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正1研究目的(Objective)自1983年3月7日甘肃省东乡族自治县发生导致237人死亡的洒勒山滑坡灾害以来,巴谢河流域吸引了国内外大量学者在此开展滑坡研究。这一地区灾难性滑坡多具有多期次活动的特征,但对滑坡历史的认识,尚缺乏年代学数据支持。本研究以本地区典型滑坡——上正滑坡为例,通过滑坡年代学研究,重建滑坡的滑动历史。  相似文献   
生态需水研究:以东辽河流域坡面系统为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ecological water demand (EWD) is the least water amount required to maintain the structure and the function of the special eco-system and the temporal scale of a study on the EWD must be a season‘s time. Based on GIS and RS with the source information of hydrological data of 46 hydrological gauges covering 52 years and the digital images of Landsat TM in 1986, 1996 and 2000, the landscape patterns, precipitation and runoff in the East Liaohe River Basin were analyzed. With the result of the above analysis, the spatial and temporal changes of the ecological water demand in the slope systems (EWDSS) of the East Liaohe River Basin (ELRB) were derived. Landscapes in the ELRB are dispersed and strongly disturbed by human actions. The hydrological regime in ELRB has distinct spatial variations. The average annual EWDSS in the ELRB is 504.72 mm (324.08-618.89 mm), and the average EWDSS in the growth season (from May to September) is 88.29% of the year‘s total EWDSS .The ultimate guaranteeing ratio of the EWDSS in ELRB is 90%. The scarce EWDSS area in the whole year and in the growth season are 60.47% and 74.01% of the entire basin respectively. The trend of scarce EWDSS area is most serious according to the quantity and area of scarce EWDSS regions.  相似文献   
根据野外调查和室内鉴定、分析了黄土高原350~280 ka PB前后的气候迁移变化问题。资料表明,在地处黄土高原南缘的陕西长安少陵塬第3层古土壤形成中晚期和第4层古土壤形成的早期有代表荒漠草原环境的石膏发育,指示当时黄土高原气候发生了显著的干旱化与大幅度的荒漠草原南迁,与现在这个地区气候相比,气候带向南迁移了约4个纬度,也说明在这段时间内荒漠草原广布于黄土高原。石膏的发育还揭示,在350~280 ka PB前后黄土高原气候发生了性质的转变,第3层古土壤发育中晚期和第4层古土壤发育早期最少各有一个时期气候特别冷干,当时该区已基本不受夏季风的影响,并处于冬季风气候控制的环境下。  相似文献   
拿日雍错片麻岩穹窿位于特提斯喜马拉雅带的东部,穹窿边部淡色花岗岩脉形成于21.8±0.3Ma,穹窿核部主体淡色花岗岩的结晶年龄为20.1±0.1Ma,其中1件样品记录了~17.3Ma热液蚀变事件。大部分淡色花岗岩具有以下特征:(1)较高的Si O2(72.9%),Al2O3(14.7%)和A/CNK(1.1),较低的Fe O、Mg O、Mn O和Ti O2;(2)高度变化的大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Sr、Ba)和高场强元素(如Nb、Ta、Hf、Th)和Rb/Sr、Nb/Ta、Zr/Hf比值;(3)富集轻稀土元素,亏损重稀土元素,Eu和Nd都显示负异常(Eu/Eu*0.7,Nd/Nd*=0.5~0.8);(4)Sr同位素比值变化范围较大(87Sr/86Sr(t)=0.7132~0.7330),但Nd同位素比值一致(εNd(t)=-12.4~-10.9)。这些特征表明:拿日雍错淡色花岗岩形成于20Ma,是变泥质岩部分熔融作用的产物,经历了不同程度的斜长石、锆石、独居石、磷灰石、富Ti矿物等的分离结晶作用。  相似文献   
The Lishui Sag, in the East China Sea Shelf Basin, is rich in hydrocarbons, with the major hydrocarbon-bearing layers being the Paleocene Mingyuefeng clastic rocks. Analysis of the implicit geologic background information of these Paleocene clastic rocks using petrological and geochemical methods has significant practical importance. These Paleocene sandstones are mainly lithic arenite, lithic arkose and greywacke, composed of K-feldspar, plagioclase, authigenic clays, silica and carbonates. As continental deposits, Yueguifeng clastic rocks have high aluminosilicate and mafic detritus contents, while the Lingfeng and Mingyuefeng Formations are rich in silica due to an oscillating coastal marine depositional environment. The major element contents of these Paleocene sandstones are low and have a concentrated distribution, indicating that the geochemical composition is non-epigenetic, transformed by sedimentary processes and diagenesis. The Yueguifeng detritus comprises recycled sediments, controlled by moderate weathering and erosion, while the Lingfeng and Mingyuefeng detritus is interpreted as primarily first-cycle materials due to low chemical weathering. In the Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene, the Pacific Plate began subducting under the Eurasian Plate, causing an orogeny by plate collision and magma eruption due to the melting of subducted oceanic crust. This resulted in the dual tectonic settings of “active margin” and “continental island arc” in the East China Sea Shelf Basin. During the Late Paleocene, the Pacific Plate margin migrated eastward along with development of the Philippine Ocean Plate, and the tectonic setting of the Lishui Sag gradually turned into a passive continental margin. Detrital sources included both orogenic continental blocks and continental island arcs, and the parent rocks are primarily felsic volcanic rocks and granites.  相似文献   
在华北板块南缘熊耳群火山岩的矿化部位,普遍存在着特征明显的杏仁体,有的杏仁体甚至构成了矿化体,前人对此研究很少。对杏仁体的结构、构造特征及充填矿物进行了系统研究,详细论述了杏仁体的形成机制及其与成矿热水流体和成矿作用的关系,指出杏仁体是在华北板块南缘熊耳群火山岩内进行找矿勘查的重要标志。  相似文献   
介绍了一种海洋监测通用数据采集与处理系统的设计方法。该系统以单片机为硬件平台,针对海洋监测项目的实际需要,设计了多路模拟量采集、数字/脉冲量采集、数字输出控制、远程通信端口和大容量信息存储,可以实现各种海洋监测数据的自动采集、实时显示、分析和信息管理等功能,在海洋环境监测领域具有推广应用的现实前景。  相似文献   
根据mtDNA D-loop 序列分析东海银鲳群体遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据线粒体D-loop序列对舟山群岛附近海域的银鲳(Pampus argenteus)群体(n=24)的遗传多样性进行了研究。通过PCR技术对线粒体D-loop序列进行扩增,获得大小约为500bp的扩增产物。PCR产物经纯化并进行序列测定后,得到了357bp的核苷酸片段。在24个个体中,共检测到14个变异位点,其中8个转换位点,5个颠换位点,1个转换与颠换同时存在的位点。运用MEGA软件计算出不同个体间的遗传距离,并根据其遗传距离构建了UPGMA和NJ系统树。DNASP软件计算出的单倍型多样性(h)、核苷酸多样性(π)及平均核苷酸差异数(k)分别为0.89、0.007与2.57。此外,岐点分布及中性检验显示,东海银鲳群体在历史上可能经历过种群扩张。研究结果表明,线粒体D-loop基因可用于银鲳群体内及群体间遗传多样性的分析。  相似文献   
针对利用GPS反射信号进行反射面的物理参数和特性反演的需要,设计了一种可通用于各种反演环境的软件接收机.该软件接收机具有灵活性和可配置性强的特点,能满足海面测风、海浪高度、海洋盐度和土壤湿度等遥感探测领域的应用需求.  相似文献   
侯颖 《山东地质》2010,(3):56-59
菏泽市国土资源局在学习科学发展观过程中,在挖掘土地潜力上下功夫,寻求突破口,通过向节约投资要效益、向低效用地要效益、向标准厂房要效益、向调整结构要效益、向集约用地要效益、向压缩用地面积要效益、向闲置土地要效益、向废弃未利用土地要效益、向旧村改造要效益九条措施破解了土地制约瓶颈,缓解了用地矛盾,确保了全市经济又好又快发展。  相似文献   
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