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Depression filling is a critical step in distributed hydrological modeling using digital elevation models (DEMs). The traditional Priority‐Flood (PF) approach is widely used due to its relatively high efficiency when dealing with a small‐sized DEM. However, it seems inadequate and inefficient when dealing with large high‐resolution DEMs. In this work, we examined the relationship between the PF algorithm calculation process and the topographical characteristics of depressions, and found significant redundant calculations in the local micro‐relief areas in the conventional PF algorithm. As such calculations require more time when dealing with large DEMs, we thus propose a new variant of the PF algorithm, wherein redundant points and calculations are recognized and eliminated based on the local micro‐relief water‐flow characteristics of the depression‐filling process. In addition, depressions and flatlands were optimally processed by a quick queue to improve the efficiency of the process. The proposed method was applied and validated in eight case areas using the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital elevation model (SRTM‐DEM) with 1 arc‐second resolution. These selected areas have different data sizes. A comparative analysis among the proposed method, the Wang and Liu‐based PF, the improved Barnes‐based PF, the improved Zhou‐based PF, and the Planchon and Darboux (P&D) algorithms was conducted to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. The results showed that the proposed algorithm is 43.2% (maximum) faster than Wang and Liu's variant of the PF method, with an average of 31.8%. In addition, the proposed algorithm achieved similar performance to the improved Zhou‐based PF algorithm, though our algorithm has the advantage of being simpler. The optimal strategies using the proposed algorithm can be employed in various landforms with high efficiency. The proposed method can also achieve good depression filling, even with large amounts of DEM data.  相似文献   
通过已构建的泥蚶血液cDNA文库,克隆得到泥蚶Tg-HbIIA基因全长cDNA序列,对其进行生物信息学、组织表达及免疫相关分析。结果表明,泥蚶Tg-HbIIA cDNA全长731bp,包含63bp5′非编码区(5′-UTR),246bp3′非编码区(3′-UTR),开放阅读框450bp,编码150个氨基酸;其氨基酸序列与毛蚶(Scapharca kagoshimensis)和不等壳毛蚶(Scapharca inaequivalvis)的序列有较高的同源性,分别达到89%和88%;对其结构预测显示该蛋白具有血红蛋白功能域,含有10个潜在血红素结合位点。qRT-PCR检测结果显示:泥蚶不同组织部位中,Tg-HbIIA mRNA在血液表达量最大,其次为外套膜和鳃,表达量最低的是肝胰脏;在副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticu)、脂多糖、肽聚糖刺激后,泥蚶血液Tg-HbIIA mRNA表达量显著上调,表明Tg-HbIIA在贝类抗菌免疫防御中可能起重要作用,而Tg-HbIIA对不同致病因子免疫反应的灵敏度和表达时序存在一定差异。  相似文献   
本研究以崇明东滩2015年4月实测潮间带水沙数据为基础,分析了潮沟、盐沼及光滩的水沙特征,重点研究了潮沟系统及邻近潮滩潮周期内悬沙通量情况。结果表明:(1)潮沟表层沉积物比潮滩细,二者平均中值粒径分别为21.7 μm和33.0 μm,悬沙粒径由海向陆逐渐变小;(2)大、小潮沟潮周期内潮流均以往复流为主,垂向平均流速分别为15.4 cm/s和34.6 cm/s;盐沼界和光滩则以旋转流为主,平均流速分别为11.3 cm/s和28.9 cm/s;(3)潮沟中的高悬沙浓度出现在涨潮初期,最大可达7.5 kg/m3,而潮滩高悬沙浓度则出现在潮落潮中期和高水位时刻;大、小潮沟和盐沼界站涨潮阶段平均悬沙浓度大于落潮阶段,光滩站则相反。潮沟悬沙主要来自邻近水域,而潮滩悬沙则与滩面表层沉积物密切相关;(4)潮沟在潮周期内净输沙方向均指向滩地,大潮沟潮周期单宽净输沙量可达4.0 t/m;盐沼界处垂直岸线和沿岸输沙强度相近,净输沙由海向陆,潮周期离岸输沙强度为1.0 t/m;光滩沿岸输沙强度远大于垂直岸线输沙,光滩净输沙由陆向海。研究揭示了潮间带潮沟系统的强供沙能力以及研究区域光滩冲蚀,盐沼植被带淤积的动力地貌过程。  相似文献   
This paper considers the optimal trajectory tracking control problem for near-surface autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in the presence of wave disturbances. An approximate optimal tracking control (AOTC) approach is proposed. Firstly, a six-degrees-of-freedom (six-DOF) AUV model with its body-fixed coordinate system is decoupled and simplified and then a nonlinear control model of AUVs in the vertical plane is given. Also, an exosystem model of wave disturbances is constructed based on Hirom approximation formula. Secondly, the time-parameterized desired trajectory which is tracked by the AUV’s system is represented by the exosystem. Then, the coupled two-point boundary value (TPBV) problem of optimal tracking control for AUVs is derived from the theory of quadratic optimal control. By using a recently developed successive approximation approach to construct sequences, the coupled TPBV problem is transformed into a problem of solving two decoupled linear differential sequences of state vectors and adjoint vectors. By iteratively solving the two equation sequences, the AOTC law is obtained, which consists of a nonlinear optimal feedback item, an expected output tracking item, a feedforward disturbances rejection item, and a nonlinear compensatory term. Furthermore, a wave disturbances observer model is designed in order to solve the physically realizable problem. Simulation is carried out by using the Remote Environmental Unit (REMUS) AUV model to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   
杨马陵  塔青 《内陆地震》2012,26(1):10-16
使用1900年以来的太阳黑子数据,统计分析了其与新疆地区MS≥6.6强震的关系。结果显示:新疆地区69%的MS≥6.6和86%的MS≥7的地震,发生在黑子数月均值≤35的时段内。以黑子数月均值≤20和≤35的时段作为MS≥6.6强震的预测指标,报准率分别为71%和64%;以黑子数月均值≤35的时段作为MS≥6.6强震的预测指标,报准率为69%。R值评分检验表明,上述预测指标是有效的。最后使用这些统计关系和指标对新疆未来几年发生强震的可能性作了估计。  相似文献   
青藏高原沙漠化土地空间分布及区划   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用野外调查数据、遥感影像和已有研究成果,构建了一套适用于青藏高原沙漠化土地的分类分级指标体系及遥感解译标志。以此为基础,选取目视解译法监测青藏高原沙漠化土地的空间分布特征。结果表明:2015年青藏高原沙漠化土地面积392 913km2,占高原土地总面积的15.1%,主要包括沙质沙漠化土地、砾质沙漠化土地和风蚀残丘3种类型。沙漠化土地以中度和轻度沙漠化土地为主,重度和极重度沙漠化土地面积仅占沙漠化土地总面积的12.2%。空间上,沙漠化土地集中分布在高原的北部和西部地区,其他地区零散分布。自东南向西北,沙漠化土地面积逐渐增大,沙漠化程度不断加重。以沙漠化土地空间分布数据(面积、类型、程度、空间特征和驱动因素)为基础,结合气候、地貌、第四纪沉积物和人类活动等数据,将青藏高原沙漠化区划分为雅鲁藏布江半干旱高山宽谷沙漠化区、藏北青南高寒高原面沙漠化区、柴达木干旱盆地沙漠化区、黄河上游半干旱河流盆地沙漠化区和“三江”流域湿润半湿润高山沙漠化区。  相似文献   
基于 2003-2018 年的遥感反演和再分析数据, 分别在时域和频域上分析了渤海海表面温度、光合有效辐射、气溶 胶厚度、风速与叶绿素 a 浓度之间的响应关系。通过傅里叶变换在频域上得到各因素之间的相关性系数, 其显著高于直接在 时域上计算得到的相关性系数, 表明由于相位差的影响, 直接在时域进行相关性分析很可能会低估各因素之间的相关性。傅 里叶变换后的频谱图显示, 叶绿素 a 浓度存在一年、半年、4 个月与季节周期; 风速与气溶胶厚度存在明显的一年和半年周 期; 海表面温度和光合有效辐射具有明显的一年周期, 半年周期较其他几个因素不明显。交叉谱分析的结果表明: 叶绿素 a 浓度和所选的环境因子都在一年周期下具有最大的交叉振幅, 表明在此频率下响应最大; 风速、气溶胶厚度、光合有效辐射 分别超前于叶绿素 a 浓度约 5.0 个月、0.2 个月、0.2 个月, 海表面温度则滞后 1.9 个月。各环境因子之间相互关联, 共同影 响叶绿素 a 浓度的时间分布。  相似文献   
晚更新世以来山东半岛北部沿海地区的构造抬升速率   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
根据构造地貌与新构造特征,推算了晚更新世以来山东半岛北部沿海地区的构造抬升速率。结果表明,晚更新世以来不同地段平均构造抬升速率不同,金牛山断裂以东地区为0.15mm/a,断裂以西地区为0.50mm/a,龙口盆地2.4万年前后曾发生过幅度7 ̄9m的断陷。此外,同一地段不时段的抬升速率也有差异,但非常接近平均速率。  相似文献   
This paper presents the detailed results and analyses on the ecological footprints and bio-capacities of the individual cities and the province as a whole for the year 2001, providing a clear picture of sustainability for the province. Results show that the ecological footprints of most cities in Liaoning exceeded their respective bio-capacities, incurring high ecological deficits. The ecological deficit of the province as a whole was 1.31 ha/cap. Those cities with resources extraction and/or primary material-making as their major industries constitute the "ecologically black band", whose ecological deficits ranged from 2.45 to 5.23 ha/cap, the highest of all cities in the province. Fossil energy consumption was the major source of footprint amounting to 1.63 ha/cap at the provincial level, taking up 67.3% of the total. For cropland, modest ecological surpluses occurred in Jinzhou, Tieling, Huludao, and Panjin while modest ecological deficits in Dalian, Benxi, Fushun, and Dandong, resulting in an overall surplus for the province. Liaoning had a certain level of surplus in fishing ground (water area), mainly distributed in the coastal cities of Dalian, Panjin, Huludao, Yingkou, Jinzhou, and Dandong. Most cities had a small ecological deficit in pasture and all had a small ecological surplus in forest. The eco-efficiency, expressed as GDP value per hectare of footprint, exhibits high variations among the cities, with the highest (Shenyang) more than 10 times the lowest (Fuxin). Cities with manufacture, high-tech, and better developed service industries had high eco-efficiency, while those with resources extraction, primary material-making, and less developed service industries had low eco-efficiency. Based on the components and geographical distribution of ecological footprint, strategic policy implications are outlined for Liaoning's development toward a sustainable future.  相似文献   
基于3DCM的日照分析模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
讨论了几何3DCM(threedimensioncitymodel)日照分析的基本模型,基于3DCM日照分析的3个难点问题———阴影显示、日照时间计算、日照间距计算,实现了日照分析的算法功能,并给出了实验与模拟分析结果  相似文献   
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