramosissima)、梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)、白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)1974-2009年开花及结实物候的观测,结合同步观测的气象资料,分析了3种植物生殖物候特征对气候变化的响应规律。结果表明:(1)研究区年平均气温、年平均空气相对湿度呈增加趋势; 年降雨量波动,变幅不大; 20世纪90年代以来蒸发量呈显著下降趋势。(2)3种植物始花期提前,花期延长; 3种植物结实始期先延迟后缩短,结实期延长; (3)3种植物生殖物候与年降雨量、气温、空气相对湿度及前期累计降雨量、累计平均气温、累计空气相对湿度之间的相关性不一致; (4)3种植物始花期与前期累计降雨量、累计平均气温、累计空气相对湿度的相关性总体上表现为大于年降雨量、年均气温、年均空气相对湿度的相关性; 除空气平均相对湿度对结实始期影响大于前期累计降雨量、累计平均气温和累计空气相对湿度外,其他与开花物候相似,表明植物开花物候和结实物候与前期气象因子有着密切的关系,尤其是物候发生前期累计气象指标。  相似文献   
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