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因GNSS系统间观测噪声、轨道精度的差异,采用经验权比进行组合定位难以得到最优结果。基于此,在GPS/GLONASS/BDS组合定位中引入Helmert方差分量估计,对GPS/GLONASS/BDS组合单点定位和基线解算中各系统观测值进行合理定权。实验表明,采用该方法确定的伪距观测值最佳权比为5∶1∶1,相位观测值最佳权比为1∶1∶1,有效提高了GPS/GLONASS/BDS组合定位的精度和可靠性。  相似文献   
地理信息服务已成为分布式环境下获取地理数据的重要来源,从海量的网络资源中找到地理信息服务,是共享与互操作地理数据的基础。目前,地理信息服务主动搜索主要采用通用搜索引擎的接口或者通用爬虫的抓取方式,但这2种方式存在搜索效率低、搜索结果可用性差等不足。针对这一问题,本文设计了一种搜索地理信息服务的主题爬虫。该算法在最佳优先搜索的基础上进行了改进,综合考虑网页内容的主题相关度和链接文本的主题相关度确定链接优先级,优先爬取与地理信息服务相关的链接,并通过舍弃无关网页中的无关链接,减少无效爬取,进而提高搜索效率。此外,本文采用关键词匹配结合能力文档探测的方式识别地理信息服务,有效筛选出可用的地理信息服务,提高了服务搜索结果的可利用率。最后,本文以OGC WMS为实例,实现爬虫算法的原型系统并进行实验,实验证明该算法有效可行。  相似文献   
面向葡萄园移动信息采集和管理的需求,设计了基于移动终端的葡萄园信息管理系统,并在Android平台下开发实现了一个基于移动GIS技术的葡萄园信息管理系统。该葡萄园移动信息管理系统除基本的GIS地图功能外,能够采集和实时回传农田基础信息,远程控制葡萄园滴灌设备,并结合平板电脑的摄像头实现远程实时视频诊断。经过在宁夏回族自治区青铜峡市甘城子乡的葡萄园的应用试验证明,该系统能提高农业信息化水平,为葡萄生产提供定位定量的空间信息服务。  相似文献   
为提高航测法数字线划图(DLG)的生产效率,尽可能减少外业作业时间,基于山东省卫星定位连续运行综合服务系统(SDCORS)的车载RTK技术进行高程注记点采集。采用不同时间(白天、晚上)、不同车速条件进行高程注记点连续采集,并与常规方法(全站仪、单基站RTK)采集高程点进行比较,求取高程中误差,认为在夜间以不大于20 km/h的车速进行采集精度较高。在数字海阳基础地理信息数据采集项目中,利用车载RTK采集346 km2范围内的沿路高程注记点,结果表明能够满足1∶500航测法成图精度要求。  相似文献   
利用定性、半定量相结合的层次分析法(AHP),建立地埋管换热系统适宜性递阶层次结构模型,在野外试验、室内测试等基础数据的基础上,选取地下水埋藏深度、砂层厚度、成孔难易程度、地面沉降、热扩散率、比热容、综合热导率等7个评价指标,将东营市浅层地热能开发利用划分为适宜区、较适宜区。这是东营地区第一次利用实测数据开展浅层地热能适宜性评价,为今后的合理开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
针对目前专门的函数信号发生器IC功能简单、精度不高、调节方式不灵活等缺点和DDS芯片外围电路设计复杂、成本较高等问题,设计研制了一种程控宽频带多波形信号发生器。该信号发生器采用单片机STC89C52控制专用函数发生器MAX038实现,通过键盘设置输出波形类型、频率、占空比和幅度等各种参数,采用闭环控制方法对输出频率自动反馈控制以提高频率精度,并由八位LED显示器实时显示状态信息。实际运行结果表明:该系统可以产生频率范围在1Hz~20MHz、幅度在2~10V(VPP)连续可调、占空比在10%~90%变化的三角波、锯齿波、方波、正弦波和PWM波,输出频率精度小于0.01%。该仪器具有电路结构简单、性能优良、成本低廉、功能多样、使用方便等优点,在生产实践和科技研究领域中具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   
历史名人的行为轨迹反映了当时的历史文化背景,通过历史名人行为轨迹的空间化和可视化,可以对历史社会状态进行探索和分析。对历史名人的社交关系网络进行可视化研究,有利于剖析当时的政治背景与人物关系。目前,基于GIS的空间人文社会科学深层次分析方法和工具还很少,根据地理位置对历史人物的社交网络进行分时段的研究也很少。本文以玄奘和欧阳修为例,探索了基于WebGIS的历史人物轨迹空间可视化分析方法,基于核密度估计与标准差椭圆的空间分析方法,分析历史名人轨迹点的空间分布特征,统计迁徙指数、首都距、家乡距、成长地距以分析基于距离的轨迹点移动特点;分时段构建了历史名人的空间社交网络,并结合历史背景、名人事迹、名人作品和空间化结果进行了综合分析。分析结果表明: ① 历史名人的迁移轨迹与当时的历史人口迁移趋势基本是一致的,受社会变动影响较大;② 历史名人在事业上升期有更大的社交网络圈,而在人生没落阶段社交网络圈减小。本文对历史名人轨迹的空间可视化与分析方法进行了探索,可以为空间人文社会科学相关领域的分析研究提供参考。  相似文献   
High-magnitude glacial debris flows in small basins in Himalayas have a significant impact on landscape.The Peilong catchment,a tributary of the Parlung Zangbo river in southeastern Tibet,was chosen as a case study of topographic response to multi-period glacial debris flows.There are few large debris flow records in the catchment before 1983,but four large-scale glacial debris flows with peak discharge up to 8195 m3/s blocked the river during 1983–1985 and in 2015.A combination of field survey,examination of historical records and interpretation of multi-period remote sensing images was used to assess triggering factors and geomorphic impact of the events.The results show that the debris flows during 1983 and 1985 may be attributed to seismic events in 1981 and 1982,while the event in 2015 resulted from large amount of landslide deposits caused by glacier retreat during 1993~2013 and high precipitation in 2015.In the upper-midstream broad valley,erosion and accumulation of the debris flows changed the channel morphology,resulting in course diversion.In the lower-midstream narrow valley,lateral erosion of debris flows induced a large number of landslides but had little impact on the channel longitudinal profile.The ability of massive glacial debris flows to change valley topography is more than ten times that of regular water flows.The landscape of the accumulation fan at the outlet of the valley is controlled by the interaction between the sediment transportation capacity of debris flows and erosional capacity of the main river.The sediment transport capacity of the Peilong river is greater than the delivery capacity of the Parlung Zangbo river,resulting in continuous aggradation of the confluence zone.  相似文献   
Use of a non-zero hydrologic response unit(HRU) threshold is an effective way of reducing unmanageable HRU numbers and simplifying computational cost in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) hydrologic modelling. However, being less representative of watershed heterogeneity and increasing the level of model output uncertainty are inevitable when minor HRU combinations are disproportionately eliminated. This study examined 20 scenarios by running the model with various HRU threshold settings to understand the mechanism of HRU threshold effects on watershed representation as well as streamflow predictions and identify the appropriate HRU thresholds. Findings show that HRU numbers decrease sharply with increasing HRU thresholds. Among different HRU threshold scenarios, the composition of land-use, soil, and slope all contribute to notable variations which are directly related to the model input parameters and consequently affect the streamflow predictions. Results indicate that saturated hydraulic conductivity, average slope of the HRU, and curve number are the three key factors affecting stream discharge when changing the HRU thresholds. It is also found that HRU thresholds have little effect on monthly model performance, while evaluation statistics for daily discharges are more sensitive than monthly results. For daily streamflow predictions, thresholds of 5%/5%/5%(land-use/soil/slope) are the optimum HRU threshold level for the watershed to allow full consideration of model accuracy and efficiency in the present work. Besides, the results provide strategies for selecting appropriate HRU thresholds based on the modelling goal.  相似文献   
朱映  王密  潘俊  胡芬 《测绘学报》2015,44(4):399-406
卫星平台震颤是影响高分辨率卫星成像质量的因素之一,会引起影像模糊和内部畸变。本文从资源三号卫星多光谱相机的成像特点和多光谱影像配准误差影响因素入手,理论推导和仿真分析了卫星平台震颤对配准误差的影响规律,在此基础上提出了基于多光谱影像高精度密集匹配的平台震颤检测方法和流程,最后利用不同波段、不同时间的成像数据进行试验。试验结果表明资源三号卫星在试验数据成像阶段存在约0.6Hz的平台震颤,且垂轨方向震颤幅值大于沿轨方向,同时引起波段间相同频率周期性配准误差。检测结果为进一步提高资源三号处理精度提供了可能,也为卫星平台震颤源的分析和优化卫星平台设计提供了重要参考依据。  相似文献   
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