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朱红  宋伟东  谭海  王竞雪 《测绘学报》2016,45(9):1081-1088
鉴于现有超分辨率重建方法难以突显重建影像细节信息的问题,提出多尺度细节增强的遥感影像超分辨率重建模型框架。首先,通过最小二乘滤波方法将序列影像分解成包含大尺度边缘的平滑信息和包含中小型尺度的细节信息;其次,利用插值方法得到相应的高分辨率细节信息和平滑信息,构造纹理细节增强函数,提升中小型细节的增强幅度;最终,融合细节信息和平滑信息,得到初始的超分辨率重建结果,并利用局部优化模型进一步改善重建影像质量。选取同时相和多时相遥感影像作为试验数据。试验结果表明,本文重建结果与插值方法、TV方法和MAP方法相比,在客观评价指标上均有显著提高,明显改善了重建影像的纹理细节。论文提出的多尺度细节增强的超分辨率重建方法,可以使重建影像提供更多高频细节信息,具有较好鲁棒性和普适性。  相似文献   
姜海  郭海燕  张林  王伟 《海洋与湖沼》2016,47(6):1101-1106
为研究内孤立波质量源数值造波方法,本文采用两个点源形式的质量源,分别放置于两层流体的上下层中作为内孤立波激发源。推导源项表达式,从不可压缩流体的Navier-Stokes方程出发,结合内孤立波Kd V、e Kd V理论,基于商业软件FLUENT发展了一种内孤立波质量源数值造波方法。通过数值模拟,分析了质量源造波过程中内孤立波的生成过程,并将数值模拟结果同理论及实验作对比。结果表明:基于此方法生成的内孤立波波形、波高及波致水平速度与理论及实验吻合度较好,该方法是可行的,并且耗时短、效率高。  相似文献   
Size and strain rate are two key factors that dramatically influence the estimation of rock mechanical behaviors. To better understand the effects of size and strain rate on measured rocks, rock specimens with six different sizes were tested at six different strain rates under uniaxial compression using the MTS 815 Rock Mechanics Test System. Having determined that the size and strain rate significantly affect the peak strain, peak stress, elastic modulus, acoustic emission (AE), and failure pattern of the rock specimens, the relation was established between the strength and the size and strain rate of red sandstone. And the variation was revealed among the size and strain rate, the AE, and the failure pattern. It turned out that the peak stress was negatively correlated with the rock size and was positively correlated with the strain rate. When the length to diameter ratio (L/D) of the rock specimen was less than 2.0, the AE appeared mildly. The AE quantities gradually increased before the peak stress, and then sharply decreased after the peak stress. The failure pattern of the rock specimen was relatively complicated, with a fracture plane appearing along the axial direction. Conical failure type was also presented. When the L/D ratio of the specimen was greater than 2.0, the AE characteristics of red sandstone showed the radical model. There were relatively few AE rings before the peak stress. But the AE rings increased suddenly and dramatically during the peak stress. The rock specimens primarily failed with a single shear plane. Moreover, with an increase in the strain rate, the AE activities were enhanced and the AE quantities increased. When the strain rate of the rock specimen was less than 5.0?×?10?4/s, the rock specimen failed with a shear or tensile-shear pattern. And when the strain rate was greater than 5.0?×?10?4/s, the rock specimen tended to fail in a conical pattern.  相似文献   
中国航磁大地构造单元划分   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文以我国截止到2011年基本覆盖陆域及部分海域的航磁数据编制的全国航磁系列图为基础,以航磁反映的区域磁场和磁性基底起伏特征为依据,汲取主流大地构造观的划分理念,以板块构造理论及大陆动力学思想为指导,以磁场反映的构造特征为切入点,结合重力、遥感、地质资料对中国陆域构造单元进行划分。大地构造单元划分4个级别:一级构造单元为陆块区和造山系,共划分出8个;二级构造单元为陆块、弧盆系和地块,共划分出32个;三级构造单元为盆地、坳陷带(区)和隆起带(区),共划分出85个;四级构造单元为隆起和坳陷,共划分出332个。本划分方案旨在为油气地质构造背景研究及油气勘探提供一份地球物理资料。文中重点讨论了一、二级构造单元界线厘定的磁场依据及与前人划分存在的不同之处,而三、四级构造单元完全依据磁场及磁性基底起伏情况进行划分,并在盆地和坳陷区给出了深度信息,这为油气勘探者提供了必要的技术支撑。同时,借助丰富的航磁信息提示出一些地质构造方面难解现象,供同行专家参考与讨论。  相似文献   
王龙  吴海  张瑞  李昌伟 《地质论评》2018,64(1):62-76
随着对现代碳酸盐沉积环境的系统调查和解释、以及对碳酸盐沉积原理认识的深化,自20世纪60年代,一系列碳酸盐沉积相模式得以建立,其中最引人注目的是Wilson和Tucker的工作。但在镶边陆棚及缓坡模式得到了广泛认可和使用的同时,对陆表海和淹没台地型沉积未能予以足够的重视。与过去相比,现今的海平面是相对较低的,因而没有出现陆表海广泛发育的情况。但在漫长的地质历史时期,陆表海曾经覆盖了广泛的克拉通区域,是碳酸盐沉积最重要的场所之一。本文在系统总结前人成果的基础上,将用于描述大尺度碳酸盐岩沉积环境的碳酸盐台地分为镶边陆棚、缓坡、陆表海、孤立台地和淹没台地5种类型分别描述,并重点强调了陆表海和淹没台地的沉积模式。华北地台寒武系大面积分布的潮坪沉积、鲕粒滩相灰岩和竹叶状风暴砾屑灰岩,以及频繁出现的台地淹没事件,为阐明陆表海和淹没台地的沉积提供了绝佳实例。这些实例和研究表明了碳酸盐沉积环境的多样性和沉积过程的复杂性,以及将今论古的困难性,从而为碳酸盐沉积原理的认识和沉积环境的解释提供新认识和新思路。  相似文献   
In the present study, laboratory experiments were conducted to validate the applicability of a numerical model based on one-dimensional nonlinear long-wave equations. The model includes drag and inertia resistance of trees to tsunami flow and porosity between trees and a simplified forest in a wave channel. It was confirmed that the water surface elevation and flow velocity by the numerical simulations agree well with the experimental results for various forest conditions of width and tree density. Further, the numerical model was applied to prototype conditions of a coastal forest of Pandanus odoratissimus to investigate the effects of forest conditions (width and tree density) and incident tsunami conditions (period and height) on run-up height and potential tsunami force. The modeling results were represented in curve-fit equations with the aim of providing simplified formulae for designing coastal forest against tsunamis. The run-up height and potential tsunami forces calculated by the curve-fit formulae and the numerical model agreed within ± 10% error.  相似文献   
西准噶尔地区分布多条蛇绿混杂岩带,地表地质已有大量研究成果,但蛇绿岩深部结构构造研究相对薄弱,一定程度上制约了该地区地质构造演化的深入认识.为此,本文选取达尔布特蛇绿混杂岩带萨尔托海段开展了大比例尺地质填图配套地面重力、磁法和可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)等综合测量,获得了该蛇绿岩体地表分布、接触关系以及深部的磁性、密度结构和电性特征,精细刻画了蛇绿岩的深部结构与构造,并进一步分析了其侵位机制和动力学过程.萨尔托海蛇绿岩具有低重力、高磁性和变化范围较宽的电阻率值,岩体整体以构造岩块状产出,表现出挤压逆冲、走滑剪切、破碎蚀变等变形变质.本文及前人研究成果表明,萨尔托海岩体是在近东西向挤压兼走滑应力作用下以斜向楔冲形式构造就位,并进一步受到后期左行走滑和岩浆作用的叠加改造.结合区域构造演化,西准噶尔蛇绿岩的构造侵位与晚石炭世板块汇聚背景下残余洋盆的收缩有关,持续的挤压兼走滑应力使残余洋盆下伏基底蛇绿岩沿断裂构造侵位于上覆沉积地层.  相似文献   
Fine characterization of pore systems and heterogeneity of shale reservoirs are significant contents of shale gas reservoir physical property research.The research on micro-control factors of low productivity in the Qiongzhusi Formation(Fm.)is still controversial.The lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Fm.in the Qujing,Yunnan was taken as the object to investigate the influence of mineral compositions on the phys-ical properties of the reservoir and the heterogeneity of shale,using the algorithm to improve the char-acterization ability of Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM).The results showed that:(1)The pores are mainly wedge-shaped pores and V-shaped pores.The pore diameter of the main pore segment ranges from 5 to 10 nm.Mesopores are mainly developed in the Qiongzhusi Fm.shale in Well QD1,with the average pore diameter of 6.08 nm.(2)Microscopic pore structure and shale surface properties show strong hetero-geneity,which complicates the micro-migration of shale gas and increases the difficulty of identifying high-quality reservoirs.(3)The increase of clay mineral content intensifies the compaction and then destroys the pores.Conversely,brittle minerals can protect pores.The support and protection of brittle minerals to pores space depend on their content,mechanical properties and diagenesis.(4)Compression damage to pores,large microscopic roughness and surface fluctuations and strong pore structure heterogeneity are the reasons for the poor gas storage capacity of the Qiongzhusi Fm.,which will lead to poor productivity in the Qiongzhusi Fm.  相似文献   
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