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Like almost all fields of science, hydrology has benefited to a large extent from the tremendous improvements in scientific instruments that are able to collect long-time data series and an increase in available computational power and storage capabilities over the last decades. Many model applications and statistical analyses (e.g., extreme value analysis) are based on these time series. Consequently, the quality and the completeness of these time series are essential. Preprocessing of raw data sets by filling data gaps is thus a necessary procedure. Several interpolation techniques with different complexity are available ranging from rather simple to extremely challenging approaches. In this paper, various imputation methods available to the hydrological researchers are reviewed with regard to their suitability for filling gaps in the context of solving hydrological questions. The methodological approaches include arithmetic mean imputation, principal component analysis, regression-based methods and multiple imputation methods. In particular, autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ARCH) models which originate from finance and econometrics will be discussed regarding their applicability to data series characterized by non-constant volatility and heteroscedasticity in hydrological contexts. The review shows that methodological advances driven by other fields of research bear relevance for a more intensive use of these methods in hydrology. Up to now, the hydrological community has paid little attention to the imputation ability of time series models in general and ARCH models in particular.  相似文献   
Relatively abundant 17α(H)-diahopanes have been detected in the lower cretaceous lacustrine source rocks from the Lishu Fault Depression in the Songliao Basin Northeast China. Rich long chain tricyclic terpanes (carbon number up to C35) and gammacerane have been observed in those source rocks with relatively abundant 17α(H)-diahopanes, which is rarely seen in previous reports. In this paper, the formation of 17α(H)-diahopanes has been discussed from three aspects including maturity, oxidation-reduction nature of depositional environment and parent material composition by the GC/MS analyses. The results reveal that maturity and oxidation-reduction nature of depositional environment have little effect on the formation of 1 7α(H)-diahopanes in the investigated area. How- ever, the positive correlation between long-chain tricyclic terpanes and 17α(H)-diahopanes argues strongly for a common origin, and the origin is related to the algaes in saline water environment. The algaes in saline water envi- ronment may be a kind of origin of 1 7α(H)-diahopanes.  相似文献   
Various Palaeogenic deformations have been recognized in the central part of the Raoyang Sag. Based on seismic interpretation, the sedimentary sequences, structure features and activity of main faults have been studied. The results show that the Xianxian detachment fault, which is located in the eastern boundary of the Raoyang Sag, was still active during the Cenozoic and controlled the basinal deformation. The detachment depth and deformation of the Xianxian detachment fault are discussed based on the area-balance theory. The results reveal that patterns of the Paleogene structures vary considerably from the north to the south. Activity of the main faults in the hanging wall of the Xianxian detachment led to a westward migration of the deposition center. On the other hand, the uplifting of the dome related to the detachment resulted in fast denudation of the overlying sediments in locals. The deformation of detachment fault and activities of the major faults controlled the Paleogene deformation in the central part of the Raoyang Sag. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
A special monitoring and warning system has been established and improved in the Three Gorges Reservoir area since 1999. It is necessary to develop a real-time monitoring system on landslides because there are dense populations centered in the reservoir area and geo-hazards may be triggered by a 30-m water level fluctuation between 145 and 175 m in elevation during reservoir operation; the regular monitoring could not be suitable to the early warning on landslides. Since 2003, the authors have carried out a real-time monitoring and early warning project on landslides at the relocated Wushan town in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. The monitoring station includes Global Positioning System with high-accuracy double frequency to monitor ground displacement, time domain reflection technology, and immobile borehole, inclinometer to monitor deep displacement, piezometer to monitor pore water pressure, and precipitation and reservoir water level monitoring. Compared with traditional methods, the real-time monitoring is continuous and traceable in the acquisition process, and the cycle of data acquisition is very short, usually within hours, minutes, or even shorter. Based on the landslide monitoring experience at the Three Gorges Reservoir area, the early warning criteria on landslide are established in which the critical situation is classified into four levels: blue, yellow, orange, and red, respectively, expressed by no, slight, moderate, and high risk situation. Comprehensive judgment from multimonitoring data of Yuhuangge landslide in this area since 2004 suggested that the new Wushan town will be at the blue early warning level, although some monitoring data of individual displacement at deep borehole showed that the displacement was increased by 5 mm in 5 months with an average velocity of 1.0 mm/month, and the data of BOTDR also showed an obvious dislocation along a stairway on the landslide.  相似文献   
矿井斜井开拓安全通过新近系砂砾石含水层是一个普遍的难题,为给斜井地面预注浆或帷幕注浆法过砾石层提供依据,新矿集团在内蒙古自治区上海庙西矿区黑梁煤矿主副斜井附近对总厚20—30m的新近系砾石层(夹砂质粘土层)进行了专门注浆试验及抽水、取心等对比验证工作。结果表明。松散一半胶结砾石层虽然在超过1MPa的注浆压力“阀值”后具有一定的可注性,但浆液扩散范围小于2-3m,而且扩散方式不规则、不可控、形不成可靠的浆液扩散加固圈,对砾石层的含、导水性未发现有改善效果。通过本次试验,较好地掌握了松散一半胶结砾石层注浆性能,获得了有关注浆参数和经验,对类似地层的注浆改造和井巷工程的安全施工具有指导意义。  相似文献   
灰色系统理论在二连洪浩尔舒特凹陷储层评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用测井资料,依据测井地质评价油气储层的分析准则,提出灰色理论精细评价油气储层的处理方法和解释系统。通过二连洪浩尔舒特凹陷储层的精细评价和综合解释,取得了明显的效果。文中介绍了这一分析方法处理过程及实用效果。  相似文献   
The effects of various salinity fluctuation amplitudes (2, 4, 6 and 8) on the growth, osmolarity, Na+-K+-ATPase activity and Hsp70 of juvenile Fenneropenaeus chinensis cultured in seawater with a salinity of 20 were studied. The results show that weight gain in the salinity fluctuation treatments was better than that in control; in particular, the weight gain of treatments S4 and S0, at 231.8% and 196.3%, respectively, was significantly different (P<0.05). The hemolymph osmolarity of treatments S0, S2, S4, S6 and S8 was 635.4, 630.8, 623.6, 614.4 and 600.3 mOsm/kg, respectively, and decreased with increasing salinity fluctuation amplitude. The level of Na+-K+-ATPase activity in gills of F. chinensis was higher than that in hepatopancreas, but there were no significant differences among all treatments, either in gills or hepatopancreas (P>0.05). The relative level of Hsp70 in treatment S4 was 48.4% and 40.4% higher than control in muscle and eyestalks, respectively, with the highest values being recorded under a salinity fluctuation amplitude of 4.  相似文献   
张中浩  孙诗萌  汪雪  肖锐  高峻 《地理科学》2022,42(4):622-630
大城市通常是医疗资源最为丰富的地区,但普遍存在配置不均的问题。精准地衡量城市医疗公共服务的空间异质性、合理规划医疗公共空间,是实现城市稳定健康发展的重要保障。以上海市为例,运用改进两步移动搜索法,从乡镇(街道)尺度测算医疗服务设施的空间可达性,并结合基尼系数和空间自相关分析探究上海市医疗服务设施可达性的空间分异特征,探讨了影响上海市医疗服务资源可达性空间格局的主要因素。研究表明:上海市医疗公共服务可达性自中心城区向郊区逐渐递减;可达性高值区集中在外环线以内及其沿线地区,可达性低值区集中在远郊区。医疗资源呈现向心化集聚,满足了中心城区高密度的人口和体量庞大的老年人口就医需求;中心城区医疗服务资源配置相对均衡,可达性差异较小,而郊区医疗服务的可达性差异较大;上海市医疗服务可达性空间格局受人口密度和经济发展显著影响,上海市政府医疗财政支付对街道尺度的医疗服务设施空间可达性作用较小。在未来,在城市医疗卫生服务资源配置中注重人口集聚导向,建立医疗卫生人员双向流动的常态化机制是提升上海市医疗公共服务能力,优化城市医疗公共设施可达性的重要方向。  相似文献   
中国西北部“4.5”沙尘暴过程中尺度低压的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3  
利用改进型PSU/NCAR中尺度数值模式(MM4标准版),取模式水平格距40km,46×61网格,垂直方向a取15层,即从地面到模式顶(100hPa),σ=0.0、0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5、0.6、0.7、0.78、0.84、0.89、0.93、0.96、0.98、0.99、1.00,采用NCAR的30'×30'地形资料,以常规观测资料作为初始场,较好地模拟了此次沙尘暴过程的海平面气压的演变和分布,特别是张掖、柴达本盆地以及敦煌附近的三个中低压。同时,模拟了张掖中低压与蒙古冷高压之间的甘肃河西沙尘暴东大风。敏感性试验表明,沙尘暴中低压的形成发展主要是受于物理过程制约;沙尘暴中尺度系统的研究与暴雨中尺度系统的研究是有区别的,积云对流参数化并不是特别重要,在设计研究沙尘暴的数值模式中,应当合理地处理其他的热力、动力过程及大气外强迫源的作用。模式水平格距、地形真实程度对模拟中低压的位置、中心强度有重要贡献;下垫面变化中低压强度有一定影响。张掖热低压的形成发展主要是在有利的环境形势下,特殊地势起了重要作用,表现为直接动力强迫和间接热力强迫。  相似文献   
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