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利用甘肃省河西地区17个风塔观测资料和风向风速标准差法,计算了风塔处的下垫面粗糙度,并与中尺度数值模式ARPS中使用的粗糙度参数进行了比较分析。结果表明,数值模式中使用的粗糙度值和实况具有一定差异,其使用的粗糙度定义方案并不能准确地反映出下垫面粗糙度和非均一性特征。差异最大出现在草原下垫面上,可达375%,且差异程度随下垫面植被复杂程度增加。  相似文献   
南亚高压上下高原时间及其与高原季风建立早晚的关系   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
本文利用1948—2013年NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,定义了南亚高压动态特征指数,讨论了南亚高压上下高原的时间以及与高原季风建立早晚的关系。研究表明,南亚高压北界位置在4月初开始北移,5月迅速北抬,最北可达到55°N,9月开始南撤,西伸脊点在5—10月移动较稳定,5—7月向西移动到青藏高原上空,8—10月向东移动撤离高原,11月—次年4月东西摆动剧烈。南亚高压初上高原大致为6月第3候(33候),而撤离约为10月第4候(58候)。南亚高压移上高原的时间较高原夏季风建立晚73 d左右。南亚高压撤离高原时间较高原冬季风建立约早5 d。高原夏季风的建立和南亚高压初上高原是青藏高原热力作用在不同阶段的结果,反映在了高原的高低层上。  相似文献   
Campaigns were conducted to measure Organic Carbon (OC) and Elemental Carbon (EC) in PM2.5 during winter and summer 2003 in Beijing. Modest differences of PM2.5 and PM10 mean concentrations were observed between the winter and summer campaigns. The mean PM2.5/PM10 ratio in both seasons was around 60%, indicating PM2.5 contributed significantly to PM10. The mean concentrations of OC and EC in PM2.5 were 11.2±7.5 and 6.0±5.0μg m-3 for the winter campaign, and 9.4±2.1 and 4.3±3.0 μg m-3 for the summer campaign, respectively. Diurnal concentrations of OC and EC in PM2.5 were found high at night and low during the daytime in winter, and characterized by an obvious minimum in the summer afternoon. The mean OC/EC ratio was 1.87±0.09 for winter and Z39±0.49 for summer. The higher OC/EC ratio in summer indicates some formation of Secondary Organic Carbon (SOC). The estimated SOC was 2.8 μg m-3 for winter and 4.2μg m-3 for summer.  相似文献   
The Atmospheric Environmental Monitoring Network successfully undertook the task of monitoring the atmospheric quality of Beijing and its surrounding area during the 2008 Olympics.The results of this monitoring show that high concentrations of PM2.5 pollution exhibited a regional pattern during the monitoring period(1 June-30 October 2008).The PM2.5 mass concentrations were 53 μg m 3,66 μg m 3,and 82 μg m 3 at the background site,in Beijing,and in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomerations,respectively.The PM2.5 levels were lowest during the 2008 Olympic Games(8-24 August):35 μg m 3 at the background site,42 μg m 3 in Beijing and 57 μg m 3 in the region.These levels represent decreases of 49%,48%,and 56%,respectively,compared to the prophase mean concentration before the Olympic Games.Emission control measures contributed 62%-82% of the declines observed in Beijing,and meteorological conditions represented 18%-38%.The concentration of fine particles met the goals set for a "Green Olympics."  相似文献   
地面资料在侦测暴雨天气过程中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马文彦  冯新  杨芙蓉 《气象》2010,36(1):41-48
利用地面常规观测资料和自动站加密温度资料以及卫星云图资料,分析了2005年7月6—7日和7月9—10日发生在江淮流域及其附近的两次暴雨过程的地面要素分布特征,发现强降水带分布在非锋性斜压带和斜压槽附近。然后利用NCEP再分析资料,用第二类热成风螺旋度和非地转湿矢量诊断解释了非锋性斜压带和斜压槽产生强降水的动力机制,结果表明在地面非锋性斜压带和斜压槽处易发生锋生和斜压现象,从而诱发强降水。  相似文献   
MM5模式中不同对流参数化方案的比较试验   总被引:58,自引:2,他引:58  
应用MM5中尺度模式, 在60、20和10 km模式分辨率下, 分别选用4种不同对流参数化方案 (KUO方案、GRELL方案、KAIN-FRITSCH方案和BETTS-MILLER方案, 以下简称KU、GR、KF和BM方案) 对1996年8月3~4日石家庄暴雨过程进行数值模拟试验.模拟结果的对比分析及其与观测的比较表明:主要雨带位置对参数化方案并不是十分敏感, 但随分辨率提高, 雨带分布特征的模拟更接近实况; 当分辨率提高到10 km时, 虚假的降水中心也明显增加; 模拟的暴雨中心强度随分辨率的提高而增强并随参数化方案的不同有所变化, 但均比实况偏弱.分析还发现, MM5模式的GR、KF及BM方案的次网格降水对总降水的贡献率随分辨率的提高而减小, 而KU方案的情况则呈现出不合理的缓慢增加态势.虽然4种方案下模拟的水平环流特征有较好的一致性, 但模拟的云物理特征和垂直运动特征还是存在一定差别的, 这种差别对定点、定量降水和天空状况、地面气温、湿度等要素的准确预报都会产生影响.因此, 在预报和模拟中应考虑预报和研究对象的特点来选择对流参数化方案.  相似文献   
多年的预报统计表明,每当中央气象台发布台风警报时,往往在2~3d锡林郭勒盟(以下简称锡盟)会出现一次明显的降雨过程,大到暴雨出现的机率也明显增大。文章对2000—2011年6—9月登陆我国的68个台风和对应的实况降水资料进行了统计分析,初步探讨了锡盟降水与登陆台风的关联,从远距离台风活动中探索锡盟较大降水的预报信息,将有助于今后的暴雨预报业务。  相似文献   
Shanghai experienced the longest rainy days in 2018/2019 winter since 1988. The physical cause of such an unusual climate condition was investigated through the diagnosis of observational data. From a seasonal perspective, a long persistent rainy winter was often associated with an El Niño condition in the equatorial Pacific. This abnormal oceanic condition induces a remote teleconnection pattern with pronounced low-level southerly anomalies over East China. The wind anomalies transported moisture from tropical oceans and caused persistent rainfall in East Asia. Meanwhile, the local rainfall time series exhibited a strong quasi-biweekly oscillation (QBWO). Three persistent rainy events were identified in the 2018/2019 winter and they all occurred during the active phase of the QBWO. The first two events were associated with a low pressure anomaly west of Shanghai. Southerly anomalies associated with the low pressure system advected high mean moisture into central eastern China, leading to the persistent rainfall there. The third event was associated with a high pressure anomaly in lower troposphere to the east of Shanghai, which induced anomalous southerlies to its west, favoring the occurrence of rainfall in Shanghai. The result suggests the importance of high-frequency variability in affecting seasonal rainfall anomalies.  相似文献   
一次连续异常高温天气诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用常规资料及数值预报产品,分析2010年6月24-27日牡丹江地区的连续高温天气过程的天气形势演变,总结出现高温天气主要是受高空稳定的大陆暖高压、辐射增温、下沉绝热增温、850 hPa有24℃以上的暖中心、高温出现前一天14:00气温偏高等因素的影响。  相似文献   
营口市一氧化碳中毒事件发生日气象条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用近10 a营口市一氧化碳浓度监测资料和气象监测资料,分析了一氧化碳中毒事件发生与一氧化碳浓度的关系,探讨了一氧化碳中毒事件发生日的地面天气形势和局地气象条件特征。结果表明:一氧化碳中毒事件发生日空气中一氧化碳浓度值偏高;弱高压类、低压类和均压类天气形势均可能发生一氧化碳中毒事件;气压梯度小,风速小,气温变化小,不利于污染物扩散是造成一氧化碳中毒的主要原因。  相似文献   
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