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Reservoir impoundment changes original fluvial habitats into lentic environments. Fish species adapted to lentic habitats may take the advantage of such habitat changes and show typical life history traits might facilitate the population increase. Siniperca kneri rarely occurred in fishery landing in the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) area before its impoundment in 2003, but it is now a dominant species. In this study, a total of 438 females of S . kneri were collected monthly during September 2012 through January 2014 using gill nets in the TGR. The age, growth, and reproductive biology were then investigated, and compared with other S . kneri populations. The standard length at age 1 was 149.9 mm in the TGR, which is larger than the three compared populations (i.e., Sandaohe Reservoir, Xinfengjiang Reservoir, and North River), but smaller than one (the Guishi Reservoir). The youngest mature female in the TGR was age 1, which is younger than that of the two compared populations (i.e., Xinfengjiang Reservoir and the North River). The relative fecundity in the TGR was 140 eggs/g, which is higher than that of the only available compared population (Xinfengjiang Reservoir, 96 eggs/g). Our results demonstrated that S . kneri in the TGR tended to have faster growth in the first year, a younger age at first maturation, and higher reproductive eff ort. We suggest that such opportunistic-tended life history traits might facilitate rapid increase of the population.  相似文献   
将在一定时空限定范围内的不同低轨卫星COSMIC、GRACE、CHAMP、FY3C的电离层掩星电子密度剖面定义为一个掩星对来对比分析不同类型掩星电离层产品。结果表明:COSMIC掩星对之间的电子密度剖面整体轮廓符合得很好,电子密度剖面主要在250 km以下和500 km以上存在较大的偏差,250~500 km的电子密度整体偏差较小,统计得到的COSMIC掩星对的电子密度参量NmF2和hmF2的相关系数能分别达到0.99和0.97,具有高度相关性,不同COSMIC卫星之间没有明显的系统误差;COSMIC、GRACE、CHAMP和FY3C不同低轨卫星间的电子密度剖面略有差异,通过统计电子密度参量NmF2和hmF2之间的相关系数,COSMIC和CHAMP的相关系数分别为0.95和0.86,COSMIC和GRACE的相关系数分别为0.98和0.94,COSMIC和FY3C的相关系数分别为0.96和0.92,不同掩星类型之间的电子密度参量之间也具有高度相关性,验证了不同卫星任务GPS掩星电离层剖面的一致性。  相似文献   
Non-crop habitats have been suggested to impact local biodiversity significantly in agricultural landscapes. However, there have been few studies of the effects of less-focused non-crop habitats(orchard, wetland, pit and ditch) on variation of spider abundance. In this study, spiders in 30 woodlands were captured using pitfall traps in Fengqiu County, China, and the effects of local and landscape variations at different scales(50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 350 m and 500 m) on spider abundance were analysed. The most important variation that influenced spider abundance at the 500 m scale was the less-focused non-crop habitat(LNH) cover, and 10% was an appropriate proportion of LNH cover to sustain high level of spider diversity in the investigated landscape. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analyses revealed that there were significant differences in the spider composition among the high, medium and low LNH coverage. Based on indicator species analysis, different spider species were associated with landscapes with different levels of LNH cover. Lycosidae, which accounted for 48% of the total specimens, preferred woodland habitats neighbouring areas with high LNH cover. Compared with woodland habitats, LNH provided more diverse food sources and habitat to sustain more spider species in the study area. Furthermore, linear elements composed of vegetation, such as pits and ditches, may prevent agricultural intensification by enhancing landscape connectivity and providing habitats for different spiders. Our findings may provide a theoretical basis for biodiversity conservation in agro-ecosystems and top-down control of pests.  相似文献   
利用构建的青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)转录组文库,筛选到青蛤IKK基因的类似序列。经设计引物克隆比对后确认为CsIKK基因。利用生物信息学软件在线对该基因进行结构分析。采用PCR技术克隆基因,并使用实时荧光定量PCR技术克隆得到CsIKK基因在青蛤五个不同组织中的表达情况及在鳗弧菌(Vibrioanguillarum)的刺激下IKK基因在青蛤血淋巴中的时序性表达情况。综合结果得到, CsIKK基因序列开放阅读框长2298bp,编码765个氨基酸。IKK基因在青蛤的血淋巴、外套膜、闭壳肌、肝脏、性腺和鳃六个组织中均表达,在血淋巴中表达量最高。青蛤IKK基因在鳗弧菌胁迫下表达量在6h时达到最大值,与对照组相比差异极显著(P0.01),表明该基因所指导的蛋白是青蛤重要的免疫信号通路蛋白。  相似文献   
采用高分辨折射和宽角反射/折射综合地震探测方法,在浙江省中部沿黄岩、临海、东阳、桐庐、昌化进行深部构造探测,获得一条长约350km的速度结构剖面。探测结果表明,地壳结构具有明显的多层性,存在3个速度间断面;基底速度结构图像揭示了速度结构的横向非均匀性,这种不均匀性既对应于地质构造单元的分界线或断裂构造带,也反映出东西部构造特征的差异性。  相似文献   
ATS(algal turf scrubber)系统是一种利用潮间带藻类高效去除富营养化水体中氮(N)、磷(P)元素的水质净化系统, 藻类是支持整个系统最重要的组成部分, 其群落结构与水质净化效果密切相关。该研究基于Illumina MiSeq平台的高通量测序技术对海水水族缸的ATS系统中藻板样品和自然礁石上的藻类进行多样性分析。18S rDNA研究结果表明, ATS系统中经筛选得到藻类优化序列21390条, 其中对丝藻属Antithamnion占主要地位, 占序列总数的22.79%, 其次19.07%序列归入斜纹藻属Psammodictyon; 宋井、展南亭、后宅3个地区的藻类经筛选分别得到88435、87129、106458条优化序列, 主要为分枝色指藻属Chroodactylon、宽果藻属Mastocarpus和日本马泽藻属Mazzaella。ATS系统和自然环境样品共有的优势藻为骨条藻属Skeletonema和仙菜属Ceramium。本实验在研究ATS系统与自然礁石上的藻类群落相似性的同时, 深入探究了其群落结构的差异性, 为进一步优化ATS系统的功能提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
基于2018年12月至2020年3月喀左、沈阳、辽阳、满洲里4个国家级地面气象站人工冻土器与测温式冻土自动观测仪观测的资料,对人工冻土观测获得的冻点与测温式冻土自动观测仪获得的相应深度的温度进行对比分析.结果表明:人工冻土器获取的冻点对应的土壤温度与0℃总体一致,又不完全重合;0—35 cm深度范围,冻点对应的温度变化...  相似文献   
Ocean surface waves are strongly forced by high wind conditions associated with winter storms in the Sea of Japan. They are also modulated by tides and storm surges. The effects of the variability in surface wind forcing, tides and storm surges on the waves are investigated using a wave model, a high-resolution atmospheric mesoscale model and a hydrodynamic ocean circulation model. Five month-long wave model simulations are inducted to examine the sensitivity of ocean waves to various wind forcing fields, tides and storm surges during January 1997. Compared with observed mean wave parameters, results indicate that the high frequency variability in the surface wind filed has very great effect on wave simulation. Tides and storm surges have a significant impact on the waves in nearshores of the Tsushima-kaihyō, but not for other regions in the Sea of Japan. High spatial and temporal resolution and good quality surface wind products will be crucial for the prediction of surface waves in the JES and other marginal seas, especially near the coastal regions.  相似文献   
基于部件可靠度和多阶段动态库存理论,分析了备件需求与库存管理。提出了基于部件可靠度的动态需求模型;以部件的寿命服从指数分布为例,结合实际生产中备件的使用情况,通过确定备件储备的时间点,动态确定各周期备件的需求量。在确定备件动态需求量的基础上,采用多阶段动态库存理论确定了订货次数和每次订货数量,使库存量更符合实际和趋于合理。通过算例分析,给出了最小库存费用,表明基于部件可靠度和多阶段动态库存的备件管理具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   
岩石圈并不是经典板块理论认为的整体的刚性圈层,而是在不同大地构造位置及不同深度具有不同的流变性质。在介绍岩石圈热一流变结构的计算方法以及不同大地构造位置的岩石圈流变学分层特征的基础上,阐述了岩石圈热一流变结构所反映的地球动力学信息,并对我国在该领域的研究进展做出总结,认为未来需要加强深部结构和地热学的研究,尤其是我国海域此方面的研究。  相似文献   
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