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In this paper,an interactive model between land surface physical process and atmosphere boundary layer is established,and is used to simulate the features of soil environmental physics,surface heat fluxes,evaporation from soil and evapotranspiration from vegetation and structures of atmosphere boundary layer over grassland underlying.The sensitivity experiments are engaged in primary physics parameters.The results show that this model can obtain reasonable simulation for diurnal variations of heat balance,soil volumetric water content,resistance of vegetation evaporation,flux of surface moisture,and profiles of turbulent exchange coefficient,turbulent momentum,potential temperature,and specific humidity.The model developed can be used to study the interaction between land surface processes and atmospheric boundary layer in city regions,and can also be used in the simulation of regional climate incorporating a mesoscale model.  相似文献   
2005年10月秋季连阴雨中暴雨天气特征分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用常规气象观测资料、FNL再分析资料和FY-2C气象卫星资料,应用天气学原理和方法对2005年9月28日—10月2日陕西中南部秋季连阴雨中暴雨过程的天气特征进行了分析。结果表明:暴雨发生在500 hPa稳定的东高西低形势下,乌山阻高、巴湖横槽和副高为连续暴雨产生提供了有利的环流背景条件。低空急流、切变是暴雨产生的主要影响系统。暴雨系统的动力和能量空间结构与盛夏暴雨相比有明显差异:涡度、垂直速度中心随高度升高向北倾斜明显;涡度、散度中心绝对值及垂直速度的数值偏小;降雨强度偏弱,持续时间长,具有中-α尺度系统特征。在暴雨过程中,共有2个中-α尺度系统生成发展,每个中-α尺度系统都是由多个中-β尺度系统发展加强、有规律移动、最后合并生成。  相似文献   
Fengyun-3 E(FY-3E),the world’s first early-morning-orbit meteorological satellite for civil use,was launched successfully at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on 5 July 2021.The FY-3E satellite will fill the vacancy of the global early-morning-orbit satellite observation,working together with the FY-3C and FY-3D satellites to achieve the data coverage of early morning,morning,and afternoon orbits.The combination of these three satellites will provide global data coverage for numerical weather prediction(NWP)at 6-hour intervals,effectively improving the accuracy and time efficiency of global NWP,which is of great significance to perfect the global earth observing system.In this article,the background and meteorological requirements for the early-morning-orbit satellite are reviewed,and the specifications of the FY-3E satellite,as well as the characteristics of the onboard instrumentation for earth observations,are also introduced.In addition,the ground segment and the retrieved geophysical products are also presented.It is believed that the NWP communities will significantly benefit from an optimal temporal distribution of observations provided by the early morning,mid-morning,and afternoon satellite missions.Further benefits are expected in numerous applications such as the monitoring of severe weather/climate events,the development of improved sampling designs of the diurnal cycle for accurate climate data records,more efficient monitoring of air quality by thermal infrared remote sensing,and the quasicontinuous monitoring of the sun for space weather and climate.  相似文献   
利用非线性局部Lyapunov指数和条件非线性局部Lyapunov指数定量估计了季节内印度洋-西太平洋对流涛动(IPCO)和实时多变量Madden-Julian指数(RMM指数)可预报期限,量化了季节内IPCO对S2S尺度大气可预报性的贡献,深入研究了季节内IPCO演变下S2S尺度可预报期限空间分布的变化规律。结果表明:(1)与RMM指数相比,季节内IPCO指数可预报性更强,可预报期限达到31天左右,比RMM指数高出2周以上;(2)印度洋-西太平洋区域S2S尺度大气可预报性最强,可预报期限达到30天以上,其中季节内IPCO是该地区的主要可预报性来源之一,其贡献达到6天,占总可预报期限的25%以上;(3)随着季节内IPCO的演变,印度洋-西太平洋地区S2S尺度大气可预报性有空间结构变化,表现为可预报期限异常的传播和振荡。S2S尺度大气可预报期限正负异常沿季节内IPCO传播路径,一支以赤道中西印度洋为起点北传至印度半岛,一支向东传播,经过海洋性大陆到赤道西太平洋后向北传播,到达日本南部。同时,可预报性异常的传播在在东印度洋和西太平洋表现出反向变化的特征,形成东西两极振荡,当季节内IPCO向正位相发展时,东印度洋具有更强的可预报性,西太平洋具有更弱的可预报性,反之亦然。季节内IPCO的发展(衰退)可使东印度洋(西太平洋)S2S尺度大气可预报性更强,表明模式预报技巧对此具有更大的提升空间。  相似文献   
The data, measured by a three-wavelength Integrating Nephelometer over Lanzhou City during the winters of 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 respectively, have been analyzed for investigating the scattering properties of atmospheric aerosols and exploring their relationship and the status of air pollution. The aerosol particle volume distribution is inverted with the measured spectral scattering coefficients. The results show that the daily variation of the aerosol scattering coefficients is in a tri-peak shape. The average ratio of backscattering coefficient to total scattering coefficient at 550 nm is 0.158; there exists an excellent correlation between the scattering coefficients and the concentration of PM10. The average ratio of the concentration of PM10 to the scattering coefficients is 0.37 g m-2, which is contingent on the optical parameters of aerosol particles such as the size distribution, etc.; an algorithm is developed for inverting the volume distribution of aerosol particles by using the histogram and Monte-Carlo techniques, and the test results show that the inversion is reasonable.  相似文献   
谢小敏  王明洁  胡娟 《广东气象》2010,32(3):9-11,16
对1978~2008年深圳市前汛期西风带大暴雨期间的500、850 hPa和地面环流形势进行统计分析,发现深圳市前汛期大暴雨过程多由西风带系统引起,占总数的77%。4~6月均可出现大暴雨,6月份最多,4月份次多,5月份最少。深圳前汛期西风带系统大暴雨过程按天气形势特征分为锋面低槽和暖区两类,其中锋面低槽类又分东北低涡(低槽)型和西南低涡型。  相似文献   
黄艳  裴江文  胡素琴  刘涛 《气象科学》2013,33(6):693-700
利用常规气象观测资料,对2011年发生在喀什地区夏季罕见的两次强度不同的超级单体致雹风暴进行了特征分析。结果表明:不稳定层结、冷空气活动频繁和抬升触发条件是喀什地区产生强对流天气的共同环境场特征;充足的水汽及强的垂直风切变更有利于喀什地区深厚湿对流活动的产生;初夏雹暴的发生、发展存在1支异常水汽输送,输送量10.9×108 t;而盛夏雹暴存在3支异常水汽输送,输入量11.4×108 t;θe陡立区与冰雹落区对应较好,垂直涡度与倾斜涡度发展旺盛,是造成大范围雹暴的主要原因。强回波高悬,低层入流显著、低层反射率因子高梯度区是强对流天气共同的回波特征;初夏雹暴为弓形回波、中-γ尺度;盛夏雹暴为强超级单体、中-β尺度;回波伸展高度越高、低层入流越显著、垂直风切变越强的对流系统产生的天气越激烈,易产生大雹。  相似文献   
车载X波段双线偏振多普勒天气雷达及其数据处理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章介绍了车载X波段双线偏振多普勒天气雷达及其数据处理系统,并对其资料质量和应用问题进行了分析和讨论。该雷达采用的单发双收的工作机制,实现对Z_H、Z_(DR)、Φ_(DP)、K_(DP)、ρ_(HV)(0)以及L_(DR)等参数的探测。这些信息反映了云和降水粒子的范围、大小和运动变化等特征,是研究云和降水特别是灾害性天气的形成机制及其物理过程变化的有效工具。基于该雷达的数据处理系统是在利用这些测量参数的基础上,可以实现降水处理和降水粒子相态识别功能,为用户提供有效的气象服务。  相似文献   
Total suspended particulates(TSP)samples were collected using low pressure impactors(Andersen Series 20-800,USA)on typical clear,hazy and foggy days in Beijing in order to investigate the characteristics of size distributions and elemental compositions of particulate matter(PM)in different weather conditions. The concentrations of sixteen elements,including Na,Mg,Al,K,Ca,Mn,Fe,Ni,Cu,Zn,As,Se,Cd,Ba,Tl and Pb were detected using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS).The results showed that Ca,Al,Fe,Mg and Ba on foggy days were 2.0-2.6 times higher than on clear days,and 2.3-2.9 times higher than on hazy days.Concentrations of Cu,Zn,As,Se and Pb on foggy days were 163.5,1186.7,65.9,32.0 and 708.2 ng m-3,respectively,in fine particles,and 68.1,289.5,19.8,1.6 and 103.8 ng m-3,respectively,in coarse particles.This was 1.0-8.4 times higher and 1.4-7.4 times higher than on clear and hazy days,respectively.It is then shown that Mg,Al,Fe,Ca and Ba were mainly associated with coarse particles,peaking at 4.7-5.8μm;that Cd,Se,Zn,As,Tl and Pb were most dominant in fine particles,peaking at 0.43-1.1μm;and that Na,K,Ni,Cu and Mn had a multi-mode distribution,with peaks at 0.43-1.1μm and 4.7-5.8μm.The enrichment factors indicated that coal combustion along with vehicle and industry emissions may be the main sources of pollution elements.  相似文献   
Measured differential phase shift ΦDP is known to be a noisy unstable polarimetric radar variable, such that the quality of ΦDP data has direct impact on specific differential phase shift KDP estimation, and subsequently, the KDP-based rainfall estimation. Over the past decades, many ΦDP de-noising methods have been developed; however, the de-noising effects in these methods and their impact on KDP-based rainfall estimation lack comprehensive comparative analysis. In this study, simulated noisy ΦDP data were generated and de-noised by using several methods such as finite-impulse response(FIR), Kalman, wavelet,traditional mean, and median filters. The biases were compared between KDP from simulated and observedΦDP radial profiles after de-noising by these methods. The results suggest that the complicated FIR, Kalman,and wavelet methods have a better de-noising effect than the traditional methods. After ΦDP was de-noised,the accuracy of the KDP-based rainfall estimation increased significantly based on the analysis of three actual rainfall events. The improvement in estimation was more obvious when KDP was estimated with ΦDP de-noised by Kalman, FIR, and wavelet methods when the average rainfall was heavier than 5 mm h-1.However, the improved estimation was not significant when the precipitation intensity further increased to a rainfall rate beyond 10 mm h-1. The performance of wavelet analysis was found to be the most stable of these filters.  相似文献   
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