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The main methods of coalbed methane(CBM) development are drainage and depressurization, and a precise prediction of coal reservoir pressure is thus crucial for the evaluation of reservoir potentials and the formulation of reasonable development plans. This work established a new reservoir pressure prediction model based on the material balance equation(MBE) of coal reservoir, which considers the self-regulating effects of coal reservoirs and the dynamic change of equivalent drainage area(EDA). According to the proposed model, the reservoir pressure can be predicted based on reservoir condition data and the actual production data of a single well. Compared with traditional reservoir pressure prediction models which regard EDA as a fixed value, the proposed model can better predict the average pressure of reservoirs. Moreover, orthogonal experiments were designed to evaluate the sensitivity of reservoir parameters on the reservoir pressure prediction results of this proposed model. The results show that the saturation of irreducible water is the most sensitive parameter, followed by Langmuir volume and reservoir porosity, and Langmuir pressure is the least sensitive parameter. In addition, the pressure drop of reservoirs is negatively correlated with the saturation of irreducible water and the Langmuir volume, while it is positively correlated with porosity. This work analyzed the reservoir pressure drop characteristics of the CBM wells in the Shizhuangnan Block of the Qinshui Basin, and the results show that the CBM reservoir depressurization can be divided into three types, i.e., rapidly drop type, medium-term stability type, and slowly drop type. The drainage features of wells were reasonably interpreted based on the comprehensive analysis of the reservoir depressurization type; the latter was coupled to the corresponding permeability dynamic change characteristics, eventually proving the applicability of the proposed model.  相似文献   
城市地铁修建过程中常常会遇到溶洞等不良地质条件,为更加准确探查地下溶洞的位置和大小,采用有限元法和最小二乘法正反演数值模拟手段,利用孔距、电极距和与钻孔距离三个变量构建了地下溶洞的地电模型,分析并总结了跨孔电阻率CT法对充气、充水和部分充水溶洞的电阻率响应特征及规律。结果表明:部分充水溶洞的水、气分界面明显,低阻区域和高阻区域与溶洞充水、充气部分位置大小一致,且随着溶洞充水量的增加,溶洞低电阻率响应增强,其异常范围向溶洞顶部扩大;跨孔电阻率CT法能够有效识别溶洞充填性状。   相似文献   
对非饱和土降雨入渗过程及其致灾机制的深入认识有赖于室内外试验及多物理量联合监测。基于离心机超重力环境下土体响应监测技术,开展了非饱和黄土地基降雨入渗离心模型试验,测试研究了超重力环境对新研制的微型TDR探针及张力计测量的影响规律,并利用TDR、张力计及弯曲元对降雨入渗过程中土体响应进行多物理量联合监测。研究结果表明:在不同离心加速度下微型TDR探针与给定含水率土体实测原始波形重合,说明超重力环境对TDR测试没有影响,含水率的测试误差在2%以内。在离心机加速过程中,张力计所测吸力下降约2.0~2.9 kPa,当离心加速度稳定在40g时,所测吸力在10min内上升并接近常重力下土体初始吸力。在降雨入渗过程中,埋设在同一深度的TDR探针、张力计和弯曲元对湿润锋响应的时间点基本一致,降雨入渗导致土体含水率增加,基质吸力降低,剪切波速降低。这些多物理量监测数据有助于建立非饱和土含水率-吸力-剪切模量之间的关系。  相似文献   
由于吹填过程的水力分选作用钙质砂土地基颗粒分布不均匀,容易形成分布不均、形态各异的以不同细粒含量的粉细砂层为主的细粒汇集层,引起钙质砂土地基承载力和不均匀沉降问题。开展不同细粒含量的粉细砂三轴固结排水剪切试验,分析细粒含量对钙质砂土力学特性的影响。研究结果表明,(1)当细粒含量增加时相同围压下土样剪胀性逐渐减弱,且峰值偏应力也逐渐减小;(2)各组试样干密度为1.40 g/cm3状态下各含量粉细砂均表现出应变软化特征,当细粒含量为10%时粉细砂土体强度稳定性最差,之后稳定性随细粒含量增加而逐渐增大;(3)钙质细砂由于颗粒咬合作用,具有表观黏聚力,当细粒含量小于40%时,随着细粒含量增加,颗粒之间的咬合作用显著降低,表观黏聚力线性减小。研究成果可为粉细砂层的地基处理及边坡稳定分析提供参考。  相似文献   
The Bulqiza ultmafic massif, which belongs to the eastern Mirdita ophiolite of northern Albania, is world renowned for its high‐Cr chromite resource. The high‐Cr chromitites commonly host in the mantle section, while high‐Al chromitites also present in massive dunite of the mantle‐crust transition zone (MTZ) in this massif. Chromian‐spinel in the MTZ high‐Al chromitites and MTZ dunites have much lower Cr# values [Cr/(Cr+Al)×100] (47.7–55.1 and 46.5–51.7, respectively) than those of chromian‐spinel in the high‐Cr chromitites (78.2–80.4), harzburgites (72.6–77.9) and mantle dunites (79.4–84.3). The high‐Cr chromitites are rich in IPGE relative to PPGE with 0.10–0.45 PPGE/IPGE ratios, whereas the high‐Al chromitites have higher PPGE/IPGE ratios between 1.20 and 7.80. The partial melting degrees of parental magmas for the high‐Cr chromitites are beyond the critical interval (> 25%) and thus prevented sulfide saturation and diluted Pt and Pd in melts, producing high‐Cr chromitites barren of Pt and Pd. However, the degrees for the high‐Al chromitites just enter the critical interval (20–25%) for the effective extraction of PGE from mantle sulfides, which may account for the enrichments of PPGE in high‐Al chromitites. The parental melts of the high‐Cr chromitites have Al2O3 and TiO2 contents of ~10.6–11.4 wt.% and 0.14–0.31 wt.%, whereas the calculated Al2O3 and TiO2 for the high‐Al chromitites are ~14.9–15.9 wt.% and 0.07–0.61 wt.%, respectively. The calculated melts in equilibrium with the high‐Cr chromitites are boninitic‐like, and those with high‐Al chromitites are MORB‐like but with hydrous, oxidized and TiO2‐poor affinities. To make a compromise between the inconsistence above, we proposed that coexistence of both types of chromitites in the Bulqiza ultramafic massif may reflect that their magma compositions transited from MORB‐like to boninitic‐like in a proto‐forearc setting during subduction initiation. Key words: Chromian‐spinel, Platinum‐group elements, high‐Cr and high‐Al chromitite, Mirdita ophiolite, Albania.  相似文献   
目前,在生产中广泛使用的静校正方法几乎都是基于地表一致性假设的。在地表复杂地区,地形起伏较大,低速带厚度和横向速度变化较大,地表一致性假设往往与实际地质情况不符,在这种情况下再运用地表一致性静校正,势必产生很大的误差。笔者利用模型正演方法着重讨论复杂地区地表一致性静校正误差存在的原因及这种原因跟基准面、炮检距、低速带和基岩速度、低速带厚度、反射面深度等之间的关系,分析其变化规律,提出解决复杂地区静校正问题的建议,以期改进现有的静校正方法,达到减小误差的目的。  相似文献   
对鲁西沂南铜井岩体的中生代闪长玢岩进行了主量元素、微量及稀土元素、Sr-Nd-Pb同位素以及锆石U-Pb年龄、Hf同位素研究,结果表明,铜井闪长玢岩SiO2含量为54.68%~63.01%,富Na,Na2O/K2O为0.93~4.46,Mg#较高,为55~66,为中钾-高钾钙碱性系列,TiO2含量较低,0.2%~0.71%。样品具有显著的LREE富集[(La/Yb)n=10~15]以及高场强元素Nb、Ta和Ti的负异常,Eu基本无异常,Sr、Ba含量高(分别为241×10-6~711×10-6和554×10-6~822×10-6)的特征。ISr和εNd(t)值分别为0.706473~0.708867和-15.13~-9.18,与鲁西方城玄武岩和前人所研究的沂南辉长岩结果有所差异,显示其源区具有多端员混合特征,除了富集岩石圈地幔外,亏损地幔和地壳物质的贡献也很重要,Pb同位素也显示其源区有扬子克拉通物质的贡献,佐证了华北克拉通中生代富集岩石圈地幔的形成与扬子克拉通的俯冲有关。闪长岩中锆石具有典型的岩浆锆石特征,U-Pb年龄为128~129Ma,锆石εHf(t)值主要在-13~-8(平均值为-10.3)范围内,暗示了岩浆来源于富集岩石圈地幔,但受到亏损地幔物质的混染。沂南铜井闪长玢岩岩浆源区的多元性以及亏损地幔物质参与程度的逐渐增强,说明该地区中生代岩石圈减薄已达到最大,岩浆源区的差异可能也是该地区与胶东地区成矿性差异的主要原因之一。  相似文献   
干湿循环作用下膨胀土裂隙演化规律试验研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
张家俊  龚壁卫  胡波  周小文  王军 《岩土力学》2011,32(9):2729-2734
对南阳膨胀土在反复干湿循环作用下的裂隙演化规律进行了室内试验研究。试验中采用烘干法模拟脱湿过程,采用抽气饱和法模拟饱和过程。在脱湿过程中,定时对土样进行称重、定点拍照,以记录裂隙发育状况。利用矢量图技术对裂隙照片进行矢量化处理,以提取裂隙的各种几何要素,继而进行裂隙度计算。裂隙度变化规律分析结果表明,影响裂隙张开程度的关键因素并非土体含水率,而是含水率梯度,而脱湿速率的空间分布、土块渗透特性以及土块尺寸大小则是决定含水率梯度大小的关键因素;膨胀土裂隙在干湿循环的作用下会逐步发育,主要体现在裂隙总面积与总长度的增加,但此作用有限,裂隙的发育达到一定程度以后便会因为土块尺寸过小而停止;反复干湿循环会使土体产生范性变形,该范性变形与完整土块的胀缩特性并无直接联系,其主要成因是裂隙的发育与土体完整性的破坏,裂隙越发育,土体范性变形量越大  相似文献   
为了解决普通取心钻具在软弱、松散性复杂地层钻进中的取心问题,降低堵心、磨心概率,提高钻进回次进尺长度和岩心采取率,研制了安装在普通S95绳索取心钻具上的一种新式岩心提断器。该岩心提断器是利用女性头饰发夹卡取软弱、松散岩心,其构件由发夹、发夹座、发夹室组成,无须通过铆焊工艺固定,可在施工现场由手工借助一种发夹装配器进行组装。在某勘查区3个钻孔中进行了试验,试验孔段总进尺45.11 m,平均回次进尺1.16 m,平均岩心采取率91.42%。试验结果表明:该岩心提断器与底喷式钻头及“引心管”配合使用,能够在软弱、松散性破碎地层大幅度提高回次进尺量、岩心采取率及取心质量,解决了试验前应用普通绳索取心钻具,在钻遇松软夹石、水敏性强的复杂地层中岩心采取率不足30%的难题。用发夹卡取软弱、松散岩心的方法与类同现有技术中簧片的卡心方法比较,更具经济性、灵活性和普适性。其应用领域不限于矿山地质,还可拓展到水文地质、工程地质及环境地质的岩心钻探,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
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